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Last active June 28, 2023 12:23
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A shitty tictactoe minimax implementation that doesn't actually work yet
def create_board():
board = {}
for i in ["a","b","c"]:
for j in ["1","2","3"]:
board[i+j] = " "
return board
def ganador(board):
if board["a1"] == board["b1"] == board["c1"] and board["a1"] != " ":
return board["a1"]
if board["a1"] == board["a2"] == board["a3"] and board["a1"] != " ":
return board["a1"]
if board["a1"] == board["b2"] == board["c3"] and board["a1"] != " ":
return board["a1"]
if board["a3"] == board["b2"] == board["c1"] and board["c1"] != " ":
return board["c1"]
if board["b1"] == board["b2"] == board["b3"] and board["b1"] != " ":
return board["b1"]
if board["c1"] == board["c2"] == board["c3"] and board["c1"] != " ":
return board["c1"]
if board["a2"] == board["b2"] == board["c2"] and board["a2"] != " ":
return board["a2"]
if board["a3"] == board["b3"] == board["c3"] and board["a3"] != " ":
return board["a3"]
def terminado(board):
return ganador(board) is not None or len(huecos(board)) == 0
def pedir(jug):
return input("Jugador " + jug + " introduce coordenada> ")
def huecos(board):
lhuecos = []
for i in board:
if board[i] == " ":
return lhuecos
def create_node(board, jug, coords):
return {
"board": board,
"jug": jug,
"coords": coords,
"children": [],
"score": None
def create_mov_tree(board, jugs, turn, me):
jug_actual = jugs[turn%2]
tree = create_node(board.copy(), jug_actual, "")
pendientes = {turn: [tree]}
while True:
turn += 1
pendientes_este_turno = pendientes[turn-1]
pendientes[turn] = []
for actual in pendientes_este_turno:
nuevos_nodos = []
if ganador(actual["board"]):
for i in huecos(actual["board"]):
tablero_nuevo = actual["board"].copy()
jug_anterior = jugs[(turn-1)%2]
jug_actual = jugs[turn%2]
tablero_nuevo[i] = jug_anterior
nuevos_nodos.append( create_node(tablero_nuevo, jug_actual, i) )
actual["children"] = nuevos_nodos.copy()
if pendientes[turn] == []:
for level in sorted(pendientes.keys(), reverse=True):
for move in pendientes[level]:
if len(move["children"]) == 0:
winner = ganador(move["board"])
if winner is None:
move["score"] = 0
elif winner == me:
move["score"] = 1
move["score"] = -1
if move["jug"] == me:
mejor_hijo = max(move["children"], key= lambda x: x["score"])
move["score"] = mejor_hijo["score"]
peor_hijo = min(move["children"], key= lambda x: x["score"])
move["score"] = peor_hijo["score"]
return tree
def move_tree(tree, board):
for i in tree["children"]:
if i["board"] == board:
return i
def select_move(tree):
return max(tree["children"], key= lambda x: x["score"])["coords"]
def jugar_solo():
board = create_board()
jug1 = "o"
jug2 = "x"
jugs = (jug1, jug2)
turn = 0
while not terminado(board):
jug_actual = jugs[turn%2]
print(board) ## XXX: Hay que pintarlo bien
coord = pedir(jug_actual)
while coord not in board or board[coord] != " ":
coord = pedir(jug_actual)
board[coord] = jug_actual
turn += 1
def pintar_tablero(board):
print(" a | b | c ")
print( " " + board["a1"] + " | " + board["b1"] + " | " + board["c1"] )
print( " " + board["a2"] + " | " + board["b2"] + " | " + board["c2"] )
print( " " + board["a3"] + " | " + board["b3"] + " | " + board["c3"] )
def jugar_acompañado():
board = create_board()
jug1 = "o"
jug2 = "x"
jugs = (jug1, jug2)
turn = 0
tree = create_mov_tree(board, jugs, turn, jug2) # AI
while not terminado(board):
jug_actual = jugs[turn%2]
if jug_actual == jug2:
coord = select_move(tree) # AI
coord = pedir(jug_actual)
while coord not in board or board[coord] != " ":
coord = pedir(jug_actual)
board[coord] = jug_actual
tree = move_tree(tree, board) # AI
turn += 1
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