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Created April 13, 2014 18:05
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Алгоритм Дейкстры на CoffeeScript
class PQueue
constructor: () ->
@items = []
add: (item) ->
@items.push item
@items.sort (a, b) -> b
peek: ->
if not @isEmpty() then @items[0] else null;
poll: ->
isEmpty: ->
@items.length is 0
remove: (item) ->
index = @items.indexOf item
if index >= 0
@items.splice(index, 1)[0]
class Vertex
constructor: (@id, @distance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, @isNotVisited = true, @edges = []) ->
compare: (vertex) ->
if @distance > vertex.distance
else if @distance < vertex.distance
class Edge
constructor: (@target, @weight) ->
class DijkstraAlg
constructor: (@vertexes) ->
@queue = new PQueue
@_initVertex vertex for vertex in @vertexes
@queue.add vertex for vertex in @vertexes
shortestPath: (source, target) ->
@computePaths source
@_traceBackPath source, target
computePaths: (source) ->
@_initSource source
until @queue.isEmpty()
vertex = @queue.poll()
for edge in vertex.edges
@_processEdge edge, vertex
vertex.isNotVisited = false
_initSource: (source) ->
source = @queue.remove source
source.distance = 0
@queue.add source
_processEdge: (edge, source) ->
vertex =
if vertex.isNotVisited and vertex.distance > source.distance + edge.weight
vertex = @queue.remove vertex
vertex.distance = source.distance + edge.weight
vertex.previous = source
@queue.add vertex
_traceBackPath: (source, target) ->
path = []
path.unshift target
while previous = target.previous
path.unshift previous
target = previous
_initVertex: (vertex) ->
vertex.distance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
# case 1
# [v0, v1, v2, v3, v4] = vertexes = [
# new Vertex "v0"
# new Vertex "v1"
# new Vertex "v2"
# new Vertex "v3"
# new Vertex "v4"
# ]
# v0.edges = [
# new Edge v1, 2
# new Edge v2, 3
# # new Edge v3, 5
# ]
# v1.edges = [ new Edge v3, 7 ]
# v2.edges = [ new Edge v4, 4 ]
# v3.edges = [ new Edge v4, 1 ]
#case 2
[v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7] = vertexes = (new Vertex "v#{i}" for i in [0..7])
v0.edges = [
new Edge v1, 7
new Edge v2, 4
new Edge v3, 2
v1.edges = [ new Edge v4, 12 ]
v2.edges = [ new Edge v5, 9 ]
v3.edges = [
new Edge v5, 3
new Edge v6, 12
v4.edges = [
new Edge v7, 1
new Edge v5, 3
v5.edges = [
new Edge v4, 3
new Edge v6, 5
new Edge v7, 2
v6.edges = [ new Edge v5, 5]
alg = new DijkstraAlg vertexes
console.log, item.distance for item in alg.queue.items
path = alg.shortestPath v0, v4
console.log "\n===========================================\n"
console.log "path:", (vertex) ->
console.log "distance:", path[path.length - 1].distance
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