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Created February 7, 2012 21:57
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Zoo Proposal
;;; zoo.clj -- Statistics library for Clojure built on the CERN Colt Library
;; by David Edgar Liebke
;; March 11, 2009
;; Copyright (c) David Edgar Liebke, 2009. All rights reserved. The use
;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
;; Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file the root of this
;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
;; March 11, 2009: First version
(ns ^{:doc "This is a port of Zoo from R in order to create the basis
of a library for time series data.
This library is built on Parallel Colt
an extension of the Colt numerics library
:author "David Edgar Liebke"}
(:import (cern.colt.list.tdouble DoubleArrayList))
(:use incanter.backstage.zoo-commons
[incanter.core :only ($ abs plus minus div mult mmult to-list bind-columns
gamma pow sqrt diag trans regularized-beta ncol
nrow identity-matrix decomp-cholesky decomp-svd
matrix length log10 sum sum-of-squares sel matrix?
cumulative-sum solve vectorize bind-rows to-dataset
conj-cols $where)]
[incanter.stats :only (mean median)])
(:require [clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.coerce :as c]))
;;;;; Start of ROLL functions ;;;;;
(defn roll-mean
Returns the unweighted mean of the previous n data points.
[n coll]
(map #(/ % n)
(let [start (apply + (take n coll))
diffseq (map - (drop n coll) coll)]
(partialsums start diffseq))))
(defn roll-apply
A generic function for applying a function to rolling window of a collection.
f -- function to be applied
n -- size of rolling window
coll -- collection of data
[f n coll]
(map f (partition n 1 coll)))
;;;;; TODO rolls, optimise each ;;;;;
(defn roll-median
Returns the rolling median of the previous n elements.
[n coll]
(roll-apply median n coll))
(defn roll-max
Returns the rolling max of the previous n elements.
[n coll]
(roll-apply #(apply max %) n coll))
(defn roll-min
Returns the rolling min of the previous n elements.
[n coll]
(roll-apply #(apply min %) n coll))
;;;;; End of ROLL functions ;;;;;
;;;;; Start of Zoo value ;;;;;;
;; Zoo values are simply datasets where there exists an :index column
;; which is a clj-time (Joda) value. They are created by passing
;; a dataset to the zoo function which will return the zoo value.
(defn coredata
"Return the :rows of a dataset, with :index dissoc'd.
Intended to be used internally time series function to get at data."
(map #(dissoc % :index) (:rows x)))
(defn zoo
"Return the given dataset as a zoo value which is simply a dataset
that contains an :index column of clj-time values. Hence the input
must contain an :index column that may be coerced with clj-time.coerce/from-string
into a clj-time value. This could be improved a lot."
($ (:column-names x)
(map (fn [{i :index :as v}]
(assoc v :index (c/from-string i)))
(:rows x))))))
(defn $$
"This is the equivalent of :: in xts. That is, it slices
out the timeseries between ind-1 and ind-2. These are strings that
can be coerced into clj-time values. No column selection is supported"
([ind ts]
($where {:index (c/from-string ind)} ts))
([ind-1 ind-2 ts]
($where (fn [row]
;; Extend by 1 milli, to close interval
(let [interval (t/extend
(t/interval (c/from-string ind-1)
(c/from-string ind-2))
(t/millis 1))]
(t/within? interval (row :index))))
(defn lag
"Return the timeseries lagged by one unit. No time calculations
are made in the index column. Both incomplete ends are dropped.
Note that if we can guarantee that the timeseries is regular we
can simply lag the index column using time operations."
($ (:column-names x)
(map #(select-keys % [:index]) (rest (:rows x)))
(-> x
"This is just here for now to demo the zoo functions."
;; First create a normal dataset
(def ds1 (to-dataset [{:index "2012-01-01" :temp 32}
{:index "2012-01-02" :temp 35}
{:index "2012-01-03" :temp 30}]))
;; Turn it into a zoo. Clearly we should just mirror the to-dataset
;; with a to-zoo function
(def ts1 (zoo ds1))
;; Slice out easily
($$ "2012-01-01" ts1)
($$ "2012-01-01" "2012-01-02" ts1)
;; Lag easily. Clearly there should be a k, maybe with negatives for lead.
(lag ts1)
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