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Last active April 25, 2018 14:48
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// Low-level interface, we can implement a higher-level interface as a library
mod pwasm {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct ContractDef<State> {
state: State,
iterate: for<'a> fn(&'a EthEnv, State, MessageData) -> (State, ReturnData),
// Will it ever be possible to get arbitrary blocks?
pub struct Block(());
impl Block {
pub fn beneficiary() -> U256 {
pub fn timestamp() -> U256 {
pub fn number() -> U256 {
pub fn difficulty() -> U256 {
pub fn gas_limit() -> U256 {
pub struct EthEnv(());
impl EthEnv {
fn blockchain(&self) -> &BlockChain {
// We use different types for remote vs local contracts since
// they require different functions to get the code
// `impl Contract` is a `RemoteContract`
fn contract_at(&self) -> Result<&impl Contract> {
// `impl Contract` is a `LocalContract`
fn current_contract(&self) -> Result<&impl Contract> {
pub struct BlockChain(());
pub impl BlockChain {
pub fn current(&self) -> &Block {
pub fn block_hash(&self, number: u8) -> U256 {
pub trait Contract {
// Compiles to `CODESIZE` + `CODECOPY` (TODO: This should be dynamically-sized but
// owned but we can't do that without `alloca`, so we can just write a `Box<[u8]>`-
// esque type that allocates on the "heap")
fn code(&self) -> &[u8];
fn call(&self, method: &[u8], args: &[u8]) -> &[u8];
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Sender(pwasm::Sender);
fn make_contract(deploy_data: DeployData) -> ContractDef<Sender> {
.call(|sender| {
let owner = sender.0;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct State {
supply: U256,
fn make_contract(deploy_data: DeployData) -> ContractDef<State> {
let another_contract: MyType = MyType::at(some_address);
ContractBuilder::with_data(State { supply: SUPPLY, ctrct: another_contract })
// Takes a type parameter which is the argument type for
// this message. Must implement `Deserialize`.
.on_msg::<()>("totalSupply", |this, ()| {"my_msg", MyData);
// The wasm interpreter runs this function and gets the returned `iterate` function, then
// "compiles" the deployed contract by removing all code that is not referenced by it.
fn deploy(deploy_data: DeployData) -> ContractDef<MyState> {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct MyState;
ContractDef {
state: MyState,
iterate: |environment: &EthEnv, state: MyState, _msg: MessageData| state,
// This takes the `deploy` function and converts the generic `ContractDef` to a monomorphic
// type (probably ContractDef<&[u8]>), then exports a `#[no_mangle]` function called
// `__ethereum_deploy` or suchlike.
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