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Created June 16, 2015 18:47
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Generates code metrics information for a given assembly
# For documentation please refer to:
# Needs the Visual Studio Code Metrics PowerTool 10.0 installed
param([switch] $lib = $false, $filter = "*", $inst = "PMQJMDEV", [switch] $debug = $false, [switch] $sql = $false)
$global:M = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Team Tools\Static Analysis Tools\FxCop\Metrics.exe"
$global:WebUIBin = "\\la-se-wapi-test\TE_3E_Share\TE_3E_$inst\Inetpub\WebUI\bin"
function global:GetMetrics($f) {
if ($f.GetType().Name -eq "String") { $f = dir $f }
$mx = "$($f.BaseName).metrics.xml"
$cmd = "&'$M' /f:$f /directory:$global:WebUIBin /o:$mx"
if ($script:debug) { echo $cmd }
iex $cmd
[xml] $x = cat $mx
if ($lib) { return }
$rpt = @{}
dir "$WebUIBin\Application\$filter.dll" | %{
$bn = $_.BaseName
$x = GetMetrics $_
if ($bn -match "NextGen\.(\w+)\.") { $objType = $matches[1] }
else { $objType = "Unknown" }
[xml] $xot = "<root name='ObjectType' value='$objType' />"
$x += $xot.root
$rpt[$bn -replace '.*\.', ''] = $x
$ins = "insert TC..CodeMetrics (Objname, MaintainabilityIndex, CyclomaticComplexity, ClassCoupling, DepthOfInheritance, LOC, ObjType) select "
$dc = "`t"
$fmt = "{0}"
if ($sql) {
$fmt = "'$fmt'"
$dc = ","
$rpt.keys |%{
$s = ($rpt[$_] |?{ $_.Value } |%{ $fmt -f $_.Value }) -join $dc
$s = ($fmt -f $_ -replace "Base", "") + $dc + $s
if ($sql) { $s = $ins + $s }
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