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Last active December 10, 2023 17:04
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 10: Pipe Maze - F# version
// Advent of Code 2023. Day 10: Pipe Maze
// dotnet fsi aoc10.fsx
open System
open System.IO
module Array2D =
let tryGet (a : 'a[,]) index1 index2 =
let first = index1 >= 0 && index1 < a.GetLength(0)
let second = index2 >= 0 && index2 < a.GetLength(1)
if first && second then
Some <| Array2D.get a index1 index2
let toList (a : 'a[,]) : 'a list list =
let index1List = [0 .. a.GetLength(0) - 1]
let index2List = [0 .. a.GetLength(1) - 1]
|> (fun index1 -> index2List |> (fun index2 -> Array2D.get a index1 index2))
let northPipes = ['S';'|'; 'L'; 'J']
let westPipes = ['S';'-'; 'J'; '7']
let southPipes = ['S';'|'; '7'; 'F']
let eastPipes = ['S';'-'; 'L'; 'F']
let updateField field y line =
line |> Seq.iteri (fun x ch -> Array2D.set field y x ch)
let rec updateWallField wallField field tiles =
match tiles with
| [] -> ()
| (x, y) :: t ->
let pipe = Array2D.get field y x
Array2D.set wallField y x pipe
updateWallField wallField field t
let findStartPos (field : char[,]) =
let xlen = field.GetLength(1)
let rec loop y x =
match Array2D.get field y x with
| 'S' -> (x, y)
| _ ->
let (x', y') =
if x + 1 = xlen then (0, y + 1) else (x + 1, y)
loop y' x'
loop 0 0
let findConnections (field : char[,]) (x, y) =
let current = Array2D.get field y x
let tryConnect pos pipes p = if List.contains p pipes then Some pos else None
let check (x, y) sourcePipes targetPipes =
if List.contains current sourcePipes then
Array2D.tryGet field y x
|> Option.bind (tryConnect (x, y) targetPipes)
else None
[ check (x, y - 1) northPipes southPipes
check (x - 1, y) westPipes eastPipes
check (x, y + 1) southPipes northPipes
check (x + 1, y) eastPipes westPipes ]
|> List.choose id
let findLoop (field : char[,]) =
let rec fn (x, y) positions =
match Array2D.get field y x with
| 'S' -> positions
| _ ->
let prev = List.head positions
let conns =
findConnections field (x, y)
|> List.filter ((<>) prev)
match conns with
| [next] -> fn next ((x, y) :: positions)
| _ -> failwith "poof"
let startPos = findStartPos field
let startConns = findConnections field startPos
match startConns with
| [a; _] ->
fn a [startPos]
| _ -> failwith "oof"
let countInside (s : string) =
let rec fn inside count lst =
match lst with
| [] -> count
| h :: t ->
match h with
| '|' ->
fn (not inside) count t
| _ ->
let inc = if inside then 1 else 0
fn inside (count + inc) t
fn false 0 (s |> Seq.toList)
let replaceS field =
let startPos = findStartPos field
let startConns = findConnections field startPos
let toOffset (xStart, yStart) (x, y) =
(x - xStart, y - yStart)
match startConns with
| [a; b] ->
let pipe =
match (toOffset startPos a, toOffset startPos b) with
| ( 0, -1), (-1, 0) -> 'J' // N, W
| ( 0, -1), ( 0, 1) -> '|' // N, S
| ( 0, -1), ( 1, 0) -> 'L' // N, E
| (-1, 0), ( 0, 1) -> '7' // W, S
| (-1, 0), ( 1, 0) -> '-' // W, E
| ( 0, 1), ( 1, 0) -> 'F' // S, E
| _ -> failwith "booh"
let (xStart, yStart) = startPos
Array2D.set field yStart xStart pipe
| _ -> failwith "baah"
let replace (oldValue : string) (newValue : string) (s : string) =
s.Replace(oldValue, newValue)
let readLines =
File.ReadAllLines >> Array.filter ((<>) String.Empty)
let run fileName =
let lines = readLines fileName |> Array.toList
let width = lines |> List.head |> Seq.length
let height = lines |> List.length
let field = Array2D.create height width ' '
lines |> List.mapi (updateField field) |> ignore
let loop = findLoop field
loop |> List.length |> (fun tiles -> tiles / 2) |> printfn "%d"
replaceS field
let wallField = Array2D.create height width ' '
updateWallField wallField field loop
Array2D.toList wallField
|> (List.toArray >> String)
|> (replace "-" "")
|> (replace "LJ" "")
|> (replace "L7" "|")
|> (replace "FJ" "|")
|> (replace "F7" "")
|> List.sumBy countInside
|> printfn "%d"
"input" |> run
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