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Forked from jdhitsolutions/1-Get-DockerDiskUsage.ps1
Last active January 9, 2020 07:48
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A Powershell function that wraps Docker command line output to display disk usage. Save the files without the numeric prefix.
#requires -version 5.1
Function Get-DockerDiskUsage
[Parameter(Position = 0, HelpMessage = "Get specific usage types. The default is All")]
[ValidateSet("Images", "Containers", "Volumes", "Cache")]
Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
#define a class
Class DockerDiskUsage
#these properties are hidden but they can be used in format.ps1xml files or Select-Object expressions
hidden [string]$SizeUnit
hidden [string]$ReclaimUnit
#methods are hidden because they are only used internally
hidden [string] GetUnit($value)
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Getting unit string from $value"
[regex]$unitrx = "[KMGT]?B"
$r = $unitrx.match($value).value
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Returning $r"
return $r
hidden [double] GetValue($value)
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Getting numeric value from $value"
[regex]$szrx = "\d+(\.\d+)?"
$r = $szrx.match($value).value
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Returning $r"
return $r
hidden [int] GetUnitValue([string]$SizeUnit)
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Getting unit value from $SizeUnit"
$unit = Switch ($sizeUnit)
"TB" { 1TB; break }
"GB" { 1GB; break }
"MB" { 1MB; break }
"KB" { 1KB; break }
default { 1 }
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Returning $unit"
return $unit
#the constructor
DockerDiskUsage ($Item)
Write-Verbose "[CLASS] Invoking constructor for $($item.type)"
$this.Type = $item.Type
$this.Total = $item.totalCount
$this.Active = $
$this.SizeUnit = $this.getunit($item.size)
$this.reclaimUnit = $this.GetUnit($item.reclaimable)
$this.Size = $this.getValue($item.size) * $this.GetUnitValue($this.SizeUnit)
$this.Reclaim = $this.GetValue($item.reclaimable.split()[0]) * $this.GetUnitValue($this.ReclaimUnit)
$this.ReclaimPercent = $this.GetValue($item.reclaimable.split()[1])
} #close class definition
} #begin
Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting Docker Disk Usage"
$data = docker system df --format "{{json .}}" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($data)
foreach ($item in $data)
$item | Out-String | Write-Verbose
#filter on type if specified via the Type parameter
if ( (-not $Type) -OR ( $item.type -match $($type -join "|")))
New-Object -TypeName DockerDiskUsage -ArgumentList $item
} #foreach item
Write-Warning "Failed to get any Docker disk usage data"
} #process
Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
} #end
$format = "$PSSCRIPTROOT\docker.diskusage.format.ps1xml"
if (Test-Path -path $format)
Update-FormatData $format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
format type data generated 04/05/2019 11:19:27
by BOVINE320\Jeff
<!--Created 04/05/2019 11:19:27 by BOVINE320\Jeff-->
<!--Created 04/05/2019 13:41:17 by BOVINE320\Jeff-->
<Scriptblock>"{0}{1}" -f $($_.size/$_.GetUnitValue($_.sizeunit)),$_.sizeunit</Scriptblock>
<Scriptblock>"{0}{1} ({2}%)" -f $($_.reclaim/$_.GetUnitValue($_.reclaimunit)),$_.reclaimunit,($_.ReclaimPercent)</Scriptblock>
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eizedev commented Jan 9, 2020

Just place these two files in the same directory and without the numeric prefix in the filename.
C:\scripts\Get-DockerDiskUsage.ps1 and C:\scripts\docker.diskusage.format.ps1xml

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