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Created February 5, 2017 19:25
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<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
* Set of regular expressions utilized to match/replace/validate parts of a given input.
* PHP version 7+
* @category DateTimeParser
* @author Ekin H. Bayar <>
* @version 0.2.0
namespace DateTimeParser;
class Pattern
* Don't forget to close parentheses when using Pattern::DEFINE
const DEFINE = "/(?(DEFINE)";
# Definitions of sub patterns for a valid interval
const INTEGER = <<<'REGEX'
# Starts with integer followed by time specified
const TIME_PART = <<<'REGEX'
( s(ec(ond)?s?)?
| m(on(ths?)?|in(ute)?s?)?
| h(rs?|ours?)?
| d(ays?)?
| w(eeks?)?
# Regex to match a valid interval, holds the value in $matches['interval']
const INTERVAL_ONLY = "^(?<interval>(?&timepart)++)$/uix";
# Leading separator
const LEADING_SEPARATOR = "(?<leadingSeparator>\s?(?:in)\s?)";
# Regex to match a valid interval and any trailing string, holds the interval in $matches['interval'], the rest in $matches['trailing']
const INTERVAL_WITH_TRAILING_DATA = "^(?<interval>(?&timepart)++)(?<trailing>.+)*?$/uix";
# Regex to handle an input that may have multiple intervals along with leading and/or trailing data
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace DateTimeParser;
class Separator
# Separation types
const COMMA = 0b00000000;
const SYMBOL = 0b00000001;
const STRING = 0b00000010;
# Default to comma separation
const DEFAULT_STRING = ',';
# Default leading separator <in|at|on> with capturing groups
* @var string
private $string;
* @var int
private $type;
* @var bool
private $keepSeparator;
* @var string
private $expression;
* Separator constructor.
* @param string $string String to separate input, the separator
* @param int $type Type of separation
* @param bool $keepSeparator Keep or omit separator string
* @param string $expression Optional regex
public function __construct(
string $string = self::DEFAULT_STRING,
int $type = self::COMMA,
bool $keepSeparator = false,
string $expression = self::DEFAULT_EXPRESSION
) {
$this->string = $string;
$this->type = $type;
$this->keepSeparator = $keepSeparator;
$this->expression = $expression;
public function getString(): string
return $this->string;
public function getType(): int
return $this->type;
public function keepSeparator(): bool
return $this->keepSeparator;
public function getExpression(): string
return $this->expression;
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace DateTimeParser;
class Separators
private $separators;
public function __construct(array $separators = [])
$this->separators = $separators;
public function getSeparators(): array
return $this->separators ?? [];
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