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Last active March 12, 2019 08:56
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"Django Models":{
"prefix": "django",
"body": "django snippet here"
"Basic model":{
"prefix": "New Model (Basic)",
"body": [
"from odoo import models, fields",
"class ${1:KampusSiswa}(models.Model):",
" _name = '${2:kampus.siswa}'",
" name = fields.Char(string='Name')"
"Advance Model": {
"prefix": "New or Inherit (Advance)",
"body": [
"from odoo import models, fields, api, _",
"from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError",
"class $1(models.Model):",
" _new = '$2'",
" _inherit = '$2'",
" name = fields.Char(string='Name')$0",
"Date Today": {
"prefix": "today",
"body": [
"Training All Fields": {
"prefix": "Field All",
"body": [
"name = fields.Char(string='Name')",
"alamat = fields.Text(string='Alamat')",
"tahun_masuk = fields.Integer(string='Tahun Masuk')",
"ipk = fields.Float(string='IPK')",
"tanggal_lahir = fields.Date(string='Tanggal Lahir')",
"waktu_bangun = fields.Datetime(string='Waktu Bangun Tidur')",
"gender = fields.Selection([",
"\t('l', 'Laki-laki'),",
"\t('p', 'Perempuan'),",
"], string='Gender')",
"is_exchange = fields.Boolean(string='Siswa Pertukaran ?')",
"Odoo Field Related": {
"prefix": "fo_related",
"body": [
"invoice_partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', related='invoice_id.partner_id', string='Nama')",
"Odoo Field Boolean": {
"prefix": "fo_bool",
"body": [
"${1:is_full} = fields.Boolean(string='${2:Kelas Penuh ?}')"
"Odoo Field Integer": {
"prefix": "fo_int",
"body": [
"${1:kapasitas_siswa} = fields.Integer(string='${2:Kapasitas Siswa}', default=40)"
"Odoo Field Date": {
"prefix": "fo_date",
"body": [
"${1:tanggal_masuk} = fields.Date(string='${2:Tanggal Masuk}',"
"state selection": {
"prefix": "state selection",
"body": [
"${1:state} = fields.Selection([",
" ('draft', 'Draft'),",
" ('open', 'Open'),",
" ], string='${2:Status}', default='draft')",
"m2o Field": {
"prefix": "Many2one Odoo Field",
"body": [
"${1:invoice_id} = fields.Many2one('${2:account.invoice}', '${5:Invoice}', ondelete='cascade')",
"${3:line_ids} = fields.One2many('${4:account.invoice.line}', '${1:invoice_id}', 'Line')$0",
"o2m Field": {
"prefix": "One2many Odoo Field",
"body": [
"${1:line_ids} = fields.One2many('${2:account.invoice.line}', '${3:invoice_id}', 'Line')",
"${3:invoice_id} = fields.Many2one('${4:account.invoice}', '${5:Invoice}', ondelete='cascade')$0",
"many2many Simple": {
"prefix": "Many2many (Simple)",
"body": [
"customer_handle_ids = fields.Many2many(",
" comodel_name='res.partner',",
" string='Customer Handle',",
" )",
"many2many Medium": {
"prefix": "Many2many (Medium)",
"body": [
"customer_handle_ids = fields.Many2many(",
" comodel_name='res.partner',",
" relation='customer_handle_rel',",
" string='Customer Handle',",
" )",
"many2many Complex": {
"prefix": "Many2many (Complex)",
"body": [
"customer_handle_ids = fields.Many2many(",
" comodel_name='res.partner',",
" relation='customer_handle_rel',",
" column1='sales_id',",
" column2='customer_id',",
" string='Customer Handle',",
" copy=False,",
" )",
"Search Query": {
"prefix": "search Query",
"body": [
"search_query = [('$1', '$2', $3)]",
"Track Visibility": {
"prefix": "Track Visibility",
"body": [
"Mesaging Form View": {
"prefix": "messaging form view",
"body": [
"_inherit = ['mail.thread']"
"def super": {
"prefix": "def super",
"body": [
"return super(AccountInvoice, self).finalize_invoice_move_lines(move_lines)"
"def get sequence": {
"prefix": "def get sequence",
"body": [
" = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('${1:payment.request}')"
"Odoo Field Sequence": {
"prefix": "fo_sequence",
"body": [
"_order = \"sequence\"",
"sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')"
"IPDB": {
"prefix": "ipdb",
"body": [
"import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()"
"pdb": {
"prefix": "pdb",
"body": [
"import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()"
"Raise User Error": {
"prefix": "Odoo UserError",
"body": [
"raise UserError('$1')"
"def button": {
"prefix": "def button",
"body": [
"def baca_ulang(self):",
"\t# Perhatian nama recompute sudah digunakan Odoo",
"\timport ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()",
"\tabc = 3",
"def compute": {
"prefix": "def compute",
"body": [
"def baca_ulang(self):",
"\t# Perhatian nama recompute sudah digunakan Odoo",
"\timport ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()",
"\tabc = 3",
"Function": {
"prefix": "def Odoo",
"body": [
"# Perhatian nama recompute sudah digunakan Odoo",
"def baca_ulang(self):",
"\timport ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()",
"\tabc = 3",
"QQ": {
"prefix": "qqq",
"body": [
"qqq = 3",
"required di Field": {
"prefix": "required",
"body": [
"required=True, ",
"Message 1 - One Line": {
"prefix": "message 1 - Simple",
"body": [
"referensi_po = \"PO : %s\" % (self.origin)"
"Message 2- Multi Line": {
"prefix": "message 2 - multi-line",
"body": [
"message = '''",
" Journal ditemukan lebih dari satu",
" %s",
"''' % (', '.join(account_move_doc.mapped('name')))",
"api.depends": {
"prefix": "depends",
"body": [
"manifest": {
"prefix": "manifest",
"body": [
" 'name': '${1:Sale Order Discount}',",
" 'version': '11.1.0',",
" 'author': 'PT ${2:Google}',",
" 'license': 'OPL-1',",
" 'category': 'Tailor-Made',",
" 'website': 'http: //${}/',",
" 'summary': 'Custom-built Odoo',",
" 'description': '''",
" ''',",
" 'depends': [",
" # 'account', # python",
" # 'sale', # python",
" ],",
" 'data': [",
" # 'views/_menu_item.xml',",
" ],",
" 'qweb': [",
" ],",
" 'auto_install': False,",
" 'installable': True,",
" 'application': True,",
"domain field": {
"prefix": "domain field",
"body": [
"domain=[('journal_id_type', '=', 'bank'), ('payment_type', '=', 'inbound')]",
"buka wizard dari py": {
"prefix": "buka wizard dari py",
"body": [
"def buka_wizard_transfer(self):",
" return {",
" 'name': 'Transfer',",
" 'view_type': 'form',",
" 'view_mode': 'form',",
" 'res_model': 'session.transfer.wizard',",
" 'target': 'new',",
" 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',",
" 'context' : {'default_kasir_session_id' :}",
" }",
"Wizard Dari Py": {
"prefix": "Wizard Dari Py",
"body": [
"action = self.env.ref('account.view_account_supplier_payment_tree')",
"result =[0]",
"imd = self.env['']",
"list_view_id = imd.xmlid_to_res_id('account.view_account_supplier_payment_tree')",
"form_view_id = imd.xmlid_to_res_id('account.view_account_payment_form')",
"result['domain'] = \"[('id', 'in', \" + str(self.advance_ids.ids) + \")]\"",
"return {",
" 'name': 'Advances',",
" 'view_type': 'form',",
" 'view_mode': 'tree,form',",
" 'views': [[list_view_id, 'tree'], [form_view_id, 'form']],",
" 'domain' : result.get('domain'),",
" 'res_model': 'account.payment',",
" 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',",
"Wizard": {
"prefix": "wizard Odoo",
"body": [
"from datetime import datetime, date",
"from odoo import fields, models, api, _",
"class $1Wizard(models.TransientModel):",
" _name = '$2.wizard'",
" name = fields.Char('Name')",
" def process_wizard(self):",
" ids_to_change = self._context.get('active_ids')",
" active_model = self._context.get('active_model')",
" doc_ids = self.env[active_model].browse(ids_to_change)",
" doc_ids.confirm_payment()",
" field_to_write = self.char_fields",
" # doc_ids.write(",
" # {",
" # 'state' :",
" # }",
" # )",
"compute field": {
"prefix": "Compute Field",
"body": [
"${1:price_subtotal} = fields.Float(compute='${2:_compute_subtotal}', string='Subtotal', store=False)",
"def ${2:_compute_subtotal}(self):",
" for session_doc in self:",
" session_amount_total = sum(session_doc.payment_carfix_ids.mapped('amount_total'))",
" session_doc.session_amount_total = session_amount_total",
" import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()",
" abc = 3",
" self.${1:price_subtotal} = 4$0",
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