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eiri / TTIAA.txt
Created March 17, 2011 02:35
Time Traveling Industry Association of America
Time Traveling Industry Association of America
Life was good for a men who slipped in time all way back to late Roman empire. Money I gained by selling a scheme of a distiller I doubled on a cotton swabs and now I was plotting to introduce my naive romans to an idea of double-entry accounting and to a concept of zero. Until I suddenly heard a knocking at my door.
- Gai Julius also knows as Nicolas Kovalsky? - inquired a centurion at doorway. Golden gilding on his cuirass of stainless steel was chipped here and there and a plume of his helm definitely had a close relatives in a mop department of Superstore.
- You a time traveler, - I said cheerlessly, - Are you here to save me?
- I am a lawyer of Time Traveling Industry Association of America.
eiri /
Last active December 29, 2015 09:58
Random timelines with a bit a shadow.

Random timelines with a bit a shadow.

eiri / gist:8552138
Last active January 4, 2016 01:59
Lager part in erlang's app.config for colored console output with info on module and line of logged message
[{lager, [
{handlers, [
{lager_console_backend, [
{lager_default_formatter, [time, " ", {module,
[module, {line, [":", line], ""}], ""}, " ", color, message, {eol, "\e[0m\r\n"}]}
[{file, "logs/console.log"}, {level, info}, {size, 10485760}, {date, "$D0"}, {count, 1}]},
eiri / gist:74f7c9a107d7eb858df7
Created June 10, 2014 00:26
erlang:now() to unix timestamp and back
now_to_timestamp() ->
now_to_timestamp({Mega, Sec, _}) ->
Mega * 1000000 + Sec.
timestamp_to_now(TS) ->
{TS div 1000000, TS rem 1000000, 0}.
eiri / gist:9914ff58108e427b303e
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
uuid v4 in erlang
uuid() ->
<<A:32, B:16, C:16, D:16, E:48>> = crypto:rand_bytes(16),
Fmt = "~8.16.0b-~4.16.0b-4~3.16.0b-~4.16.0b-~12.16.0b",
Str = io_lib:format(Fmt, [A, B, C band 16#0fff, D band 16#3fff bor 16#8000, E]),
eiri / gist:4afe8a98966f06a576b1
Created June 26, 2014 02:16
Erlang's binary:join/1
join([], _) -> []; %% or should it be <<"">> for a consistency sake?
join([H|[]], _) -> H;
join(List, Sep) when is_list(Sep) ->
join(List, list_to_binary(Sep));
join([H|T], Sep) ->
join(T, H, Sep).
join([], Acc, _) ->
join([H|T], Acc, Sep) ->
eiri / proc_tree.escript
Created March 3, 2015 16:44
Walks erlang VM's process tree and prints PlantUML diagram of it on a standard output
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! -hidden -setcookie cookie
main(["-?"]) ->
main(Args) ->
case get_pid(Args) of
eiri / Effect of variable compressor on database size in CouchDB.ipynb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Effect of variable compressor on database size in CouchDB
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
eiri / list and binary convention funs in R14B01 and R17.5.6.ipynb
Created July 7, 2015 13:18
list and binary convention funs in R14B01 and R17.5.6
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