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Created July 18, 2012 10:23
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System Fのインタプリタ(未完成)
type ty =
| TyVar of int * int
| TyArr of ty * ty
| TyAll of string * ty
| TySome of string * ty
type binding =
| NameBind
| VarBind of ty
| TyVarBind
let tymap onvar c tyT =
let rec walk c tyT =
match tyT with
| TyArr(tyT1, tyT2) -> TyArr(walk c tyT1, walk c tyT2)
| TyVar(x, n) -> onvar c x n
| TyAll(tyX, tyT2) -> TyAll(tyX, walk (c+1) tyT2)
| TySome(tyX, tyT2) -> TySome(tyX, walk (c+1) tyT2)
walk c tyT
let typeShiftAbove d c tyT =
tymap (fun c x n ->
if x >= c then
if x+d<0 then failwith "Scoping error!"
else TyVar(x+d, n+d)
else TyVar(x,n+d)
) c tyT
let typeShift d tyT = typeShiftAbove d 0 tyT
let typeSubst tyS j tyT =
tymap (fun j x n ->
if x = j then typeShift j tyS else TyVar(x, n)) j tyT
let typeSubstTop tyS tyT =
typeShift (-1) (typeSubst (typeShift 1 tyS) 0 tyT)
type info = unit
type term =
| TmVar of info * int * int
| TmAbs of info * string * ty * term
| TmApp of info * term * term
| TmTAbs of info * string * term
| TmTApp of info * term * ty
| TmPack of info * ty * term * ty
| TmUnpack of info * string * string * term * term
let tmmap onvar ontype c t =
let rec walk c t =
match t with
| TmVar(fi, x, n) -> onvar fi c x n
| TmAbs(fi, x, tyT1, t2) -> TmAbs(fi, x, ontype c tyT1, walk (c+1) t2)
| TmApp(fi, t1, t2) -> TmApp(fi, walk c t1, walk c t2)
| TmTAbs(fi, tyX, t2) -> TmTAbs(fi, tyX, walk (c+1) t2)
| TmTApp(fi,t1,tyT2) -> TmTApp(fi,walk c t1,ontype c tyT2)
| TmPack(fi,tyT1,t2,tyT3) ->
TmPack(fi,ontype c tyT1, walk c t2,ontype c tyT3)
| TmUnpack(fi,tyX,x,t1,t2) ->
TmUnpack(fi, tyX, x, walk c t1, walk (c+2) t2)
walk c t
let termShiftAbove d c t =
tmmap (fun fi c x n ->
if x >= c then TmVar(fi,x+d,n+d) else TmVar(fi,x,n+d)
) (typeShiftAbove d) c t
let termShift d t = termShiftAbove d 0 t
let termSubst j s t =
tmmap (fun fi j x n -> if x = j then termShift j s else TmVar(fi, x, n)
) (fun j tyT -> tyT) j t
let rec tytermSubst tyS j t =
tmmap (fun fi c x n -> TmVar(fi, x, n)) (fun j tyT -> typeSubst tyS j tyT) j t
let termSubstTop s t =
termShift (-1) (termSubst 0 (termShift 1 s) t)
let tytermSubstTop tyS t =
termShift (-1) (tytermSubst (typeShift 1 tyS) 0 t)
type context = (string * binding) list
let isval (ctx : context) t =
match t with
| TmVar(_,_,_)
| TmAbs(_,_,_,_)
| TmTAbs(_,_,_) -> true
| _ -> false
let addbinding (ctx : context) (x : string) (bind : binding) = (x, bind)::ctx
let getbinding fi ctx i = List.nth ctx (i-1) |> snd
let getTypeFromContext fi ctx i =
match getbinding fi ctx i with
| VarBind(tyT) -> tyT
let rec typeof (ctx : context) t =
match t with
| TmVar(fi, i, _) -> getTypeFromContext fi ctx i
| TmAbs(fi, x, tyT1, t2) ->
let ctx' = addbinding ctx x (VarBind(tyT1))
let tyT2 = typeof ctx' t2
TyArr(tyT1, typeShift (-1) tyT2)
| TmApp(fi, t1, t2) ->
let tyT1 = typeof ctx t1
let tyT2 = typeof ctx t2
(match tyT1 with
| TyArr(tyT11,tyT12) -> if tyT2 = tyT11 then tyT12 else failwith ""
| _ -> failwith "")
| TmTAbs(f1, tyX, t2) ->
let ctx = addbinding ctx tyX TyVarBind
let tyT2 = typeof ctx t2
TyAll(tyX, tyT2)
| TmTApp(fi, t1, tyT2) ->
let tyT1 = typeof ctx t1
(match tyT1 with
| TyAll(_, tyT12) -> typeSubstTop tyT2 tyT12)
| TmPack(fi, tyT1, t2, tyT) ->
(match tyT with
| TySome(tyY,tyT2) ->
let tyU = typeof ctx t2
let tyU' = typeSubstTop tyT1 tyT2
if tyU = tyU' then tyT else failwith "")
| TmUnpack(fi,tyX,x,t1,t2) ->
let tyT1 = typeof ctx t1
(match tyT1 with
| TySome(tyY, tyT11) ->
let ctx' = addbinding ctx tyX TyVarBind
let ctx'' = addbinding ctx' x (VarBind tyT11)
let tyT2 = typeof ctx'' t2
typeShift (-2) tyT2)
exception Done
let rec eval1 (ctx : context) (t :term) =
match t with
| TmApp(fi, TmAbs(_,x,ty,t12),v2) when isval ctx v2 ->
if typeof ctx t = ty then
termSubstTop v2 t12
else failwith "type error!"
| TmApp(fi, v1, v2) when isval ctx v1 ->
let v1' = eval1 ctx v1
TmApp(fi, v1', v2)
(* ... *)
| TmTApp(fi, TmTAbs(_,x,t11),tyT2) -> tytermSubstTop tyT2 t11
| TmTApp(fi, t1, tyT2) -> let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in TmTApp(fi, t1', tyT2)
| TmUnpack(fi,_,_,TmPack(_,tyT11,v12,_),t2) when isval ctx v12 ->
tytermSubstTop tyT11 (termSubstTop (termShift 1 v12) t2)
| TmUnpack(fi, tyX, x, t1, t2) -> let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in TmUnpack(fi, tyX, x, t1', t2)
| TmPack(fi, tyT1, t2, tyT3) -> let t2' = eval1 ctx t2 in TmPack(fi, tyT1, t2', tyT3)
| _ -> raise Done
let rec eval ctx t =
let t' = eval1 ctx t
eval ctx t'
with Done -> t
//eval [] (TmApp((), TmAbs((), "x", TyVar(1, 1), TmVar((), 1, 1)), TmAbs((), "x", TyVar(1, 1), TmVar((), 1, 1))))
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