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Created October 5, 2017 18:02
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DateFormat react component for formatting timestamps!
@DateFormat = React.createClass
timestamp: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
fuzzy: React.PropTypes.bool
dateOnly: React.PropTypes.bool
short: React.PropTypes.bool
className: React.PropTypes.string
getInitialState: ->
timer: null
dateDisplay: null
componentWillMount: ->
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) ->
@_initialize newProps
componentWillUnmount: ->
clearTimeout @state.timer if @state.timer
_initialize: (props=@props) ->
clearTimeout @state.timer if @state.timer
if props.fuzzy
t = setTimeout @_fuzzyPoll, (60 - @date().getSeconds()) * 1000
@setState dateDisplay: @fuzzyDate(), timer: t
@setState dateDisplay: @showDate()
_fuzzyPoll: ->
console.debug 'fuzzy poll'
t = setTimeout @_fuzzyPoll, 60000
@setState dateDisplay: @fuzzyDate(), timer: t
_z: (n) ->
if n < 10 then '0' + n else n
_p: (i, word) ->
return "#{i}#{word.substring(0,1)}" if @props.short
s = if i == 1 then '' else 's'
"#{i} #{word}#{s}"
monthNames: [
date: ->
new Date @props.timestamp
fullTime: ->
date = @date()
"#{date.getFullYear()}-#{@_z date.getMonth() + 1}-#{@_z date.getDate()} #{@_z date.getHours()}:#{@_z date.getMinutes()}:#{@_z date.getSeconds()}"
showDate: ->
date = @date()
month = @monthNames[@date.getMonth()]
month = @monthNames.substr(0,3) if @props.short
hour = date.getHours() % 12
hour = 12 if hour == 0
apm = if hour >= 12 then 'pm' else 'am'
end = "#{month} #{date.getDate()}, #{date.getYear()}"
end += " #{@_z hour}:#{@_z date.getMinutes()} #{apm}" unless @props.dateOnly
fuzzyDate: ->
msPerMinute = 60 * 1000
msPerHour = msPerMinute * 60
msPerDay = msPerHour * 24
msPerMonth = msPerDay * 30
msPerYear = msPerDay * 365
elapsed = (new Date()).getTime() - @date().getTime()
ago = if @props.short then '' else ' ago'
about = if @props.short then '' else 'about '
when elapsed < msPerMinute
if @props.short then '<1m' else 'just now'
when elapsed < msPerHour
"#{@_p Math.round(elapsed / msPerMinute), 'minute'}#{ago}"
when elapsed < msPerDay
"#{@_p Math.round(elapsed / msPerHour), 'hour'}#{ago}"
when elapsed < msPerMonth
"#{about}#{@_p Math.round(elapsed / msPerDay), 'day'}#{ago}"
when elapsed < msPerYear
"#{about}#{@_p Math.round(elapsed / msPerMonth), 'month'}#{ago}"
"#{about}#{@_p Math.round(elapsed / msPerYear), 'year'}#{ago}"
render: ->
`<span className={ this.props.className } title={ this.fullTime() }>
{ this.state.dateDisplay }
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eiwi1101 commented Oct 5, 2017

RFC - State doesn't need to exist, but I'm using it to trigger a re-render if you're using fuzzy and the time difference changes. I could also optimize the time distance on Fuzzy to only tick every hour / day / etc when the distance is too far to matter, right now it ticks every minute.

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