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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Inserts Json structures into a SQL Server database
Param($fn, [switch] $show = $false, $srv = "localhost", $db = "tempdb", $tb = "ListDictionary")
# - synopsis -
# receives a file of jason objects listed one per line, flattens
# the structure such that arrays and embedded hashes get promoted
# to the top, and generates SQL or runs the SQL to insert the
# records into the given database
# - syntax -
# $show: specifies that the commands to be executed should only be shown
# $srv: the name of the SQL Server to log into
# $db: the name of the database in which to operate
# $tb: the table name to write to
# - metadata -
# author: erick calder <>
# department: systems engineering
# creation date: 5 VIII 13
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web.Extensions") > $null
$js = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
. db; $ss = SQLConnect $srv $db
function q([string] $s) { "'{0}'" -f $s.replace("'", "''") }
function FlattenJSon($o) {
$ret = @{}
$o.keys |%{
$k = $_
$t = $o[$k].GetType()
if ($t.IsValueType -or $t.Name -eq "String") {
$sk = $k; if ($sk -eq "Keys") { $sk = "!Keys" }
$ret += @{ $sk = $($o[$k]) }
elseif ($t.IsArray) {
$i = 1
$o[$k] |%{ $ret[$k + ($i++)] = $_ }
else {
$ret += FlattenJSon($o[$k])
cat $fn |%{
$cols = $vals = @()
$h = FlattenJSon($js.DeserializeObject($_))
$h.keys |%{ $_ = $_.replace("!", ""); $cols += "[$_]"; $vals += $(q $h[$_]) }
$sql = "insert $tb ({0}) values ({1})" -f ($cols -join ","), ($vals -join ",")
if ($show) { $sql }
else { SQLExec $sql > $null }
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