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Created September 7, 2020 21:56
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import itertools as it
import argh
def get_tries(codes, permute, start, offset, hardcodes):
codes is list of codes
permute is a permutation of (0, 1, 2) where the value at index i
is the index (MSD first) of the digit in the counting number to be used in that position.
eg. (0, 1, 2) is identity, (2, 0, 1) is rotated right once.
Counting numbers start from START and are tried in order:
Offset must be odd.
Hardcodes is how many of the longest codes to ignore.
not_found = codes.copy()
tries = 0
for i in range(500):
for o in (0, offset):
tries += 1
n = str((start + o + 2 * i) % 1000)
n = '0' * (3 - len(n)) + n # left pad with 0
code = ''.join(n[permute[p]] for p in range(3))
if code in not_found:
if len(not_found) <= hardcodes:
# propogate break
else: continue
assert False, "Did not find codes: {}".format(not_found)
return tries, not_found
def main(codes, report=1000, hardcodes=20, target=''):
codes = set(open(codes).read().strip().split())
if target:
permutes, start, offset = target.split(',')
permutes = [map(int, permutes)]
starts = [int(start)]
offsets = [int(offset)]
permutes = it.permutations(range(3))
starts = range(1000)
offsets = range(1, 1000, 2)
options = list(it.product(permutes, starts, offsets))
results = []
for i, (permute, start, offset) in enumerate(options):
if i % report == 0:
print "Done {}/{} ({:.2f}%)".format(i, len(options), 100. * i / len(options))
tries, to_hardcode = get_tries(codes, permute, start, offset, hardcodes)
results.append((permute, start, offset, tries, to_hardcode))
print "Finding best..."
permute, start, offset, tries, to_hardcode = min(results, key=lambda (p, s, o, t, h): (t, o, s))
per_rev = [permute.index(i) for i in range(3)]
example = list(to_hardcode)[0]
print per_rev, example, ''.join(example[per_rev[i]] for i in range(3))
to_hardcode = sorted((
''.join(code[per_rev[i]] for i in range(3))
for code in to_hardcode
), reverse=True)
swiz_digits = ''.join(
str(3-i) for i in permute
print "{} tries: digits {}, start {}, offset {}, hardcode: {}".format(
tries, swiz_digits, start, offset, ",".join(to_hardcode),
print "As code:"
for code in to_hardcode:
print "COPY {} M".format(code)
print "ADDI X {} M".format(start)
print "ADDI X 2 X"
print "ADDI X {} M".format(start + offset - 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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