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Created May 15, 2018 17:55
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  • Save ejmr/f5d2bab3c5e3c8145514d0ccb390a40b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Display URLs for all public GitHub repositories of a given user
# git-ls-github-repos(1) - list a user's GitHub repositories
# ==========================================================
# `git-ls-github-repos` <user>
# - curl
# - jq
# This program accepts the username of a GitHub user and proceeds to
# display URLs for all of his or her repositories on standard output.
# Each repository appears on its own line so that you can use this
# script as a tool elsewhere, like other shell scripts, to read in the
# individual repository URLs and do something with them (e.g. clone).
# Show the URLs for my repositories on standard output:
# $ git-ls-github-repos ejmr
# This is a script to create a directory named for a GitHub user
# and then clone all of his public repositories in that directory.
# Note that this example is for Fish, my preferred shell.
# mkdir /tmp/zonuexe; and cd /tmp/zonuexe
# git-ls-github-repos "zonuexe" \
# | while read --local repo_url
# git clone $repo_url
# end
# ## BUGS
# This program exists for use on Linux and probably will not work
# on other operating systems, unless one runs this program within a
# Linux-ish environment, e.g. good 'ole Cygwin on Windows, or the
# POSIX-ish world of OSX. Maybe it works in those circumstances,
# and maybe not. I do not care either way, to be honest. I would
# like to think it would be simple to tweak this script to work in
# those other environments. But being the selfish programmer I am,
# I make no attempt to test this script in any environment other than
# my personal Linux-running laptop.
# ## TODO
# 1. Add a usage message and display as necessary.
# 2. Support a `-h`, `--help` flag to show usage.
# 3. Warn the user about rate limit caps.
# 4. And/or display the temporary file of JSON data.
# 5. Optionally display repository names and discriptions.
# Eric James Michael Ritz, May 2018.
# This code belongs to the Public Domain.
# git-remote(1), curl(1), jq(1)
# All network requests to GitHub go through this URL.
# GitHub rejects API requests which do not include the 'User-Agent'
# (UA) header, i.e. the HTTP header. So our script plays nice and
# defines a UA we can use and which GitHub could (hopefully) grep
# for easily in their server logs if ever necessary.
# For debugging purposes we save the output in this file, which is
# also useful in the event that we exceed the rate-limit of GitHub's
# API, or the service is down, or our wireless modem exploded into
# flames, or some wizard drops by and now we have to dump some ring
# in a Goddamn mountain with no wi-fi, or whatever.
BACKUP_OUTPUT_FILE=$(mktemp "ls-github-repos.XXXXXXX")
# The GitHub username whose repositories we want to show.
# We are now finally ready to invoke cURL. Our request is:
# GET /users/:username/repos
# The result is a massive amount of JSON which we save in the
# $BACKUP_OUTPUT_FILE we defined above. Meanwhile, for the sake of
# humans, we pipe the JSON to the `jq` program so that we can extract
# the URLs for the user's repositories, displaying one URL per line.
curl --silent \
--user-agent "$USER_AGENT" \
--location \
--header "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
"$API_URL/users/$GITHUB_USERNAME/repos" \
| jq --raw-output --monochrome-output '.[] | .html_url'
# Did we get this far? Whew---let's get the Hell out of here.
exit 0
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