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Created March 18, 2022 19:02
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import SwiftUI
import Foundation
import Combine
struct ContentView: View {
struct ImageInfo: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
init(_ name: String) { = name
let images: [ImageInfo] = [
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ForEach(images.indices, id: \.self) { i in
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(height: 200)
.mask {
stripeIndex: i,
stripeWidth: 100,
patternRepetition: 5,
patternStripeCount: images.count,
direction: .right,
shear: 0.5,
duration: 10
struct AnimatedStripes: View {
enum Direction {
case left
case right
@State var animate = false
let stripeIndex: Int
let stripeWidth: CGFloat
let patternRepetition: Int
let patternStripeCount: Int
let direction: Direction
let shear: CGFloat
let duration: CGFloat
var patternWidth: CGFloat {
stripeWidth * CGFloat(patternStripeCount)
var targetOffset: CGFloat {
direction == .right ? patternWidth : -patternWidth
var body: some View {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
ForEach(0..<patternRepetition, id: \.self) { _ in
.frame(width: stripeWidth)
.frame(width: patternWidth)
.offset(x: stripeWidth * CGFloat(stripeIndex))
.offset(x: animate ? targetOffset : 0)
.frame(width: patternWidth)
.transformEffect(.init(a: 1, b: 0, c: shear, d: 1, tx: 0, ty: 0))
.onAppear {
.linear(duration: duration)
.repeatForever(autoreverses: false)
) {
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