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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save ekesken/de41598a1e7e54c6f33c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ekesken/de41598a1e7e54c6f33c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function shutdown_running_elasticsearch_servers {
while true
echo "Shutting down running elasticsearch servers..."
for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 0 $NODE_COUNT); do curl -XPOST "http://localhost:92$i/_cluster/nodes/_local/_shutdown"; done
sleep 10
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep elasticsearch
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $RUNNING_MODE = "clean" ]; then
rm -f $ELASTICSEARCH.tar.gz
if [ $RUNNING_MODE != "test-only" ]; then
tar -xzf $ELASTICSEARCH.tar.gz
$ELASTICSEARCH/bin/elasticsearch -d
sentence="abecedarian abfarad abhenry abib abilene abiosis Abiotrophic abnormity abolitionise abollae abortus absolutist abstractly aby acadia acalculia acastus accelerating accreditation accrescent acetification acetobacter acetophenetidin acetylating Acetylization acetylize acetylizing acheulian achieved achlorhydria achromate acidimetry acrogen acromia acrophonically acrylonitrile actinism actinology Actualize acuminate adagial adamic adaptable adducent adducible ades adherent adina Adirondack adivasi adjacent adjoin adjudicative adminicle adolescent adrenalectomy adriatic adulating adulterous adultery adunc advection adverbially adversaries advert advertise aegates aegia aegir aegis aegle aeolis aerographic aeromechanic aetheria affectedly affreightment aframerican africanist after aftershaft agadir aganus agastya agenais agenesia agentival aggradational aggraded aggrandizement aggrieved aglycon agonizingly agrestic agriculturally agronomy agrostography ahimaaz ahisar ahorse ahwaz aider aiguilletted ain''t airily akbar akim alamosa alcayde alchemised alderman aleck alethea alexipharmic alfreda algeria algidity alias aline alinotum alissa Alkane allative alleluia alloa allocated allogenic allomorph all''ottava allotype allusively alluvial almad almad¥ᄑn almondy almoner almswoman along alorton alp alsatian Althea altruist alveola alvine amalgamable amatorially ambassadorship ambler ambrosia amenorrhoea amersfoort amethystlike amianthine amid amitosis ammonal ammoniated amnesic amnionic amoroso amos amphioxi amulius amygdaline anabranch anachorism anaclastic anacreontically anacusia anaheim analgesia analyse analytically anaphase anathema anatomised anaximandrian andrew andr¥ᄑ androclus androcratic androdioecious androecium androgyne andromeda Andromonoecious anecdotal aneroid aneuria Angela angleton angleworm anglo Angora anhemitonic Aniconic animadversion aniseikonia ankh annectent annexation annulated annunciative anoa anoesia anoopsia anorthic another anson anteater anteport anthropometry anthropomorphizing anthroponomy Anticaste anticathexis anticentralization anticholinergic anticholinesterase antichrist Anticipatorily anticlastic anticlinoria anticonformity antidisestablishmentarianism antidogmatic antidotically antidraft antidynastic antifascism antigovernment antihygienically antimask antimaterialistically antimedieval antimicrobial antimonopolization antimonsoon antinomianism antiparabema antipathogenic antipathy antipodean antipole antiprohibition antirationality antisensitizing antiserum antiskepticism antislip antisocialistic antisupernaturalism antisymmetric antiutilitarian aoli aortitis apemius aphelion aphtha apish apocopic apodemal apoferritin apollonian apologal apomorphin apomorphine apostrophise Apotheosized appal apparent apparentness apperceptive appetising apple applicator appointable appreciative approbator approving apsu arabist araceous arbitrated archaeologic arched ardene ardour arenous areopagitic areosystyle arequipa aridly arillate arista aristaeus aristoteles arizonan arkansas armagnac armil armorica arnulf aromatization arousal arrayal arriving arsenical artaud arteriole artfulness articulatory Artiest artisanship arty arythmia ascending ashab ashkey askos aspheric assagai assailable assassinate assegaing assertion assertively assheadedness asst assuaged assumptively aster asteroid asti astigmatic astigmia astilbe Astra astride astringing astrological astromantic Astrometric astrophotography asura atebrin atlantes atmolysis atrium attainment attestor atticist attingent attn audaciously audit audley aummbulatory aureately auspicated australiana authentical autochthon autoclave autodyne autoeciousness autohypnotically autolithography automating Automatist autophytic autoroute avalanching avast avaunt avdp avenge aventail avigator avocet avowal avowry Awarder awing axiomatically axoplasm azimuthally azotobacter azriel aztec azurite babel babette babylike bachelor background backstabbing baculiform badakhshan badderlocks badminton bag bailee baillaud bakersfield bakeware baldr balewa balibuntal ball ballington Bamboozle Bandore bandspreading bankruptcy bannockburn banting barbecuing barber barkla barmaid barnesboro barnstormer baronetcy barrault bashibazouk basie basseterre basswood bastogne bataan batholithic bathyscape bathythermograph batrachian batwing bayern beardfish beardless beattie bebop becalmed bedeviling beds bedstand beechwood beedi beetle beezer Beguiled behan bel Belding bellow belmar belmond belostok belpre bemidji bene benefaction bengali benignantly benwood benzoyl benzoylate bergsma berton bertrand besides beslobber bestir betaine bethel bethsabee betroth betted beyoglu bhakta bhikshu biased bibb bibliophagous bibulously bicorne bifurcate bilious bimetallism bimolecular binding biocellate biomagnetism biosociological biota birdlike Birdlime birkbeck bisellia bisexuality bistoury bisulphide bisutun Bite bivalve bivouac bj¥ᄀrnstjerne black blackish blamefulness blastie blastoporic Blench blesbok blindstorey blithesomely blitz bloat blockish bloodily blowing blowiron boardable boarhound bocaccio bodyguard boehmenism boetius bogan bogging bohol boisterously bolograph bolshevistically bombard bombardment bonanza bonaparte bondsman boneset boniface bonito bonnily bookbinderies bootstrap borak borderlight bordet boric boroglyceride borrow bose bosk bosket bothnic botryose bounded bourgeois bousy bow bowdlerization bowknot bowleg bowler boycott brachycephalic brackish bract bradford Brahmaloka brahman brahmanic branchiate bransford brant brassiere brawny breadnut breathe brecciated brecknockshire breda breezily bremerton Brett brevetted brey brickmaker brimless brisbane briza broglie brokage brolly bromochloromethane bronchia brooch brotula brugge bruno brushiness brushpopper brushup brut brutalising bruxelles brython brzegiem bubona buckjumper bucuresti buddhistical buffeted Bufflehead bugseed bulgarian bulkheading bulkiness bulleted bulletproof bullheaded bullionism bumpiest bunches bunco bundelkhand bundist bung bungaloid bure bureaucracy burgee burke burn bursiform burstone bushily bushmaster bushranger bushwa busrah busybody butlery butterfly buxomness byssuses cabinda cache cacimbo cacti cadence caducity caesarean caesurae cahoot caiaphas cainism cainite cainozoic caissoned calcinable calculate caldaria caleb calk callant callboy caller calligraphic cambiums camelopardalis campo campsite campuses canap¥ᄑ candent candour cannon cannulate canoeing canon cantigny canyon capacitor capitalistically capitalizing capitol captivating Carafe caratinga carbide carcas careful caricaturist caring carmella carpenter carpet carrollite carrre Carson cartonnier caryn casketlike cassette caste castellany castrated casualist cataclinal catalog catalpa catchingness catechin catechumenical catharpin catholicized cauda cauldron cavalier cayce cayleyan cease ceder ceilometer celaeno celebesian celebret cella cellini cellulation celsius censorious censureless centiliter cento centra centrales centralia centralising centrifuged centripetal centrodorsally cephalin cephalon cere Cerise cerous certify cerulean chackling chaetognathan chaldea chaldee chalmers chambers champaign chanceled chancre changeableness channeler chapatti chapel chaperone chapman chapultepec Chare chariclo charity chastener Chastisable chaumont chauncey chauvinist chavannes checksum cheeriest cheerleading cheesily chekiang chemistry chemotherapist cherubs chervonets chetnik chewie chewiest chichihar chifferobe chiffonade childbirth childermas chiliad chilies chiloplasty chimney chinch chinchy chintziest chipproof chiron chlamyses chlorastrolite chlorella chloridize chloridizing chlorinity chloromethane chokies chokiest choosey choplogical choriocarcinomata chorobates chorusmaster choultry chremsel Christliness chromatology chrome chromium chromophoric chryselephantine chuanchow chum chunnel churada churnable chutney cicatrize cinematize cinerin cipherer cippi circassia circlet circuiter circularize circulating circumcising circumnavigator circumnutation circumstantial circumstantially circumvolved circumvolving cirrhosis ciscaucasia civilised clamorous clandestineness clapstick claromontanus claros clausius clawless Claxon clearly cleek cleone cleopatra cleptomaniac cleta cliff climacterical climb clinician clishmaclaver clitoris cloris cloture cloying clubhand clumpish cnemic cnidoblast coachable cobber codeine coder codomain coed coeditorship coelenterate cogent cogon cohen cohens co¥ᄀrdinate colin collectorship collocutor colonising colonizability color colorer colorist coloristic columnarized combination comdr comedietta comfiness comfort comical commemorated commemoration commemoratively commissary committeeship commo communion compactification companionableness comparer comparison Compellation compensator compere compilatory compliableness complier Complimentary composer compositionally compotation compotatory comprizal compromisingly Compt comptrollership compulsive conceiving concorporate concorporating concurrence condemner condemningly condenseries condensible Condescensive condolence conduciveness conductivity condyloid coneflower conferment conferral confirmand conflagrant conflate cong congeed conglobately conicoid conidiophorous coniferin conjuration conjuring Connect connectively connivantly connotation consanguinity conservatory consortion constantin conster consul contagious contaminant contemptuously contemptuousness continuity contraorbitally contrariness contraste contrecoup contusioned convalescing convened conventionalized Conversed conversely conveyor convulse conway cop coprecipitating coprolagnist coprosterol copyhold copyrightable coquettish coquillage corantijn cordate cordelling cordovan corked corker corner corniced coro corporation correlating corrientes corrigibility corrosion corrosional corynebacterium coted cotemporaneous cotemporary cotopaxi cottbus Cotter Cottonade cotype couching cough councilman counterespionage counterplotting counterpressure counterspy courageous course courtliness courtney cowardic cowes Cowherd cowrie coysevox crabby crabs crackbrain crackedness Crampedness crancelin crankiness crape crassness crawly creamiest creationist creator credently crenelation creole crepitant cressier cricopharyngeal cried crikey criminality crimpy crinire crinklier criophorus cripps criseyde crispated crisper crispi criterion critique crocidolite crocodilian crombec crone crood crossly crossmating crossroad crossways crowdie crown crumbly crwth cryptoclimatology cryptogamy crystalise csc cteatus cuish culiac culminating cultch cultivability cultivate cumberland cunctator cupeler curably curage curare curarize curblike curer curling cursively curtiss custom cutely cutlass cuttage cuttlebone cwmbran cwo cyanide cyanitic cyanoderma cyanogenamide cyathium cybernetic cyclopentane cygnus cylices cyma cymar cymbaleer cymometer cynthia cynthius cypher cystoid cystomas daemonian daemonic daffier dah dahabeah dalliance damageableness damages dame dampish damyankee danburite danceable dandelion dandiprat dandyism danio danseuse darjeeling darlington d''arrest dartingly dascylus dassin davidson dawtie dayak daylights dealings deaminate deathiness deathsman deave deaving debased debasedness debes debilitate debus debussing decameter decarbonylation decastylos decatur deceivability decem deciduitis decimalise decipherer deckhouse decoder decolorized decoy decried decry deductibility deepfreeze defalcated defect defer defervescing deficiently definitised deforcing defrayer defuse deglaciation degradedness dehortative dehydrogenate dehypnotize deionization delator delay delightedness delineavit deliriums demesnial demibastioned demijohn demission demodulating demonetising demonical densifier dentaries dentiled denunciation deoxidizing deoxygenate deoxygenize dependability depersonalisation depicturing depletion depopulation deposing deposition depository depraver deprival deputable deratize derby derelictly derived dermatographia dernier dervishism Desalinize descriptively desecrater desensitization deserter deservingly desiderate desirably despicable dessau destiny destrier detachability detachedly deter detestableness detrimentally deuteranomal devout dexiocardia dextrocular dharmasastra diadochy diaghilev diagnosis diagraph dialled dialogist dialyzator diamanta diamantine diaper diaphragm diarrheic diastolic diastrophism diatreme dibranchiate dichotomously dickcissel dieppe diesinking Digresser dihedral d¥ᄌsseldorf dilating dilation dilatory dilettante diluvia diminutiveness dingaan diocletian dior diphtheria Diphthong diplacusis dipleurula diplocardiac dipteran dirndl disannuller disarmament disbelieve disbelieved disburse discanter discerp disciplinableness discommoding discomposed disconnectedly disconnectedness disconsider discontented discontinuing discontinuity discontinuousness discreteness discriminatively disembowelment disentangler dishcross disinflated disinheritance disintegrator disject Disorderly disparate dispensableness dispensing disperser disreputableness disrespectable dissolvability distantness distichal distichously distiller distilling distinctively distrainable distributively distrust disulfiram disulfuric Disunify disuniting disyoked ditchdigging ditheist dither ditokous divaricating divinatory divinised dixmoor diyarbekir djailolo doab documentation doer doggerel doggishly dogmatized doleful dolmas dolomite dolomitizing dolorimetric donsie doorn doover dorene Dorian dorm dorobo dosseret dotage doter doth dotier doublethought doudated doweled downstroke doxie drag¥ᄑe dreadable dreamlessly drer dressage driblet driftier droopingly droughtier drubber drumfish drunk drusian drydenian dryly duckbill duckies dudeen dulce duluth dungaree duntroon duologue duping duskily dusting duumvirs dvm dwarfishness dynamic dysrhythmia earl earliest earreach Earthborn earwig eccles ecclesiolater echemus ecstasie ecstasy ectoderm ectosarc ecumenical edit editorialist edmonds eellike effloresced effortlessly eilat eisk either ejaculative elation elda electroencephalographically electrolysed electrometallurgical electrophoresis electrophysiological Electropositive electroreduction electrosurgically Elegist elevon elgenia elicius eliminatory ellenville elliptically eloise else eluder eluviated elys emblematize embowed embryologist embryotrophe emf eminence emmelene emmeline emmer emmetrope empaling emphasis emphysema emulsive enamellist encapsulation enchain encke enclose encoignure encomienda endameba endanger endocarditic endorsor endosporia endosporous endosporously endothelioid enervated enforcing enful Engineless engraver engrossment enisling enkolpia enlivener ennoblingly enounced enquiry enrolment ensnarer ensnaringly ensphering ensuingly entail enterobiasis entertaining entertainment enthalpy enthronization entireness entirety entoblast entomophilous entreasuring entremets envisage envyingly eolic eosinophilous eozoic ep epaulet epicardium epiclesis epidemiological epididydidymides epigram epigrammatizing epiklesis epione episcopacy Episcopalian epistemically epistolical epistolized epithalamion epithelization equably equinity equivoke eradiate erase erewhon ergative ergosterol erk errhephoria error erskine eruditional escaut espial espouse essentially estelle esthesiometry estivating estop eta eternise ethelette etherege ethnolinguistic ethnological etiolate etruria euemerus eugenicist Eulogia eulogiums eunuch eunuchising euphemie euphemiser euphorbus euphorion euphuist Euploid europe europeanizing eurystheus euthanasia evaporable evelyn eversion evilness evoking exacting exceeding excellency excessive exclamational excommunicative excrementous excurrent exeter Exfoliative exhalant exhale exhibitable exhibition exhibitionism exhilarate exhortatory exopathic exorcised exorcist exoterically expatriate expeditate expertly explicans explorable exposition expositorial expressional expressionist exquisitely exsectile extinguishment extorsive extorsively extort extramundane extraneously extrasensorial extrasystole extravagated extraversively extricating exult exurb eyebath fabriano factorability factorized faï¾¢ence faille faintly fairleader faithfully fallibility Falster familiar fanaticalness fannie faq fargo Farley faroes farquhar farrandly fasciate fasciately fasciculus fashion fated fatten fattiest fatty faulkner faustian favor favourable favouritism feathery featured featureless feb fecal fechner feckly federalese felipe fellowshipping feminacy fendered fens ferrite fervently fester fettuccine feuage feudalised feuilletonistic feverishness fibrin fibroma fibrosis fichtean fictile fiction fictionally fiddleback fiddlededee fiddler fideicommissa fideism fidge filigrain filigreed fill¥ᄑr filly filtrating fimbriation fineries fingering Finitely fipple firer fishfinger fitz fixity flabbier flaccidness flaggingly flannel flannelette flap flashy flatterer fleeringly fleetly flexible flexionless flipping flitting flo Floodless floorcloth flopper floppiness floralia florist floss flourish fluffiest flukier flunkeyism fluoridate fluosilicate flutist flybelt focusable Focuser fogarty foggiest fogginess fogyish foh foliose folkmoot follicular fondly footie footlight forcefulness forcingly forebodingly forecasting forecited forego foreignness forejudge foreknow forepeak forereach foresaddle forjudge Formalising formalized formlessness formulary formulising forspeak forswearer fortifiable fortuitousness fossicker fostress fourierism foxe foxier frame francescatti franchise francisco francoist franklin frankly fraternit¥ᄑ fray freckliest freelancing freesia freightless freneau frictionally friday friendliness friesland frieze frig frighten fringelike frisco fritterer frizzliest frontal frontopariepaged frostiness frosting frouzier frowzily frozen fructiferous fructification frumenty frustrater fujiyama fulgurant fullerton fumblingness functionalism fungiform furan furfuran furnerius furrowlike fustigated fustigation futurism futuristically gabardine gabbroid gabun gadding gaikwar galactoscope galba galena galician galliardly galliccally gallicism gaminess gaming gardenia gardenlike garfield garterless gary gasconader gasket gasthauses gath gaudibert gaudily gelid gemini gemuetlichkeit genck generableness generalizing genethlialogic geniality gentil geode geodesic germaniser gesticulative gethsemane giambattista gibbons gï¿¥ï¾ gingall girded gladiola glassware glave gleanable glebe gleek gleesomely gleet glen glendive glenlike glenyss glial glidingly glimmer gloatingly globetrotting globuliferous glochidia glomma glossarist glosseme glossless Glottology glovelike glummer gluttingly glycosuria glyptodont gnome gnomic gnossian Goadlike godling godsent gogglebox goldeye goldfish goldilocks gonangial gondola gondwana goodman goofiness goosander gopherberry gorgoneia gossoon gothicizer governmentally goyim gpo graben gradine grainless grandeeship grandville grangerizing grani granitizing granolith granulomatosis grapelike graphicalness grappelli grasper graspingness grassfinch gratingly gratuity gratulatory graverobber gravitation greasewood greatness green greengrocer greentree grenadian grieflessness grill grip gripey groggily groomer grosgrained grosses grosvenor grosz groundnut groundsheet grove grubby gruffiest gruffness guadiana guanajuato gudrun guesdism guiana guider guidingly guienne guige guiltily guipure guiro gullet gulley gummas gumshoe gunmaker gunter gusset gutless guttle guttler gutturalism gutty gwendolyn gymnasia gynandromorph gyniatry gypsiferous gyro habitably hadamard haeckelism haematoid Haemoglobinuria haemus hagen haggada haggard hagiographa hahnemannism hairball halala hallan haller halogenation Halter hamantasch hamitic hammock hampshire hamulus handcar handfastfed handseled hanker hanratty hanseling haploidic happy harambee harborside hard hardhack hardily haricot harijan harm harmoniously harpwise harriet hartal hartebeest harvester harveyizing hash hasteful hastily hatemongering hating haushofer haussmann hawkeye hawthorne hearing heartlessly heartstrings heatedness hebephrenic hecatomb hedgehopping heeler heeze hegel hegemone hegemonist heirship hekhsher hektograph helicopter heliograph heliotypic heliozoan heliport hellertown helmed helminthological hematein hematocyst hematothermal hematozoa hemihedral hemihedrally hemimorphy hemocyte hemofuscin hendecasyllabic henequen hepatized heptamerous Heptane herblock heredia hereon hereupon hering hermaphrodite hermetic hermitry hermitship herod heroicalness herophile herpetologist herren herringlike hershel hertfordshire he''s hesitating hesperis hesse heterodoxly heterotaxia hevelius hew hewer hewitt hexadic hexamethonium hexanitrate hibernation hidalgo hidatsa hierology hieromonk hifalutin higginson highhandedness highlands h¥ᄑbert hillbilly hillery hillingdon Hillocked hindemith hindfell hipper hippiatric hirohito hispania hispaniola histogenetic histopathologist hitchhiking hither hoare hockey Hocus hodgepodge hoeshin hofuf hogan hogarthian hoicks hoke hokiang holloing holocaustic holophrastic homer homespun homochromy Homoeomorph homoeostasis homogamous homogenise homologating homologumena homonymous homophile homosexuality homothallic homothermic honan honda honeymoon honorius hooch hookah hookiest hookworm hooverville horizontality hornedness hornswoggle horotelic horrific horripilated horripilating horseplayful horsewhipping hospitium hotheaded houpelande housemother how howard howe hsi huckster hud humanoid humeral hummer humoresquely humpiest hundred hunker hunt hunyadi hurray hurriedness hydranth hydroa hydronaut hydropsy hydroquinol hydrosome hydrothoracic hylozoic hymettus hyoscyamine hypacusia hypallage hyperadrenia hyperaesthesia hyperaphic hypercalcinaemia hypercalcinuria hypercatalectic hypercoagulability hyperelegance hyperepinephrinemia hypereutectic hypergamous hyperimmunized hyperintelligent hyperirritable hyperkinesia hypermegasoma hyperope hyperploidy hyperpolysyllabic hyperridiculous hypersceptical hypersensitising hypersophistication hyperstatic hyperstoical hypesthesia hypnotised hypoadenia hypochloridemia hypocopy hypocoristic hypogenetic hypokaliemia hypokinesia hypophyllous hypotaxis hypothesising hypothesizing hysterectomize hysterocatalepsy icaaaa iceberg ichth ichthyographic ide idealistically identifier idiographic idolatrously ifugao ignitron ijssel ike ilene ilford iliamna illimitableness Illusioned illustratable imaging imbibed imbroglio Imbuement imido immaterializing immeasurableness immemorial immensurability immovableness immuration immure imparl impassableness impassionately impenetrably imperforation impersonating impersonation imperturbably imperviable imperviously implausibility implicatory impliedly implosion impolder imposture improbability Impropriety improviser imputable inappeasable inaudibly inby inca incapsulate incensed incessancy inchworm incident inclusive incoercible incompatible incompatibleness incompetently incondensibility incontrovertibility incorporeity incorrectness incredulity incriminate incubus incurrence indelible indentureship indestructibility indianian indiges indistinctly indoctrinizing indomitability indubitability induced inducing indulged indurative industrialize indwell ineffective ineffectual inept ineptness ineradicableness inexorable infanta infantryman infill infilling inflamingly inflationist influx infundibuliform infuscate ingratitude ingurgitated inhabit inhabitability Inheritrix inhuman inhumed injurable injuries inkpot inkwood innards innervating innocuousness Innuit inoculum inofficiosity inoxidize inputted insanitary inscrutableness insectivora insistently installed instarred insulate insulin intact integrating integration intemperately intendment intercollegiate Intercolumniation intercombined Intercommission intercondenser Interconvertibility interestingness interkinetic Interlaminated interlanguage interlapped interlatitudinal intermatted intermittingly intermolecular interpret interpretability interprotoplasmic interscholastic interscribing interstrive interstructure interventral interwreathing inthrall inthrallment intimidate intimidation intituling intradermic intraspinal intricately intrinsic intrinsically introduction intrude inurement invar inventoried invest investable invigoratingly involved iole ipsilateral Irene iricising iridectomized iridescent iridizing irksomeness irmina ironist ironworking irredeemableness irredentist irreducibility irresponsive irriguous irritate isatine ismaili isobathythermic isochoric isogeotherm isogradient isohalsine isolability isolating isolecithal isoline isolog isologue Isomer isopedine isopleth isopor isorhythmic issue issued italo itineracy itonia iturbi ivies izzat jackboxes jacky jadedly jag jaillike jambo japygid jardiniere java jawbreaker jebusite jejunal jellify jellyfish jenner jenny jeopardousness jequirity jeroboam jeronima jesuitry jewel jezreelite jig jizya jobina johan johnnie joker jonquil joule jubbah judaised judo judoist jugoslavian jugurtha juicy jujuist jullundur junk Juror justen juster juttingly juxtapositional kagawa kalendar kali kalinite kandy kaolinization karaburan karat karol karst kasbah Kashmir katherine katholikoi kathy kaunda kazan kedah keelson keester kenley kenneth kenosha keplerian kevin keyword khaki kharif Khler khotan khuskhus kickless kildare killingly killock kilung kimonoed Kind kindliness kinescope kinesics king kingdom kingfisher kipnis kirigami kirn kitchenet kitten klystron knavishly kneepiece knickerbockers knish knoblike knottier knuckleheaded kodak krakowiak kremenchug kremlinology kreutzer kreuzer kristianstad Krveting kura kuropatkin kurrajong kursle kurus kyanised kyprianou labelling labilizing laboringly laborism labroid labyrinth laceless lacer lacertid lacker laconic lactalbumin lacteal lacunose lagthing laity lakin lamas lambarn laminariaceous Lamp lancastrian lancination langsyne langtry lanthorn Laparotomized lar largess laryngeally lascaux late laughingstock laughton laulau lavalier laverne lawlessness laxness leafbird least leat leatherleaf leavenworth Lection leda Ledoux legalise legendary Legnica legua legume leinster leman lematre Lemma leniency lennon lenticel leptospiral letting leucas leukocytotic levigation lexicographically Lexicological leyton liao liberalize liberator libratory ligating likest limbate limicoline limuloid linden lindi lingayata linn lionet lippold lipton liquidating lirella lissotrichous literalised liveableness lloyd lobated lobby lobscouse loci lockport locomobile loessial logicise logier logograph logotypy lombrosian longbow longicaudal longspur lookee lordship lorenz losableness lotteries louisianan lousily love loveable lovelily lovelornness lowser lozi lpez lubricous luck lucretius ludo luggageless lula lulabim lumber lumbricoid Lumpish lunier lunula lunule luny lupe lupus lurch luscious lustrate luteinization luteotrophic lyceum lye Lyell lymphad lymphangial lyrately lyricalness lyricism lyricization lyrist lysol lythraceous lyublin machan mackinac macneice macrocyst macrolinguistic macronucleate madariaga maeterlinck mafia magian magically magindanaos maglemosian magmata magnate magnateship magnesia magnetized magnitogorsk mahon mahzorim mahzors maihem mailer maimer mainsheet malange malawi maleficent malposition malpractitioner maltiest maltose mammalogist mammary manchester mandrel maned maneuverable mangum manifestant manioca manism manner manny manstealing mansur mappah maquis mar marat marblehead margate marginalia marigold marilee marilyn maris marlin marlinspike marmolada marriageableness marry marseilles martialist marvell marx marybeth marysville maskanonges masochist massage massivity massoretic masterstroke maternalised maternally math matlow matrilocal mature matza maun maundy maximize mayon mayotte mazdaism maze mds mead measlier meddlesomely medical medicean megabuck megalocephaly megaphone megaphonic megass meionite meir melder meliad melisma melismas meller melodramatise melodramatised memnon memorialise menacme menarchial mend Mendeleev mendelism mendicancy menoeceus menoetius menorah mercer merchet mercurialise meredyth meri merodach mesenteronic mesmerise mesmerizing mesopotamian messieurs messuage metallising metallographer metaphosphrased methedrine methodistically methought methoxychlor metrified mex mexico mezzanine micheas michener mickies Microangstrom microbic microchemical microporous microrganismal microscopical microsiemens microsurgery microtomy middy midfield midinette midwifery milkweed millersville millimeter mimbar mime mimi mincer mineola minho minoan minute miombo miotic Miracidium miraculousness misallying misanalyze misanthropic misaward miscast miscasting miscellanist mischievously misconstrue misconstrued miscreative miscuing misdemeanor misdrawing miser miserly misfeasance misfocused misgiven misliking misnomer misperform mispractise misreferred missayer mistaken misthread mistook mitanni mixteco mizenmast mizoguchi mjlnir mla mld Mmus moanful mobilisation mobilised mocambique modeller modifying module mohair mohilev moldau mollifier mom momps monaco Monocerotis monocracy monokini monotype mons montesquieu mooniness moorish mopy moratoria mordred mordvin moszkowski motorboat mottle motu mouill mountebank mounted mousaka mudded mudjar mule mullen multicapitate multicoil multicostate Multifistulous multigravida multiradiate multispinous multituberculate mumford mummied muni muralist murdrum muscae muscat muscovite musial musteline mutch mutinying mutualization muzak mycocecidium mydriatic myelinic myocardia mysore Mystify mythopoetising nah naiant naivetivet namaland namen naming namma naphthous narceen nash nasolacrimal nathan naughty nauseously nazaire nearside neath neatness nebul neckerchief nectar needful needier negeb negligee negus neguses neleus nemathecial nematocyst nemrod neoformation neologism neophytism neoplastic neoplasticist neostyle neotropical nephograph nephrite nervier ness nesslerizing nestlike nesty neumayer neuritic neurocoel neurohypophysis neusatz newfangledness newhouse newish newlon newsbeat newsgirl nibs nicaea niche nickelised nicolson nictitated niello nightless nighttime nihilistic nihility nippingly nistru nitro nitrogenous nitrosylsulphuric noblewomen nobody noddy noetics noh noiselessness nome nominatively nomological nonabdicative nonacceleration nonacoustical nonacute nonadept nonadult nonalignment nonallergenic nonalphabetic nonanarchical nonaphoristic nonappropriative nonassertion nonastronomic Nonbinding nonblamable nonbleach nonblundering nonbulbiferous noncancellable noncannibalistic noncharacteristic noncivilizable nonclimbable noncollapsible noncombinative Noncomicality noncommemoratory noncommiseration noncommunal noncompensating noncompeting nonconsultative nonconsuming noncontribution noncontroversial nonconversableness noncryptic noncrystallizing nonculminating nonculpableness nondecadent nondecision nondeclaration nondeclarer nondedication nondefensibility nondeferable nondeformation nondependance nonderogatoriness nondevious nondexterity nondiabolical nondictation nondidactic nondiplomatic nondiscontinuance Nondistinguishableness nondocumentary Nondominance nondoubtable nonductility nondyspeptic noneclectic nonedified nonelevating nonendowment noneruptive nonesoterically nonethyl noneuphonious nonevolving nonexhaustive nonexpiry Nonextractable nonfeasible nonfiduciaries nonfinite nonfissility nonfortuitous nonfrigidity nonglandular nonglutenous nonhemophilic nonimaginational nonimmanence nonimmune nonimpregnated nonimputable nonimputative nonincrease nonindexed noninflammatory nonintegration noninterchangeable noniodized nonirenic nonlabeling nonlacteous nonlethargical nonlocal nonloving nonlucidity nonlymphatic nonmandatory nonmannered nonmanual nonmarketability nonmarriage nonmartial nonmatter nonmechanistic nonmelodic nonmeteorologic nonministration nonmortal nonmotility nonmotivated nonmucilaginous nonmultiple nonnitrogenous nonnotable Nonomissible nonorthodox nonpapist nonparallel nonparochial Nonpartizan nonpeaked nonpedigreed nonperverse nonpessimistically Nonphilologic nonphrenetically nonphysical nonplacental nonplasticity nonpleading nonpluralistic nonprecious nonprimitive nonprintable nonprobative nonprofitability nonprojection nonratification nonreality nonrecision nonregression nonregulation nonremonstrance nonrepressibleness nonround nonsacerdotal nonsalubrious nonsalvation nonsatirizing nonsawing nonseasonable nonsecrecy nonsensual nonservile nonshipper nonsinkable nonsister nonsober nonsocietal nonsparing nonstanzaic nonstick nonstock nonstoical nonstudious nonsubjective nonsubsidiary nonsuch nontan nontangential nonteachableness nontemporariness nontheologic nonthreaded nontrading Nontraditionalistic nontransposing nontreatment nontropic nonunity nonuniversalist nonvendibility nonvibration nonwatertight nor noreen noria norrkping northeast northernise northernness nor''wester nosochthonography notedness notepaper novice novotny ntp nuaaw nubia nudge nugatory numeric nummulite nunnated nurseryman nurturer nut nutty nyala nyaya oblast obligable obliterate obnouncing obrenovich obscurantism observable observantly obstreperously obstructively obtestation o''casey occidentalism occurrent oceanicity oceanog ocnus octopus oculistic oddness odometry odorful odorous odylism odysseus oeax oedipean oenologist o''faolin officialese offset ogaden oilfish okolona oligochaetous oligopsonistic olimbos olivenite oman omnicompetent omri onerosity onomastic ont oogamous opcode operative operculated opiated optometrical oran orang orbiculation orchestrated orcinol orczy ordainable oregon orem organizability organizational orgeat orgulous orientalist orometry orrery orthodoxness orthognathous orthopedy orthoptics orwell oscan oscillator osmosing ossa ossicle ossip ostentation osteotomist ostiolar otranto otway ouspensky outbrag outbreathe outbrought outbulging outdoorsy outdrove outfacing outflux outgeneral outgoing outing outjutted outlaugh outled outloved outmarry outparish outpoint outquibble outsallying outseek outseen Outshowing outstated outstepped outsumming outthreaten outtrotting outvaluing outwiggle outwile outwit outwoven outwrench outyield ovalle ovalness ovary ovenbird overaccentuation overannotated overassertive overbalance overbook overbought overbroil overbrush overcapitalising overcareless overcensorious overcharitable overdecadence overdescribing overdid overdiscreet overdomesticated overdye overeager overeasiness overemotionalize overeyed overfamiliarity overfatiguing overfeed overfeminize overflexion overfondle overforged overgrowth overhandicap overhanging overhomely overhostility overidle overimitated overinclined overindulgent overintellectualization overinvest overinvestment Overliterary overlubricating overmeasure overpack overpitch overpolicing overpolish overpronounced overpurchase overrationalize overrestrain oversatiety overserene oversetter oversewing overspicing overspreading oversweetness overthrower overtortured overtrustful overwary overweight ovipara oviposit ovulate owerri owing oxygenicity oysterman ozark ozone paced pachomius Packaging paddlefish padishah paella pagnol pagurian pahlevi paidology painstakingness palaeobiology palaeogene palatinal palatine palearctic palladium pallium panada pancratia panic panicky panmunjon panoramic pantagruelically pantie pantoffle paperknife paphlagonia paphus Paracelsic parader paradoxology parallelized paramatman paramedic paran parasceninia parathyroidectomize paratrooper parch pardah pardonableness parenterally paretic parlance parnell parochial parodistic paroling paroxysmic parsi parsimoniousness partaken parthenospore particularize partizan partridge parvulus pasquinading passably passionary pasteurise paternoster pauline pauperise pausanias pause pavior paviser pavlov peaceable pearliness peat pectinate peculated pedicel pedipalpal pelagian pelasgus pelopia pemba pemphigoid pendragonish penetrably penmanship pennoned penthesilea peptoniser peptonizer pepys peradventure Perceivedness Percentage perceptibleness perceptional percipiency percuss percy perfect perfectness perforated perfused perhydrogenizing perilousness periosteally peritrich peritricha perling perlis permanentness perpetrating personifiable perspired perth peshito pessimist pestalozzi petasos petoskey petrochemical petrogeny petrozavodsk peytral phagedaena phantom pharmacodynamics pharmacopoeia phaseal phenolia phenomenalistically phenomenalized Phenyl Philomena Philosophy phonetician phonocardiogram phonocardiograph phonoreception phonoreceptor phosphor photic photocell photochemically photocomposition photocopier photodrama photoduplicate photoduplication photoemission photoengraver photography photometrician photometry photoperiod photosensitise phraseological phylic phylloxera physoclistous phytocide pibroch pichiciego Pickled picrated pietistic piezochemistry pigeonberry pigg pilgrimage pillory pilsner pilsudski pilular pimple pinchable pinchpenny pinel pip pipe pipestone pipet pipetted pipkin pipper pirouetted piss pistareen pistil pitapat pitapatting pithecanthropoid placidyl plagihedral plaice plainstones planetariums planimeter planimetric plank planklike plantation plasma plasmolyze platelet platier platinocyanic platitude platitudinizing platted platyhelminthic playbill pleasantry pledgeable pledgee pleiad plew pliny plonko ploy pluck plumb plumbing plumbum plunger pluralizing plurally pneumobacillus pneumococci pneumonia pocked pocosin podzolizing poesy poetastery poetizer poised pokie pol polio polybasic polygamously polyhedron polyploid pomm¥ᄑe pongee pontifices poove popinac populariser porcelain portioner portlier postauricular postcontract postdate postdepressive postdiscoidal postdysenteric postfemoral postmedial postpituitary postprophetic postprostate poststertorous postulate potheen poulticing practiced pragmatist prahm preaccommodate preacher preadaptation Preadorn preadvised preadvocating preaggravate preambassadorial preapprising prebesetting preblockading preborrowing precampaign precanceled precast precirculate preclothed precompelled precomprehension preconcede preconcentration preconduct preconfigure preconsonantal precontentment precontest precostal precriticized precultivation precurricular precyclonic predebate predeficiency predeposit predevising predicableness predisciplined predisturbance predusk preelectrical preelementary preembody Preenjoyment preenter preesteem preexchanging preexcite preexhibit preexperience preexplode preexpound preflight preformulate Prefulfill pregirlhood prehesitating preillustrated preimagine preimagining preinitiating preinstallation preinstillation preinvent preknit prelabel Premade premated prematerial premerit premiere premiership premillennialise premisrepresentation prenecessitated preobtruded preoccurrence prepersuaded prepeusing preplacement preponderate prepricing prereferred preregister prerepresent prerequiring prereversed presciently prescript prescriptive preseen preseparation preservation presidial pressmark presteel presuitability presupplicated presuspect preswallow presystole pretariff pretaste pretended preterritorial prethreaten pretimely pretypify prevaricating previn preweigh pr¥ᄑcieuses primitivist printing priority privateersman privateness proboscidiform proc processional procollectivist procommunity proctor proctoscopic proctoscopy Procuratory prodrome productively Proequality prof professionalise profitably profoundness prog proglottic progressive prohibitory projectile proletaries prologised prologist prologuised promycelial proofreader propagandising proparoxytone propitiative propman prorealist proreduction prosaically prosecutor prosternum prostomium protandrous protean protectorship prothrombin protogyny protonema protoxid protozoan proudhon prudence prurient pryer prying pseudaxis pseudoangular pseudocotyledonal pseudoepiscopal pseudoequalitarian pseudohexagonal pseudomemory pseudosemantically pseudosensational psilomelane Psilotic psychasthenic psychoacoustics psychologistic psychopompus psychosexual pubescent puffer pugnacious pullulating pumpkinseed punctate punditically puppyish purï¿¥s puritan purler purposely puseyism pustulant pustulating putatively pycnidia pyoderma pyopericardium pyrargyrite pyrene pyrenocarpous pyrogallate pyromaniacal pyrophotometer pyrosulfuric pyrrolic pythoness qat quail quakertown quarrying Quarters queasy quesnel quindecillionth quinoa quinquennium quo Quoter quoting rabbinist racemization raciest racinage radicalness radiofrequency radiographer radiopacity radiostrontium radnor radom rags rainily rains raised rakata raker raleigh rambunctious rand rangier rani ransom ratability ratafia ratepayer rattlehead raucousness rave rawinsonde raylet raze razorfish rcpt reading readmitted readopt realise reallotting realpolitik reapplying reapportionment rearmost rearrangement reasonably reassimilation reassurer reattainment rebait rebandaging rebaptize rebarbative rebecca rebellow rebore recapture recentralize recitativo reclaimant reclaimer recodify recogniser recompared recon recontest reconvening recountal recross recuperation recutting redbone rede redeploy redgrave redifferentiating rediffuse rediscipline redry reek reeligibility reembracing reemission reendorsement reenforcing reequip reestimated reexecuting refamiliarizing refeel Refertilizable refineries reflexively refocusing reformedly refortified refracture refreeze refuelling refutability refutative regalness regard regardful regelled regenerable regionalize registrar registry regmata regrettable regulative regurgitate rehospitalize Reimaging reimplantation reimplying reimpregnated reincarnation reincline reindustrialize reinjured reisolated reissuing reliable relier relimit relocate remembrancer reminisce remittence remoter removability remuneratively rend reneutralized renotified reorientate repadded repaginate repairer repave repealable repeatable repeated repeatedly reperusing repetitious repleteness repletion reprinter reproachless repromising repunish req requisiteness rerent Rerisen rescheduled resection reservaserving resettle reshod residenaries resiliently resiny resolidification resorbence respondent responsion responsum restricken restrictive resubmission resuscitative retention reticent reticule retinging retractation retrofire retropack reunionistic reusability rev revegetated revelation reverend reversedly revet Revetment revetted revitalising rewear rewetting reword reworking rewriter rheumatology rhizocephalous rhode rhotic rhythmical ricochetted ridiculer riemann rifleman rightly r¥ᄑunion r¥ᄀntgenize r¥ᄀntgenographically rile riley ring ringent Ringtail ripidolite ripost ripuarian risible riss rissol¥ᄑ riverbank rivulus rizzio roald roan rockabilly rocketry rockville rocky rod rogier roil roisterer Rollicker rondnia roneo ronni ronnie rooftree roper rory rosa rosella rosemaling rosemarie rosery rostra roughage roulette roussillon routinism roux rovaniemi rowelling rowted royalise royalism rpm rubbra rubicund ruddiness rumor rumormonger russia russianised russianising rustiest ruyter ryokan saccular sacque sacramentalness sacrosanctity sacrosanctness saehrimnir safely sain saith salacity Salamanderlike saleability salebrous salesian salivator salmagundy saloop salpingian salpingostomy Saltigrade salutatorium salvator sambaed sambo samhita samothrake sanctuaried sandalling sangreal sanguiferous Sanguinolent sankara sans saphena sapphire saprogenous saprolite sapsucker sarawak sarcomatoid sardanapallos Satanism satisfiable satyriasis sauger sauncier saviour Sawbill saye Scalenohedral scand scapula scarborough Scarf scatomas scheele schizogony schmeling schnabel scholastholiast scholiast schooner schorlaceous schwarzwald sciatica sciential scillies scimiter scintillantly scioto scirrhus sclerophyllous scolopes scombrid scopoline scordature scorekeeper scotch scotist scott scottsdale Scourging scran scraperboard scratchable scratchy scrawnily screeno scribing scrimmaged scrotum scruffiest sculpin sculpture scummiest scummy scutellation scyphiform seaford searoving seasonable sectarianizing sedgemoor sedition seditiously segregational seguidilla seismologist seizor selaginella seldom selenodonty seleucid selma seltzer semiacidulated semianthropologic semibiologic semiconduction semiconventionality semidelirium semielliptic semiepical semimetaphorical semiology semioptimistic semiorthodox semipagan semipalatinsk semiparasitism semipedantic semipermeable semipious semipreserved semirespectable semirevolutionary semirigorous semiromantic semirural semitransparently semitropical sempiternal senarmontite sensational sensibleness sentiency sentimentalism seoul Separatively septicity septuagintal sequestral serapeum serfdom sermonically seromucous serpentinize serumal settleability sewable sextan seymour shabbiness shakers shalt shamo shamrock shank shannontown shapiro shara share shareable shari shashlick shavable shaveling she shearless shechina shellacking Shellier sherrington sherry sherwood shf shield shiftable Shiftier shiftiness shii shikar shimonoseki shinar Shippen shithead Shool shovelful shredlike shrieker shrieky shrink shucker shuggy shutdown shyer sib sidechair sideless siderocyte sidesaddle sigma signac signalize signet silicle silicone sillimanite silvicolous simbirsk simulatory sind sinicize sinkage sinon sirdar sirenum sit sixteenmo sixteenpenny sized sizer skatemobile skerrick skinner skive skoplje skutari skywrote slab slank sleazy sleeky Sleepers slight slingshot slitlike slop slothfully Slumberousness sly smacker smasher smattering smell smirchless smokeable smolensk smoothbore smoother smotherable smuts snappier snapshotting sned sniffler snippetiness snippier snitchiest snooker snorter snottily snowlike snowshoer snuffle snuggies soapfish socioeconomically sociologist sociologizing socle soffritto solenoid solidly solution solutus somatologically somnambulating sonorously soogee soothing soothsaid sootily sorgho sorrel sousing southernly southmont sovietdom spaceship spackle spallation spangle spangly spanning sparry spatter spatterdashed spatterware speciously spectrocolorimetry spectroheliographic spectrophotometric speculated speedful speedwriting spellingly spermary spermatophoral spermiogenesis spheric spick spiflicated spindleage spinose spirea spitball spittoon splay spleenish splinterless spoiling spokewise spongier sporangia sportiest sportsmanly sporulated spottable Sprayfully springhouse spunky spy spying squelch squiggly squilgeeing stack stadiometer stagging stainability stalactiform stalino stanhope start stateliness stately statutory Steelmaker stellify stemmed stenothermophile stenothermophilic stenotopic stereochrome stereochromically stereogram stereophotograph sterical sternbergia sternson stibine sticking stickler stilboestrol stilliform stinkwood stirling stirring stithies stoat stockholm stockport stodging stoechiometric stonecast stonehenge stooge stownlins stragglier strangulated strasberg strassburg streakiest streaming strep streptomyces striction stride stridence strigil strine Strobilaceous strontianite Strop structure strum stuff stuiver stumpily stupidness sturmabteilung styracaceous subacromial subacumination subalate subattenuation subbromid subcardinal subchamberer subcompensation subcompletion subconcessionary subcontinent subcontraoctave Subcordate subcorneous subcrescentic subcultrate subdebutante subflexuous subfractionary subgroup subincomplete subinferred sublinear submarshal submatrix submaxilla submersion subminiaturize submolecular subnatural subnucleuses subofficer subpeduncle subpeltated subprioress subpubescent subretinal subrigid subspecialty subtenancy subtenure subthoracal subtopia subtractive suburb subvitalised subvitalized suckerfish sucre sudoriferous Suffragette suffumigate sugarlike suᄀrez suicide sulfathiazole sulfureting sulphatized sulphonium Summanus summarising summarizing summerville summerwood summonses sunder sunk superaccommodating superannuate superassociate superaverage supercensure superconfident Superdeposit superelementary superendorse supererogator superexcitation superexpectation superexport superformidable superformidableness superfusing superhero superinfuse superinjection superintendence superlactation superload supermarvelous superorganization superoxygenated superoxygenation superpolite superpose superprosperous superrespectable superrestriction supersarcastic supersecretive superselection supersensibly Supersensitize supersimplicity supersmart supersquamosal Supersympathy supervenient superworldly supplement supportability supposed surbased Surffish suricate surrealistic surveillant surviving suspend suspendible suzerainty svarabhakti swabia swag swaging swammerdam swampy swannery swasher swordsmanship swot syllabicated syllabizing sylvanus sylvin symmetrization symphonising symphony synchronic Syndesis syndicalist synergism syngenesis synonym synopsized syntonous Syria Syringe systemized systemoid tab tabasco tabescence tableful tablespoon tabletted tachypnoea tacnode tahoe taiga tainan taking tallboy taluses tambourine tambura tammy tanaquil tandoori tang taniness tannage tannery tansawing tantalate tantrist tarawa tarbes tarheel tarry tasse tatius tattersall tattoo tauri tauriform tawse tchekhov teacherless teachership teacupful teeming tehuantepec telephassa Telephonic telesthesia teletranscription teletypist tellus telolecithal telomerisation telstar temerity template temporize temptation tenability tendenciously tendenciousness tenderiser tensile tentmaker tepefy teratoma terebic tergiversate terrified territory terrorizing tesselating tester testone tetanising tetrasporangia thaddeus thamyris Thecal theia theirselves theogony theological theomachy theoretic theos theosophy theralite thermogenetic Thermotank thessalonica they''re thiazol thievery thievishness thiopental thitherto thoughtlessness Thresher thrippence throb thrombophlebitis thrombosis thrower thunderclap thunderstick thyroarytenoid tiberinus tidings tiemannite tigerfish tiglinic tihwa tillerman timbrel timorous timour tinctorial tinily tinned tipperary tipping titanite titrated tittuped toad tobi toey toggery togue tollhouses tolu toluca tombouctou tommye tonguefishes tonguing tonier tonometer tooele topaze toplofty topography tornadolike torrance tortiously torturing totter touzle toxophilitic toyon trail trailblazer trainline traitorous trampolinist transact transaquatic transatlantic transcendental transcribed Transcriber transferal transfixion transformation transfuse transfusible transistor transmarine transplant transport transubstantiation transuding transylvania trapes traps traversed traviata traymobile tread treasonable tree tremolant treves triangulately triazo trichite trickiness trickish triens triethyl triforium triglyceride trijugous trilafon trilaterality trillionth trilobate trimester trimly trimorphic trip triplet triploblastic triploid tripoli triseptate trismuses tristfulness Trisyllabic trite trithing triturator triumpher trivalent troland trolleying trollopean tromp troostitic trophozoite tropical tropicalised tropicbird troposphere Troubleshooted trout trow troweled truce trundletail tryma tsarevitch tublike tummuler tunka turbidly turboprop turd turfiest turk turkestan turkophobia turner turret turreted tuxedo tweak tweedy tweet twelvemonth twistingly twofer tympanum typ typhoon typographically tyrian tyro udos uhland ukelele Ulrich ultracentrifuged ultranationalistically ulu ululate ulyanovsk umbrageous umpteen unabating unabruptly unabstractive unaccostable Unaccountably unacquired unadmired unadmonished unadoring unadventuring unadverse unaesthetic unagile unaired unalaska unalerted unalterably unanalyzing unanatomized unanswerable unarchly unarresting unasphalted Unassuring unattentive unattracted unaudacious unbarring unbartering unbesieged unbevelled unbitten unbled unblenching unblessedness Unblown unboggy unbookish unborne unbound unboyish unbrutalizing unbuckle unbuoyant uncalmative uncandled uncapsuled uncarbonized uncaroled uncatchable uncharted unchevroned uncited uncle unclear unclimbable uncoaxal uncolorable uncombatable uncomplemented uncomprehending unconfessed unconfutable uncongressional unconscionably uncontinence uncorned uncourteousness uncraggy uncreatable uncultured uncursing undamped undaunted undeceiving undelayed undemocratic undeported undeposable underadjustment underarm underbaked underbodice underchief Undercrier underdrumming Underengraver undereying undergovernment undergraining underlawyer underpacking underprized underproposition underrepresentation underring underroarer undersighted undersleeping understandingness underswept underthroating undertying underwear underworked undeserving undesponding undetestableness undiatonic undimensioned undiscarded undiseased undisfigured undissevered undistributed undiverse undivisive undrossiness uneffusive unelderly unelegant unelucidative unelusive unembraceable unemissive unenameled unengrossed unenthused unenticeable unequivocally unethylated unetymologic uneven unexceptionally unexhilarative unexportable unexpressed unextradited unfaceted unfacilitated unfactorable unfair unfanned unfatalistic unfatted unfencing unfeudalized unfevered unfinite unfleeing unfooled unforeknowable unformidableness unformulated unformulistic unforward unfractious unfragrance unfreckled unfretful unfrilly unfrost Unfusible ungalling ungamelike ungarter ungenerosity unglistening ungloved ungodly ungothic ungovernmental ungrasping unharmonized unhectic unheraldic unhieratical unhindering unhypnotize Unicameral unicellular unification unilingual unimmunized uninduced uninjectable uninstilled unintent unintersected unintoxicated uninvokable unirenic uniserial unit unitarian universe unjoking unkempt unkneaded unlanguishing unlapped unlarded unlaunched Unlaundered unlevel unlibeled unlifted unlitigious unlobbying unmalleability unmanipulatory unmasked unmeaningfulness unmediating unmelodized unmerchantly unmercifully unmerited unmetalled unmicrobic unminimizing unmisgiving unmodernity Unmodified unmoldering unmoribund unmorose unmotioned unmudded unmusical unmusterable unmutant unmutilative Unnacreous unnatural unniched unnotational unobese unoiling unominous unpalatal unpalsied unparked unpenitential unperpendicular unperplexing unpersisting unpersonalised unperspicuous unpervasive unpetaled unphlegmatical unpinioned unpolemic unpontifical unporticoed unposed unpotable unpourable unpreceptive unpredicable unprefaced unpresaged unpresuming unprimitivistic unprizable unprognosticative unprolonged unprostituted unpulvinate unpunctual unquantitative unquestionableness unraked unranched unrancourous unravelled unrayed unreasoned unreassuring unreaving unrebuked unreconcilable unreconcilableness unreconnoitred unreconsidered unrelaxed unremittently Unremunerated unrent unrepressed unreproachful unresentful unresidual unresplendent unresting unrevenged Unrewarding unrighted unrippled unrust unsaintly unsaluted unsanded unsating unscoffed unscorched unsecretly unsectarianize unsecure unseparative unsequential unserialized unsexual unshadowed unshirking unshowy unshrewish unshriveled unshunnable unsided unsinewed unsinning unskimmed unsolemnified unsolemnised unsoluble unsombre unsoothing unspiralled unspoused unstatistical unstitched unstraitened unsuccessfully unsunburnt unsuppliant unsupplicated unsupportableness unsurging unsurly unsusceptibility unsweltered untailed untensible Unthanked untheistical unthralled unthreadable untoasted untragic untranquil untreatable untrig untumbled untunable unupbraided unuxorious unverdured unvoluntary unvulcanised unwatching unweighing unweighty unwholesome unwinnable unwithstood unwontedly Unwordable unwrecked upbearing upolu upshot upthrowing uraeus urbanity ureteral ursa ursiform uruses usaf usnech usumbura utu uvulitis vaccinating vacuously vada valais valencia valiantness valid vallecula vallenar valorise valorize vampirism vanbrugh vane vanquishment vara Vardar variative varicella varmint vassalic vastness Vastus vaticinating vauntingly veinule veinulet velveted venality venda venenose venin vent ventilator verbified verisimilar verna vernalized vernation versant versiera vertexes verticalism vestiary vesturing vetiver vex viaduct vialed vibrometer victualage victualed victuals villous vincibleness vinylbenzene viola virulency virulently vitalness vitascope vitrioized vittore vle vocabulary voided voile vols volume voluminosity vouch vulcanian vyrene waaaf wagelessness waggonload Wagtail waive wales walleye wally wane waniest wardship warmness warn washita wastable watch watercourse watercress watergate waterwards wavelength waveless waveoff waycross wayward wearifully wearifulness weatherability webfoot wedgy welcomeless wellingborough westfalen wetterhorn whate''er wheatear wheelbarrower wheelhouse wheeziest when wherrying whirlingly whirried Whitaker whitely whoreishness wicking widgeon widget wiggeries Willy windingness windshield wingedness winkelried wintriest wiper wirewalker wise wist witan wittgenstein wittily wodan wolly wonderful wooden woodland woolshed word wordbreak worland wormgear wormseed wormy worthy wow wpc wretched wretchedness wringer wristlet writ Wrongheadedness xenon xerarch yack yakeyakked yank yaound yardstick yarmouth yarmuk yautia yenisei yestreen yippee youse yssel yttrium yucatᄀn yvor zareba zealotry zebrafishes Zhivkov zigzag zigzagger zinkenite zinky zitherist zo¥ᄀlater zona zoospermatic zootomy zooty zunyite zurich Zwolle"
echo "Waiting for $ELASTICSEARCH server available..."
sleep 10
until curl -s -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards'
sleep 10
echo "Creating index..."
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/my-index/' -d '{
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"number_of_shards" : 1,
"auto_expand_replicas": "0-all"
"mappings": {
"my-type": {
"properties": {
"message": {
"type": "string"
sleep 5
echo "Creating percolation queries..."
IFS=' ' read -a words <<< "$sentence"
for word in "${words[@]}"
curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/my-index/.percolator/$word" -d "{
\"query\" : {
\"match\" : {
\"message\" : \"$word\"
echo "$word"
$ELASTICSEARCH/bin/elasticsearch -d
until curl -s -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards'
sleep 10
echo "Starting $NODE_COUNT new server..."
for i in $(seq 1 $NODE_COUNT); do $ELASTICSEARCH/bin/elasticsearch -d; done
echo "Starting test..."
while true
# curl -w "\n--- $(date)\n" -s -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards'
curl -w "\n" -s -XGET 'localhost:9200/my-index/my-type/_percolate' -d '{
"doc" : {
"message" : "A new bonsai tree in the office"
}' | grep -v tree
if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Problem repeated! Congratulations."
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