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Created April 10, 2020 01:45
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Battletech combat log script - consumes debug logging output from game and pretty prints relevant info
import os
import re
import time
import argh
# Hard code Player 1 here to ignore uselss matches like "World"
r"MORALE: team Player 1 has current (\d+) morale; adding (\d+) new morale":
"{cyan}Morale increased: {1} + {2} -> `{1}+{2}`",
r"=== Phase (\d) Begin! ===":
"{white}Round phase `6 - {1}` begins",
# disabled: Reveals number and phase of hidden enemies
#r"Team (.*) becoming active":
# "{white}{1}'s turn",
r"Mech (.*) .* gains (\d+) heat from (.*)":
"{yellow}{1} {3} produced {2} heat",
r"Mech (.*) sinks (\d+) points of heat; result heat = ([0-9-]+)":
"{yellow}{1} sinks heat: `{3}+{2}` - {2} = `max(0,{3})`",
r"Unit Firing: (.*) \| Weapon: (.*) \| Shots: (\d+)":
"`save.attacker(g1) + save.weapon(g2) + save.shots(g3)`",
r"MODIFIERS: .* FINAL: \[\[ ([0-9-]+) \]\]":
r"Gunnery Result: ([0-9.]+)":
r"HIT CHANCE: \[\[ ([0-9.]+) % \]\]":
"{purple}{attacker} shooting {shots}x {weapon}: `100*{gunnery}`% base {mod:+d} = `int({1})`%",
# Obselete: Better reporting below
#r"WEAP:\d+ SHOT:(\d+) (Hit|Initial clustered hit|Clustered hit)! Location: (.*)":
# "{red}Shot {1} hit location {3}",
#r"WEAP:\d+ SHOT:(\d+) Miss!":
# "{red}Shot {1} misses",
r"\[OnAttackSequenceBegin\].*ID \d+. (.*) \(.*\) attacking (.*) \(.*\)":
"{white}{1} is attacking {2}",
r"WeaponName (.*), MeleeType .*, HitLocation (.*)":
"`save.weapon(g1) + save.location(g2)`",
# HitLocation 65535 and 0 are both observed for misses?
r"WeaponName (.*), MeleeType .*, HitLocation (65536|0)":
"{red}{1} misses",
r"WEAP:\d+.*Base Damage: (\d+)":
r"WEAP:\d+(?: HITLOC: \d+ \((.*)\))? (Armor|Structure) damage: ([1-9]\d*)":
"{red}{weapon} hits location `g1 or location` for {3} {2} damage`' (carryover %d)' % (base - int(g3)) if base - int(g3) > 1 else ''``save.base(base - int(g3))`",
r"Actor .* - (.*) \(.*\) FLAGGED FOR DEATH! Reason: (.*)":
"{bold}{white}{1} destroyed due to: {2}",
r"Actor .* - (.*) \(.*\) FLAGGED FOR KNOCKDOWN!":
"{white}{1} knocked down",
r"\[LOG\] (.*) gains effect SENSOR LOCK from (.*)":
"{blue}{2} sensor locks {1}",
r"V\^V\^V\^V\^V (.*) takes Stability Damage \(Absolute\) from Attack: ([1-9]\d*|\d+\.\d+) / Current Instability: (\d+) / Max Instability: (\d+)":
"{green}{1} took {2} stability damage, now at {3}/{4}",
r"WEAP:\d+ Loc:(.*) Critical: (.*) new damage state: (.*)":
"{blue}Critical hit in {1}: {2} {3}",
r"==== Location Destroyed: (.*)":
"{white}{1} destroyed",
r"HITLOC: \d+ \((.*)\) Passing ([0-9.]+) damage through to (.*)":
"{red}{2} damage on destroyed {1} carries over to {3}",
r": (.*) Injured! ///// Cause: (.*) ///// Injuries: (\d+)":
"{white}{1} injured due to {2} (now at {3} injuries)"
PATTERNS = {(pattern, re.compile(pattern)): template for pattern, template in PATTERNS.items()}
'bold': '\x1b[1m',
'reset': '\x1b[m',
color: '\x1b[3{}m'.format(i)
for i, color in enumerate(['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'white'])
# saved values carry over from command to command and are included in interpolation vars
saved = {}
class Save(object):
def __getattr__(self, key):
def saver(value):
saved[key] = value
return ''
return saver
save = Save()
# Eval code within `...`, after format interpolation.
# example: "first group doubled: `{1}*2`"
# Available in namespace:
# save(key, value): command for carryover of info from line to line.
# All kwargs as per format interpolation
# Positional groups as g0, g1, etc
EVAL_RE = re.compile(r"`([^`]+)`")
def eval_repl(args, kwargs):
namespace = dict(save=save, **kwargs)
"g{}".format(i): arg
for i, arg in enumerate(args)
def _repl(eval_match):
return str(eval(, namespace))
return _repl
def process(line, debug=False):
for (pattern_str, pattern), template in PATTERNS.items():
match =
if debug:
if match:
print "Got match {!r} for {!r}: {!r}".format(pattern_str, line,
print "No match {!r} for {!r}".format(pattern_str, line)
if match:
args = [] + list(match.groups())
kwargs = FORMATTING.copy()
interpolated = template.format(*args, **kwargs)
evaluated = EVAL_RE.sub(eval_repl(args, kwargs), interpolated)
except Exception as e:
evaluated = "\x1b[31;1mERROR: Format failure for {!r}: {}".format(, e)
if evaluated:
output = evaluated + FORMATTING['reset']
print output
elif debug:
print "Skipping blank output from template {!r}".format(template)
@argh.arg('log_path', nargs='?')
def main(log_path, interval=0.1, seek=False, debug=False):
if not log_path:
dump_dir = '/home/mike/steamapps/ssd_raid0/steamapps/common/BATTLETECH/DumpBox'
last = sorted(os.listdir(dump_dir))[-1]
log_dir = os.path.join(dump_dir, last)
log_paths = [os.path.join(log_dir, name) for name in os.listdir(log_dir) if name.endswith('CombatLog.txt')]
if not log_paths:
raise argh.CommandError("No combat log found in {}".format(log_dir))
log_path, = log_paths
print "Found path:", log_path
with open(log_path) as log:
if seek:
old_data =
_, buf = old_data.split('\n')
buf = ''
while True:
new =
if not new:
buf += new
lines = buf.split('\n')
buf = lines.pop()
for line in lines:
process(line, debug)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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