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Last active September 1, 2017 14:30
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  • Save eisterman/d4fe9403e882ccb810858b2a786da344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Disegni per relazione pendoli accoppiati Noemi
%rotate around={30:(-1,0.5)}
\coordinate (v1) at (0,5);
\draw[ultra thick, rotate around={30:(v1)}] (-0.17,5) rectangle (0.17,-1);
\node[rotate around={30:(v1)}] at (0.7, 2) {\Huge L};
\draw[ultra thick, fill=white] (v1) circle (0.5);
\draw[ultra thick, fill=white, rotate around={30:(v1)}] (0,-2) circle (1.5);
\draw[fill=black] (v1) circle (0.1);
\node[above] at (0.8,5.3) {\Huge O};
\draw[dashed] (0,7) -- (0,-4);
\draw[ultra thick,-{Latex[scale=1.2]}] (0,1) arc[radius = 4, start angle= 270, end angle= 300] node[midway, below] {\Huge $\mathbf{\theta}$};
\draw[rotate around={30:(v1)}, dashdotdotted] (0,6) -- (0,-4);
\draw[rotate around={30:(v1)}, semithick, {{Stealth[scale=1.2]}-{Stealth[scale=1.2]}}] (0,-2) -- (1.5,-2);
\node[rotate around={30:(v1)}] at (0.8,-1.60) {\Huge R};
\draw[rotate around={30:(v1)}, dashdotdotted] (0,6) -- (0,-4);
\coordinate (v1) at (-3,0);
\draw (-3,0.5) rectangle (3,0);
\draw[dashed] (0, 1.5) -- (0,-1);
\node[xshift=10, yshift=-15] at (v1) {\Large $-\frac{L}{2}$};
\node[xshift=-10, yshift=-17] at (3,0) {\Large $\frac{L}{2}$};
\node[xshift=-13] at (-3,0.25) {\Large O};
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=10pt}, thick] (3,0) -- node[midway, below, yshift=-10] {\Large $x$} (0,0);
\coordinate (v1) at (0,0);
\draw[ultra thick] (v1) circle (3);
\draw[densely dashed] (v1) -- (120:3);
\draw[densely dashed] (60:3) -- (v1);
\draw[thick] (60:1) arc[radius = 1, start angle= 60, end angle= 120] node[near start, xshift=20] {\Large $d\theta$};
\draw[thick, pattern=north east lines] (60:2) arc[radius = 2, start angle= 60, end angle= 120] node[near start, xshift=26, yshift=-5] {\Large $d r$} -- (120:2.5) arc[radius = 2.5, start angle= 120, end angle= 60] -- (60:2);
\draw[ultra thick] (2,4) -- (-2,4);
\coordinate (v2) at (1,4);
\coordinate (v1) at (-1,4);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v1)}] (v1) -- (-1,1);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v1)}] (-1,0.5) circle (0.5);
\draw [ultra thick] (v2) -- (1,1);
\draw [ultra thick] (1,0.5) circle (0.5);
\draw[ultra thick] (2,4) -- (-2,4);
\coordinate (v2) at (1,4);
\coordinate (v1) at (-1,4);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v1)}] (v1) -- (-1,1);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v1)}] (-1,0.5) circle (0.5);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v2)}] (v2) -- (1,1);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v2)}] (1,0.5) circle (0.5);
\draw[ultra thick] (2,4) -- (-2,4);
\coordinate (v2) at (1,4);
\coordinate (v1) at (-1,4);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v1)}] (v1) -- (-1,1);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={-20:(v1)}] (-1,0.5) circle (0.5);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={20:(v2)}] (v2) -- (1,1);
\draw [ultra thick, rotate around={20:(v2)}] (1,0.5) circle (0.5);
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