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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save ekd123/8803922 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env tcl
package require Tk
package require http
set universes [encoding convertfrom utf-8 [http::data [http::geturl]]]
set universe {}
set lastIDs {}
wm title . "地圖"
ttk::combobox .switcher -values [dict keys $universes] -state readonly
ttk::button .btn -text "切換" -command refresh
canvas .c -bg white
grid .switcher -sticky we
grid .btn -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ""
grid .c -columnspan 2 -sticky news
grid columnconfigure . .switcher -weight 1
grid rowconfigure . .c -weight 1
proc convert2Pixel {x y} {
return [list [expr $x*20] [expr $y*20]]
proc refresh {} {
global universes universe lastIDs counter
foreach id $lastIDs {
.c delete $id
set lastIDs {}
set universe [dict get $universes [.switcher get]]
foreach nation $universe {
foreach area [dict get $nation land] {
set pixel [convert2Pixel {*}[split $area ,]]
set id [.c create rect {*}$pixel {*}[lmap a $pixel {expr $a+20}] -fill [dict get $nation color]]
lappend lastIDs $id
.c bind $id <ButtonPress> [list apply {{nation msg} {tk_messageBox -message "$nation\n\n$msg"}} [dict get $nation name] [dict get $nation info]]
.switcher set [lindex [dict keys $universes] 0]
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