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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Elm Tasks, in Scala
package object tasks {
trait Task[A, B] {
private[tasks] def run(): Either[A, B]
def map[C](f: B => C): Task[A, C] = ???
def flatMap[C](f: B => Task[A, C]): Task[A, C] = ???
private[tasks] class Http[A, B](
data: HttpRequest,
handler: Either[Throwable, HttpResponse] => Either[A, B],
executor: HttpRequest => Either[Throwable, HttpResponse]
) extends Task[A, B] {
override private[tasks] def run(): Either[A, B] =
object Http {
private[this] val executor: HttpRequest => HttpResponse = ???
private[this] def mkGetRequest(url: Url): HttpRequest = ???
def get(url: Url): Task[Thowable, HttpResponse] =
new Http(mkGetRequest(url), { x => x }, executor)
trait Port {
def submit[A, B](task: Task[A, B]): Either[A, B] =
object Port {
def mkPort: Port = new Port
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