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Created June 16, 2015 18:45
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Generates a call tree for one or more assemblies, optionally storing the information in a SQL Server database
# - Synopsis -
# This script allows generation of a call tree on one or more
# assemblies and may optionally store said information in database
# tables
# - Syntax -
# -assemblies {list}
# a list of comma-delimited paths. If not provided
# as a parameter, values can also be piped into the utility. the parameter
# is positional and thus need not be named
# -t {FQN}
# the fully-qualified name of a SQL Server table prefix where
# to store the information (please see the Results section below for further
# information). When this parameter is not provided the utility returns
# its information to the caller as a list of objects.
# -clean {drop|del}
# drop: requests the table family be dropped and recreated
# del: requests the table family be wiped
# -SQL
# returns the SQL that is being executed
# -NoExec
# prevents actual execution
# -type {name}
# a filter specification that returns information for only the
# given class from the list of assemblies
# -method {name}
# like -type, this parameter narrows the results to
# a given method
# - Requirements -
# For analysis of 3E objects, Powershell 3.0 or greater is required
# since 3E DLLs are compiled against the .Net 4.0 runtime which cannot
# load in Powershell 2.0
# - Marginalia -
# Author: Erick Calder <>
# Dept: IT/Systems Engineering
# Last Modified: 11/10/2013
# Docs URL:
[string[]] $assemblies, $t,
$type, $method,
$clean = "",
[switch] $SQL = $false,
[switch] $NoExec = $false
begin {
$scriptpath = split-path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
. $scriptpath\db
function main() {
# if no assemblies were passed on the command line
# then grab all assemblies in the current directory
if ($assemblies.count -eq 0) { $assemblies = ls "*.dll" |%{ $_.FullName } }
# if assemblies passed on the command line do not contain
# full paths, the current directory is prepended
$assemblies = $assemblies |%{
if ($_.contains("\")) { $_ } else { "{0}\$_" -f $(pwd).Path }
# process assemblies, writing results to the database
# when requested or to the caller otherwise
$ret = @()
write-host "Parsing assemblies..."
$assemblies |%{
write-host (gci $_).Name
$ret += $ct.ParseAssembly($_)
if (!$t) {
return $ret
write-host "Saving to database..."
$ret |%{
$assembly = $_.Assembly
write-host "*`n* $assembly`n*"
if ($clean -eq "del") { DropAssembly $assembly }
$_.Types |%{
write-host ("{0}.{1}" -f $_.Namespace, $_.Name)
$s = @"
declare @tid int, @mid int
, @ctid int, @cmid int
, @iid int, @imid int
$s += InsType $_ "@tid"
$_.Methods |%{ $s += InsMethod $_ }
$_.Interfaces |%{ $s += InsInterface "@tid" $_ }
SQLExec $s
if ($script:sql) {
echo ($script:sql -join "`n")
$script:sql = @()
#get-job |receive-job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
write-host "Done"
function DropAssembly($name) {
write-host "Deleting tables..."
if ($name -match "(.*)\\") {
$dir = $matches[1]
$name = $name.replace($matches[0], "")
SQLExec @"
delete [CallTree.Calls] where CallerId in (
select Id from [CallTree.Methods] where TypeId in (
select Id
from [CallTree.Types]
where [Assembly] = '$name'
and [AssemblyPath] = '$dir'
delete [CallTree.Methods] where TypeId in (
select Id
from [CallTree.Types]
where [Assembly] = '$name'
and [AssemblyPath] = '$dir'
delete [CallTree.Types]
where [Assembly] = '$name'
and [AssemblyPath] = '$dir'
function InsType($t, $id) {
$assembly = $t.assembly
$hash = md5($assembly + $t.namespace + $
$dir = $assembly.split("\")[-2]
if ($dir -eq "Application") {
$category = $assembly.split(".")[1]
elseif ($dir -eq "bin") {
$category = "Framework"
else {
$category = "System"
if ($assembly -match "(.*)\\") {
$dir = $matches[1]
$assembly = $assembly.replace($matches[0], "")
if ($t.isinterface) { $isinterface = 1 } else { $isinterface = 0 }
return @"
select $id = null
select $id = id
from [$owner].[${tabroot}.Types]
where Hash = '$hash'
if $id is null
insert [$owner].[${tabroot}.Types] (
[Category], [Namespace], [Name],
[Assembly], [AssemblyPath],
select '$category', '$($t.namespace)', '$($', $isinterface, '$assembly', '$dir', '$hash'
select $id = scope_identity()
function InsMethod ($m, $tid = "@tid", $mid = "@mid") {
#write-host (" - {0}.{1}" -f $m.Type.Name, $m.Name)
$s = "
select @imid = null
if ($m.Implements) {
$s += InsType $m.Implements.Type "@iid"
$s += InsMethod $m.Implements "@iid" "@imid"
$s += @"
select $mid = null
select $mid = id
from [$owner].[${tabroot}.Methods]
where TypeId = $tid
and Name = '$name'
and Args = '$params'
if $mid is null
insert [$owner].[${tabroot}.Methods]
select $tid, '$($', '$($m.args)', '$($bool[$m.IsInherited])', $($m.LOC), @imid
select $mid = scope_identity()
$m.Calls |%{
$s += InsType $_.Type "@ctid"
$s += InsMethod $_ "@ctid" "@cmid"
$s += InsCall "@mid" "@cmid"
return $s
function InsCall($CallerId, $CalledId) {
return @"
if not exists (
select *
from [$owner].[${tabroot}.Calls]
where CallerId = $CallerId
and CalledId = $CalledId
insert [$owner].[${tabroot}.Calls]
select $CallerId, $CalledId
function InsInterface($typeid, $s) {
return @"
if not exists (
select *
from [$owner].[${tabroot}.Interfaces]
where TypeId = $typeid
and Name = '$s'
insert [$owner].[${tabroot}.Interfaces]
select $typeid, '$s'
function init() {
write-host "Initializing..."
$script:bool = @{ $true = 1; $false = 0 }
if ($SQL) {
remove-variable "sql" -scope "script"
$script:SQL = @()
} else { remove-variable "sql" -scope "script" }
if ($NoExec) { $script:NoExec = $true }
# load the CallTree library from the location
# where this script resides
$ctp = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
add-type -path $ctp\Elite.Utils.CallTree.dll
# initialise a call-tree object and set
# the namespaces to filter out
$ct = new-object Elite.Utils.CallTree
$ct.FilterNamespaces = @("System.")
if ($type) { $ct.FilterType = $type }
if ($method) { $ct.FilterMethod = $method }
$script:ct = $ct
if ($t) {
write-host "- database"
$script:md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider
$script:utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding
$script:srv, $script:db, $script:owner, $script:tabroot = $t.split(".")
$script:ss = SQLConnect $srv $db
function TableSetup() {
write-host "Recreating tables..."
if ($clean -eq "drop") {
"Calls", "Interfaces", "Methods", "Types" |%{
SQLExec @"
if object_id('[${tabroot}.$_]') is not null
drop table [$owner].[${tabroot}.$_]
write-host "- tables dropped"
SQLExec @"
if object_id('[$owner].[${tabroot}.Types]') is null
create table [$owner].[${tabroot}.Types] (
id int identity(1,1) not null primary key
, [Category] varchar(64)
, [Namespace] nvarchar(900)
, [Name] nvarchar(900)
, [IsInterface] bit
, [Assembly] nvarchar(128)
, [AssemblyPath] nvarchar(900)
, [Hash] char(47)
, constraint ${tabroot}TypeHashUnq unique clustered (Hash)
create nonclustered index ${tabroot}TypesCategory on [${tabroot}.Types] ([Category])
create nonclustered index ${tabroot}TypesAssembly on [${tabroot}.Types] ([Assembly])
create nonclustered index ${tabroot}TypesNamespace on [${tabroot}.Types] ([Namespace])
create nonclustered index ${tabroot}TypesType on [${tabroot}.Types] ([Name])
if object_id('[$owner].[${tabroot}.Methods]') is null
create table [$owner].[${tabroot}.Methods] (
id int identity(1,1) not null primary key
, [TypeId] int references [${tabroot}.Types] on delete cascade
, [Name] nvarchar(128)
, [Args] nvarchar(2048)
, [IsInherited] bit
, [LOC] int
, [Implements] int NULL references [${tabroot}.Methods]
create nonclustered index ${tabroot}Methods on [${tabroot}.Methods] ([TypeId], [Name])
if object_id('[$owner].[${tabroot}.Calls]') is null
create table [$owner].[${tabroot}.Calls] (
CallerId int references [$owner].[${tabroot}.Methods] -- on delete cascade
, CalledId int references [$owner].[${tabroot}.Methods] on delete cascade
, constraint ${tabroot}CallsUnq unique clustered (CallerId, CalledId)
if object_id('[$owner].[${tabroot}.Interfaces]') is null
create table [$owner].[${tabroot}.Interfaces] (
TypeId int references [$owner].[${tabroot}.Types] on delete cascade
, Name nvarchar(1024)
create nonclustered index ${tabroot}InterfacesTypeId
on [$owner].[${tabroot}.Interfaces] (TypeId, Name)
write-host "- tables set up"
function DBIns($table, $cols) {
$sql = "insert [$owner].[${tabroot}.$table] select " + (sqlq $cols.count)
$sql += " select scope_identity()"
$sql = $sql -f $cols
try {
$ret = SQLExec $sql
catch [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException] {
write-error $sql
return $ret
function md5($s) {
function sqlq($n) {
$ret = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $n; $i++) { $ret += "'{$i}'" }
return $ret -join ","
process {
if ($_) { $assemblies += $_.FullName }
end {
# &$ctp\calltree -table "localhost.tempdb.dbo.CallTree" > c:\temp\out.txt 2> c:\temp\err.txt
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