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Created March 6, 2024 21:36
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Sunrise to allow different domains for administration on a Wordpress multi-site blog
* File sunrise.php
* This file is read and run before most of wordpress functionality. Here we will allow
* all multi-site blogs administration interfaces to work on another domain (usually inside
* a VPN).
if (!function_exists('sunrise_modify_domain')):
* Replaces the origin domain with the masked domain. This uses the constants
* `WP_MASKED_DOMAIN` and `DOMAIN_CURRRENT_SITE` to replace the string.
* @param string $url Full URL to replace the domain.
* @return string The replaced string. If constants are not defined, it will return the original url.
function sunrise_modify_domain($url) {
global $current_domain;
if (defined('WP_MASKED_DOMAIN') and defined('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE')) {
return str_replace(DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE, $current_domain, $url);
} else {
return $url;
* We limit this functionality only when using administration interface. Also, constant
* `WP_MASKED_DOMAIN` must be defined as an array of possible alternative domains. If you
* want *all domains*, use `$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']` as a value in this array.
if (
(defined('WP_MASKED_DOMAIN') and defined('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE')) and
(is_admin() or preg_match('/^\/([^\/]+\/)?(wp-login\.php|wp-json\/|wp-content\/)/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
) {
$current_domain = strtolower(stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
if (str_ends_with($current_domain, ':80')) {
$current_domain = substr($domain, 0, -3);
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 0, -3);
} elseif (str_ends_with($current_domain, ':443')) {
$current_domain = substr($domain, 0, -4);
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 0, -4);
if (in_array($current_domain, WP_MASKED_DOMAIN)) {
$current_path = stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$blog_path = preg_replace('/^(\/[^\/]+\/).*/', '\1', $current_path);
$blog_path = rtrim($blog_path, '/');
$blog_path = $blog_path . '/';
$blog_id = $wpdb->get_var(
$wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE domain = %s and path = %s", DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE, $blog_path));
if ($blog_id === null) {
$blog_id = $wpdb->get_var(
$wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE domain = %s and path = %s", DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE, '/'));
$current_site = get_network(1);
$current_blog = get_site($blog_id);
add_filter('home_url', 'sunrise_modify_domain', 100, 1);
add_filter('site_url', 'sunrise_modify_domain', 100, 1);
//add_filter('upload_dir', 'sunrise_modify_domain', 10);
//add_filter('the_content', 'sunrise_modify_domain', 100, 1);
//add_filter('content_url', 'sunrise_modify_domain', 100, 1);
//add_filter(‘pre_option_home’, ‘dev_pre_url_filter’, 1 );
//add_filter(‘pre_option_siteurl’, ‘dev_pre_url_filter’, 1 );
//add_filter(‘post_thumbnail_html’, ‘dev_content_filter’, 100 );
//add_filter(‘wp_get_attachment_link’, ‘dev_content_filter’, 100 );
//add_filter(‘wp_get_attachment_url’, ‘dev_content_filter’, 100 );
// some hardass debugging...
echo "<p>current_domain: " . $current_domain . "</p>\n";
echo "<p>current_path: " . $current_path . "</p>\n";
echo "<p>blog_path: " . $blog_path . "</p>\n";
echo "<p>blog_id: " . $blog_id . "</p>\n";
echo "<p>current_site: "; var_dump($current_site); echo "</p>\n";
echo "<p>current_blog: "; var_dump($current_blog); echo "</p>\n";