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Forked from dmitriid/Makefile
Created November 11, 2016 11:41
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Makefile: webpack, babel, stylus, eslint
### Makefile to be used when compiling assets for Event Manager
### Based on ideas from
### Requirements/assumptions of this Makefile:
### JS
### - webpack (include json and css loaders to webpack cofig just in case)
### - babel
### - eslint (eslint-plugin-react if you want more lints of your react code)
### - eslint-watch (broken until 2.0.0:
### CSS
### - stylus
### --------------------------------
### --------------------------------
.PHONY: help
.PHONY: deps build build-dev
.PHONY: webpack webpack-watch
.PHONY: js js-fast js-watch
.PHONY: css
#.PHONY: eslint
.PHONY: clean js-clean css-clean node-clean
.PHONY: test test-coverage test-watch test-jenkins
BABEL_CMD = node_modules/.bin/babel
ESLINT_CMD = node_modules/.bin/eslint
WEBPACK_CMD = node_modules/.bin/webpack
STYLUS_CMD = node_modules/.bin/stylus
ESLINT_CMD = node_modules/.bin/eslint
# JS Test Runner
TEST_RUNNER_CMD = ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha
COVER_RUNNER_CMD = ./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/isparta cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha --
# NOTE: You might want to remove the blacklist entirely and add --optional runtime
BABEL_ARGS = --source-maps-inline --blacklist regenerator,es6.blockScoping --optional asyncToGenerator --compact false
WEBPACK_ARGS = --config webpack.config.js --progress --colors --display-error-details
STYLUS_ARGS = -I css/css
ESLINT_ARGS = --config eslint.config.json
TEST_RUNNER_ARGS0 = --compilers js:babel/register -c --opts mocha.opts --recursive
TEST_FILES ?= js/tests
SRC_JS = $(shell find js/app -name "*.js")
LIB_JS = $(patsubst js/app/%.js,.build/app/%.js,$(SRC_JS))
SRC_STYL = $(wildcard css/css/*.styl)
CSS = $(SRC_STYL:.styl=.css)
SRC_TEST_JS = $(shell find js/tests -name "*.js")
LIB_TEST_JS = $(patsubst js/tests/%.js,.build/tests/%.js,$(SRC_JS))
all: clean deps build ## Build all. Invokes clean, deps, build
deps: ## Install all required dependencies
npm install --loglevel=error
# Build application
# TODO: Add eslint target
build: js webpack css ## Build and bundle all assets. Invokes js, webpack, css.
-rm -rf ./build
# TODO: Add eslint target
build-dev: dev-deps js-fast webpack ## Dev build and bundle all assets. Invokes js-fast, webpack
# Pack .js using webpack
# TODO: pack CSS as well
webpack: $(LIB_JS) ## Bundle .js files (from the ./build dir)
webpack-watch: $(LIB_JS) ## Watch ./build dir and rebundle on change
# Transpile JavaScript using Babel
js: $(LIB_JS) ## Transpile .js files
js-fast: ## Fast transpile .js files
$(BABEL_CMD) js/app -d .build/app $(BABEL_ARGS)
js-watch: ## Watch .js files for changes and re-transpile them on change
$(BABEL_CMD) js/app -d .build/app $(BABEL_ARGS) -w
# Compile .styl to CSS
css: css-clean $(CSS) ## Compile and bundle .css and .styl files
# Lint Javascript
eslint: $(SRC_JS) ## Run ESLint on .js files
# $(ESLINT_CMD) $(ESLINT_ARGS) -w /js/app/route_handlers/_misc_reusables/ImageUpload.js
# Clean
clean: node-clean js-clean css-clean ## Clean-up workspace. Invokes js-clean, css-clean, node-clean
js-clean: ## Remove ./build/ and js/dist
-rm -rf .build/app
-rm -rf js/dist
css-clean: ## Remove css/compiled/css.css
-rm css/compiled/css.css
node-clean: ## Remove node_modules
-rm -rf node_modules
test: ## Run tests. All test targets can be run as `make TEST_FILES=/path/to/test test`
test-cover: ## Run tests, generate coverage information and reports
test-watch: ## Run tests when something changes
test-jenkins: ## Run as `JUNIT_REPORT_PATH=report.xml JUNIT_REPORT_STACK=1 make test-jenkins`
$(TEST_RUNNER_CMD) --reporter mocha-jenkins-reporter $(TEST_RUNNER_ARGS) || true
# Dependencies of the targets above
$(LIB_JS): .build/app/%.js: js/app/%.js
mkdir -p $(dir $@) && $(BABEL_CMD) $< -o $@ $(BABEL_ARGS)
%.css: %.styl
$(STYLUS_CMD) $(STYLUS_ARGS) < $< >> css/compiled/css.css
help: ## This help dialog.
@IFS=$$'\n' ; \
intro_lines=(`fgrep -h "###" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/###//'`); \
for line in $${intro_lines[@]}; do \
printf "%s\n" $$line; \
done; \
help_lines=(`fgrep -h -e "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v "###" | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##/:/'`); \
for help_line in $${help_lines[@]}; do \
IFS=$$':' ; \
help_split=($$help_line) ; \
help_command=`echo $${help_split[0]} | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$$//'` ; \
help_info=`echo $${help_split[2]} | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$$//'` ; \
printf '\033[36m'; \
printf "%-30s %s" $$help_command ; \
printf '\033[0m'; \
printf "%s\n" $$help_info; \
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