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Forked from langner/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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"""Tools for searching Pubmed for a list of PMIDs.
The goal here is to search for many PMIDs at once, since searching
sequentially can take a long time. Using the the BioPython Entrez module
is super convenient to this end.
The results results are returned in a simple dictionary format.
import calendar
from Bio import Entrez
# This is for translating abbreviated month names to numbers.
months_rdict = {v: str(k) for k, v in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr)}
# Returns a list or its value if there is only one.
list_or_single = lambda l: l * (len(l) > 1) or l[0]
def format_ddate(ddate):
"""Turn a date dictionary into an ISO-type string (YYYY-MM-DD)."""
year = ddate['Year']
month = ddate['Month']
day = ddate['Day']
if not month.isdigit():
month = months_rdict.get(month, None)
if not month:
return None
return "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month.zfill(2), day.zfill(2))
class PubmedSearcher(object):
"""Fetches data from Pubmed using the Entrez module from Biopython."""
# There are the fields that we want to fetch, and all of them are single
# values except grantlist, which is a dictionary (as per Entrez).
# More fields can easily be added, and all that needs to be done is
# to add the appropriate extract_ and fetch_ methods below.
fields = [
'pmid', 'doi', 'vol', 'pages',
'year', 'pub_month', 'pub_day',
'date_pubmed_created', 'date_pubmed_updated',
'date_accepted', 'date_aheadofprint', 'date_pubmed_history',
'grantlist' # this is a dict!
# Entrez normally limits the number of queries to 200, so work with smaller
# blocks of 100 to be on the safe side.
nblock = 100
def __init__(self, email):
"""Entrez requires and email address.""" = email
def fetch_xml_round(self, pmid):
"""Tries to fetch and parse the XML for a list of PMIDs."""
return"pubmed", id=pmid, retmode="xml"))
def fetch_xml(self, pmid):
"""This breaks the process up into blocks."""
nrounds = len(pmid) / self.nblock + (len(pmid) % self.nblock > 0)
if nrounds > 1:
print "Will query in %i rounds with %i articles per round." % (nrounds, self.nblock)
xml_data = []
for i in range(nrounds):
istart = i * self.nblock
ifinish = (i+1) * self.nblock
print "Fetching round %i..." % (i+1)
xml_data += self.fetch_xml_round(pmid[istart:ifinish])
xml_data = self.fetch_xml_round(pmid)
return xml_data
def extract_id_factory(idtype):
"""Extract and ID from Entrez XML output."""
def extract_id(self, xml_data):
for articleid in xml_data['PubmedData']['ArticleIdList']:
if articleid.attributes['IdType'].lower() == idtype:
return str(articleid)
extract_id.__doc__ = """Extract the %s ID from Entrez XML output.""" % idtype
return extract_id
extract_pmid = extract_id_factory('pubmed')
extract_doi = extract_id_factory('doi')
def extract_date_factory(datetype):
def extract_date(self, xml_data):
for date in xml_data['PubmedData']['History']:
if date.attributes['PubStatus'].lower() == datetype:
return format_ddate(date)
extract_date.__doc__ = """Extract %s date from Entrez XML output.""" % datetype
return extract_date
extract_date_accepted = extract_date_factory('accepted')
extract_date_aheadofprint = extract_date_factory('aheadofprint')
extract_date_pubmed_history = extract_date_factory('pubmed')
# Many fields can be pointed to via an Xpath directly, although we still want
# to mangle the result in many cases, so the factory needs some tweaking.
# To make names shorter, the 'field' argument passed to the factory
# is prefixed by "xpath_" to get the xpath variable name. Watch out for that!
xpath_year = ['MedlineCitation', 'Article', 'Journal', 'JournalIssue', 'PubDate', 'Year']
xpath_pub_month = ['MedlineCitation', 'Article', 'Journal', 'JournalIssue', 'PubDate', 'Month']
xpath_pub_day = ['MedlineCitation', 'Article', 'Journal', 'JournalIssue', 'PubDate', 'Day']
xpath_vol = ['MedlineCitation', 'Article', 'Journal', 'JournalIssue', 'Volume']
xpath_pages = ['MedlineCitation', 'Article', 'Pagination', 'MedlinePgn']
xpath_date_pubmed_created = ['MedlineCitation', 'DateCreated']
xpath_date_pubmed_updated = ['MedlineCitation', 'DateRevised']
def extract_xpath_factory(field, rdict=None, fmt=None):
def extract_xpath(self, xml_data):
data = xml_data
for node in getattr(self, 'xpath_' + field):
data = data[node]
if rdict != None:
data = rdict[data]
if fmt != None:
data = fmt(data)
return data
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return None
return extract_xpath
extract_year = extract_xpath_factory('year')
extract_pub_month = extract_xpath_factory('pub_month', rdict=months_rdict)
extract_pub_day = extract_xpath_factory('pub_day')
extract_vol = extract_xpath_factory('vol')
extract_pages = extract_xpath_factory('pages')
extract_date_pubmed_created = extract_xpath_factory('date_pubmed_created', fmt=format_ddate)
extract_date_pubmed_updated = extract_xpath_factory('date_pubmed_updated', fmt=format_ddate)
# The grantlist is a bit mroe convoluted, because it is itself a dictionary with several
# fields, which normally need to go together to by of use.
xpath_grantlist = ['MedlineCitation', 'Article', 'GrantList']
def extract_grantlist(self, xml_data):
data = xml_data
for node in self.xpath_grantlist:
data = data[node]
fields = {'acronym':'Acronym', 'agency':'Agency', 'country':'Country', 'number':'GrantID'}
return [{k: d.get(v, None) for k, v in fields.items()} for d in data]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return None
def fetch_field_factory(field):
"""Return function that fetches a single field for many PMIDs."""
def fetch_field(self, pmid):
targets = [getattr(self, 'extract_' + field)(parsed) for parsed in self.fetch_xml(pmid)]
return list_or_single(targets)
return fetch_field
fetch_pmid = fetch_field_factory('pmid')
fetch_doi = fetch_field_factory('doi')
fetch_year = fetch_field_factory('year')
fetch_pub_month = fetch_field_factory('pub_month')
fetch_pub_day = fetch_field_factory('pub_day')
fetch_vol = fetch_field_factory('vol')
fetch_pages = fetch_field_factory('pages')
def fetch_all(self, pmid):
"""Fetch all fields defined above, for many PMIDs."""
xml_data = self.fetch_xml(pmid)
fetched = []
for parsed in xml_data:
x = {}
for f in self.fields:
x[f] = getattr(self, "extract_" + f)(parsed)
return fetched
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