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Created June 16, 2015 18:10
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SQL Server connectivity abstraction
$script:dsn = @{
"Data Source" = "{0}";
"Initial Catalog" = "{1}";
"Integrated Security" = "SSPI";
"Application Name" = "PSH Client"
function SQLDSN($srv, $db, $dsn = @{}) {
$script:dsn.Keys |%{ if (!$dsn[$_]) { $dsn[$_] = $script:dsn[$_] } }
$dsn = $dsn.Keys |%{ "{0}={1}" -f $_, $dsn[$_] }
$script:dsn.Full = ($dsn -join ";") -f $srv, $db
return $script:dsn.Full
function SQLConnect($srv, $db = "master", $dsn = @{}) {
return new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(SQLDSN $srv $db $dsn)
function SQLConnAgain() {
return new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($script:dsn.Full)
function SQLRead($sql, $ss = $script:ss) {
if (!$ss) { throw "Please initialise a connection" }
if (test-path variable:script:SQL) { $script:SQL += "$sql`ngo" }
if ($script:NoExec) { return; }
try {
$da = new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($sql, $ss)
$set = new-object Data.DataSet
$da.fill($set) > $null
return $set
catch {
if ($error[0].Exception.Message -match "closed by the remote host") { # just try it again
write-warning "Retrying read..."
return SQLRead $sql $ss
function SQLScalar($sql, $ss = $script:ss) {
if ($sql -notmatch "select") { $sql = "select $sql" }
if (test-path variable:script:SQL) { $script:SQL += "$sql`ngo" }
if ($script:NoExec) { return; }
$ret = SQLRead $sql $ss
if ($ret) { $ret = $ret.Tables[0].Rows[0] }
if ($ret) { $ret = $ret[0] }
return $ret
function Get-ThreadId {
function SQLExec($sql, $ss = $script:ss, $err = "") {
#write-warning $ss.ConnectionString
if (test-path variable:script:SQL) { $script:SQL += "$sql`ngo" }
if ($script:NoExec) { return; }
try {
$cmd = new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($sql, $ss)
$cmd.CommandTimeout = 0
$cmd.ExecuteScalar() > $null
catch [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException] {
if ($err) { echo $sql >> $err}
finally {
function SQLExecAsync($sql, $dsn) {
return start-job -ScriptBlock {
$ss = new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($args[0])
$cmd = new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($args[1], $ss)
# $cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery() > $null
return $cmd.ExecuteScalar()
} -ArgumentList $dsn,$sql
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