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Created December 5, 2018 18:56
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FUNCTION airline#extensions#quickfix#inactive_qf_window()
Called 208 times
Total time: 0.001837
Self time: 0.001837
count total (s) self (s)
208 0.001182 if getbufvar(a:2.bufnr, '&filetype') is# 'qf' && !empty(airline#util#getwinvar(a:2.winnr, 'quickfix_title', ''))
call setwinvar(a:2.winnr, 'airline_section_c', '[%{get(w:, "quickfix_title", "")}] %f %m')
FUNCTION <SNR>29_GetLSPCompletions()
Called 29 times
Total time: 0.036243
Self time: 0.000790
count total (s) self (s)
29 0.000088 let l:buffer = bufnr('')
29 0.018606 0.000184 let l:lsp_details = ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(l:buffer, a:linter)
29 0.000038 if empty(l:lsp_details)
return 0
29 0.000049 let l:id = l:lsp_details.connection_id
29 0.000170 let l:OnReady = function('s:OnReady', [a:linter, l:lsp_details])
29 0.017169 0.000138 call ale#lsp#WaitForCapability(l:id, 'completion', l:OnReady)
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetTaglist()
Called 323 times
Total time: 1.596026
Self time: 1.596026
count total (s) self (s)
323 0.000443 let cache_checksum = ''
323 0.000416 if g:phpcomplete_cache_taglists == 1
" build a string with format of "<tagfile>:<mtime>$<tagfile2>:<mtime2>..."
" to validate that the tags are not changed since the time we saved the results in cache
646 0.069482 for tagfile in sort(tagfiles())
323 0.009561 let cache_checksum .= fnamemodify(tagfile, ':p').':'.getftime(tagfile).'$'
323 0.000317 endfor
323 0.000678 if s:cache_tags_checksum != cache_checksum
" tag file(s) changed
" since we don't know where individual tags coming from when calling taglist() we zap the whole cache
" no way to clear only the entries originating from the changed tag file
let s:cache_tags = {}
323 0.000844 if has_key(s:cache_tags, a:pattern)
316 0.000624 return s:cache_tags[a:pattern]
7 0.000003 endif
7 1.217008 let tags = taglist(a:pattern)
9094 0.005057 for tag in tags
54522 0.049610 for prop in keys(tag)
45435 0.086420 if prop == 'cmd' || prop == 'static' || prop == 'kind' || prop == 'builtin'
27261 0.017270 continue
18174 0.066220 let tag[prop] = substitute(tag[prop], '\\\\', '\\', 'g')
18174 0.007641 endfor
9087 0.004017 endfor
7 0.000028 let s:cache_tags[a:pattern] = tags
7 0.000021 let has_key = has_key(s:cache_tags, a:pattern)
7 0.000031 let s:cache_tags_checksum = cache_checksum
7 0.000009 return tags
FUNCTION ale#events#LintOnEnter()
Called 104 times
Total time: 0.006448
Self time: 0.001686
count total (s) self (s)
" Unmark a file as being changed outside of Vim after we try to check it.
104 0.000378 call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_file_changed', 0)
104 0.001677 0.000585 if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'enabled') && g:ale_lint_on_enter
104 0.004093 0.000424 call ale#Queue(0, 'lint_file', a:buffer)
104 0.000044 endif
FUNCTION ale#job#IsRunning()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000626
Self time: 0.000626
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000118 if has('nvim')
55 0.000051 try
" In NeoVim, if the job isn't running, jobpid() will throw.
55 0.000157 call jobpid(a:job_id)
55 0.000043 return 1
elseif has_key(s:job_map, a:job_id)
let l:job = s:job_map[a:job_id].job
return job_status(l:job) is# 'run'
return 0
FUNCTION airline#util#exec_funcrefs()
Called 519 times
Total time: 0.355032
Self time: 0.026344
count total (s) self (s)
3320 0.003436 for Fn in a:list
3320 0.343218 0.014530 let code = call(Fn, a:000)
3320 0.002552 if code != 0
519 0.000387 return code
2801 0.001229 endfor
return 0
FUNCTION airline#extensions#netrw#apply()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.004268
Self time: 0.004268
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.000646 if &ft == 'netrw'
let spc =
call a:1.add_section('airline_a', spc.'netrw'.spc)
if exists('*airline#extensions#branch#get_head')
call a:1.add_section('airline_b', spc.'%{airline#extensions#branch#get_head()}'.spc)
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', spc.'%f'.spc)
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', spc.'%{airline#extensions#netrw#sortstring()}'.spc)
return 1
FUNCTION AutoPairsSpace()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000092
Self time: 0.000092
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000019 let line = getline('.')
3 0.000019 let prev_char = line[col('.')-2]
3 0.000003 let cmd = ''
3 0.000006 let cur_char =line[col('.')-1]
3 0.000025 if has_key(g:AutoPairsParens, prev_char) && g:AutoPairsParens[prev_char] == cur_char
let cmd = "\<SPACE>".s:Left
3 0.000008 return "\<SPACE>".cmd
FUNCTION ale#lsp#RegisterCallback()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000868
Self time: 0.000868
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000141 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
55 0.000061 if !empty(l:conn)
" Add the callback to the List if it's not there already.
55 0.000546 call uniq(sort(add(l:conn.callback_list, a:callback)))
55 0.000027 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>69_update_branch()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.291209
Self time: 0.055755
count total (s) self (s)
4317 0.008384 for vcs in keys(s:vcs_config)
2878 0.253267 0.017813 call {s:vcs_config[vcs].update_branch}()
2878 0.008525 if b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].branch != s:vcs_config[vcs].branch
let b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].branch = s:vcs_config[vcs].branch
unlet! b:airline_head
2878 0.001887 endfor
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ale#get_error()
Called 1448 times
Total time: 0.146758
Self time: 0.008416
count total (s) self (s)
1448 0.146108 0.007765 return airline#extensions#ale#get('error')
FUNCTION ale#linter#Get()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.018312
Self time: 0.011186
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000127 let l:possibly_duplicated_linters = []
" Handle dot-separated filetypes.
110 0.000554 for l:original_filetype in split(a:original_filetypes, '\.')
55 0.003420 0.000363 let l:filetype = ale#linter#ResolveFiletype(l:original_filetype)
55 0.001360 0.000293 let l:linter_names = s:GetLinterNames(l:original_filetype)
55 0.003244 0.000242 let l:all_linters = ale#linter#GetAll(l:filetype)
55 0.000066 let l:filetype_linters = []
55 0.000148 if type(l:linter_names) is v:t_string && l:linter_names is# 'all'
let l:filetype_linters = l:all_linters
elseif type(l:linter_names) is v:t_list
" Select only the linters we or the user has specified.
440 0.000367 for l:linter in l:all_linters
385 0.001151 let l:name_list = [] + l:linter.aliases
660 0.000581 for l:name in l:name_list
385 0.000719 if index(l:linter_names, l:name) >= 0
110 0.000219 call add(l:filetype_linters, l:linter)
110 0.000091 break
275 0.000127 endfor
385 0.000185 endfor
55 0.000049 endif
55 0.000115 call extend(l:possibly_duplicated_linters, l:filetype_linters)
55 0.000032 endfor
55 0.000073 let l:name_list = []
55 0.000064 let l:combined_linters = []
" Make sure we override linters so we don't get two with the same name,
" like 'eslint' for both 'javascript' and 'typescript'
" Note that the reverse calls here modify the List variables.
165 0.000193 for l:linter in reverse(l:possibly_duplicated_linters)
110 0.000206 if index(l:name_list, < 0
110 0.000203 call add(l:name_list,
110 0.000174 call add(l:combined_linters, l:linter)
110 0.000059 endif
110 0.000067 endfor
55 0.000088 return reverse(l:combined_linters)
FUNCTION <SNR>40_crend()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000049
Self time: 0.000049
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000014 let n = ""
4 0.000017 if !exists("b:endwise_addition") || !exists("b:endwise_words") || !exists("b:endwise_syngroups")
4 0.000004 return n
let synids = join(map(split(b:endwise_syngroups, ','), 'hlID(v:val)'), ',')
let wordchoice = '\%('.substitute(b:endwise_words,',','\\|','g').'\)'
if exists("b:endwise_pattern")
let beginpat = substitute(b:endwise_pattern,'&',substitute(wordchoice,'\\','\\&','g'),'g')
let beginpat = '\<'.wordchoice.'\>'
let lnum = line('.') - 1
let space = matchstr(getline(lnum),'^\s*')
let col = match(getline(lnum),beginpat) + 1
let word = matchstr(getline(lnum),beginpat)
let endword = substitute(word,'.*',b:endwise_addition,'')
let y = n.endword."\<C-O>O"
if exists("b:endwise_end_pattern")
let endpat = '\w\@<!'.substitute(word, '.*', substitute(b:endwise_end_pattern, '\\', '\\\\', 'g'), '').'\w\@!'
elseif b:endwise_addition[0:1] ==# '\='
let endpat = '\w\@<!'.endword.'\w\@!'
let endpat = '\w\@<!'.substitute('\w\+', '.*', b:endwise_addition, '').'\w\@!'
let synidpat = '\%('.substitute(synids,',','\\|','g').'\)'
if a:always
return y
elseif col <= 0 || synID(lnum,col,1) !~ '^'.synidpat.'$'
return n
elseif getline('.') !~ '^\s*#\=$'
return n
let line = s:mysearchpair(beginpat,endpat,synidpat)
" even is false if no end was found, or if the end found was less
" indented than the current line
let even = strlen(matchstr(getline(line),'^\s*')) >= strlen(space)
if line == 0
let even = 0
if !even && line == line('.') + 1
return y
if even
return n
return y
FUNCTION airline#check_mode()
Called 1459 times
Total time: 0.518493
Self time: 0.127202
count total (s) self (s)
1459 0.002867 if !has_key(s:contexts, a:winnr)
return ''
1459 0.002887 let context = s:contexts[a:winnr]
1459 0.004232 if get(w:, 'airline_active', 1)
1448 0.004076 let l:m = mode(1)
1448 0.004056 if l:m ==# "i"
1024 0.003139 let l:mode = ['insert']
1024 0.001054 elseif l:m[0] ==# "i"
175 0.000318 let l:mode = ['insert']
175 0.000140 elseif l:m ==# "Rv"
let l:mode =['replace']
elseif l:m[0] ==# "R"
let l:mode = ['replace']
elseif l:m[0] =~# '\v(v|V||s|S|)'
let l:mode = ['visual']
elseif l:m ==# "t"
let l:mode = ['terminal']
elseif l:m[0] ==# "c"
2 0.000003 let l:mode = ['commandline']
2 0.000002 elseif l:m ==# "no" " does not work, most likely, Vim does not refresh the statusline in OP mode
let l:mode = ['normal']
elseif l:m[0:1] ==# 'ni'
let l:mode = ['normal']
let l:m = 'ni'
247 0.000359 let l:mode = ['normal']
247 0.000109 endif
1448 0.006800 if index(['Rv', 'no', 'ni', 'ix', 'ic'], l:m) == -1
1273 0.001971 let l:m = l:m[0]
1273 0.000607 endif
1448 0.004984 let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, l:m, l:m)
1448 0.000705 else
11 0.000021 let l:mode = ['inactive']
11 0.000042 let w:airline_current_mode = get(g:airline_mode_map, '__')
11 0.000006 endif
1459 0.003258 if g:airline_detect_modified && &modified
1450 0.003207 call add(l:mode, 'modified')
1450 0.000725 endif
1459 0.001945 if g:airline_detect_paste && &paste
call add(l:mode, 'paste')
1459 0.007263 if g:airline_detect_crypt && exists("+key") && !empty(&key)
call add(l:mode, 'crypt')
1459 0.001838 if g:airline_detect_spell && &spell
call add(l:mode, 'spell')
1459 0.001523 if &readonly || ! &modifiable
9 0.000024 call add(l:mode, 'readonly')
9 0.000005 endif
1459 0.005210 let mode_string = join(l:mode)
1459 0.004142 if get(w:, 'airline_lastmode', '') != mode_string
18 0.005847 0.000144 call airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive(context.bufnr)
18 0.383982 0.000438 call airline#highlighter#highlight(l:mode, context.bufnr)
18 0.002154 0.000110 call airline#util#doautocmd('AirlineModeChanged')
18 0.000065 let w:airline_lastmode = mode_string
18 0.000011 endif
1459 0.000960 return ''
FUNCTION ale#uri#Decode()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.000389
Self time: 0.000389
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000327 return substitute( a:value, '%\(\x\x\)', '\=nr2char(''0x'' . submatch(1))', 'g')
FUNCTION airline#util#append()
Called 10073 times
Total time: 0.071180
Self time: 0.071180
count total (s) self (s)
10073 0.014898 if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
10073 0.021939 let prefix = s:spc == "\ua0" ? s:spc : s:spc.s:spc
10073 0.020064 return empty(a:text) ? '' : prefix.g:airline_left_alt_sep.s:spc.a:text
FUNCTION <SNR>79_get_accented_line()
Called 3320 times
Total time: 0.138265
Self time: 0.138265
count total (s) self (s)
3320 0.003290 if
" active window
2488 0.002731 let contents = []
2488 0.014263 let content_parts = split(a:contents, '__accent')
6212 0.006937 for cpart in content_parts
3724 0.024563 let accent = matchstr(cpart, '_\zs[^#]*\ze')
3724 0.007744 call add(contents, cpart)
3724 0.002403 endfor
2488 0.008265 let line = join(contents, a:group)
2488 0.013502 let line = substitute(line, '__restore__', a:group, 'g')
2488 0.001175 else
" inactive window
832 0.010900 let line = substitute(a:contents, '%#__accent[^#]*#', '', 'g')
832 0.004409 let line = substitute(line, '%#__restore__#', '', 'g')
832 0.000421 endif
3320 0.002605 return line
Called 519 times
Total time: 0.001721
Self time: 0.001721
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.001455 call add(self._sections, ['|', a:0 ? a:1 : '%='])
FUNCTION ale#lsp#UpdateConfig()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000373
Self time: 0.000373
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000161 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
55 0.000116 if empty(l:conn) || a:config ==# l:conn.config " no-custom-checks
55 0.000032 return 0
let l:conn.config = a:config
let l:message = ale#lsp#message#DidChangeConfiguration(a:buffer, a:config)
call ale#lsp#Send(a:conn_id, l:message)
return 1
FUNCTION airline#extensions#branch#update_untracked_config()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.015002
Self time: 0.015002
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.004188 if !has_key(s:vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked, a:file)
elseif s:vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked[a:file] != b:buffer_vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked
let b:buffer_vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked = s:vcs_config[a:vcs].untracked[a:file]
unlet! b:airline_head
FUNCTION <SNR>80_get_section()
Called 4461 times
Total time: 0.124985
Self time: 0.113094
count total (s) self (s)
4461 0.008548 if has_key(s:section_truncate_width, a:key)
3112 0.006595 if winwidth(a:winnr) < s:section_truncate_width[a:key]
return ''
3112 0.001207 endif
4461 0.005426 let spc =
4461 0.014140 if !exists('g:airline_section_{a:key}')
return ''
4461 0.036908 0.025018 let text = airline#util#getwinvar(a:winnr, 'airline_section_'.a:key, g:airline_section_{a:key})
4461 0.023686 let [prefix, suffix] = [get(a:000, 0, '%('.spc), get(a:000, 1, spc.'%)')]
4461 0.012762 return empty(text) ? '' : prefix.text.suffix
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.235754
Self time: 0.006743
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000038 let l:command = a:options.command
26 0.000038 if empty(l:command)
return 0
26 0.000045 let l:executable = a:options.executable
26 0.000028 let l:buffer = a:options.buffer
26 0.000026 let l:linter = a:options.linter
26 0.000033 let l:output_stream = a:options.output_stream
26 0.000034 let l:next_chain_index = a:options.next_chain_index
26 0.000031 let l:read_buffer = a:options.read_buffer
26 0.000045 let l:info = g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer]
26 0.003144 0.000176 let [l:temporary_file, l:command] = ale#command#FormatCommand( l:buffer, l:executable, l:command, l:read_buffer,)
26 0.159832 0.000554 if s:CreateTemporaryFileForJob(l:buffer, l:temporary_file)
" If a temporary filename has been formatted in to the command, then
" we do not need to send the Vim buffer to the command.
26 0.000100 let l:read_buffer = 0
26 0.000037 endif
" Add a newline to commands which need it.
" This is only used for Flow for now, and is not documented.
26 0.000052 if l:linter.add_newline
if has('win32')
let l:command = l:command . '; echo.'
let l:command = l:command . '; echo'
26 0.002307 0.000277 let l:command = ale#job#PrepareCommand(l:buffer, l:command)
26 0.000177 let l:job_options = { 'mode': 'nl', 'exit_cb': function('s:HandleExit'),}
26 0.000040 if l:output_stream is# 'stderr'
let l:job_options.err_cb = function('s:GatherOutput')
elseif l:output_stream is# 'both'
let l:job_options.out_cb = function('s:GatherOutput')
let l:job_options.err_cb = function('s:GatherOutput')
26 0.000119 let l:job_options.out_cb = function('s:GatherOutput')
26 0.000012 endif
26 0.000077 if get(g:, 'ale_run_synchronously') == 1
" Find a unique Job value to use, which will be the same as the ID for
" running commands synchronously. This is only for test code.
let l:job_id = len(s:job_info_map) + 1
while has_key(s:job_info_map, l:job_id)
let l:job_id += 1
26 0.059557 0.000744 let l:job_id = ale#job#Start(l:command, l:job_options)
26 0.000018 endif
26 0.000050 let l:status = 'failed'
" Only proceed if the job is being run.
26 0.000020 if l:job_id
" Add the job to the list of jobs, so we can track them.
26 0.000188 call add(l:info.job_list, l:job_id)
26 0.000168 if index(l:info.active_linter_list, < 0
26 0.000099 call add(l:info.active_linter_list,
26 0.000013 endif
26 0.000032 let l:status = 'started'
" Store the ID for the job in the map to read back again.
26 0.000374 let s:job_info_map[l:job_id] = { 'linter': l:linter, 'buffer': l:buffer, 'executable': l:executable, 'output': [], 'next_chain_index': l:next_chain_index,}
26 0.003644 0.001318 silent doautocmd <nomodeline> User ALEJobStarted
26 0.000016 endif
26 0.000032 if g:ale_history_enabled
26 0.003856 0.000259 call ale#history#Add(l:buffer, l:status, l:job_id, l:command)
26 0.000014 endif
26 0.000057 if get(g:, 'ale_run_synchronously') == 1
" Run a command synchronously if this test option is set.
let s:job_info_map[l:job_id].output = systemlist( type(l:command) is v:t_list ? join(l:command[0:1]) . ' ' . ale#Escape(l:command[2]) : l:command)
call l:job_options.exit_cb(l:job_id, v:shell_error)
26 0.000079 return l:job_id != 0
FUNCTION airline#themes#get_highlight()
Called 6472 times
Total time: 0.697597
Self time: 0.039327
count total (s) self (s)
6472 0.695618 0.037347 return call('airline#highlighter#get_highlight', [a:group] + a:000)
FUNCTION <SNR>111_ShouldIgnore()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.000969
Self time: 0.000450
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000788 0.000269 let l:config = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'linters_ignore')
" Don't load code for ignoring diagnostics if there's nothing to ignore.
48 0.000068 if empty(l:config)
48 0.000029 return 0
let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
let l:ignore_list = ale#engine#ignore#GetList(l:filetype, l:config)
return index(l:ignore_list, a:linter_name) >= 0
FUNCTION ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
Called 390 times
Total time: 0.008954
Self time: 0.008954
count total (s) self (s)
908 0.003014 for l:match in getmatches()
518 0.002131 if =~# '^ALE'
511 0.000991 call matchdelete(
511 0.000271 endif
518 0.000449 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>79_get_transitioned_seperator()
Called 2801 times
Total time: 1.272395
Self time: 0.069367
count total (s) self (s)
2801 0.002777 let line = ''
2801 0.008945 if get(a:self._context, 'tabline', 0) && get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#alt_sep', 0) && a:group ==# 'airline_tabsel' && a:side
call airline#highlighter#add_separator(a:prev_group, a:group, 0)
let line .= '%#'.a:prev_group.'_to_'.a:group.'#'
let line .= a:self._context.right_sep.'%#'.a:group.'#'
2801 1.215263 0.012235 call airline#highlighter#add_separator(a:prev_group, a:group, a:side)
2801 0.010527 let line .= '%#'.a:prev_group.'_to_'.a:group.'#'
2801 0.008008 let line .= a:side ? a:self._context.left_sep : a:self._context.right_sep
2801 0.005960 let line .= '%#'.a:group.'#'
2801 0.001215 endif
2801 0.002179 return line
FUNCTION ale#sign#FindCurrentSigns()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.012241
Self time: 0.001048
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.002460 0.000422 let l:line_list = ale#sign#ReadSigns(a:buffer)
74 0.009655 0.000500 return ale#sign#ParseSigns(l:line_list)
FUNCTION airline#extensions#denite#apply()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.004137
Self time: 0.004137
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.000983 if &ft == 'denite'
let w:airline_skip_empty_sections = 0
call a:1.add_section('airline_a', ' Denite %{airline#extensions#denite#check_denite_mode('.a:2['bufnr'].')}')
call a:1.add_section('airline_c', ' %{denite#get_status_sources()}')
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', ' %{denite#get_status_path()} ')
call a:1.add_section('airline_z', ' %{denite#get_status_linenr()} ')
return 1
FUNCTION phpcomplete#CompleteVariable()
Called 12 times
Total time: 0.007782
Self time: 0.007782
count total (s) self (s)
12 0.000022 let res = []
" Internal solution for current file.
12 0.000145 let file = getline(1, '$')
12 0.000259 let jfile = join(file, ' ')
12 0.000279 let int_vals = split(jfile, '\ze\$')
12 0.000015 let int_vars = {}
211 0.000170 for i in int_vals
199 0.001504 if i =~? '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*=\s*new'
let val = matchstr(i, '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
199 0.001218 let val = matchstr(i, '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*')
199 0.000085 endif
199 0.000189 if val != ''
186 0.000254 let int_vars[val] = ''
186 0.000071 endif
199 0.000093 endfor
12 0.000153 call extend(int_vars, g:php_builtin_vars)
" ctags has support for PHP, use tags file for external variables
12 0.000017 if g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables
let ext_vars = {}
let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\C^'.substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', ''))
for tag in tags
if tag.kind ==? 'v'
let item =
let m_menu = ''
if tag.cmd =~? tag['name'].'\s*=\s*new\s\+'
let m_menu = matchstr(tag.cmd, '\c=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze')
let ext_vars['$'.item] = m_menu
call extend(int_vars, ext_vars)
270 0.000337 for m in sort(keys(int_vars))
258 0.000772 if m =~# '^\'.a:base
58 0.000103 call add(res, m)
58 0.000025 endif
258 0.000103 endfor
12 0.000015 let int_list = res
12 0.000012 let int_dict = []
70 0.000053 for i in int_list
58 0.000082 if int_vars[i] != ''
let class = ' '
if int_vars[i] != ''
let class = i.' class '
let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'info':class.int_vars[i], 'menu':int_vars[i], 'kind':'v'}]
58 0.000186 let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'kind':'v'}]
58 0.000032 endif
58 0.000032 endfor
12 0.000011 return int_dict
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.148342
Self time: 0.002083
count total (s) self (s)
" returns dictionary containing content, namespace and imports for the class and all parent classes.
" Example:
" [
" {
" class: 'foo',
" content: '... class foo extends bar ... ',
" namespace: 'NS\Foo',
" imports : { ... },
" file: '/foo.php',
" mtime: 42,
" },
" {
" class: 'bar',
" content: '... class bar extends baz ... ',
" namespace: 'NS\Bar',
" imports : { ... }
" file: '/bar.php',
" mtime: 42,
" },
" ...
" ]
1 0.000010 let full_file_path = fnamemodify(a:file_path, ':p')
1 0.000002 let class_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*'
1 0.000032 let cfile = join(a:file_lines, "\n")
1 0.000001 let result = []
" We use new buffer and (later) normal! because
" this is the most efficient way. The other way
" is to go through the looong string looking for
" matching {}
" remember the window we started at
1 0.000002 let phpcomplete_original_window = winnr()
1 0.020949 0.000161 silent! below 1new
1 0.000172 silent! 0put =cfile
1 0.000084 call search('\c\(class\|interface\|trait\)\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\(\>\|$\)')
1 0.000003 let cfline = line('.')
1 0.000003 call search('{')
1 0.000001 let endline = line('.')
1 0.000005 let content = join(getline(cfline, endline), "\n")
" Catch extends
1 0.000003 if content =~? 'extends'
let extends_string = matchstr(content, '\(class\|interface\)\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\_.\+extends\_s\+\zs\('.class_name_pattern.'\(,\|\_s\)*\)\+\ze\(extends\|{\)')
let extended_classes = map(split(extends_string, '\(,\|\_s\)\+'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\_s\\+", "", "g")')
1 0.000001 let extended_classes = ''
1 0.000001 endif
" Catch implements
1 0.000003 if content =~? 'implements'
let implements_string = matchstr(content, 'class\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\_.\+implements\_s\+\zs\('.class_name_pattern.'\(,\|\_s\)*\)\+\ze')
let implemented_interfaces = map(split(implements_string, '\(,\|\_s\)\+'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\_s\\+", "", "g")')
1 0.000001 let implemented_interfaces = []
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000161 call searchpair('{', '', '}', 'W')
1 0.000002 let class_closing_bracket_line = line('.')
" Include class docblock
1 0.000001 let doc_line = cfline - 1
1 0.000004 if getline(doc_line) =~? '^\s*\*/'
while doc_line != 0
if getline(doc_line) =~? '^\s*/\*\*'
let cfline = doc_line
let doc_line -= 1
1 0.000022 let classcontent = join(getline(cfline, class_closing_bracket_line), "\n")
1 0.000001 let used_traits = []
" move back to the line next to the class's definition
1 0.000002 call cursor(endline + 1, 1)
1 0.000001 let keep_searching = 1
3 0.000003 while keep_searching != 0
" try to grab "use..." keywords
2 0.000065 let [lnum, col] = searchpos('\c^\s\+use\s\+'.class_name_pattern, 'cW', class_closing_bracket_line)
2 0.000010 let syn_name = synIDattr(synID(lnum, col, 0), "name")
2 0.000008 if syn_name =~? 'string\|comment'
call cursor(lnum + 1, 1)
2 0.000004 let trait_line = getline(lnum)
2 0.000005 if trait_line !~? ';'
" try to find the next line containing ';'
1 0.000001 let l = lnum
1 0.000001 let search_line = trait_line
" add lines from the file until theres no ';' in them
1 0.000002 while search_line !~? ';' && l > 0
" file lines are reversed so we need to go backwards
let l += 1
let search_line = getline(l)
let trait_line .= ' '.substitute(search_line, '\(^\s\+\|\s\+$\)', '', 'g')
1 0.000000 endif
2 0.000019 let use_expression = matchstr(trait_line, '^\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;')
2 0.000018 let use_parts = map(split(use_expression, '\s*,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\s+", " ", "g")')
2 0.000011 let used_traits += map(use_parts, 'substitute(v:val, "\\s", "", "g")')
2 0.000004 call cursor(lnum + 1, 1)
2 0.000005 if [lnum, col] == [0, 0]
1 0.000001 let keep_searching = 0
1 0.000000 endif
2 0.000001 endwhile
1 0.025258 0.000811 silent! bw! %
1 0.048690 0.000034 let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(a:file_lines[0:cfline])
" go back to original window
1 0.000005 exe phpcomplete_original_window.'wincmd w'
1 0.000019 call add(result, { 'class': a:class_name, 'content': classcontent, 'namespace': current_namespace, 'imports': imports, 'file': full_file_path, 'mtime': getftime(full_file_path), })
1 0.000002 let all_extends = used_traits
1 0.000002 if len(extended_classes) > 0
call extend(all_extends, extended_classes)
1 0.000002 if len(implemented_interfaces) > 0
call extend(all_extends, implemented_interfaces)
1 0.000001 if len(all_extends) > 0
2 0.000003 for class in all_extends
1 0.000076 0.000011 let [class, namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(class, current_namespace, imports)
1 0.000001 if namespace == ''
let namespace = '\'
1 0.052316 0.000013 let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(class, namespace)
1 0.000001 if classlocation == "VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT"
if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(class))
let result += [phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub('class', g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(class)])]
if has_key(g:php_builtin_interfaces, tolower(class))
let result += [phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub('interface', g:php_builtin_interfaces[tolower(class)])]
elseif classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation)
let full_file_path = fnamemodify(classlocation, ':p')
let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, readfile(full_file_path), class)
elseif tolower(current_namespace) == tolower(namespace) && match(join(a:file_lines, "\n"), '\c\(class\|interface\|trait\)\_s\+'.class.'\(\>\|$\)') != -1
" try to find the declaration in the same file.
let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, a:file_lines, class)
1 0.000001 endfor
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000001 return result
FUNCTION ale#sign#GetSignName()
Called 122 times
Total time: 0.005322
Self time: 0.002916
count total (s) self (s)
122 0.000218 let l:priority = g:ale#util#style_warning_priority
" Determine the highest priority item for the line.
290 0.000274 for l:item in a:sublist
168 0.003077 0.000671 let l:item_priority = ale#util#GetItemPriority(l:item)
168 0.000170 if l:item_priority > l:priority
122 0.000127 let l:priority = l:item_priority
122 0.000056 endif
168 0.000100 endfor
122 0.000142 if l:priority is# g:ale#util#error_priority
122 0.000098 return 'ALEErrorSign'
if l:priority is# g:ale#util#warning_priority
return 'ALEWarningSign'
if l:priority is# g:ale#util#style_error_priority
return 'ALEStyleErrorSign'
if l:priority is# g:ale#util#style_warning_priority
return 'ALEStyleWarningSign'
if l:priority is# g:ale#util#info_priority
return 'ALEInfoSign'
" Use the error sign for invalid severities.
return 'ALEErrorSign'
FUNCTION ale#list#SetLists()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.002852
Self time: 0.001697
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000431 if get(g:, 'ale_set_lists_synchronously') == 1|| getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_save_event_fired', 0)
" Update lists immediately if running a test synchronously, or if the
" buffer was saved.
" The lists need to be updated immediately when saving a buffer so
" that we can reliably close window automatically, if so configured.
call s:SetListsImpl(-1, a:buffer, a:loclist)
74 0.001884 0.000730 call ale#util#StartPartialTimer( 0, function('s:SetListsImpl'), [a:buffer, a:loclist],)
74 0.000036 endif
FUNCTION airline#util#has_fugitive()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.004733
Self time: 0.004733
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.004144 return exists('*fugitive#head') || exists('*FugitiveHead')
FUNCTION ale#lsp#HandleMessage()
Called 1902 times
Total time: 0.744716
Self time: 0.130838
count total (s) self (s)
1902 0.007722 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
1902 0.002686 if empty(l:conn)
1902 0.003793 if type(a:message) isnot v:t_string
" Ignore messages that aren't strings.
1902 0.004130 let .= a:message
" Parse the objects now if we can, and keep the remaining text.
1902 0.224698 0.016676 let [, l:response_list] = ale#lsp#ReadMessageData(
" Look for initialize responses first.
1902 0.002152 if !l:conn.initialized
for l:response in l:response_list
call ale#lsp#HandleInitResponse(l:conn, l:response)
" If the connection is marked as initialized, call the callbacks with the
" responses.
1902 0.001446 if l:conn.initialized
4418 0.004519 for l:response in l:response_list
" Call all of the registered handlers with the response.
7548 0.009368 for l:Callback in l:conn.callback_list
5032 0.437463 0.031607 call ale#util#GetFunction(l:Callback)(a:conn_id, l:response)
5032 0.003266 endfor
2516 0.001378 endfor
1902 0.000933 endif
FUNCTION ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights()
Called 288 times
Total time: 0.041817
Self time: 0.031262
count total (s) self (s)
288 0.001611 let l:item_list = get(b:, 'ale_enabled', 1) && g:ale_enabled ? get(b:, 'ale_highlight_items', []) : []
288 0.009476 0.001310 call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
799 0.000845 for l:item in l:item_list
511 0.000726 if l:item.type is# 'W'
if get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style'
let l:group = 'ALEStyleWarning'
let l:group = 'ALEWarning'
elseif l:item.type is# 'I'
let l:group = 'ALEInfo'
elseif get(l:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style'
let l:group = 'ALEStyleError'
511 0.000560 let l:group = 'ALEError'
511 0.000228 endif
511 0.000580 let l:line = l:item.lnum
511 0.000544 let l:col = l:item.col
511 0.001140 let l:end_line = get(l:item, 'end_lnum', l:line)
511 0.001087 let l:end_col = get(l:item, 'end_col', l:col)
" Set all of the positions, which are chunked into Lists which
" are as large as will be accepted by matchaddpos.
511 0.006987 0.004599 call map( ale#highlight#CreatePositions(l:line, l:col, l:end_line, l:end_col), 'matchaddpos(l:group, v:val)')
511 0.000267 endfor
" If highlights are enabled and signs are not enabled, we should still
" offer line highlights by adding a separate set of highlights.
288 0.000320 if !g:ale_set_signs
let l:available_groups = { 'ALEWarningLine': hlexists('ALEWarningLine'), 'ALEInfoLine': hlexists('ALEInfoLine'), 'ALEErrorLine': hlexists('ALEErrorLine'),}
for l:item in l:item_list
if l:item.type is# 'W'
let l:group = 'ALEWarningLine'
elseif l:item.type is# 'I'
let l:group = 'ALEInfoLine'
let l:group = 'ALEErrorLine'
if l:available_groups[l:group]
call matchaddpos(l:group, [l:item.lnum])
FUNCTION ale#completion#GetPrefix()
Called 45 times
Total time: 0.002937
Self time: 0.001484
count total (s) self (s)
45 0.001895 0.000442 let l:regex = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:should_complete_map, a:filetype)
" The column we're using completions for is where we are inserting text,
" like so:
" abc
" ^
" So we need check the text in the column before that position.
45 0.000861 return matchstr(getline(a:line)[: a:column - 2], l:regex)
Called 350 times
Total time: 0.027954
Self time: 0.027954
count total (s) self (s)
" a:list needs to have 5 items!
350 0.000340 let res = ''
350 0.000316 let i = -1
2100 0.001454 while i < 4
1750 0.001481 let i += 1
1750 0.003471 let item = get(a:list, i, '')
1750 0.001742 if item is ''
642 0.000553 continue
1108 0.000738 if i == 0
192 0.000402 let res .= ' guifg='.item
192 0.000125 elseif i == 1
170 0.000309 let res .= ' guibg='.item
170 0.000095 elseif i == 2
350 0.000746 let res .= ' ctermfg='.item
350 0.000226 elseif i == 3
328 0.000659 let res .= ' ctermbg='.item
328 0.000240 elseif i == 4
68 0.000279 let res .= printf(' gui=%s cterm=%s term=%s', item, item, item)
68 0.000032 endif
1108 0.000613 endwhile
350 0.000309 return res
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction()
Called 65 times
Total time: 0.407640
Self time: 0.407640
count total (s) self (s)
" locate the current instruction (up until the previous non comment or string ";" or php region start (<?php or <?) without newlines
65 0.000117 let col_number = a:col_number
65 0.000084 let line_number = a:line_number
65 0.000123 let line = getline(a:line_number)
65 0.000074 let current_char = -1
65 0.000062 let instruction = ''
65 0.000059 let parent_depth = 0
65 0.000061 let bracket_depth = 0
65 0.000306 let stop_chars = [ '!', '@', '%', '^', '&', '*', '/', '-', '+', '=', ':', '>', '<', '.', '?', ';', '(', '|', '[' ]
65 0.000624 let phpbegin_length = len(matchstr(getline(a:phpbegin[0]), '\zs<?\(php\)\?\ze'))
65 0.000177 let phpbegin_end = [a:phpbegin[0], a:phpbegin[1] - 1 + phpbegin_length]
" will hold the first place where a coma could have ended the match
65 0.000078 let first_coma_break_pos = -1
65 0.000191 let next_char = len(line) < col_number ? line[col_number + 1] : ''
1529 0.001910 while !(line_number == 1 && col_number == 1)
1529 0.001476 if current_char != -1
1464 0.001658 let next_char = current_char
1464 0.000656 endif
1529 0.002386 let current_char = line[col_number]
1529 0.279753 let synIDName = synIDattr(synID(line_number, col_number + 1, 0), 'name')
1529 0.001736 if col_number - 1 == -1
76 0.000094 let prev_line_number = line_number - 1
76 0.000156 let prev_line = getline(line_number - 1)
76 0.000146 let prev_col_number = strlen(prev_line)
76 0.000040 else
1453 0.001709 let prev_line_number = line_number
1453 0.001703 let prev_col_number = col_number - 1
1453 0.001633 let prev_line = line
1453 0.000650 endif
1529 0.002558 let prev_char = prev_line[prev_col_number]
" skip comments
1529 0.008123 if synIDName =~? 'comment\|phpDocTags'
let current_char = ''
" break on the last char of the "and" and "or" operators
1529 0.002621 if synIDName == 'phpOperator' && (current_char == 'r' || current_char == 'd')
" break on statements as "return" or "throws"
1529 0.002770 if synIDName == 'phpStatement' || synIDName == 'phpException'
" if the current char should be considered
1529 0.008711 if current_char != '' && parent_depth >= 0 && bracket_depth >= 0 && synIDName !~? 'comment\|string'
" break if we are on a "naked" stop_char (operators, colon, openparent...)
1453 0.003552 if index(stop_chars, current_char) != -1
72 0.000084 let do_break = 1
" dont break if it does look like a "->"
72 0.000178 if (prev_char == '-' && current_char == '>') || (current_char == '-' && next_char == '>')
68 0.000056 let do_break = 0
68 0.000029 endif
" dont break if it does look like a "::"
72 0.000144 if (prev_char == ':' && current_char == ':') || (current_char == ':' && next_char == ':')
let do_break = 0
72 0.000043 if do_break
4 0.000002 break
68 0.000024 endif
" save the coma position for later use if theres a "naked" , possibly separating a parameter and it is not in a parented part
1449 0.002321 if first_coma_break_pos == -1 && current_char == ','
let first_coma_break_pos = len(instruction)
1449 0.000565 endif
" count nested darenthesis and brackets so we can tell if we need to break on a ';' or not (think of for (;;) loops)
1525 0.008968 if synIDName =~? 'phpBraceFunc\|phpParent\|Delimiter'
61 0.000064 if current_char == '('
let parent_depth += 1
elseif current_char == ')'
let parent_depth -= 1
elseif current_char == '['
let bracket_depth += 1
elseif current_char == ']'
let bracket_depth -= 1
61 0.000023 endif
" stop collecting chars if we see a function start { (think of first line in a function)
1525 0.003453 if (current_char == '{' || current_char == '}') && synIDName =~? 'phpBraceFunc\|phpParent\|Delimiter'
61 0.000047 break
" break if we are reached the php block start (<?php or <?)
1464 0.002816 if [line_number, col_number] == phpbegin_end
1464 0.002742 let instruction = current_char.instruction
" step a char or a line back if we are on the first column of the line already
1464 0.001603 let col_number -= 1
1464 0.001033 if col_number == -1
76 0.000079 let line_number -= 1
76 0.000140 let line = getline(line_number)
76 0.000133 let col_number = strlen(line)
76 0.000033 endif
1464 0.000866 endwhile
" strip leading whitespace
65 0.000521 let instruction = substitute(instruction, '^\s\+', '', '')
" there were a "naked" coma in the instruction
65 0.000084 if first_coma_break_pos != -1
if instruction !~? '^use' && instruction !~? '^class' " use ... statements and class delcarations should not be broken up by comas
let pos = (-1 * first_coma_break_pos) + 1
let instruction = instruction[pos :]
" HACK to remove one line conditionals from code like "if ($foo) echo 'bar'"
" what the plugin really need is a proper php tokenizer
65 0.000365 if instruction =~? '\c^\(if\|while\|foreach\|for\)\s*('
" clear everything up until the first (
let instruction = substitute(instruction, '^\(if\|while\|foreach\|for\)\s*(\s*', '', '')
" lets iterate trough the instruction until we can find the pair for the opening (
let i = 0
let depth = 1
while i < len(instruction)
if instruction[i] == '('
let depth += 1
if instruction[i] == ')'
let depth -= 1
if depth == 0
let i += 1
let instruction = instruction[i + 1 : len(instruction)]
" trim whitespace from the ends
65 0.000586 let instruction = substitute(instruction, '\v^(^\s+)|(\s+)$', '', 'g')
65 0.000092 return instruction
FUNCTION ale#job#Start()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.058813
Self time: 0.058672
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000288 0.000148 call ale#job#ValidateArguments(a:command, a:options)
26 0.000089 let l:job_info = copy(a:options)
26 0.000039 let l:job_options = {}
26 0.000061 if has('nvim')
26 0.000046 if has_key(a:options, 'out_cb')
26 0.000106 let l:job_options.on_stdout = function('s:NeoVimCallback')
26 0.000046 let l:job_info.out_cb_line = ''
26 0.000012 endif
26 0.000039 if has_key(a:options, 'err_cb')
let l:job_options.on_stderr = function('s:NeoVimCallback')
let l:job_info.err_cb_line = ''
26 0.000038 if has_key(a:options, 'exit_cb')
26 0.000076 let l:job_options.on_exit = function('s:NeoVimCallback')
26 0.000011 endif
26 0.055782 let l:job_info.job = jobstart(a:command, l:job_options)
26 0.000226 let l:job_id = l:job_info.job
26 0.000029 else
let l:job_options = { 'in_mode': l:job_info.mode, 'out_mode': l:job_info.mode, 'err_mode': l:job_info.mode,}
if has_key(a:options, 'out_cb')
let l:job_options.out_cb = function('s:VimOutputCallback')
if has_key(a:options, 'err_cb')
let l:job_options.err_cb = function('s:VimErrorCallback')
if has_key(a:options, 'exit_cb')
" Set a close callback to which simply calls job_status()
" when the channel is closed, which can trigger the exit callback
" earlier on.
let l:job_options.close_cb = function('s:VimCloseCallback')
let l:job_options.exit_cb = function('s:VimExitCallback')
" Use non-blocking writes for Vim versions that support the option.
if has('patch-8.1.350')
let l:job_options.noblock = 1
" Vim 8 will read the stdin from the file's buffer.
let l:job_info.job = job_start(a:command, l:job_options)
let l:job_id = ale#job#ParseVim8ProcessID(string(l:job_info.job))
26 0.000038 if l:job_id > 0
" Store the job in the map for later only if we can get the ID.
26 0.000153 let s:job_map[l:job_id] = l:job_info
26 0.000015 endif
26 0.000073 return l:job_id
FUNCTION airline#parts#filetype()
Called 1459 times
Total time: 0.006454
Self time: 0.006454
count total (s) self (s)
1459 0.005846 return winwidth(0) < 90 && strlen(&filetype) > 3 ? matchstr(&filetype, '...'). (&encoding is? 'utf-8' ? '…' : '>') : &filetype
FUNCTION airline#parts#iminsert()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.006649
Self time: 0.006649
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.002618 if g:airline_detect_iminsert && &iminsert && exists('b:keymap_name')
return toupper(b:keymap_name)
1439 0.000735 return ''
FUNCTION ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.034448
Self time: 0.007575
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000065 let l:command = ''
55 0.000048 let l:address = ''
55 0.011894 0.000488 let l:root = ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.project_root_callback)(a:buffer)
55 0.000112 if empty(l:root) && a:linter.lsp isnot# 'tsserver'
" If there's no project root, then we can't check files with LSP,
" unless we are using tsserver, which doesn't use project roots.
return {}
55 0.000984 0.000309 let l:init_options = ale#lsp_linter#GetOptions(a:buffer, a:linter)
55 0.000078 if a:linter.lsp is# 'socket'
let l:address = ale#linter#GetAddress(a:buffer, a:linter)
let l:conn_id = ale#lsp#Register(l:address, l:root, l:init_options)
let l:ready = ale#lsp#ConnectToAddress(l:conn_id, l:address)
55 0.003077 0.000241 let l:executable = ale#linter#GetExecutable(a:buffer, a:linter)
55 0.000970 if empty(l:executable) || !executable(l:executable)
return {}
55 0.001390 0.000391 let l:conn_id = ale#lsp#Register(l:executable, l:root, l:init_options)
55 0.000464 0.000225 let l:command = ale#linter#GetCommand(a:buffer, a:linter)
" Format the command, so %e can be formatted into it.
55 0.004180 0.000389 let l:command = ale#command#FormatCommand(a:buffer, l:executable, l:command, 0)[1]
55 0.002942 0.000341 let l:command = ale#job#PrepareCommand(a:buffer, l:command)
55 0.002238 0.000318 let l:ready = ale#lsp#StartProgram(l:conn_id, l:executable, l:command)
55 0.000022 endif
55 0.000036 if !l:ready
if g:ale_history_enabled && !empty(l:command)
call ale#history#Add(a:buffer, 'failed', l:conn_id, l:command)
return {}
" tsserver behaves differently, so tell the LSP API that it is tsserver.
55 0.000078 if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
call ale#lsp#MarkConnectionAsTsserver(l:conn_id)
55 0.000793 0.000228 let l:config = ale#lsp_linter#GetConfig(a:buffer, a:linter)
55 0.000857 0.000472 let l:language_id = ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.language_callback)(a:buffer)
55 0.000285 let l:details = { 'buffer': a:buffer, 'connection_id': l:conn_id, 'command': l:command, 'project_root': l:root, 'language_id': l:language_id,}
55 0.000611 0.000237 call ale#lsp#UpdateConfig(l:conn_id, a:buffer, l:config)
55 0.001370 0.000287 if ale#lsp#OpenDocument(l:conn_id, a:buffer, l:language_id)
if g:ale_history_enabled && !empty(l:command)
call ale#history#Add(a:buffer, 'started', l:conn_id, l:command)
" The change message needs to be sent for tsserver before doing anything.
55 0.000081 if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
call ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:conn_id, a:buffer)
55 0.000041 return l:details
FUNCTION ale_linters#php#langserver#GetProjectRoot()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.010952
Self time: 0.000719
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.010624 0.000391 let l:git_path = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, '.git')
55 0.000223 return !empty(l:git_path) ? fnamemodify(l:git_path, ':h:h') : ''
FUNCTION airline#extensions#term#apply()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.004697
Self time: 0.004697
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.000391 if &buftype == 'terminal'
let spc =
let name=get(g:airline_mode_map, 't', 't')
call a:1.add_section('airline_a',
call a:1.add_section('airline_b', '')
call a:1.add_section('airline_term', spc.s:termname())
call a:1.split()
call a:1.add_section('airline_y', '')
call a:1.add_section('airline_z', spc.airline#section#create_right(['linenr', 'maxlinenr']))
return 1
FUNCTION <SNR>27_record()
Called 532 times
Total time: 0.031655
Self time: 0.008901
count total (s) self (s)
532 0.001056 if s:locked | retu | en
532 0.000958 let bufnr = a:bufnr + 0
532 0.001160 let bufname = bufname(bufnr)
532 0.001009 if bufnr > 0 && !empty(bufname)
214 0.000853 cal filter(s:mrbs, 'v:val != bufnr')
214 0.000410 cal insert(s:mrbs, bufnr)
214 0.023970 0.001217 cal s:addtomrufs(bufname)
214 0.000098 en
FUNCTION ale#events#ReadOrEnterEvent()
Called 214 times
Total time: 0.005095
Self time: 0.005095
count total (s) self (s)
" Apply pattern options if the variable is set.
214 0.001004 if get(g:, 'ale_pattern_options_enabled', 1)&& !empty(get(g:, 'ale_pattern_options'))
call ale#pattern_options#SetOptions(a:buffer)
" When entering a buffer, we are no longer quitting it.
214 0.000654 call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_quitting', 0)
214 0.000649 let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
214 0.000694 call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_original_filetype', l:filetype)
" If the file changed outside of Vim, check it on BufEnter,BufRead
214 0.000390 if getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_file_changed')
call ale#events#LintOnEnter(a:buffer)
FUNCTION <SNR>29_OnReady()
Called 29 times
Total time: 0.016245
Self time: 0.001750
count total (s) self (s)
29 0.000041 let l:buffer = a:lsp_details.buffer
29 0.000047 let l:id = a:lsp_details.connection_id
" If we have sent a completion request already, don't send another.
29 0.000031 if b:ale_completion_info.request_id
29 0.000137 let l:Callback = a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver' ? function('ale#completion#HandleTSServerResponse') : function('ale#completion#HandleLSPResponse')
29 0.000590 0.000126 call ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(l:id, l:Callback)
29 0.000033 if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Completions( l:buffer, b:ale_completion_info.line, b:ale_completion_info.column, b:ale_completion_info.prefix,)
" Send a message saying the buffer has changed first, otherwise
" completions won't know what text is nearby.
29 0.008550 0.000209 call ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:id, l:buffer)
" For LSP completions, we need to clamp the column to the length of
" the line. python-language-server and perhaps others do not implement
" this correctly.
29 0.003116 0.000389 let l:message = ale#lsp#message#Completion( l:buffer, b:ale_completion_info.line, min([ b:ale_completion_info.line_length, b:ale_completion_info.column, ]), ale#completion#GetTriggerCharacter(&filetype, b:ale_completion_info.prefix),)
29 0.000012 endif
29 0.003102 0.000138 let l:request_id = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message)
29 0.000023 if l:request_id
29 0.000051 let b:ale_completion_info.conn_id = l:id
29 0.000040 let b:ale_completion_info.request_id = l:request_id
29 0.000055 if has_key(a:linter, 'completion_filter')
let b:ale_completion_info.completion_filter = a:linter.completion_filter
29 0.000011 endif
FUNCTION ale#path#ToURI()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.002647
Self time: 0.001228
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.000250 let l:has_drive_letter = a:path[1:2] is# ':\'
77 0.002304 0.000885 return substitute( ((l:has_drive_letter || a:path[:0] is# '/') ? 'file://' : '') . (l:has_drive_letter ? '/' . a:path[:2] : '') . ale#uri#Encode(l:has_drive_letter ? a:path[3:] : a:path), '\\', '/', 'g',)
Called 519 times
Total time: 2.258594
Self time: 0.267428
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.000489 let side = 1
519 0.000435 let line = ''
519 0.000426 let i = 0
519 0.000944 let length = len(self._sections)
519 0.000442 let split = 0
519 0.000489 let is_empty = 0
519 0.000530 let prev_group = ''
4358 0.004701 while i < length
3839 0.006210 let section = self._sections[i]
3839 0.005280 let group = section[0]
3839 0.005157 let contents = section[1]
3839 0.004442 let pgroup = prev_group
3839 0.052580 0.018086 let prev_group = airline#builder#get_prev_group(self._sections, i)
3839 0.007649 if group ==# 'airline_c' && &buftype ==# 'terminal' &&
let group = 'airline_term'
elseif group ==# 'airline_c' && ! && has_key(self._context, 'bufnr')
let group = 'airline_c'. self._context.bufnr
elseif prev_group ==# 'airline_c' && ! && has_key(self._context, 'bufnr')
let prev_group = 'airline_c'. self._context.bufnr
3839 0.002471 if is_empty
let prev_group = pgroup
3839 0.048182 0.016045 let is_empty = s:section_is_empty(self, contents)
3839 0.002179 if is_empty
" need to fix highlighting groups, since we
" have skipped a section, we actually need
" the previous previous group and so the
" seperator goes from the previous previous group
" to the current group
let pgroup = group
3839 0.003776 if group == ''
let line .= contents
elseif group == '|'
519 0.000404 let side = 0
519 0.001007 let line .= contents
519 0.000400 let split = 1
519 0.000244 else
3320 0.003365 if prev_group == ''
519 0.001374 let line .= '%#'.group.'#'
519 0.000354 elseif split
519 0.000350 if !is_empty
519 0.244366 0.003212 let line .= s:get_transitioned_seperator(self, prev_group, group, side)
519 0.000282 endif
519 0.000526 let split = 0
519 0.000244 else
2282 0.001518 if !is_empty
2282 1.558839 0.013723 let line .= s:get_seperator(self, prev_group, group, side)
2282 0.001203 endif
2282 0.000970 endif
3320 0.163137 0.024872 let line .= is_empty ? '' : s:get_accented_line(self, group, contents)
3320 0.001643 endif
3839 0.004521 let i = i + 1
3839 0.002785 endwhile
519 0.000534 if !
"let line = substitute(line, '%#airline_c#', '%#airline_c'.self._context.bufnr.'#', '')
208 0.006696 let line = substitute(line, '%#.\{-}\ze#', '\0_inactive', 'g')
208 0.000118 endif
519 0.000470 return line
FUNCTION <SNR>76_exec_separator()
Called 3256 times
Total time: 1.378914
Self time: 0.098159
count total (s) self (s)
3256 0.004181 if pumvisible()
20 0.000010 return
3236 0.008833 let group = a:from.'_to_'.a:to.a:suffix
3236 0.374605 0.015281 let l:from = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:from.a:suffix)
3236 0.352372 0.014098 let l:to = airline#themes#get_highlight(a:to.a:suffix)
3236 0.002348 if a:inverse
682 0.002166 let colors = [ l:from[1], l:to[1], l:from[3], l:to[3] ]
682 0.000306 else
2554 0.008174 let colors = [ l:to[1], l:from[1], l:to[3], l:from[3] ]
2554 0.001058 endif
3236 0.009189 let a:dict[group] = colors
3236 0.601049 0.017891 call airline#highlighter#exec(group, colors)
FUNCTION <SNR>102_GetLinterNames()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.001067
Self time: 0.001067
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000166 let l:buffer_ale_linters = get(b:, 'ale_linters', {})
" b:ale_linters can be set to 'all'
55 0.000062 if l:buffer_ale_linters is# 'all'
return 'all'
" b:ale_linters can be set to a List.
55 0.000086 if type(l:buffer_ale_linters) is v:t_list
return l:buffer_ale_linters
" Try to get a buffer-local setting for the filetype
55 0.000110 if has_key(l:buffer_ale_linters, a:original_filetype)
return l:buffer_ale_linters[a:original_filetype]
" Try to get a global setting for the filetype
55 0.000118 if has_key(g:ale_linters, a:original_filetype)
55 0.000085 return g:ale_linters[a:original_filetype]
" If the user has configured ALE to only enable linters explicitly, then
" don't enable any linters by default.
if g:ale_linters_explicit
return []
" Try to get a default setting for the filetype
if has_key(s:default_ale_linters, a:original_filetype)
return s:default_ale_linters[a:original_filetype]
return 'all'
FUNCTION ale#history#RememberOutput()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000647
Self time: 0.000237
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000571 0.000161 let l:obj = s:FindHistoryItem(a:buffer, a:job_id)
26 0.000045 let l:obj.output = a:output
FUNCTION ale#engine#ManageDirectory()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000472
Self time: 0.000214
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000361 0.000103 call ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(a:buffer)
26 0.000091 call add(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].temporary_directory_list, a:directory)
FUNCTION ale#ShouldDoNothing()
Called 265 times
Total time: 0.016795
Self time: 0.012782
count total (s) self (s)
" The checks are split into separate if statements to make it possible to
" profile each check individually with Vim's profiling tools.
" Do nothing if ALE is disabled.
265 0.001101 if !getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', get(g:, 'ale_enabled', 0))
return 1
" Don't perform any checks when newer NeoVim versions are exiting.
265 0.000697 if get(v:, 'exiting', v:null) isnot v:null
return 1
265 0.000865 let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
" Do nothing when there's no filetype.
265 0.000323 if l:filetype is# ''
104 0.000058 return 1
" Do nothing for blacklisted files.
161 0.000757 if index(get(g:, 'ale_filetype_blacklist', []), l:filetype) >= 0
return 1
" Do nothing if running from command mode.
161 0.000489 if s:getcmdwintype_exists && !empty(getcmdwintype())
return 1
161 0.000675 let l:filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':t')
" Do nothing for directories.
161 0.000190 if l:filename is# '.'
return 1
" Don't start linting and so on when an operator is pending.
161 0.001359 0.000750 if ale#util#Mode(1) is# 'no'
return 1
" Do nothing if running in the sandbox.
161 0.002457 0.000530 if ale#util#InSandbox()
return 1
" Do nothing if the file is too large.
161 0.002087 0.000610 if ale#FileTooLarge(a:buffer)
return 1
" Do nothing from CtrlP buffers with CtrlP-funky.
161 0.001168 if exists(':CtrlPFunky') is 2&& getbufvar(a:buffer, '&l:statusline') =~# 'CtrlPMode.*funky'
return 1
161 0.000100 return 0
FUNCTION ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions()
Called 68 times
Total time: 0.001091
Self time: 0.001091
count total (s) self (s)
" Reset settings when completion is done.
68 0.000182 if exists('b:ale_old_omnifunc')
20 0.000045 if b:ale_old_omnifunc isnot# 'pythoncomplete#Complete'
20 0.000077 let &l:omnifunc = b:ale_old_omnifunc
20 0.000011 endif
20 0.000053 unlet b:ale_old_omnifunc
20 0.000009 endif
68 0.000121 if exists('b:ale_old_completopt')
20 0.000072 let &l:completeopt = b:ale_old_completopt
20 0.000056 unlet b:ale_old_completopt
20 0.000008 endif
FUNCTION ale#completion#StopTimer()
Called 60 times
Total time: 0.000551
Self time: 0.000551
count total (s) self (s)
60 0.000122 if s:timer_id != -1
15 0.000045 call timer_stop(s:timer_id)
15 0.000006 endif
60 0.000114 let s:timer_id = -1
FUNCTION <SNR>114_TemporaryFilename()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000961
Self time: 0.000477
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000092 let l:filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':t')
26 0.000036 if empty(l:filename)
" If the buffer's filename is empty, create a dummy filename.
let l:ft = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
let l:filename = 'file' . ale#filetypes#GuessExtension(l:ft)
" Create a temporary filename, <temp_dir>/<original_basename>
" The file itself will not be created by this function.
26 0.000680 0.000196 return ale#util#Tempname() . (has('win32') ? '\' : '/') . l:filename
FUNCTION <SNR>121_FixList()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.013248
Self time: 0.004566
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.001078 0.000332 let l:format = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'loclist_msg_format')
74 0.000093 let l:new_list = []
242 0.000266 for l:item in a:list
168 0.000692 let l:fixed_item = copy(l:item)
168 0.008913 0.000977 let l:fixed_item.text = ale#GetLocItemMessage(l:item, l:format)
168 0.000189 if l:item.bufnr == -1
" If the buffer number is invalid, remove it.
call remove(l:fixed_item, 'bufnr')
168 0.000346 call add(l:new_list, l:fixed_item)
168 0.000106 endfor
74 0.000059 return l:new_list
FUNCTION airline#util#doautocmd()
Called 18 times
Total time: 0.002045
Self time: 0.001355
count total (s) self (s)
18 0.002035 0.001345 exe printf("silent doautocmd %s User %s", s:nomodeline, a:event)
FUNCTION ale#history#SetExitCode()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.001256
Self time: 0.000404
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.001038 0.000186 let l:obj = s:FindHistoryItem(a:buffer, a:job_id)
" If we find a match, then set the code and status.
26 0.000054 let l:obj.exit_code = a:exit_code
26 0.000042 let l:obj.status = 'finished'
FUNCTION ale#util#Writefile()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.121542
Self time: 0.121542
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000159 let l:corrected_lines = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&fileformat') is# 'dos' ? map(copy(a:lines), 'substitute(v:val, ''\r*$'', ''\r'', '''')') : a:lines
26 0.121327 call writefile(l:corrected_lines, a:filename) " no-custom-checks
FUNCTION ale#lsp_linter#GetOptions()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000675
Self time: 0.000675
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000082 let l:initialization_options = {}
55 0.000112 if has_key(a:linter, 'initialization_options_callback')
let l:initialization_options = ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.initialization_options_callback)(a:buffer)
elseif has_key(a:linter, 'initialization_options')
let l:initialization_options = a:linter.initialization_options
55 0.000048 return l:initialization_options
FUNCTION AutoPairsDelete()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.003331
Self time: 0.003331
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000224 if !b:autopairs_enabled
return "\<BS>"
26 0.000208 let line = getline('.')
26 0.000091 let pos = col('.') - 1
26 0.000311 let current_char = get(split(strpart(line, pos), '\zs'), 0, '')
26 0.000628 let prev_chars = split(strpart(line, 0, pos), '\zs')
26 0.000071 let prev_char = get(prev_chars, -1, '')
26 0.000055 let pprev_char = get(prev_chars, -2, '')
26 0.000039 if pprev_char == '\'
return "\<BS>"
" Delete last two spaces in parens, work with MapSpace
26 0.000097 if has_key(b:AutoPairs, pprev_char) && prev_char == ' ' && current_char == ' '
return "\<BS>\<DEL>"
" Delete Repeated Pair eg: '''|''' [[|]] {{|}}
26 0.000046 if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char)
2 0.000002 let times = 0
2 0.000002 let p = -1
4 0.000012 while get(prev_chars, p, '') == prev_char
2 0.000003 let p = p - 1
2 0.000002 let times = times + 1
2 0.000006 endwhile
2 0.000004 let close = b:AutoPairs[prev_char]
2 0.000005 let left = repeat(prev_char, times)
2 0.000004 let right = repeat(close, times)
2 0.000005 let before = strpart(line, pos-times, times)
2 0.000004 let after = strpart(line, pos, times)
2 0.000004 if left == before && right == after
return repeat("\<BS>\<DEL>", times)
2 0.000001 end
26 0.000055 if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char)
2 0.000003 let close = b:AutoPairs[prev_char]
2 0.000016 if match(line,'^\s*'.close, col('.')-1) != -1
" Delete (|___)
let space = matchstr(line, '^\s*', col('.')-1)
return "\<BS>". repeat("\<DEL>", len(space)+1)
elseif match(line, '^\s*$', col('.')-1) != -1
" Delete (|__\n___)
2 0.000007 let nline = getline(line('.')+1)
2 0.000008 if nline =~ '^\s*'.close
if &filetype == 'vim' && prev_char == '"'
" Keep next line's comment
return "\<BS>"
let space = matchstr(nline, '^\s*')
return "\<BS>\<DEL>". repeat("\<DEL>", len(space)+1)
2 0.000001 end
2 0.000001 end
26 0.000038 return "\<BS>"
FUNCTION ale#lsp#Register()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000999
Self time: 0.000999
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000164 let l:conn_id = a:executable_or_address . ':' . a:project
55 0.000139 if !has_key(s:connections, l:conn_id)
" is_tsserver: 1 if the connection is for tsserver.
" data: The message data received so far.
" root: The project root.
" open_documents: A Dictionary mapping buffers to b:changedtick, keeping
" track of when documents were opened, and when we last changed them.
" initialized: 0 if the connection is ready, 1 otherwise.
" init_request_id: The ID for the init request.
" init_options: Options to send to the server.
" config: Configuration settings to send to the server.
" callback_list: A list of callbacks for handling LSP responses.
" message_queue: Messages queued for sending to callbacks.
" capabilities_queue: The list of callbacks to call with capabilities.
" capabilities: Features the server supports.
let s:connections[l:conn_id] = { 'id': l:conn_id, 'is_tsserver': 0, 'data': '', 'root': a:project, 'open_documents': {}, 'initialized': 0, 'init_request_id': 0, 'init_options': a:init_options, 'config': {}, 'callback_list': [], 'message_queue': [], 'capabilities_queue': [], 'capabilities': { 'hover': 0, 'references': 0, 'completion': 0, 'completion_trigger_characters': [], 'definition': 0, 'symbol_search': 0, },}
55 0.000051 return l:conn_id
FUNCTION <SNR>82_can_diffoff()
Called 206 times
Total time: 0.001652
Self time: 0.001652
count total (s) self (s)
206 0.001487 return getwinvar(bufwinnr(a:buf), '&diff') && !empty(getbufvar(a:buf, 'git_dir')) && !empty(getwinvar(bufwinnr(a:buf), 'fugitive_diff_restore'))
FUNCTION ale#lsp_linter#HandleLSPResponse()
Called 2516 times
Total time: 0.321950
Self time: 0.059596
count total (s) self (s)
2516 0.006396 let l:method = get(a:response, 'method', '')
2516 0.008273 if get(a:response, 'jsonrpc', '') is# '2.0' && has_key(a:response, 'error')
let l:linter_name = get(s:lsp_linter_map, a:conn_id, '')
call s:HandleLSPErrorMessage(l:linter_name, a:response)
elseif l:method is# 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'
48 0.262802 0.000448 call s:HandleLSPDiagnostics(a:conn_id, a:response)
48 0.000133 elseif get(a:response, 'type', '') is# 'event'&& get(a:response, 'event', '') is# 'semanticDiag'
call s:HandleTSServerDiagnostics(a:response, 'semantic')
elseif get(a:response, 'type', '') is# 'event'&& get(a:response, 'event', '') is# 'syntaxDiag'
call s:HandleTSServerDiagnostics(a:response, 'syntax')
FUNCTION ale#lsp#message#Completion()
Called 29 times
Total time: 0.001748
Self time: 0.000801
count total (s) self (s)
29 0.001546 0.000600 let l:message = [0, 'textDocument/completion', { 'textDocument': { 'uri': ale#path#ToURI(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')), }, 'position': {'line': a:line - 1, 'character': a:column},}]
29 0.000053 if !empty(a:trigger_character)
let l:message[2].context = { 'triggerKind': s:COMPLETION_TRIGGER_CHARACTER, 'triggerCharacter': a:trigger_character,}
29 0.000021 return l:message
FUNCTION ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
Called 58 times
Total time: 0.004499
Self time: 0.001337
count total (s) self (s)
58 0.000162 let l:buffer = bufnr('')
58 0.000073 if !g:ale_echo_cursor && !g:ale_cursor_detail
" Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
58 0.000116 if mode(1) isnot# 'n'
45 0.000024 return
13 0.001369 0.000082 if ale#ShouldDoNothing(l:buffer)
13 0.000970 0.000123 let [l:info, l:loc] = ale#util#FindItemAtCursor(l:buffer)
13 0.000012 if g:ale_echo_cursor
13 0.000031 if !empty(l:loc)
4 0.000091 0.000024 let l:format = ale#Var(l:buffer, 'echo_msg_format')
4 0.000278 0.000025 let l:msg = ale#GetLocItemMessage(l:loc, l:format)
4 0.000737 0.000032 call ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho(l:msg)
4 0.000020 let l:info.echoed = 1
4 0.000007 elseif get(l:info, 'echoed')
" We'll only clear the echoed message when moving off errors once,
" so we don't continually clear the echo line.
2 0.000032 execute 'echo'
2 0.000006 let l:info.echoed = 0
2 0.000001 endif
13 0.000006 endif
13 0.000014 if g:ale_cursor_detail
if !empty(l:loc)
call s:ShowCursorDetailForItem(l:loc, {'stay_here': 1})
call ale#preview#CloseIfTypeMatches('ale-preview')
FUNCTION <SNR>121_BufWinId()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.000478
Self time: 0.000478
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000358 return exists('*bufwinid') ? bufwinid(str2nr(a:buffer)) : 0
FUNCTION <SNR>76_hl_group_exists()
Called 3444 times
Total time: 0.036502
Self time: 0.036502
count total (s) self (s)
3444 0.011653 if !hlexists(a:group)
return 0
elseif empty(synIDattr(hlID(a:group), 'fg'))
return 0
3444 0.001717 return 1
FUNCTION ale#path#FromURI()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.001510
Self time: 0.001121
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000095 let l:i = len('file://')
48 0.000174 let l:encoded_path = a:uri[: l:i - 1] is# 'file://' ? a:uri[l:i :] : a:uri
48 0.000605 0.000216 let l:path = ale#uri#Decode(l:encoded_path)
" If the path is like /C:/foo/bar, it should be C:\foo\bar instead.
48 0.000327 if l:path =~# '^/[a-zA-Z]:'
let l:path = substitute(l:path[1:], '/', '\\', 'g')
48 0.000041 return l:path
FUNCTION ale#history#Add()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.003597
Self time: 0.003597
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000079 if g:ale_max_buffer_history_size <= 0
" Don't save anything if the history isn't a positive number.
call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_history', [])
26 0.000187 let l:history = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_history', [])
" Remove the first item if we hit the max history size.
26 0.000058 if len(l:history) >= g:ale_max_buffer_history_size
26 0.000992 let l:history = l:history[1:]
26 0.000013 endif
26 0.000140 call add(l:history, { 'status': a:status, 'job_id': a:job_id, 'command': a:command,})
26 0.001858 call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_history', l:history)
Called 3320 times
Total time: 0.009682
Self time: 0.009682
count total (s) self (s)
3320 0.008730 call add(self._sections, [a:group, a:contents])
FUNCTION ale#GetLocItemMessage()
Called 172 times
Total time: 0.008189
Self time: 0.008189
count total (s) self (s)
172 0.000274 let l:msg = a:format_string
172 0.000259 let l:severity = g:ale_echo_msg_warning_str
172 0.000370 let l:code = get(a:item, 'code', '')
172 0.000336 let l:type = get(a:item, 'type', 'E')
172 0.000392 let l:linter_name = get(a:item, 'linter_name', '')
172 0.000389 let l:code_repl = !empty(l:code) ? '\=submatch(1) . l:code . submatch(2)' : ''
172 0.000195 if l:type is# 'E'
172 0.000261 let l:severity = g:ale_echo_msg_error_str
172 0.000122 elseif l:type is# 'I'
let l:severity = g:ale_echo_msg_info_str
" Replace special markers with certain information.
" \=l:variable is used to avoid escaping issues.
172 0.000907 let l:msg = substitute(l:msg, '\V%severity%', '\=l:severity', 'g')
172 0.000681 let l:msg = substitute(l:msg, '\V%linter%', '\=l:linter_name', 'g')
172 0.001854 let l:msg = substitute(l:msg, '\v\%([^\%]*)code([^\%]*)\%', l:code_repl, 'g')
" Replace %s with the text.
172 0.000917 let l:msg = substitute(l:msg, '\V%s', '\=a:item.text', 'g')
172 0.000143 return l:msg
FUNCTION ale#util#JoinNeovimOutput()
Called 1954 times
Total time: 0.791096
Self time: 0.028827
count total (s) self (s)
1954 0.002675 if a:mode is# 'raw'
1902 0.782441 0.020737 call a:callback(a:job, join(a:data, "\n"))
1902 0.001268 return ''
52 0.000141 let l:lines = a:data[:-2]
52 0.000096 if len(a:data) > 1
26 0.000086 let l:lines[0] = a:last_line . l:lines[0]
26 0.000044 let l:new_last_line = a:data[-1]
26 0.000016 else
26 0.000085 let l:new_last_line = a:last_line . get(a:data, 0, '')
26 0.000026 endif
114 0.000199 for l:line in l:lines
62 0.000931 0.000366 call a:callback(a:job, l:line)
62 0.000045 endfor
52 0.000052 return l:new_last_line
FUNCTION ale#sign#SetSigns()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.265402
Self time: 0.224143
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000201 if !bufexists(str2nr(a:buffer))
" Stop immediately when attempting to set signs for a buffer which
" does not exist.
" Find the current markers
74 0.012788 0.000547 let [l:is_dummy_sign_set, l:current_sign_list] = ale#sign#FindCurrentSigns(a:buffer)
" Update the line numbers for items from before which may have moved.
74 0.004415 0.000587 call s:UpdateLineNumbers(a:buffer, l:current_sign_list, a:loclist)
" Group items after updating the line numbers.
74 0.003378 0.000389 let l:grouped_items = s:GroupLoclistItems(a:buffer, a:loclist)
" Build a map of current and new signs, with the lines as the keys.
74 0.016107 0.000511 let l:sign_map = s:BuildSignMap( a:buffer, l:current_sign_list, l:grouped_items,)
74 0.007052 0.000447 let l:command_list = ale#sign#GetSignCommands( a:buffer, l:is_dummy_sign_set, l:sign_map,)
" Change the sign column color if the option is on.
74 0.000132 if g:ale_change_sign_column_color && !empty(a:loclist)
highlight clear SignColumn
highlight link SignColumn ALESignColumnWithErrors
208 0.000322 for l:command in l:command_list
134 0.219340 silent! execute l:command
134 0.000234 endfor
" Reset the sign column color when there are no more errors.
74 0.000198 if g:ale_change_sign_column_color && empty(a:loclist)
highlight clear SignColumn
highlight link SignColumn ALESignColumnWithoutErrors
FUNCTION ale#node#FindExecutable()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.001648
Self time: 0.000585
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000893 0.000308 if ale#Var(a:buffer, a:base_var_name . '_use_global')
55 0.000692 0.000214 return ale#Var(a:buffer, a:base_var_name . '_executable')
for l:path in a:path_list
let l:executable = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, l:path)
if !empty(l:executable)
return l:executable
return ale#Var(a:buffer, a:base_var_name . '_executable')
FUNCTION <SNR>84_HandleExit()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.100195
Self time: 0.002581
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000110 if !has_key(s:job_info_map, a:job_id)
26 0.000063 let l:job_info = s:job_info_map[a:job_id]
26 0.000041 let l:linter = l:job_info.linter
26 0.000029 let l:output = l:job_info.output
26 0.000029 let l:buffer = l:job_info.buffer
26 0.000037 let l:executable = l:job_info.executable
26 0.000037 let l:next_chain_index = l:job_info.next_chain_index
26 0.000026 if g:ale_history_enabled
26 0.001460 0.000203 call ale#history#SetExitCode(l:buffer, a:job_id, a:exit_code)
26 0.000013 endif
" Remove this job from the list.
26 0.000836 0.000145 call ale#job#Stop(a:job_id)
26 0.000068 call remove(s:job_info_map, a:job_id)
26 0.000248 call filter(g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].job_list, 'v:val isnot# a:job_id')
26 0.000130 call filter(g:ale_buffer_info[l:buffer].active_linter_list, 'v:val isnot#')
" Stop here if we land in the handle for a job completing if we're in
" a sandbox.
26 0.000634 0.000112 if ale#util#InSandbox()
26 0.000114 if has('nvim') && !empty(l:output) && empty(l:output[-1])
call remove(l:output, -1)
26 0.000081 if l:next_chain_index < len(get(l:linter, 'command_chain', []))
call s:InvokeChain(l:buffer, l:executable, l:linter, l:next_chain_index, l:output)
" Log the output of the command for ALEInfo if we should.
26 0.000045 if g:ale_history_enabled && g:ale_history_log_output
26 0.000778 0.000132 call ale#history#RememberOutput(l:buffer, a:job_id, l:output[:])
26 0.000012 endif
26 0.000015 try
26 0.004936 0.000226 let l:loclist = ale#util#GetFunction(l:linter.callback)(l:buffer, l:output)
" Handle the function being unknown, or being deleted.
26 0.000018 catch /E700/
let l:loclist = []
26 0.089959 0.000171 call ale#engine#HandleLoclist(, l:buffer, l:loclist, 0)
FUNCTION ale#engine#InitBufferInfo()
Called 52 times
Total time: 0.000788
Self time: 0.000788
count total (s) self (s)
52 0.000134 if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
" job_list will hold the list of job IDs
" active_linter_list will hold the list of active linter names
" loclist holds the loclist items after all jobs have completed.
" temporary_file_list holds temporary files to be cleaned up
" temporary_directory_list holds temporary directories to be cleaned up
let g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer] = { 'job_list': [], 'active_linter_list': [], 'active_other_sources_list': [], 'loclist': [], 'temporary_file_list': [], 'temporary_directory_list': [],}
return 1
52 0.000051 return 0
FUNCTION <SNR>79_get_seperator()
Called 2282 times
Total time: 1.545116
Self time: 0.023007
count total (s) self (s)
2282 0.501222 0.010355 if airline#builder#should_change_group(a:prev_group, a:group)
2282 1.042763 0.011522 return s:get_transitioned_seperator(a:self, a:prev_group, a:group, a:side)
return a:side ? a:self._context.left_alt_sep : a:self._context.right_alt_sep
FUNCTION <SNR>84_StopCurrentJobs()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000921
Self time: 0.000921
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000111 let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
26 0.000036 let l:new_job_list = []
26 0.000031 let l:new_active_linter_list = []
26 0.000087 for l:job_id in get(l:info, 'job_list', [])
let l:job_info = get(s:job_info_map, l:job_id, {})
if !empty(l:job_info)
if a:include_lint_file_jobs || !l:job_info.linter.lint_file
call ale#job#Stop(l:job_id)
call remove(s:job_info_map, l:job_id)
call add(l:new_job_list, l:job_id)
" Linters with jobs still running are still active.
call add(l:new_active_linter_list,
" Remove duplicates from the active linter list.
26 0.000081 call uniq(sort(l:new_active_linter_list))
" Update the List, so it includes only the jobs we still need.
26 0.000051 let l:info.job_list = l:new_job_list
" Update the active linter list, clearing out anything not running.
26 0.000042 let l:info.active_linter_list = l:new_active_linter_list
FUNCTION ale#statusline#Count()
Called 2638 times
Total time: 0.051967
Self time: 0.016798
count total (s) self (s)
" The Dictionary is copied here before exposing it to other plugins.
2638 0.049959 0.014791 return copy(s:GetCounts(a:buffer))
FUNCTION airline#extensions#default#apply()
Called 519 times
Total time: 0.261745
Self time: 0.021093
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.000753 let winnr = a:context.winnr
519 0.000598 let active =
519 0.004082 0.002611 if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, 'airline_render_left', active || (!active && !g:airline_inactive_collapse))
311 0.062791 0.001536 call s:build_sections(a:builder, a:context, s:layout[0])
311 0.000160 else
208 0.007654 0.001010 let text = s:get_section(winnr, 'c')
208 0.000292 if empty(text)
2 0.000004 let text = ' %f%m '
2 0.000001 endif
208 0.001872 0.001095 call a:builder.add_section('airline_c'.(a:context.bufnr), text)
208 0.000100 endif
519 0.019706 0.003877 call a:builder.split(s:get_section(winnr, 'gutter', '', ''))
519 0.002910 0.001751 if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr, 'airline_render_right', 1)
519 0.155919 0.002402 call s:build_sections(a:builder, a:context, s:layout[1])
519 0.000232 endif
519 0.000268 return 1
FUNCTION ale#FileTooLarge()
Called 161 times
Total time: 0.001477
Self time: 0.001477
count total (s) self (s)
161 0.000772 let l:max = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_maximum_file_size', get(g:, 'ale_maximum_file_size', 0))
161 0.000450 return l:max > 0 ? (line2byte(line('$') + 1) > l:max) : 0
FUNCTION ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer()
Called 3070 times
Total time: 0.027878
Self time: 0.027878
count total (s) self (s)
3070 0.009599 let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
3070 0.015343 return !empty(get(l:info, 'active_linter_list', [])) || !empty(get(l:info, 'active_other_sources_list', []))
FUNCTION ale#job#ValidateArguments()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000140
Self time: 0.000140
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000077 if a:options.mode isnot# 'nl' && a:options.mode isnot# 'raw'
throw 'Invalid mode: ' . a:options.mode
FUNCTION airline#extensions#fugitiveline#bufname()
Called 1450 times
Total time: 0.070708
Self time: 0.070708
count total (s) self (s)
1450 0.003100 if !exists('b:fugitive_name')
let b:fugitive_name = ''
if bufname('%') =~? '^fugitive:' && exists('*FugitiveReal')
let b:fugitive_name = FugitiveReal(bufname('%'))
elseif exists('b:git_dir')
let buffer = fugitive#buffer()
if buffer.type('blob')
let b:fugitive_name = buffer.repo().translate(buffer.path('/'))
1450 0.002250 if empty(b:fugitive_name)
1450 0.042103 return fnamemodify(bufname('%'), s:fmod)
return fnamemodify(b:fugitive_name, s:fmod)
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#add_separator()
Called 2801 times
Total time: 1.203029
Self time: 0.035003
count total (s) self (s)
2801 0.013847 let s:separators[a:from.a:to] = [a:from, a:to, a:inverse]
2801 1.187829 0.019803 call <sid>exec_separator({}, a:from, a:to, a:inverse, '')
FUNCTION airline#util#wrap()
Called 11590 times
Total time: 0.043242
Self time: 0.043242
count total (s) self (s)
11590 0.019335 if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
11590 0.008300 return a:text
FUNCTION FindOpenBracket()
Called 8 times
Total time: 0.003733
Self time: 0.001713
count total (s) self (s)
8 0.000020 call cursor(a:lnum, 1)
8 0.002002 0.000713 let line = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW', 'Skippmatch()')
8 0.000009 if a:blockStarter == 1
14 0.000014 while line > 1
14 0.000028 let linec = getline(line)
14 0.000807 if linec =~ s:terminated || linec =~ s:structureHead
8 0.000007 break
6 0.000764 0.000034 let line = GetLastRealCodeLNum(line - 1)
6 0.000004 endwhile
8 0.000004 endif
8 0.000006 return line
FUNCTION ale#completion#NullFilter()
Called 7 times
Total time: 0.000008
Self time: 0.000008
count total (s) self (s)
7 0.000005 return 1
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ale#get()
Called 2896 times
Total time: 0.254669
Self time: 0.136769
count total (s) self (s)
2896 0.007173 if !exists(':ALELint')
return ''
2896 0.008172 let error_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#error_symbol', 'E:')
2896 0.007414 let warning_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#warning_symbol', 'W:')
2896 0.007513 let checking_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#checking_symbol', '...')
2896 0.007194 let show_line_numbers = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#show_line_numbers', 1)
2896 0.004765 let is_err = a:type ==# 'error'
2896 0.038563 0.012191 if ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(bufnr('')) == 1
258 0.000331 return is_err ? '' : checking_symbol
2638 0.004430 let symbol = is_err ? error_symbol : warning_symbol
2638 0.062154 0.010187 let counts = ale#statusline#Count(bufnr(''))
2638 0.008857 if type(counts) == type({}) && has_key(counts, 'error')
" Use the current Dictionary format.
2638 0.004440 let errors = counts.error + counts.style_error
2638 0.004512 let num = is_err ? errors : - errors
2638 0.001289 else
" Use the old List format.
let num = is_err ? counts[0] : counts[1]
2638 0.002527 if show_line_numbers == 1
2638 0.060006 0.020445 return s:airline_ale_count(num, symbol) . <sid>airline_ale_get_line_number(num, a:type)
return s:airline_ale_count(num, symbol)
FUNCTION <SNR>101_ApplyPartialTimer()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.027139
Self time: 0.001210
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000186 if has_key(s:partial_timers, a:timer_id)
74 0.000366 let [l:Callback, l:args] = remove(s:partial_timers, a:timer_id)
74 0.026476 0.000548 call call(l:Callback, [a:timer_id] + l:args)
74 0.000030 endif
FUNCTION FugitiveGitDir()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.006210
Self time: 0.006210
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.001812 if !a:0 || a:1 ==# -1
1439 0.003413 return get(b:, 'git_dir', '')
elseif type(a:1) == type(0)
return getbufvar(a:1, 'git_dir')
elseif type(a:1) == type('')
return substitute(s:Slash(a:1), '/$', '', '')
return ''
FUNCTION phpcomplete#ExpandClassName()
Called 256 times
Total time: 0.017883
Self time: 0.017883
count total (s) self (s)
" if there's an imported class, just use that class's information
256 0.001091 if has_key(a:imports, a:classname) && (a:imports[a:classname].kind == 'c' || a:imports[a:classname].kind == 'i' || a:imports[a:classname].kind == 't')
let namespace = has_key(a:imports[a:classname], 'namespace') ? a:imports[a:classname].namespace : ''
return [a:imports[a:classname].name, namespace]
" try to find relative namespace in imports, imported names takes precedence over
" current namespace when resolving relative namespaced class names
256 0.001101 if a:classname !~ '^\' && a:classname =~ '\\'
202 0.001466 let classname_parts = split(a:classname, '\\\+')
202 0.000597 if has_key(a:imports, classname_parts[0]) && a:imports[classname_parts[0]].kind == 'n'
let classname_parts[0] = a:imports[classname_parts[0]].name
let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\')
let classname = classname_parts[-1]
return [classname, namespace]
202 0.000080 endif
" no imported class or namespace matched, expand with the current namespace
256 0.000278 let namespace = ''
256 0.000328 let classname = a:classname
" if the classname have namespaces in in or we are in a namespace
256 0.000797 if a:classname =~ '\\' || (a:current_namespace != '\' && a:current_namespace != '')
" add current namespace to the a:classname
256 0.000579 if a:classname !~ '^\'
256 0.001413 let classname = a:current_namespace.'\'.substitute(a:classname, '^\\', '', '')
256 0.000118 else
" remove leading \, tag files doesn't have those
let classname = substitute(a:classname, '^\\', '', '')
" split classname to classname and namespace
256 0.002002 let classname_parts = split(classname, '\\\+')
256 0.000418 if len(classname_parts) > 1
256 0.001518 let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\')
256 0.000380 let classname = classname_parts[-1]
256 0.000109 endif
256 0.000110 endif
256 0.000431 return [classname, namespace]
FUNCTION ale#engine#ProcessChain()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.001491
Self time: 0.001384
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000067 let l:output_stream = get(a:linter, 'output_stream', 'stdout')
26 0.000035 let l:read_buffer = a:linter.read_buffer
26 0.000029 let l:chain_index = a:chain_index
26 0.000026 let l:input = a:input
26 0.000039 if has_key(a:linter, 'command_chain')
while l:chain_index < len(a:linter.command_chain)
" Run a chain of commands, one asynchronous command after the other,
" so that many programs can be run in a sequence.
let l:chain_item = a:linter.command_chain[l:chain_index]
if l:chain_index == 0
" The first callback in the chain takes only a buffer number.
let l:command = ale#util#GetFunction(l:chain_item.callback)( a:buffer)
" The second callback in the chain takes some input too.
let l:command = ale#util#GetFunction(l:chain_item.callback)( a:buffer, l:input)
" If we have a command to run, execute that.
if !empty(l:command)
" The chain item can override the output_stream option.
if has_key(l:chain_item, 'output_stream')
let l:output_stream = l:chain_item.output_stream
" The chain item can override the read_buffer option.
if has_key(l:chain_item, 'read_buffer')
let l:read_buffer = l:chain_item.read_buffer
elseif l:chain_index != len(a:linter.command_chain) - 1
" Don't read the buffer for commands besides the last one
" in the chain by default.
let l:read_buffer = 0
" Command chain items can return an empty string to indicate that
" a command should be skipped, so we should try the next item
" with no input.
let l:input = []
let l:chain_index += 1
26 0.000214 0.000107 let l:command = ale#linter#GetCommand(a:buffer, a:linter)
26 0.000022 endif
26 0.000142 return { 'command': l:command, 'buffer': a:buffer, 'linter': a:linter, 'output_stream': l:output_stream, 'next_chain_index': l:chain_index + 1, 'read_buffer': l:read_buffer,}
FUNCTION <SNR>69_update_git_branch()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.175797
Self time: 0.027737
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.009550 0.004817 if !airline#util#has_fugitive()
let s:vcs_config['git'].branch = ''
1439 0.154399 0.011073 let s:vcs_config['git'].branch = exists("*FugitiveHead") ? FugitiveHead(s:sha1size) : fugitive#head(s:sha1size)
1439 0.004073 if s:vcs_config['git'].branch is# 'master' && winwidth(0) < 81
" Shorten default a bit
let s:vcs_config['git'].branch='mas'
FUNCTION airline#extensions#term#inactive_apply()
Called 208 times
Total time: 0.001975
Self time: 0.001975
count total (s) self (s)
208 0.000645 if getbufvar(a:2.bufnr, '&buftype') == 'terminal'
let spc =
call a:1.add_section('airline_a', spc.'TERMINAL'.spc)
call a:1.add_section('airline_b', spc.'%f')
return 1
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.283758
Self time: 0.004353
count total (s) self (s)
" Use the filetype from the buffer
26 0.000413 let l:filetype = getbufvar(a:buffer, '&filetype')
26 0.009328 0.000427 let l:linters = ale#linter#Get(l:filetype)
" Apply ignore lists for linters only if needed.
26 0.000419 0.000140 let l:ignore_config = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'linters_ignore')
26 0.000097 let l:linters = !empty(l:ignore_config) ? ale#engine#ignore#Exclude(l:filetype, l:linters, l:ignore_config) : l:linters
" Tell other sources that they can start checking the buffer now.
26 0.000172 let g:ale_want_results_buffer = a:buffer
26 0.002150 0.001834 silent doautocmd <nomodeline> User ALEWantResults
26 0.000234 unlet! g:ale_want_results_buffer
" Don't set up buffer data and so on if there are no linters to run.
26 0.000128 if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer) && empty(l:linters)
" Clear lint_file linters, or only run them if the file exists.
26 0.000135 let l:lint_file = empty(l:linters) || (a:should_lint_file && filereadable(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')))
26 0.270269 0.000360 call ale#engine#RunLinters(a:buffer, l:linters, l:lint_file)
FUNCTION airline#builder#get_prev_group()
Called 3839 times
Total time: 0.034494
Self time: 0.034494
count total (s) self (s)
3839 0.004976 let x = a:i - 1
4358 0.004048 while x >= 0
3839 0.006266 let group = a:sections[x][0]
3839 0.006451 if group != '' && group != '|'
3320 0.002790 return group
519 0.000491 let x = x - 1
519 0.000353 endwhile
519 0.000317 return ''
FUNCTION airline#util#getwinvar()
Called 6329 times
Total time: 0.016943
Self time: 0.016943
count total (s) self (s)
6329 0.015077 return getwinvar(a:winnr, a:key, a:def)
FUNCTION airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
Called 1448 times
Total time: 0.137771
Self time: 0.121930
count total (s) self (s)
1448 0.004008 let max_lines = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#max_lines', 20000)
1448 0.006552 if &readonly || !&modifiable || !s:enabled || line('$') > max_lines || get(b:, 'airline_whitespace_disabled', 0)
9 0.000008 return ''
1439 0.011117 let skip_check_ft = extend(s:skip_check_ft, get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#skip_indent_check_ft', {}), 'force')
1439 0.003358 if !exists('b:airline_whitespace_check')
let b:airline_whitespace_check = ''
let checks = get(b:, 'airline_whitespace_checks', get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#checks', s:default_checks))
let trailing = 0
let check = 'trailing'
if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
let regexp = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_regexp', '\s$')
let trailing = search(regexp, 'nw')
call airline#util#warning(printf('Whitespace: error occurred evaluating "%s"', regexp))
echomsg v:exception
return ''
let mixed = 0
let check = 'indent'
if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
let mixed = s:check_mixed_indent()
let mixed_file = ''
let check = 'mixed-indent-file'
if index(checks, check) > -1 && index(get(skip_check_ft, &ft, []), check) < 0
let mixed_file = s:check_mixed_indent_file()
let long = 0
if index(checks, 'long') > -1 && &tw > 0
let long = search('\%>'.&tw.'v.\+', 'nw')
if trailing != 0 || mixed != 0 || long != 0 || !empty(mixed_file)
let b:airline_whitespace_check = s:symbol
if strlen(s:symbol) > 0
let space = (
let space = ''
if s:show_message
if trailing != 0
let trailing_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#trailing_format', '[%s]trailing')
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(trailing_fmt, trailing)
if mixed != 0
let mixed_indent_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_format', '[%s]mixed-indent')
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(mixed_indent_fmt, mixed)
if long != 0
let long_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#long_format', '[%s]long')
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(long_fmt, long)
if !empty(mixed_file)
let mixed_indent_file_fmt = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#whitespace#mixed_indent_file_format', '[%s]mix-indent-file')
let b:airline_whitespace_check .= space.printf(mixed_indent_file_fmt, mixed_file)
1439 0.021646 0.005805 return airline#util#shorten(b:airline_whitespace_check, 120, 9)
FUNCTION <SNR>61_is_excluded_window()
Called 519 times
Total time: 0.019420
Self time: 0.019420
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.001047 for matchft in g:airline_exclude_filetypes
if matchft ==# &ft
return 1
2076 0.002111 for matchw in g:airline_exclude_filenames
1557 0.008209 if matchstr(expand('%'), matchw) ==# matchw
return 1
1557 0.000670 endfor
519 0.000587 if g:airline_exclude_preview && &previewwindow
return 1
519 0.000294 return 0
FUNCTION <SNR>38_ExpandMap()
Called 104 times
Total time: 0.002378
Self time: 0.002378
count total (s) self (s)
104 0.000178 let map = a:map
104 0.002000 let map = substitute(map, '\(<Plug>\w\+\)', '\=maparg(submatch(1), "i")', 'g')
104 0.000112 return map
FUNCTION AutoPairsInit()
Called 104 times
Total time: 0.047146
Self time: 0.031548
count total (s) self (s)
104 0.000165 let b:autopairs_loaded = 1
104 0.000202 if !exists('b:autopairs_enabled')
104 0.000127 let b:autopairs_enabled = 1
104 0.000046 end
104 0.000155 let b:AutoPairsClosedPairs = {}
104 0.000172 if !exists('b:AutoPairs')
104 0.000175 let b:AutoPairs = g:AutoPairs
104 0.000043 end
104 0.000187 if !exists('b:AutoPairsMoveCharacter')
104 0.000186 let b:AutoPairsMoveCharacter = g:AutoPairsMoveCharacter
104 0.000040 end
" buffer level map pairs keys
728 0.001730 for [open, close] in items(b:AutoPairs)
624 0.012951 0.002224 call AutoPairsMap(open)
624 0.000737 if open != close
312 0.005893 0.001021 call AutoPairsMap(close)
312 0.000159 end
624 0.001233 let b:AutoPairsClosedPairs[close] = open
624 0.000371 endfor
936 0.001965 for key in split(b:AutoPairsMoveCharacter, '\s*')
832 0.002724 let escaped_key = substitute(key, "'", "''", 'g')
832 0.006464 execute 'inoremap <silent> <buffer> <M-'.key."> <C-R>=AutoPairsMoveCharacter('".escaped_key."')<CR>"
832 0.000514 endfor
" Still use <buffer> level mapping for <BS> <SPACE>
104 0.000116 if g:AutoPairsMapBS
" Use <C-R> instead of <expr> for issue #14 sometimes press BS output strange words
104 0.000576 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'
104 0.000054 end
104 0.000081 if g:AutoPairsMapCh
104 0.000548 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-h> <C-R>=AutoPairsDelete()<CR>'
104 0.000045 endif
104 0.000088 if g:AutoPairsMapSpace
" Try to respect abbreviations on a <SPACE>
104 0.000116 let do_abbrev = ""
104 0.000234 if v:version == 703 && has("patch489") || v:version > 703
104 0.000113 let do_abbrev = "<C-]>"
104 0.000044 endif
104 0.000699 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <SPACE> '.do_abbrev.'<C-R>=AutoPairsSpace()<CR>'
104 0.000043 end
104 0.000169 if g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap != ''
104 0.000705 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap.' <C-R>=AutoPairsFastWrap()<CR>'
104 0.000041 end
104 0.000135 if g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert != ''
104 0.000713 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert.' <C-R>=AutoPairsBackInsert()<CR>'
104 0.000040 end
104 0.000123 if g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle != ''
" use <expr> to ensure showing the status when toggle
104 0.000656 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle.' AutoPairsToggle()'
104 0.000757 execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> '.g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle.' :call AutoPairsToggle()<CR>'
104 0.000040 end
104 0.000116 if g:AutoPairsShortcutJump != ''
104 0.000733 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:AutoPairsShortcutJump. ' <ESC>:call AutoPairsJump()<CR>a'
104 0.000726 execute 'noremap <buffer> <silent> ' . g:AutoPairsShortcutJump. ' :call AutoPairsJump()<CR>'
104 0.000040 end
FUNCTION <SNR>27_addtomrufs()
Called 214 times
Total time: 0.022753
Self time: 0.022753
count total (s) self (s)
214 0.005238 let fn = fnamemodify(a:fname, ':p')
214 0.001181 let fn = exists('+ssl') ? tr(fn, '/', '\') : fn
214 0.012696 if ( !empty({s:in}) && fn !~# {s:in} ) || ( !empty({s:ex}) && fn =~# {s:ex} ) || !empty(getbufvar('^'.fn.'$', '&bt')) || !filereadable(fn) | retu
214 0.001182 let idx = index(s:mrufs, fn, 0, !{s:cseno})
214 0.000143 if idx
cal filter(s:mrufs, 'v:val !='.( {s:cseno} ? '#' : '?' ).' fn')
cal insert(s:mrufs, fn)
if {s:soup} && idx < 0
cal s:savetofile(s:mergelists())
FUNCTION ale#Queue()
Called 178 times
Total time: 0.014159
Self time: 0.005379
count total (s) self (s)
178 0.000245 if a:0 > 2
throw 'too many arguments!'
178 0.000490 let l:buffer = get(a:000, 1, v:null)
178 0.000205 if l:buffer is v:null
74 0.000166 let l:buffer = bufnr('')
74 0.000032 endif
178 0.000350 if type(l:buffer) isnot v:t_number
throw 'buffer_number must be a Number'
178 0.009498 0.000718 if ale#ShouldDoNothing(l:buffer)
104 0.000052 return
" Default linting_flag to ''
74 0.000200 let l:should_lint_file = get(a:000, 0) is# 'lint_file'
74 0.000089 if s:lint_timer != -1
74 0.000190 call timer_stop(s:lint_timer)
74 0.000155 let s:lint_timer = -1
74 0.000037 endif
74 0.000073 if a:delay > 0
74 0.000533 let s:lint_timer = timer_start( a:delay, function('s:Lint', [l:buffer, l:should_lint_file]))
74 0.000040 else
call s:Lint(l:buffer, l:should_lint_file, 0)
FUNCTION <SNR>120_BuildSignMap()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.015596
Self time: 0.009562
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.001031 0.000319 let l:max_signs = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'max_signs')
74 0.000078 if l:max_signs is 0
let l:selected_grouped_items = []
elseif type(l:max_signs) is v:t_number && l:max_signs > 0
let l:selected_grouped_items = a:grouped_items[:l:max_signs - 1]
74 0.000124 let l:selected_grouped_items = a:grouped_items
74 0.000044 endif
74 0.000093 let l:sign_map = {}
74 0.000105 let l:sign_offset = g:ale_sign_offset
196 0.000301 for [l:line, l:sign_id, l:name] in a:current_sign_list
122 0.000717 let l:sign_info = get(l:sign_map, l:line, { 'current_id_list': [], 'current_name_list': [], 'new_id': 0, 'new_name': '', 'items': [],})
" Increment the sign offset for new signs, by the maximum sign ID.
122 0.000143 if l:sign_id > l:sign_offset
99 0.000100 let l:sign_offset = l:sign_id
99 0.000044 endif
" Remember the sign names and IDs in separate Lists, so they are easy
" to work with.
122 0.000233 call add(l:sign_info.current_id_list, l:sign_id)
122 0.000217 call add(l:sign_info.current_name_list, l:name)
122 0.000217 let l:sign_map[l:line] = l:sign_info
122 0.000074 endfor
196 0.000215 for l:group in l:selected_grouped_items
122 0.000159 let l:line = l:group[0].lnum
122 0.000761 let l:sign_info = get(l:sign_map, l:line, { 'current_id_list': [], 'current_name_list': [], 'new_id': 0, 'new_name': '', 'items': [],})
122 0.005928 0.000607 let l:sign_info.new_name = ale#sign#GetSignName(l:group)
122 0.000156 let l:sign_info.items = l:group
122 0.000307 let l:index = index( l:sign_info.current_name_list, l:sign_info.new_name)
122 0.000105 if l:index >= 0
" We have a sign with this name already, so use the same ID.
117 0.000196 let l:sign_info.new_id = l:sign_info.current_id_list[l:index]
117 0.000054 else
" This sign name replaces the previous name, so use a new ID.
5 0.000007 let l:sign_info.new_id = l:sign_offset + 1
5 0.000006 let l:sign_offset += 1
5 0.000002 endif
122 0.000185 let l:sign_map[l:line] = l:sign_info
122 0.000068 endfor
74 0.000059 return l:sign_map
FUNCTION phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock()
Called 7 times
Total time: 0.000621
Self time: 0.000621
count total (s) self (s)
7 0.000034 let res = { 'description': '', 'params': [], 'return': {}, 'throws': [], 'var': {}, 'properties': [], }
7 0.000103 let res.description = substitute(matchstr(a:docblock, '\zs\_.\{-}\ze\(@type\|@var\|@param\|@return\|$\)'), '\(^\_s*\|\_s*$\)', '', 'g')
7 0.000025 let docblock_lines = split(a:docblock, "\n")
7 0.000024 let param_lines = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^@param"')
7 0.000009 for param_line in param_lines
let parts = matchlist(param_line, '@param\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)')
if len(parts) > 0
call add(res.params, { 'line': parts[0], 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(parts, 1, '')), 'name': get(parts, 2, ''), 'description': get(parts, 3, '')})
7 0.000020 let return_line = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^@return"')
7 0.000011 if len(return_line) > 0
let return_parts = matchlist(return_line[0], '@return\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)')
let res['return'] = { 'line': return_parts[0], 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(return_parts, 1, '')), 'description': get(return_parts, 2, '')}
7 0.000021 let exception_lines = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^\\(@throws\\|@exception\\)"')
7 0.000009 for exception_line in exception_lines
let parts = matchlist(exception_line, '^\(@throws\|@exception\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)')
if len(parts) > 0
call add(res.throws, { 'line': parts[0], 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(parts, 2, '')), 'description': get(parts, 3, '')})
7 0.000020 let var_line = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^\\(@var\\|@type\\)"')
7 0.000010 if len(var_line) > 0
let var_parts = matchlist(var_line[0], '\(@var\|@type\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)')
let res['var'] = { 'line': var_parts[0], 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(var_parts, 2, '')), 'description': get(var_parts, 3, '')}
7 0.000019 let property_lines = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^@property"')
7 0.000008 for property_line in property_lines
let parts = matchlist(property_line, '\(@property\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)')
if len(parts) > 0
call add(, { 'line': parts[0], 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(parts, 2, '')), 'description': get(parts, 3, '')})
7 0.000006 return res
FUNCTION AutoPairsReturn()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000213
Self time: 0.000213
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000012 if b:autopairs_enabled == 0
return ''
4 0.000010 let line = getline('.')
4 0.000015 let pline = getline(line('.')-1)
4 0.000012 let prev_char = pline[strlen(pline)-1]
4 0.000004 let cmd = ''
4 0.000009 let cur_char = line[col('.')-1]
4 0.000043 if has_key(b:AutoPairs, prev_char) && b:AutoPairs[prev_char] == cur_char
1 0.000013 if g:AutoPairsCenterLine && winline() * 3 >= winheight(0) * 2
" Recenter before adding new line to avoid replacing line content
let cmd = "zz"
" If equalprg has been set, then avoid call =
1 0.000002 if &equalprg != ''
return "\<ESC>".cmd."O"
" conflict with javascript and coffee
" javascript need indent new line
" coffeescript forbid indent new line
1 0.000002 if &filetype == 'coffeescript' || &filetype == 'coffee'
return "\<ESC>".cmd."k==o"
1 0.000003 return "\<ESC>".cmd."=ko"
3 0.000002 return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>121_CloseWindowIfNeeded()
Called 47 times
Total time: 0.001537
Self time: 0.000413
count total (s) self (s)
47 0.001428 0.000305 if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'keep_list_window_open') || !s:ShouldOpen(a:buffer)
47 0.000032 return
" Only close windows if the quickfix list or loclist is completely empty,
" including errors set through other means.
if g:ale_set_quickfix
if empty(getqflist())
let l:win_id = s:BufWinId(a:buffer)
if g:ale_set_loclist && empty(getloclist(l:win_id))
" Ignore 'Cannot close last window' errors.
catch /E444/
FUNCTION ale#engine#IsExecutable()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000271
Self time: 0.000271
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000041 if empty(a:executable)
" Don't log the executable check if the executable string is empty.
return 0
" Check for a cached executable() check.
26 0.000080 let l:result = get(s:executable_cache_map, a:executable, v:null)
26 0.000024 if l:result isnot v:null
26 0.000017 return l:result
" Check if the file is executable, and convert -1 to 1.
let l:result = executable(a:executable) isnot 0
" Cache the executable check if we found it, or if the option to cache
" failing checks is on.
if l:result || get(g:, 'ale_cache_executable_check_failures', 0)
let s:executable_cache_map[a:executable] = l:result
if g:ale_history_enabled
call ale#history#Add(a:buffer, l:result, 'executable', a:executable)
return l:result
FUNCTION ale#Escape()
Called 107 times
Total time: 0.001348
Self time: 0.001348
count total (s) self (s)
107 0.000379 if fnamemodify(&shell, ':t') is? 'cmd.exe'
" If the string contains spaces, it will be surrounded by quotes.
" Otherwise, special characters will be escaped with carets (^).
return substitute( a:str =~# ' ' ? '"' . substitute(a:str, '"', '""', 'g') . '"' : substitute(a:str, '\v([&|<>^])', '^\1', 'g'), '%', '%%', 'g',)
107 0.000294 return shellescape (a:str)
FUNCTION airline#update_statusline_inactive()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.629251
Self time: 0.013864
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.002125 0.001327 if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr(), 'airline_disabled', 0)
519 0.000714 for nr in a:range
208 0.001309 0.000728 if airline#util#getwinvar(nr, 'airline_disabled', 0)
208 0.000568 call setwinvar(nr, 'airline_active', 0)
208 0.000888 let context = { 'winnr': nr, 'active': 0, 'bufnr': winbufnr(nr) }
208 0.000438 if get(g:, 'airline_inactive_alt_sep', 0)
call extend(context, { 'left_sep': g:airline_left_alt_sep, 'right_sep': g:airline_right_alt_sep }, 'keep')
208 0.616547 0.002539 call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, s:inactive_funcrefs)
208 0.000222 endfor
FUNCTION ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.005719
Self time: 0.005719
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000064 let l:loclist = []
122 0.000156 for l:diagnostic in a:response.params.diagnostics
74 0.000163 let l:severity = get(l:diagnostic, 'severity', 0)
74 0.000509 let l:loclist_item = { 'text': l:diagnostic.message, 'type': 'E', 'lnum': l:diagnostic.range.start.line + 1, 'col': l:diagnostic.range.start.character + 1, 'end_lnum': l:diagnostic.range.end.line + 1, 'end_col': l:diagnostic.range.end.character + 1,}
74 0.000096 if l:severity == s:SEVERITY_WARNING
let l:loclist_item.type = 'W'
elseif l:severity == s:SEVERITY_INFORMATION
" TODO: Use 'I' here in future.
let l:loclist_item.type = 'W'
elseif l:severity == s:SEVERITY_HINT
" TODO: Use 'H' here in future
let l:loclist_item.type = 'W'
74 0.000119 if has_key(l:diagnostic, 'code')
74 0.000130 if type(l:diagnostic.code) == v:t_string
let l:loclist_item.code = l:diagnostic.code
elseif type(l:diagnostic.code) == v:t_number && l:diagnostic.code != -1
let l:loclist_item.code = string(l:diagnostic.code)
let = l:diagnostic.code
74 0.000033 endif
74 0.000126 if has_key(l:diagnostic, 'relatedInformation')
let l:related = deepcopy(l:diagnostic.relatedInformation)
call map(l:related, {key, val -> ale#path#FromURI(val.location.uri) . ':' . (val.location.range.start.line + 1) . ':' . (val.location.range.start.character + 1) . ":\n\t" . val.message })
let l:loclist_item.detail = l:diagnostic.message . "\n" . join(l:related, "\n")
74 0.000117 if has_key(l:diagnostic, 'source')
74 0.000301 let l:loclist_item.detail = printf('[%s] %s', l:diagnostic.source, l:diagnostic.message)
74 0.000033 endif
74 0.000135 call add(l:loclist, l:loclist_item)
74 0.000055 endfor
48 0.000039 return l:loclist
FUNCTION <SNR>84_CreateTemporaryFileForJob()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.159279
Self time: 0.037265
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000049 if empty(a:temporary_file)
" There is no file, so we didn't create anything.
return 0
26 0.000078 let l:temporary_directory = fnamemodify(a:temporary_file, ':h')
" Create the temporary directory for the file, unreadable by 'other'
" users.
26 0.036154 call mkdir(l:temporary_directory, '', 0750)
" Automatically delete the directory later.
26 0.000671 0.000200 call ale#engine#ManageDirectory(a:buffer, l:temporary_directory)
" Write the buffer out to a file.
26 0.000285 let l:lines = getbufline(a:buffer, 1, '$')
26 0.121748 0.000206 call ale#util#Writefile(a:buffer, l:lines, a:temporary_file)
26 0.000089 return 1
FUNCTION Skippmatch()
Called 13 times
Total time: 0.001814
Self time: 0.001814
count total (s) self (s)
13 0.001663 let synname = synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")
13 0.000120 if synname == "Delimiter" || synname == "phpRegionDelimiter" || synname =~# "^phpParent" || synname == "phpArrayParens" || synname =~# '^php\%(Block\|Brace\)' || synname == "javaScriptBraces" || synname =~# '^php\%(Doc\)\?Comment' && b:UserIsTypingComment
13 0.000012 return 0
return 1
FUNCTION <SNR>76_CheckDefined()
Called 3794 times
Total time: 0.100359
Self time: 0.100359
count total (s) self (s)
" Checks, whether the definition of the colors is valid and is not empty or NONE
" e.g. if the colors would expand to this:
" hi airline_c ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
" that means to clear that highlighting group, therefore, fallback to Normal
" highlighting group for the cterm values
" This only works, if the Normal highlighting group is actually defined, so
" return early, if it has been cleared
3794 0.009330 if !exists("g:airline#highlighter#normal_fg_hi")
let g:airline#highlighter#normal_fg_hi = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'fg', 'cterm')
3794 0.009569 if empty(g:airline#highlighter#normal_fg_hi) || g:airline#highlighter#normal_fg_hi < 0
return a:colors
10338 0.011518 for val in a:colors
10338 0.019411 if !empty(val) && val !=# 'NONE'
3794 0.002893 return a:colors
6544 0.004382 endfor
" this adds the bold attribute to the term argument of the :hi command,
" but at least this makes sure, the group will be defined
let fg = g:airline#highlighter#normal_fg_hi
let bg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), 'bg', 'cterm')
if bg < 0
" in case there is no background color defined for Normal
let bg = a:colors[3]
return a:colors[0:1] + [fg, bg] + [a:colors[4]]
FUNCTION ale#lsp#ReadMessageData()
Called 1902 times
Total time: 0.208022
Self time: 0.208022
count total (s) self (s)
1902 0.002713 let l:response_list = []
1902 0.002580 let l:remainder = a:data
4418 0.003453 while 1
" Look for the end of the HTTP headers
4418 0.023847 let l:body_start_index = matchend(l:remainder, "\r\n\r\n")
4418 0.004628 if l:body_start_index < 0
" No header end was found yet.
1902 0.001349 break
" Parse the Content-Length header.
2516 0.007220 let l:header_data = l:remainder[:l:body_start_index - 4]
2516 0.032552 let l:length_match = matchlist( l:header_data, '\vContent-Length: *(\d+)')
2516 0.003911 if empty(l:length_match)
throw "Invalid JSON-RPC header:\n" . l:header_data
" Split the body and the remainder of the text.
2516 0.008227 let l:remainder_start_index = l:body_start_index + str2nr(l:length_match[1])
2516 0.006808 if len(l:remainder) < l:remainder_start_index
" We don't have enough data yet.
2516 0.006798 let l:body = l:remainder[l:body_start_index : l:remainder_start_index - 1]
2516 0.005779 let l:remainder = l:remainder[l:remainder_start_index :]
" Parse the JSON object and add it to the list.
2516 0.022718 call add(l:response_list, json_decode(l:body))
2516 0.003387 endwhile
1902 0.003249 return [l:remainder, l:response_list]
FUNCTION ale#job#SendRaw()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.001363
Self time: 0.001363
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.000169 if has('nvim')
77 0.000838 call jobsend(a:job_id, a:string)
77 0.000049 else
call ch_sendraw(job_getchannel(s:job_map[a:job_id].job), a:string)
FUNCTION phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents()
Called 1 time
Total time: 0.000009
Self time: 0.000009
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000003 for [cache_key, cached_value] in items(s:cache_classstructures)
if stridx(cache_key, a:full_file_path.'#') == 0
call remove(s:cache_classstructures, cache_key)
FUNCTION FugitiveHead()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.143327
Self time: 0.017575
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.012462 0.006252 let dir = FugitiveGitDir(a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : -1)
1439 0.002026 if empty(dir)
return ''
1439 0.126345 0.006803 return fugitive#Head(a:0 ? a:1 : 0, dir)
FUNCTION <SNR>71_ale_refresh()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.000625
Self time: 0.000625
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000338 if get(g:, 'airline_skip_empty_sections', 0)
exe ':AirlineRefresh'
FUNCTION ale#util#Tempname()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000484
Self time: 0.000484
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000084 let l:clear_tempdir = 0
26 0.000089 if exists('$TMPDIR') && empty($TMPDIR)
let l:clear_tempdir = 1
let $TMPDIR = '/tmp'
26 0.000018 try
26 0.000070 let l:name = tempname() " no-custom-checks
26 0.000019 finally
26 0.000020 if l:clear_tempdir
let $TMPDIR = ''
26 0.000015 endtry
26 0.000021 return l:name
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#highlight()
Called 18 times
Total time: 0.383544
Self time: 0.053640
count total (s) self (s)
18 0.000031 let bufnr = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
18 0.000051 let p = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette
" draw the base mode, followed by any overrides
18 0.000150 let mapped = map(a:modes, 'v:val == a:modes[0] ? v:val : a:modes[0]."_".v:val')
18 0.000033 let suffix = a:modes[0] == 'inactive' ? '_inactive' : ''
18 0.000023 let airline_grouplist = []
18 0.000067 let buffers_in_tabpage = sort(tabpagebuflist())
18 0.000034 if exists("*uniq")
18 0.000040 let buffers_in_tabpage = uniq(buffers_in_tabpage)
18 0.000007 endif
" mapped might be something like ['normal', 'normal_modified']
" if a group is in both modes available, only define the second
" that is how this was done previously overwrite the previous definition
54 0.000098 for mode in reverse(mapped)
36 0.000203 if exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette[mode]')
32 0.000092 let dict = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette[mode]
691 0.001960 for kvp in items(dict)
659 0.000958 let mode_colors = kvp[1]
659 0.000815 let name = kvp[0]
659 0.001416 if name is# 'airline_c' && !empty(bufnr) && suffix is# '_inactive'
4 0.000007 let name = 'airline_c'.bufnr
4 0.000002 endif
" do not re-create highlighting for buffers that are no longer visible
" in the current tabpage
659 0.004113 if name =~# 'airline_c\d\+'
221 0.001523 let bnr = matchstr(name, 'airline_c\zs\d\+') + 0
221 0.000475 if bnr > 0 && index(buffers_in_tabpage, bnr) == -1
185 0.000146 continue
36 0.000076 elseif (name =~# '_to_') || (name[0:10] is# 'airline_tab' && !empty(suffix))
" group will be redefined below at exec_separator
" or is not needed for tabline with '_inactive' suffix
" since active flag is 1 for builder)
224 0.000224 continue
250 0.003165 0.001352 if s:group_not_done(airline_grouplist, name.suffix)
180 0.038955 0.001080 call airline#highlighter#exec(name.suffix, mode_colors)
180 0.000088 endif
750 0.001257 for accent in keys(s:accents)
500 0.001081 if !has_key(p.accents, accent)
500 0.001702 let colors = copy(mode_colors)
500 0.000984 if p.accents[accent][0] != ''
250 0.000542 let colors[0] = p.accents[accent][0]
250 0.000140 endif
500 0.000796 if p.accents[accent][2] != ''
250 0.000444 let colors[2] = p.accents[accent][2]
250 0.000124 endif
500 0.000668 if len(colors) >= 5
500 0.001377 let colors[4] = get(p.accents[accent], 4, '')
500 0.000274 else
call add(colors, get(p.accents[accent], 4, ''))
500 0.005888 0.002732 if s:group_not_done(airline_grouplist, name.suffix.'_'.accent)
360 0.078588 0.002418 call airline#highlighter#exec(name.suffix.'_'.accent, colors)
360 0.000194 endif
500 0.000373 endfor
250 0.000197 endfor
32 0.000052 if empty(s:separators)
" nothing to be done
" TODO: optimize this
487 0.001301 for sep in items(s:separators)
" we cannot check, that the group already exists, else the separators
" might not be correctly defined. But perhaps we can skip above groups
" that match the '_to_' name, because they would be redefined here...
455 0.214350 0.003462 call <sid>exec_separator(dict, sep[1][0], sep[1][1], sep[1][2], suffix)
455 0.000328 endfor
32 0.000015 endif
36 0.000044 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>84_RunLinter()
Called 52 times
Total time: 0.263904
Self time: 0.001282
count total (s) self (s)
52 0.000105 if !empty(a:linter.lsp)
26 0.023529 0.000193 return ale#lsp_linter#CheckWithLSP(a:buffer, a:linter)
26 0.000848 0.000110 let l:executable = ale#linter#GetExecutable(a:buffer, a:linter)
26 0.000370 0.000100 if ale#engine#IsExecutable(a:buffer, l:executable)
26 0.238841 0.000563 return s:InvokeChain(a:buffer, l:executable, a:linter, 0, [])
return 0
FUNCTION <SNR>85_CreateCountDict()
Called 92 times
Total time: 0.000698
Self time: 0.000698
count total (s) self (s)
" Keys 0 and 1 are for backwards compatibility.
" The count object used to be a List of [error_count, warning_count].
92 0.000534 return { '0': 0, '1': 0, 'error': 0, 'warning': 0, 'info': 0, 'style_error': 0, 'style_warning': 0, 'total': 0,}
FUNCTION ale#lsp#message#GetNextVersionID()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.000625
Self time: 0.000625
count total (s) self (s)
" Use the current ID
48 0.000088 let l:id = g:ale_lsp_next_version_id
" Increment the ID variable.
48 0.000127 let g:ale_lsp_next_version_id += 1
" When the ID overflows, reset it to 1. By the time we hit the initial ID
" again, the messages will be long gone.
48 0.000050 if g:ale_lsp_next_version_id < 1
let g:ale_lsp_next_version_id = 1
48 0.000034 return l:id
FUNCTION airline#parts#ffenc()
Called 1459 times
Total time: 0.025614
Self time: 0.025614
count total (s) self (s)
1459 0.004398 let expected = get(g:, 'airline#parts#ffenc#skip_expected_string', '')
1459 0.002282 let bomb = &l:bomb ? '[BOM]' : ''
1459 0.007589 let ff = strlen(&ff) ? '['.&ff.']' : ''
1459 0.004870 if expected is# &fenc.bomb.ff
return ''
1459 0.003439 return &fenc.bomb.ff
FUNCTION ale#Var()
Called 807 times
Total time: 0.008205
Self time: 0.008205
count total (s) self (s)
807 0.001722 let l:full_name = 'ale_' . a:variable_name
807 0.002941 let l:vars = getbufvar(str2nr(a:buffer), '', {})
807 0.002635 return get(l:vars, l:full_name, g:[l:full_name])
FUNCTION airline#util#ignore_buf()
Called 1450 times
Total time: 0.051121
Self time: 0.051121
count total (s) self (s)
1450 0.008867 let pat = '\c\v'. get(g:, 'airline#ignore_bufadd_pat', ''). get(g:, 'airline#extensions#tabline#ignore_bufadd_pat', 'gundo|undotree|vimfiler|tagbar|nerd_tree|startify|!')
1450 0.041109 return match(a:name, pat) > -1
FUNCTION AutoPairsMap()
Called 936 times
Total time: 0.015598
Self time: 0.015598
count total (s) self (s)
" | is special key which separate map command from text
936 0.001065 let key = a:key
936 0.001002 if key == '|'
let key = '<BAR>'
936 0.003568 let escaped_key = substitute(key, "'", "''", 'g')
" use expr will cause search() doesn't work
936 0.007314 execute 'inoremap <buffer> <silent> '.key." <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert('".escaped_key."')<CR>"
FUNCTION airline#parts#paste()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.003022
Self time: 0.003022
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.002548 return g:airline_detect_paste && &paste ? g:airline_symbols.paste : ''
FUNCTION airline#update_statusline()
Called 311 times
Total time: 2.679082
Self time: 0.017450
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.002636 0.001593 if airline#util#getwinvar(winnr(), 'airline_disabled', 0)
311 0.001993 let range = filter(range(1, winnr('$')), 'v:val != winnr()')
" create inactive statusline
311 0.630705 0.001454 call airline#update_statusline_inactive(range)
311 0.000553 unlet! w:airline_render_left w:airline_render_right
311 0.003622 exe 'unlet! ' 'w:airline_section_'. join(s:sections, ' w:airline_section_')
" Now create the active statusline
311 0.000387 let w:airline_active = 1
311 0.001467 let context = { 'winnr': winnr(), 'active': 1, 'bufnr': winbufnr(winnr()) }
311 2.036280 0.004942 call s:invoke_funcrefs(context, g:airline_statusline_funcrefs)
FUNCTION ale#util#GetLineCount()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.001683
Self time: 0.001683
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.001574 return len(getbufline(a:buffer, 1, '$'))
FUNCTION ale#util#BinarySearch()
Called 13 times
Total time: 0.000526
Self time: 0.000526
count total (s) self (s)
13 0.000025 let l:min = 0
13 0.000029 let l:max = len(a:loclist) - 1
16 0.000016 while 1
16 0.000056 if l:max < l:min
9 0.000007 return -1
7 0.000013 let l:mid = (l:min + l:max) / 2
7 0.000012 let l:item = a:loclist[l:mid]
" Binary search for equal buffers, equal lines, then near columns.
7 0.000011 if l:item.bufnr < a:buffer
let l:min = l:mid + 1
elseif l:item.bufnr > a:buffer
let l:max = l:mid - 1
elseif l:item.lnum < a:line
let l:min = l:mid + 1
elseif l:item.lnum > a:line
3 0.000003 let l:max = l:mid - 1
3 0.000001 else
" This part is a small sequential search.
4 0.000006 let l:index = l:mid
" Search backwards to find the first problem on the line.
6 0.000018 while l:index > 0&& a:loclist[l:index - 1].bufnr == a:buffer&& a:loclist[l:index - 1].lnum == a:line
2 0.000003 let l:index -= 1
2 0.000002 endwhile
" Find the last problem on or before this column.
4 0.000020 while l:index < l:max&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].bufnr == a:buffer&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].lnum == a:line&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].col <= a:column
let l:index += 1
" Scan forwards to find the last item on the column for the item
" we found, which will have the most serious problem.
4 0.000010 let l:item_column = a:loclist[l:index].col
6 0.000033 while l:index < l:max&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].bufnr == a:buffer&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].lnum == a:line&& a:loclist[l:index + 1].col == l:item_column
2 0.000002 let l:index += 1
2 0.000001 endwhile
4 0.000005 return l:index
3 0.000002 endwhile
FUNCTION phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers()
Called 68 times
Total time: 0.001696
Self time: 0.001696
count total (s) self (s)
" if theres no modifier, and no modifier is allowed and no modifier is required
68 0.000185 if len(a:modifiers) == 0 && len(a:required_modifiers) == 0
return 1
" check if every requred modifier is present
68 0.000099 for required_modifier in a:required_modifiers
if index(a:modifiers, required_modifier) == -1
return 0
170 0.000165 for modifier in a:modifiers
" if the modifier is prohibited it's a no match
102 0.000220 if index(a:prohibited_modifiers, modifier) != -1
return 0
102 0.000047 endfor
" anything that is not explicitly required or prohibited is allowed
68 0.000043 return 1
FUNCTION airline#parts#readonly()
Called 1450 times
Total time: 0.072933
Self time: 0.021812
count total (s) self (s)
" only consider regular buffers (e.g. ones that represent actual files,
" but not special ones like e.g. NERDTree)
1450 0.061668 0.010548 if !empty(&buftype) || airline#util#ignore_buf(bufname('%'))
return ''
1450 0.003117 if &readonly && !filereadable(bufname('%'))
return '[noperm]'
1450 0.001804 return &readonly ? g:airline_symbols.readonly : ''
FUNCTION fugitive#Head()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.119542
Self time: 0.119542
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.003288 let dir = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : get(b:, 'git_dir', '')
1439 0.041517 if empty(dir) || !filereadable(dir . '/HEAD')
return ''
1439 0.043211 let head = readfile(dir . '/HEAD')[0]
1439 0.010295 if head =~# '^ref: '
1439 0.016889 return substitute(head, '\C^ref: \%(refs/\%(heads/\|remotes/\|tags/\)\=\)\=', '', '')
elseif head =~# '^\x\{40\}$'
let len = a:0 ? a:1 : 0
return len < 0 ? head : len ? head[0:len-1] : ''
return ''
FUNCTION ale#sign#ParseSigns()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.009155
Self time: 0.009155
count total (s) self (s)
" Matches output like :
" line=4 id=1 name=ALEErrorSign
" строка=1 id=1000001 имя=ALEErrorSign
" 行=1 識別子=1000001 名前=ALEWarningSign
" línea=12 id=1000001 nombre=ALEWarningSign
" riga=1 id=1000001, nome=ALEWarningSign
74 0.000187 let l:pattern = '\v^.*\=(\d+).*\=(\d+).*\=(ALE[a-zA-Z]+Sign)'
74 0.000103 let l:result = []
74 0.000093 let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 0
330 0.000357 for l:line in a:line_list
256 0.004396 let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern)
256 0.000409 if len(l:match) > 0
122 0.000183 if l:match[3] is# 'ALEDummySign'
let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 1
122 0.000580 call add(l:result, [ str2nr(l:match[1]), str2nr(l:match[2]), l:match[3],])
122 0.000060 endif
122 0.000052 endif
256 0.000175 endfor
74 0.000142 return [l:is_dummy_sign_set, l:result]
FUNCTION <SNR>41_dopopd()
Called 214 times
Total time: 0.000853
Self time: 0.000853
count total (s) self (s)
214 0.000551 if !exists('w:fzf_pushd')
214 0.000137 return
" FIXME: We temporarily change the working directory to 'dir' entry
" of options dictionary (set to the current working directory if not given)
" before running fzf.
" e.g. call fzf#run({'dir': '/tmp', 'source': 'ls', 'sink': 'e'})
" After processing the sink function, we have to restore the current working
" directory. But doing so may not be desirable if the function changed the
" working directory on purpose.
" So how can we tell if we should do it or not? A simple heuristic we use
" here is that we change directory only if the current working directory
" matches 'dir' entry. However, it is possible that the sink function did
" change the directory to 'dir'. In that case, the user will have an
" unexpected result.
if s:fzf_getcwd() ==# w:fzf_pushd.dir
execute w:fzf_pushd.command s:escape(w:fzf_pushd.origin)
unlet w:fzf_pushd
FUNCTION ale#util#GetItemPriority()
Called 218 times
Total time: 0.003200
Self time: 0.003200
count total (s) self (s)
218 0.000329 if a:item.type is# 'I'
return g:ale#util#info_priority
218 0.000228 if a:item.type is# 'W'
if get(a:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style'
return g:ale#util#style_warning_priority
return g:ale#util#warning_priority
218 0.000491 if get(a:item, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style'
return g:ale#util#style_error_priority
218 0.000220 return g:ale#util#error_priority
FUNCTION ale#cursor#TruncatedEcho()
Called 4 times
Total time: 0.000705
Self time: 0.000692
count total (s) self (s)
4 0.000006 let l:message = a:original_message
" Change tabs to spaces.
4 0.000017 let l:message = substitute(l:message, "\t", ' ', 'g')
" Remove any newlines in the message.
4 0.000013 let l:message = substitute(l:message, "\n", '', 'g')
" We need to remember the setting for shortmess and reset it again.
4 0.000011 let l:shortmess_options = &l:shortmess
4 0.000003 try
4 0.000011 let l:cursor_position = getcurpos()
" The message is truncated and saved to the history.
4 0.000040 0.000030 setlocal shortmess+=T
4 0.000003 try
4 0.000426 exec "norm! :echomsg l:message\n"
4 0.000005 catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E523/
" Fallback into manual truncate (#1987)
let l:winwidth = winwidth(0)
if l:winwidth < strdisplaywidth(l:message)
" Truncate message longer than window width with trailing '...'
let l:message = l:message[:l:winwidth - 4] . '...'
exec 'echomsg l:message'
" Reset the cursor position if we moved off the end of the line.
" Using :norm and :echomsg can move the cursor off the end of the
" line.
4 0.000022 if l:cursor_position != getcurpos()
call setpos('.', l:cursor_position)
4 0.000004 finally
4 0.000022 0.000019 let &l:shortmess = l:shortmess_options
4 0.000003 endtry
FUNCTION ale#engine#RunLinters()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.269908
Self time: 0.003380
count total (s) self (s)
" Initialise the buffer information if needed.
26 0.000668 0.000139 let l:new_buffer = ale#engine#InitBufferInfo(a:buffer)
26 0.001051 0.000130 call s:StopCurrentJobs(a:buffer, a:should_lint_file)
26 0.000865 0.000131 call s:RemoveProblemsForDisabledLinters(a:buffer, a:linters)
" We can only clear the results if we aren't checking the buffer.
26 0.000304 0.000101 let l:can_clear_results = !ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(a:buffer)
26 0.001118 0.000883 silent doautocmd <nomodeline> User ALELintPre
78 0.000386 for l:linter in a:linters
" Only run lint_file linters if we should.
52 0.000075 if !l:linter.lint_file || a:should_lint_file
52 0.264317 0.000413 if s:RunLinter(a:buffer, l:linter)
" If a single linter ran, we shouldn't clear everything.
45 0.000080 let l:can_clear_results = 0
45 0.000023 endif
52 0.000026 else
" If we skipped running a lint_file linter still in the list,
" we shouldn't clear everything.
let l:can_clear_results = 0
52 0.000076 endfor
" Clear the results if we can. This needs to be done when linters are
" disabled, or ALE itself is disabled.
26 0.000027 if l:can_clear_results
call ale#engine#SetResults(a:buffer, [])
elseif l:new_buffer
call s:AddProblemsFromOtherBuffers(a:buffer, a:linters)
FUNCTION airline#builder#should_change_group()
Called 2282 times
Total time: 0.490868
Self time: 0.036922
count total (s) self (s)
2282 0.003232 if a:group1 == a:group2
return 0
2282 0.242381 0.008886 let color1 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group1)
2282 0.229149 0.008698 let color2 = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group2)
2282 0.002621 if g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui'
return color1[1] != color2[1] || color1[0] != color2[0]
2282 0.004528 return color1[3] != color2[3] || color1[2] != color2[2]
FUNCTION ale#path#FindNearestDirectory()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.010233
Self time: 0.010233
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.001182 let l:buffer_filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p')
55 0.000250 let l:buffer_filename = fnameescape(l:buffer_filename)
55 0.007229 let l:relative_path = finddir(a:directory_name, l:buffer_filename . ';')
55 0.000134 if !empty(l:relative_path)
55 0.001307 return fnamemodify(l:relative_path, ':p')
return ''
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#exec()
Called 3794 times
Total time: 0.702255
Self time: 0.166518
count total (s) self (s)
3794 0.004663 if pumvisible()
3794 0.004088 let colors = a:colors
3794 0.002875 if s:is_win32term
let colors[2] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 0, ''), get(colors, 2, ''))
let colors[3] = s:gui2cui(get(colors, 1, ''), get(colors, 3, ''))
3794 0.386337 0.015414 let old_hi = airline#highlighter#get_highlight(a:group)
3794 0.005700 if len(colors) == 4
3236 0.005766 call add(colors, '')
3236 0.001355 endif
3794 0.004353 if g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui'
let new_hi = [colors[0], colors[1], '', '', colors[4]]
3794 0.019756 let new_hi = ['', '', printf("%s", colors[2]), printf("%s", colors[3]), colors[4]]
3794 0.001570 endif
3794 0.114775 0.014416 let colors = s:CheckDefined(colors)
3794 0.051723 0.015222 if old_hi != new_hi || !s:hl_group_exists(a:group)
350 0.030092 0.002138 let cmd = printf('hi %s%s', a:group, s:GetHiCmd(colors))
350 0.003117 exe cmd
350 0.000811 if has_key(s:hl_groups, a:group)
350 0.000648 let s:hl_groups[a:group] = colors
350 0.000174 endif
350 0.000137 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>84_InvokeChain()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.238278
Self time: 0.001033
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.001633 0.000142 let l:options = ale#engine#ProcessChain(a:buffer, a:linter, a:chain_index, a:input)
26 0.000045 let l:options.executable = a:executable
26 0.236541 0.000786 return s:RunJob(l:options)
FUNCTION Skippmatch2()
Called 10 times
Total time: 0.000189
Self time: 0.000189
count total (s) self (s)
10 0.000037 let line = getline(".")
10 0.000112 if line =~ "\\([\"']\\).*/\\*.*\\1" || line =~ '\%(//\|#\).*/\*'
return 1
10 0.000006 return 0
FUNCTION <SNR>69_update_untracked()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.108476
Self time: 0.093474
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.017541 let file = expand("%:p")
1439 0.009871 if empty(file) || isdirectory(file)
1439 0.001886 let needs_update = 1
4317 0.006863 for vcs in keys(s:vcs_config)
2878 0.010838 if file =~ s:vcs_config[vcs].exclude
" Skip check for files that live in the exclude directory
let needs_update = 0
2878 0.007151 if has_key(s:vcs_config[vcs].untracked, file)
1439 0.001520 let needs_update = 0
1439 0.022134 0.007132 call airline#extensions#branch#update_untracked_config(file, vcs)
1439 0.000672 endif
2878 0.001638 endfor
1439 0.001177 if !needs_update
1439 0.000861 return
for vcs in keys(s:vcs_config)
let config = s:vcs_config[vcs]
if g:airline#init#vim_async
" Note that asynchronous update updates s:vcs_config only, and only
" s:update_untracked updates b:buffer_vcs_config. If s:vcs_config is
" invalidated again before s:update_untracked is called, then we lose the
" result of the previous call, i.e. the head string is not updated. It
" doesn't happen often in practice, so we let it be.
noa call airline#async#vim_vcs_untracked(config, file)
" nvim async or vim without job-feature
noa call airline#async#nvim_vcs_untracked(config, file, vcs)
FUNCTION ale#util#FindItemAtCursor()
Called 13 times
Total time: 0.000847
Self time: 0.000322
count total (s) self (s)
13 0.000073 let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
13 0.000038 let l:loclist = get(l:info, 'loclist', [])
13 0.000031 let l:pos = getcurpos()
13 0.000616 0.000090 let l:index = ale#util#BinarySearch(l:loclist, a:buffer, l:pos[1], l:pos[2])
13 0.000029 let l:loc = l:index >= 0 ? l:loclist[l:index] : {}
13 0.000019 return [l:info, l:loc]
FUNCTION ale#completion#Show()
Called 68 times
Total time: 0.003843
Self time: 0.001511
count total (s) self (s)
68 0.000365 0.000205 if ale#util#Mode() isnot# 'i'
" Set the list in the buffer, temporarily replace omnifunc with our
" function, and then start omni-completion.
68 0.000233 let b:ale_completion_response = a:response
68 0.000155 let b:ale_completion_parser = a:completion_parser
" Replace completion options shortly before opening the menu.
68 0.002385 0.000214 call s:ReplaceCompletionOptions()
68 0.000414 call timer_start(0, {-> ale#util#FeedKeys("\<Plug>(ale_show_completion_menu)")})
FUNCTION ale#lsp#message#DidChange()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.005218
Self time: 0.002893
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000622 let l:lines = getbufline(a:buffer, 1, '$')
" For changes, we simply send the full text of the document to the server.
48 0.004513 0.002188 return [1, 'textDocument/didChange', { 'textDocument': { 'uri': ale#path#ToURI(expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')), 'version': ale#lsp#message#GetNextVersionID(), }, 'contentChanges': [{'text': join(l:lines, "\n") . "\n"}]}]
FUNCTION <SNR>29_CompletionStillValid()
Called 2516 times
Total time: 0.037435
Self time: 0.030669
count total (s) self (s)
2516 0.011273 let [l:line, l:column] = getcurpos()[1:2]
2516 0.023921 0.017155 return ale#util#Mode() is# 'i'&& has_key(b:, 'ale_completion_info')&& b:ale_completion_info.request_id == a:request_id&& b:ale_completion_info.line == l:line&& b:ale_completion_info.column == l:column
FUNCTION ale#lsp#GetNextMessageID()
Called 29 times
Total time: 0.000277
Self time: 0.000277
count total (s) self (s)
" Use the current ID
29 0.000064 let l:id = g:ale_lsp_next_message_id
" Increment the ID variable.
29 0.000041 let g:ale_lsp_next_message_id += 1
" When the ID overflows, reset it to 1. By the time we hit the initial ID
" again, the messages will be long gone.
29 0.000028 if g:ale_lsp_next_message_id < 1
let g:ale_lsp_next_message_id = 1
29 0.000018 return l:id
FUNCTION ale#linter#GetCommand()
Called 81 times
Total time: 0.000346
Self time: 0.000346
count total (s) self (s)
81 0.000310 return has_key(a:linter, 'command_callback') ? ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.command_callback)(a:buffer) : a:linter.command
FUNCTION ale#completion#Filter()
Called 12 times
Total time: 0.001281
Self time: 0.000728
count total (s) self (s)
12 0.000248 0.000082 let l:excluded_words = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'completion_excluded_words')
12 0.000486 0.000099 let l:triggers = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:trigger_character_map, a:filetype)
" For completing...
" foo.
" ^
" We need to include all of the given suggestions.
12 0.000029 if index(l:triggers, a:prefix) >= 0
let l:filtered_suggestions = a:suggestions
12 0.000016 let l:filtered_suggestions = []
" Filter suggestions down to those starting with the prefix we used for
" finding suggestions in the first place.
" Some completion tools will include suggestions which don't even start
" with the characters we have already typed.
19 0.000030 for l:item in a:suggestions
" A List of String values or a List of completion item Dictionaries
" is accepted here.
7 0.000016 let l:word = type(l:item) is v:t_string ? l:item : l:item.word
" Add suggestions if the suggestion starts with a case-insensitive
" match for the prefix.
7 0.000017 if l:word[: len(a:prefix) - 1] is? a:prefix
7 0.000011 call add(l:filtered_suggestions, l:item)
7 0.000003 endif
7 0.000004 endfor
12 0.000006 endif
12 0.000026 if !empty(l:excluded_words)
" Copy the List if needed. We don't want to modify the argument.
" We shouldn't make a copy if we don't need to.
if l:filtered_suggestions is a:suggestions
let l:filtered_suggestions = copy(a:suggestions)
" Remove suggestions with words in the exclusion List.
call filter( l:filtered_suggestions, 'index(l:excluded_words, type(v:val) is v:t_string ? v:val : v:val.word) < 0',)
12 0.000011 return l:filtered_suggestions
FUNCTION ale#engine#Cleanup()
Called 102 times
Total time: 0.000917
Self time: 0.000917
count total (s) self (s)
" Don't bother with cleanup code when newer NeoVim versions are exiting.
102 0.000312 if get(v:, 'exiting', v:null) isnot v:null
102 0.000258 if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
102 0.000046 return
call ale#engine#RunLinters(a:buffer, [], 1)
call remove(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
FUNCTION ale#util#FeedKeys()
Called 68 times
Total time: 0.000348
Self time: 0.000348
count total (s) self (s)
68 0.000311 return call('feedkeys', a:000)
FUNCTION ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions()
Called 12 times
Total time: 0.002802
Self time: 0.001513
count total (s) self (s)
12 0.000050 let l:buffer = bufnr('')
12 0.000050 let l:info = get(b:, 'ale_completion_info', {})
12 0.000042 let l:Filter = get(l:info, 'completion_filter', v:null)
12 0.000017 if l:Filter is v:null
12 0.000028 let l:Filter = function('ale#completion#NullFilter')
12 0.000007 else
let l:Filter = ale#util#GetFunction(l:Filter)
12 0.000017 let l:item_list = []
12 0.000046 if type(get(a:response, 'result')) is v:t_list
let l:item_list = a:response.result
elseif type(get(a:response, 'result')) is v:t_dict&& type(get(a:response.result, 'items')) is v:t_list
11 0.000017 let l:item_list = a:response.result.items
11 0.000005 endif
12 0.000013 let l:results = []
19 0.000026 for l:item in l:item_list
7 0.000049 0.000041 if !call(l:Filter, [l:buffer, l:item])
7 0.000057 let l:word = matchstr(l:item.label, '\v^[^(]+')
7 0.000010 if empty(l:word)
" See :help complete-items for Vim completion kinds
7 0.000011 if !has_key(l:item, 'kind')
let l:kind = 'v'
elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_METHOD_KIND
let l:kind = 'm'
let l:kind = 'm'
elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_FUNCTION_KIND
5 0.000005 let l:kind = 'f'
5 0.000006 elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_CLASS_KIND
let l:kind = 'f'
elseif l:item.kind is s:LSP_COMPLETION_INTERFACE_KIND
let l:kind = 'f'
2 0.000002 let l:kind = 'v'
2 0.000001 endif
7 0.000015 let l:doc = get(l:item, 'documentation', '')
7 0.000016 if type(l:doc) is v:t_dict && has_key(l:doc, 'value')
let l:doc = l:doc.value
7 0.000059 call add(l:results, { 'word': l:word, 'kind': l:kind, 'icase': 1, 'menu': get(l:item, 'detail', ''), 'info': (type(l:doc) is v:t_string ? l:doc : ''),})
7 0.000004 endfor
12 0.000024 if has_key(l:info, 'prefix')
12 0.001402 0.000121 return ale#completion#Filter(l:buffer, &filetype, l:results, l:info.prefix)
return l:results
FUNCTION ale#util#StartPartialTimer()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.001155
Self time: 0.001155
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000592 let l:timer_id = timer_start(a:delay, function('s:ApplyPartialTimer'))
74 0.000370 let s:partial_timers[l:timer_id] = [a:callback, a:args]
74 0.000073 return l:timer_id
FUNCTION ale#completion#GetTriggerCharacter()
Called 29 times
Total time: 0.000980
Self time: 0.000357
count total (s) self (s)
29 0.000813 0.000190 let l:char_list = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:trigger_character_map, a:filetype)
29 0.000063 if index(l:char_list, a:prefix) >= 0
return a:prefix
29 0.000016 return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>80_add_section()
Called 3112 times
Total time: 0.180343
Self time: 0.067206
count total (s) self (s)
3112 0.010577 let condition = (a:key is# "warning" || a:key is# "error") && (v:version == 704 && !has("patch1511"))
" i have no idea why the warning section needs special treatment, but it's
" needed to prevent separators from showing up
3112 0.028982 0.012214 if ((a:key == 'error' || a:key == 'warning') && empty(s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key)))
3112 0.001784 if condition
call a:builder.add_raw('%(')
3112 0.118574 0.022205 call a:builder.add_section('airline_'.a:key, s:get_section(a:context.winnr, a:key))
3112 0.001956 if condition
call a:builder.add_raw('%)')
FUNCTION <SNR>102_LanguageGetter()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000109
Self time: 0.000109
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000061 return l:self.language
FUNCTION ale#util#LocItemCompare()
Called 129 times
Total time: 0.003521
Self time: 0.002727
count total (s) self (s)
129 0.000194 if a:left.bufnr < a:right.bufnr
return -1
129 0.000148 if a:left.bufnr > a:right.bufnr
return 1
129 0.000105 if a:left.bufnr == -1
if a:left.filename < a:right.filename
return -1
if a:left.filename > a:right.filename
return 1
129 0.000116 if a:left.lnum < a:right.lnum
31 0.000018 return -1
98 0.000088 if a:left.lnum > a:right.lnum
51 0.000028 return 1
47 0.000043 if a:left.col < a:right.col
14 0.000008 return -1
33 0.000027 if a:left.col > a:right.col
8 0.000004 return 1
" When either of the items lacks a problem type, then the two items should
" be considered equal. This is important for loclist jumping.
25 0.000099 if !has_key(a:left, 'type') || !has_key(a:right, 'type')
return 0
25 0.000581 0.000118 let l:left_priority = ale#util#GetItemPriority(a:left)
25 0.000417 0.000085 let l:right_priority = ale#util#GetItemPriority(a:right)
25 0.000026 if l:left_priority < l:right_priority
return -1
25 0.000033 if l:left_priority > l:right_priority
return 1
25 0.000013 return 0
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetMethodStack()
Called 34 times
Total time: 0.007485
Self time: 0.007485
count total (s) self (s)
34 0.000042 let methodstack = []
34 0.000030 let i = 0
34 0.000065 let end = len(a:line)
34 0.000036 let current_part = ''
34 0.000031 let parent_depth = 0
34 0.000029 let in_string = 0
34 0.000029 let string_start = ''
34 0.000029 let next_char = ''
238 0.000170 while i < end
204 0.000282 let current_char = a:line[i]
204 0.000397 let next_char = i + 1 < end ? a:line[i + 1] : ''
204 0.000332 let prev_char = i >= 1 ? a:line[i - 1] : ''
204 0.000330 let prev_prev_char = i >= 2 ? a:line[i - 2] : ''
204 0.000559 if in_string == 0 && parent_depth == 0 && ((current_char == '-' && next_char == '>') || (current_char == ':' && next_char == ':'))
34 0.000082 call add(methodstack, current_part)
34 0.000032 let current_part = ''
34 0.000025 let i += 2
34 0.000027 continue
" if it's looks like a string
170 0.000257 if current_char == "'" || current_char == '"'
" and it is not escaped
if prev_char != '\' || (prev_char == '\' && prev_prev_char == '\')
" and we are in a string already
if in_string
" and that string started with this char too
if current_char == string_start
" clear the string mark
let in_string = 0
else " ... and we are not in a string
" set the string mark
let in_string = 1
let string_start = current_char
170 0.000247 if !in_string && a:line[i] == '('
let parent_depth += 1
170 0.000213 if !in_string && a:line[i] == ')'
let parent_depth -= 1
170 0.000268 let current_part .= current_char
170 0.000145 let i += 1
170 0.000073 endwhile
" add the last remaining part, this can be an empty string and this is expected
" the empty string represents the completion base (which happen to be an empty string)
34 0.000040 if current_part != ''
call add(methodstack, current_part)
34 0.000029 return methodstack
FUNCTION <SNR>102_GetAliasedFiletype()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.002306
Self time: 0.002306
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000234 let l:buffer_aliases = get(b:, 'ale_linter_aliases', {})
" b:ale_linter_aliases can be set to a List or String.
55 0.000224 if type(l:buffer_aliases) is v:t_list|| type(l:buffer_aliases) is v:t_string
return l:buffer_aliases
" Check for aliased filetypes first in a buffer variable,
" then the global variable,
" then in the default mapping,
" otherwise use the original filetype.
220 0.000448 for l:dict in [ l:buffer_aliases, g:ale_linter_aliases, s:default_ale_linter_aliases,]
165 0.000370 if has_key(l:dict, a:original_filetype)
return l:dict[a:original_filetype]
165 0.000099 endfor
55 0.000055 return a:original_filetype
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetClassName()
Called 34 times
Total time: 0.038271
Self time: 0.027522
count total (s) self (s)
" Get class name
" Class name can be detected in few ways:
" @var $myVar class
" @var class $myVar
" in the same line (php 5.4 (new Class)-> syntax)
" line above
" or line in tags file
34 0.000065 let class_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*'
34 0.000050 let function_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*'
34 0.000053 let function_invocation_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*('
34 0.000049 let variable_name_pattern = '\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*'
34 0.000036 let classname_candidate = ''
34 0.000054 let class_candidate_namespace = a:current_namespace
34 0.000043 let class_candidate_imports = a:imports
34 0.007694 0.000209 let methodstack = phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(a:context)
34 0.000137 if a:context =~? '\$this->' || a:context =~? '\(self\|static\)::' || a:context =~? 'parent::'
34 0.000032 let i = 1
1088 0.000828 while i < a:start_line
1088 0.001932 let line = getline(a:start_line - i)
" Don't complete self:: or $this if outside of a class
" (assumes correct indenting)
1088 0.001889 if line =~ '^}'
return ''
1088 0.006172 if line =~? '\v^\s*(abstract\s+|final\s+)*\s*class\s'
34 0.000446 let class_name = matchstr(line, '\cclass\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze')
34 0.000498 let extended_class = matchstr(line, '\cclass\s\+'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+extends\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze')
34 0.000148 let classname_candidate = a:context =~? 'parent::' ? extended_class : class_name
34 0.000042 if classname_candidate != ''
34 0.003586 0.000322 let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack)
" return absolute classname, without leading \
34 0.000134 return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate
1054 0.000753 let i += 1
1054 0.000453 endwhile
elseif a:context =~? '(\s*new\s\+'.class_name_pattern.'\s*)->'
let classname_candidate = matchstr(a:context, '\cnew\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze')
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack)
" return absolute classname, without leading \
return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate
elseif get(methodstack, 0) =~# function_invocation_pattern
let function_name = matchstr(methodstack[0], '^\s*\zs'.function_name_pattern)
let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, a:current_namespace)
if function_file == ''
let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, '\')
if function_file == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINFUNCTION'
" built in function, grab the return type from the info string
let return_type = matchstr(g:php_builtin_functions[function_name.'('], '\v\|\s+\zs.+$')
let classname_candidate = return_type
let class_candidate_namespace = '\'
elseif function_file != '' && filereadable(function_file)
let file_lines = readfile(function_file)
let docblock_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(file_lines, 'function\s*&\?\<'.function_name.'\>')
let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(docblock_str)
if has_key(docblock.return, 'type')
let classname_candidate = docblock.return.type
let [class_candidate_namespace, function_imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines)
" try to expand the classname of the returned type with the context got from the function's source file
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, function_imports)
if classname_candidate != ''
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack)
" return absolute classname, without leading \
return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate
" extract the variable name from the context
let object = methodstack[0]
let object_is_array = (object =~ '\v^[^[]+\[' ? 1 : 0)
let object = matchstr(object, variable_name_pattern)
let function_boundary = phpcomplete#GetCurrentFunctionBoundaries()
let search_end_line = max([1, function_boundary[0][0]])
" -1 makes us ignore the current line (where the completion was invoked
let lines = reverse(getline(search_end_line, a:start_line - 1))
" check Constant lookup
let constant_object = matchstr(a:context, '\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze::')
if constant_object != ''
let classname_candidate = constant_object
if classname_candidate == ''
" scan the file backwards from current line for explicit type declaration (@var $variable Classname)
for line in lines
" in file lookup for /* @var $foo Class */
if line =~# '@var\s\+'.object.'\s\+'.class_name_pattern
let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, '@var\s\+'.object.'\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\(\[\]\)\?')
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
" in file lookup for /* @var Class $foo */
if line =~# '@var\s\+'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+'.object
let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, '@var\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\(\[\]\)\?\ze'.'\s\+'.object)
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
if classname_candidate != ''
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack)
" return absolute classname, without leading \
return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate
" scan the file backwards from the current line
let i = 1
for line in lines " {{{
" do in-file lookup of $var = new Class
if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=\s*new\s\+'.class_name_pattern && !object_is_array
let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, object.'\c\s*=\s*new\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze')
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
" in-file lookup for Class::getInstance()
if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.class_name_pattern.'\s*::\s*getInstance' && !object_is_array
let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, object.'\s*=&\?\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s*::\s*getInstance')
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
" do in-file lookup for static method invocation of a built-in class, like: $d = DateTime::createFromFormat()
if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.class_name_pattern.'\s*::\s*$\?[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+'
let classname = matchstr(line, '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s*::')
if has_key(a:imports, classname) && a:imports[classname].kind == 'c'
let classname = a:imports[classname].name
if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(classname))
let sub_methodstack = phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(matchstr(line, '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*\s\+\zs.*'))
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname, '\', {}, sub_methodstack)
return classname_candidate
" try to get the class name from the static method's docblock
let [classname, namespace_for_class] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
let sub_methodstack = phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(matchstr(line, '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*\s\+\zs.*'))
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType( classname, namespace_for_class, a:imports, sub_methodstack)
return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate
" function declaration line
if line =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*('
let function_lines = join(reverse(copy(lines)), " ")
" search for type hinted arguments
if function_lines =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(.\{-}'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+'.object && !object_is_array
let f_args = matchstr(function_lines, '\cfunction\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)')
let args = split(f_args, '\s*\zs,\ze\s*')
for arg in args
if arg =~# object.'\(,\|$\)'
let classname_candidate = matchstr(arg, '\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object)
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
if classname_candidate != ''
" search for docblock for the function
let match_line = substitute(line, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
let sccontent = getline(0, a:start_line - i)
let doc_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(sccontent, match_line)
if doc_str != ''
let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(doc_str)
for param in docblock.params
if =~? object
let classname_candidate = matchstr(param.type, class_name_pattern.'\(\[\]\)\?')
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
if classname_candidate != ''
" assignment for the variable in question with a variable on the right hand side
if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s\+\(clone\)\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern
" try to find the next non-comment or string ";" char
let start_col = match(line, '^\s*'.object.'\C\s*=\zs&\?\s\+\(clone\)\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern)
let filelines = reverse(copy(lines))
let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, [len(filelines) - i, start_col])
let chars_read = 1
let last_pos = pos
" function_boundary == 0 if we are not in a function
let real_lines_offset = len(function_boundary) == 1 ? 1 : function_boundary[0][0]
" read while end of the file
while char != 'EOF' && chars_read < 1000
let last_pos = pos
let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, pos)
let chars_read += 1
" we got a candidate
if char == ';'
" pos values is relative to the function's lines,
" line 0 need to be offsetted with the line number
" where te function was started to get the line number
" in real buffer terms
let synIDName = synIDattr(synID(real_lines_offset + pos[0], pos[1] + 1, 0), 'name')
" it's not a comment or string, end search
if synIDName !~? 'comment\|string'
let prev_context = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(real_lines_offset + last_pos[0], last_pos[1], b:phpbegin)
if prev_context == ''
" cannot get previous context give up
let prev_class = phpcomplete#GetClassName(a:start_line - i, prev_context, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
if stridx(prev_class, '\') != -1
let classname_parts = split(prev_class, '\\\+')
let classname_candidate = classname_parts[-1]
let class_candidate_namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\')
let classname_candidate = prev_class
let class_candidate_namespace = '\'
" assignment for the variable in question with a function on the right hand side
if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.function_invocation_pattern
" try to find the next non-comment or string ";" char
let start_col = match(line, '\C^\s*'.object.'\s*=\zs&\?\s*'.function_invocation_pattern)
let filelines = reverse(copy(lines))
let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, [len(filelines) - i, start_col])
let chars_read = 1
let last_pos = pos
" function_boundary == 0 if we are not in a function
let real_lines_offset = len(function_boundary) == 1 ? 1 : function_boundary[0][0]
" read while end of the file
while char != 'EOF' && chars_read < 1000
let last_pos = pos
let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, pos)
let chars_read += 1
" we got a candidate
if char == ';'
" pos values is relative to the function's lines,
" line 0 need to be offsetted with the line number
" where te function was started to get the line number
" in real buffer terms
let synIDName = synIDattr(synID(real_lines_offset + pos[0], pos[1] + 1, 0), 'name')
" it's not a comment or string, end search
if synIDName !~? 'comment\|string'
let prev_context = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(real_lines_offset + last_pos[0], last_pos[1], b:phpbegin)
if prev_context == ''
" cannot get previous context give up
let function_name = matchstr(prev_context, '^'.function_invocation_pattern.'\ze')
let function_name = matchstr(function_name, '^\zs.\+\ze\s*($') " strip the trailing (
let [function_name, function_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(function_name, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, function_namespace)
if function_file == ''
let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, '\')
if function_file == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINFUNCTION'
" built in function, grab the return type from the info string
let return_type = matchstr(g:php_builtin_functions[function_name.'('], '\v\|\s+\zs.+$')
let classname_candidate = return_type
let class_candidate_namespace = '\'
elseif function_file != '' && filereadable(function_file)
let file_lines = readfile(function_file)
let docblock_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(file_lines, 'function\s*&\?\<'.function_name.'\>')
let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(docblock_str)
if has_key(docblock.return, 'type')
let classname_candidate = docblock.return.type
let [class_candidate_namespace, function_imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines)
" try to expand the classname of the returned type with the context got from the function's source file
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, function_imports)
" foreach with the variable in question
if line =~? 'foreach\s*(.\{-}\s\+'.object.'\s*)'
let sub_context = matchstr(line, 'foreach\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s\+as')
let prev_class = phpcomplete#GetClassName(a:start_line - i, sub_context, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
" the iterated expression should return an array type
if prev_class =~ '\[\]$'
let prev_class = matchstr(prev_class, '\v^[^[]+')
if stridx(prev_class, '\') != -1
let classname_parts = split(prev_class, '\\\+')
let classname_candidate = classname_parts[-1]
let class_candidate_namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\')
let classname_candidate = prev_class
let class_candidate_namespace = '\'
" catch clause with the variable in question
if line =~? 'catch\s*(\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object
let classname = matchstr(line, 'catch\s*(\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object)
if stridx(classname, '\') != -1
let classname_parts = split(classname, '\\\+')
let classname_candidate = classname_parts[-1]
let class_candidate_namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\')
let classname_candidate = classname
let class_candidate_namespace = '\'
let i += 1
endfor " }}}
if classname_candidate != ''
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack)
" return absolute classname, without leading \
return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate
" OK, first way failed, now check tags file(s)
" This method is useless when local variables are not indexed by ctags and
" pretty inaccurate even if it is
if g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables
let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.substitute(object, '^\$', '', ''))
if len(tags) == 0
for tag in tags
if tag.kind ==? 'v' && tag.cmd =~? '=\s*new\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze'
let classname = matchstr(tag.cmd, '=\s*new\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze')
" unescape the classname, it would have "\" doubled since it is an ex command
let classname = substitute(classname, '\\\(\_.\)', '\1', 'g')
return classname
FUNCTION <SNR>19_init()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.000786
Self time: 0.000786
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.000357 if s:airline_initialized
311 0.000203 return
let s:airline_initialized = 1
call airline#extensions#load()
call airline#init#sections()
let s:theme_in_vimrc = exists('g:airline_theme')
if s:theme_in_vimrc
let palette = g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette
call airline#util#warning(printf('Could not resolve airline theme "%s". Themes have been migrated to', g:airline_theme))
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
silent call airline#switch_theme(g:airline_theme)
let g:airline_theme = 'dark'
silent call s:on_colorscheme_changed()
call airline#util#doautocmd('AirlineAfterInit')
FUNCTION <SNR>119_StopCursorTimer()
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.000092
Self time: 0.000092
count total (s) self (s)
6 0.000027 if s:cursor_timer != -1
6 0.000017 call timer_stop(s:cursor_timer)
6 0.000017 let s:cursor_timer = -1
6 0.000003 endif
FUNCTION ale#highlight#CreatePositions()
Called 511 times
Total time: 0.002389
Self time: 0.002389
count total (s) self (s)
511 0.000609 if a:line >= a:end_line
" For single lines, just return the one position.
511 0.001293 return [[[a:line, a:col, a:end_col - a:col + 1]]]
" Get positions from the first line at the first column, up to a large
" integer for highlighting up to the end of the line, followed by
" the lines in-between, for highlighting entire lines, and
" a highlight for the last line, up to the end column.
let l:all_positions = [[a:line, a:col, s:MAX_COL_SIZE]] + range(a:line + 1, a:end_line - 1) + [[a:end_line, 1, a:end_col]]
return map( range(0, len(l:all_positions) - 1, s:MAX_POS_VALUES), 'l:all_positions[v:val : v:val + s:MAX_POS_VALUES - 1]',)
FUNCTION AutoPairsTryInit()
Called 214 times
Total time: 0.059326
Self time: 0.009802
count total (s) self (s)
214 0.000501 if exists('b:autopairs_loaded')
110 0.000076 return
" for auto-pairs starts with 'a', so the priority is higher than supertab and vim-endwise
" vim-endwise doesn't support <Plug>AutoPairsReturn
" when use <Plug>AutoPairsReturn will cause <Plug> isn't expanded
" supertab doesn't support <SID>AutoPairsReturn
" when use <SID>AutoPairsReturn will cause Duplicated <CR>
" and when load after vim-endwise will cause unexpected endwise inserted.
" so always load AutoPairs at last
" Buffer level keys mapping
" comptible with other plugin
104 0.000104 if g:AutoPairsMapCR
104 0.000234 if v:version == 703 && has('patch32') || v:version > 703
" VIM 7.3 supports advancer maparg which could get <expr> info
" then auto-pairs could remap <CR> in any case.
104 0.001549 let info = maparg('<CR>', 'i', 0, 1)
104 0.000143 if empty(info)
let old_cr = '<CR>'
let is_expr = 0
104 0.000180 let old_cr = info['rhs']
104 0.003037 0.000659 let old_cr = s:ExpandMap(old_cr)
104 0.000666 let old_cr = substitute(old_cr, '<SID>', '<SNR>' . info['sid'] . '_', 'g')
104 0.000159 let is_expr = info['expr']
104 0.000140 let wrapper_name = '<SID>AutoPairsOldCRWrapper73'
104 0.000053 endif
104 0.000061 else
" VIM version less than 7.3
" the mapping's <expr> info is lost, so guess it is expr or not, it's
" not accurate.
let old_cr = maparg('<CR>', 'i')
if old_cr == ''
let old_cr = '<CR>'
let is_expr = 0
let old_cr = s:ExpandMap(old_cr)
" old_cr contain (, I guess the old cr is in expr mode
let is_expr = old_cr =~ '\V(' && toupper(old_cr) !~ '\V<C-R>'
" The old_cr start with " it must be in expr mode
let is_expr = is_expr || old_cr =~ '\v^"'
let wrapper_name = '<SID>AutoPairsOldCRWrapper'
104 0.000373 if old_cr !~ 'AutoPairsReturn'
104 0.000073 if is_expr
" remap <expr> to `name` to avoid mix expr and non-expr mode
execute 'inoremap <buffer> <expr> <script> '. wrapper_name . ' ' . old_cr
let old_cr = wrapper_name
" Always silent mapping
104 0.001241 execute 'inoremap <script> <buffer> <silent> <CR> '.old_cr.'<SID>AutoPairsReturn'
104 0.000050 end
104 0.000043 endif
104 0.047622 0.000476 call AutoPairsInit()
FUNCTION <SNR>29_GetFiletypeValue()
Called 98 times
Total time: 0.002751
Self time: 0.002751
count total (s) self (s)
196 0.001034 for l:part in reverse(split(a:filetype, '\.'))
98 0.000336 let l:regex = get(a:map, l:part, [])
98 0.000166 if !empty(l:regex)
return l:regex
98 0.000069 endfor
" Use the default regex for other files.
98 0.000169 return a:map['<default>']
FUNCTION ale#completion#GetCompletions()
Called 45 times
Total time: 0.051223
Self time: 0.002632
count total (s) self (s)
45 0.000072 if !g:ale_completion_enabled
45 0.000232 let [l:line, l:column] = getcurpos()[1:2]
45 0.003351 0.000414 let l:prefix = ale#completion#GetPrefix(&filetype, l:line, l:column)
45 0.000091 if empty(l:prefix)
16 0.000010 return
29 0.000091 let l:line_length = len(getline('.'))
29 0.000340 let b:ale_completion_info = { 'line': l:line, 'line_length': l:line_length, 'column': l:column, 'prefix': l:prefix, 'conn_id': 0, 'request_id': 0,}
87 0.009820 0.000409 for l:linter in ale#linter#Get(&filetype)
58 0.000104 if !empty(l:linter.lsp)
29 0.036459 0.000216 call s:GetLSPCompletions(l:linter)
29 0.000014 endif
58 0.000032 endfor
FUNCTION ale#statusline#Update()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.006507
Self time: 0.005958
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000288 if !exists('g:ale_buffer_info') || !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
74 0.000464 let l:loclist = filter(copy(a:loclist), 'v:val.bufnr == a:buffer')
74 0.000933 0.000384 let l:count = s:CreateCountDict()
74 0.000156 let = len(l:loclist)
242 0.000268 for l:entry in l:loclist
168 0.000233 if l:entry.type is# 'W'
if get(l:entry, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style'
let l:count.style_warning += 1
let l:count.warning += 1
elseif l:entry.type is# 'I'
let += 1
elseif get(l:entry, 'sub_type', '') is# 'style'
let l:count.style_error += 1
168 0.000174 let l:count.error += 1
168 0.000081 endif
168 0.000082 endfor
" Set keys for backwards compatibility.
74 0.000172 let l:count[0] = l:count.error + l:count.style_error
74 0.000139 let l:count[1] = - l:count[0]
74 0.000489 let g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].count = l:count
FUNCTION ale#lsp#Send()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.009487
Self time: 0.002599
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.000279 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
77 0.000095 if empty(l:conn)
return 0
" If we haven't initialized the server yet, then send the message for it.
77 0.000106 if !l:conn.initialized && !l:conn.init_request_id
let [l:init_id, l:init_data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData( ale#lsp#message#Initialize(l:conn.root, l:conn.init_options),)
let l:conn.init_request_id = l:init_id
call s:SendMessageData(l:conn, l:init_data)
77 0.004952 0.000498 let [l:id, l:data] = ale#lsp#CreateMessageData(a:message)
77 0.000060 if l:conn.initialized
" Send the message now.
77 0.002767 0.000334 call s:SendMessageData(l:conn, l:data)
77 0.000033 else
" Add the message we wanted to send to a List to send later.
call add(l:conn.message_queue, l:data)
77 0.000091 return l:id == 0 ? -1 : l:id
FUNCTION airline#parts#spell()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.027544
Self time: 0.027544
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.012839 let spelllang = g:airline_detect_spelllang ? printf(" [%s]", toupper(substitute(&spelllang, ',', '/', 'g'))) : ''
1439 0.001883 if g:airline_detect_spell && &spell
if winwidth(0) >= 90
return g:airline_symbols.spell . spelllang
elseif winwidth(0) >= 70
return g:airline_symbols.spell
return split(g:airline_symbols.spell, '\zs')[0]
1439 0.000819 return ''
FUNCTION ale#linter#GetAll()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.003002
Self time: 0.002158
count total (s) self (s)
" Don't return linters in the sandbox.
" Otherwise a sandboxed script could modify them.
55 0.001051 0.000208 if ale#util#InSandbox()
return []
55 0.000073 let l:combined_linters = []
110 0.000131 for l:filetype in a:filetypes
" Load linters from runtimepath if we haven't done that yet.
55 0.000154 if !has_key(s:runtime_loaded_map, l:filetype)
execute 'silent! runtime! ale_linters/' . l:filetype . '/*.vim'
let s:runtime_loaded_map[l:filetype] = 1
55 0.000520 call extend(l:combined_linters, get(s:linters, l:filetype, []))
55 0.000045 endfor
55 0.000057 return l:combined_linters
FUNCTION ale#linter#ResolveFiletype()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.003057
Self time: 0.000751
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.002735 0.000429 let l:filetype = s:GetAliasedFiletype(a:original_filetype)
55 0.000120 if type(l:filetype) isnot v:t_list
55 0.000069 return [l:filetype]
return l:filetype
FUNCTION ale#engine#RemoveManagedFiles()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.009203
Self time: 0.008669
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000190 let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
" We can't delete anything in a sandbox, so wait until we escape from
" it to delete temporary files and directories.
48 0.000686 0.000152 if ale#util#InSandbox()
" Delete files with a call akin to a plan `rm` command.
48 0.000105 if has_key(l:info, 'temporary_file_list')
48 0.000077 for l:filename in l:info.temporary_file_list
call delete(l:filename)
48 0.000109 let l:info.temporary_file_list = []
48 0.000021 endif
" Delete directories like `rm -rf`.
" Directories are handled differently from files, so paths that are
" intended to be single files can be set up for automatic deletion without
" accidentally deleting entire directories.
48 0.000093 if has_key(l:info, 'temporary_directory_list')
74 0.000108 for l:directory in l:info.temporary_directory_list
26 0.006905 call delete(l:directory, 'rf')
26 0.000051 endfor
48 0.000212 let l:info.temporary_directory_list = []
48 0.000024 endif
FUNCTION ale#completion#OmniFunc()
Called 24 times
Total time: 0.004692
Self time: 0.001222
count total (s) self (s)
24 0.000066 if a:findstart
12 0.000023 let l:line = b:ale_completion_info.line
12 0.000016 let l:column = b:ale_completion_info.column
12 0.000377 0.000088 let l:regex = s:GetFiletypeValue(s:omni_start_map, &filetype)
12 0.000035 let l:up_to_column = getline(l:line)[: l:column - 2]
12 0.000128 let l:match = matchstr(l:up_to_column, l:regex)
12 0.000025 return l:column - len(l:match) - 1
" Parse a new response if there is one.
12 0.000074 if exists('b:ale_completion_response')&& exists('b:ale_completion_parser')
12 0.000032 let l:response = b:ale_completion_response
12 0.000017 let l:parser = b:ale_completion_parser
12 0.000049 unlet b:ale_completion_response
12 0.000038 unlet b:ale_completion_parser
12 0.003038 0.000236 let b:ale_completion_result = function(l:parser)(l:response)
12 0.000007 endif
12 0.000432 0.000052 call s:ReplaceCompletionOptions()
12 0.000028 return get(b:, 'ale_completion_result', [])
FUNCTION ale#util#Mode()
Called 2790 times
Total time: 0.007822
Self time: 0.007822
count total (s) self (s)
2790 0.006709 return call('mode', a:000)
FUNCTION phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral()
Called 19 times
Total time: 2.631055
Self time: 1.116123
count total (s) self (s)
" Complete everything
" + functions, DONE
" + keywords of language DONE
" + defines (constant definitions), DONE
" + extend keywords for predefined constants, DONE
" + classes (after new), DONE
" + limit choice after -> and :: to funcs and vars DONE
" Internal solution for finding functions in current file.
19 0.000043 if a:base =~? '^\'
let leading_slash = '\'
19 0.000033 let leading_slash = ''
19 0.000009 endif
19 0.000214 let file = getline(1, '$')
19 0.003477 call filter(file, 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("')
19 0.000068 let jfile = join(file, ' ')
19 0.000128 let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+')
19 0.000024 let int_functions = {}
61 0.000076 for i in int_values
42 0.000368 let f_name = matchstr(i, '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
42 0.000264 if f_name =~? '^'.substitute(a:base, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
3 0.000032 let f_args = matchstr(i, '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*\(;\|{\|$\)')
3 0.000008 let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args.')'
3 0.000001 endif
42 0.000030 endfor
" Internal solution for finding constants in current file
19 0.000180 let file = getline(1, '$')
19 0.001901 call filter(file, 'v:val =~ "define\\s*("')
19 0.000045 let jfile = join(file, ' ')
19 0.000139 let int_values = split(jfile, 'define\s*(\s*')
19 0.000038 let int_constants = {}
19 0.000026 for i in int_values
let c_name = matchstr(i, '\(["'']\)\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze\1')
if c_name != '' && c_name =~# '^'.substitute(a:base, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
let int_constants[leading_slash.c_name] = ''
" Prepare list of functions from tags file
19 0.000022 let ext_functions = {}
19 0.000019 let ext_constants = {}
19 0.000022 let ext_classes = {}
19 0.000020 let ext_traits = {}
19 0.000020 let ext_interfaces = {}
19 0.000020 let ext_namespaces = {}
19 0.000115 let base = substitute(a:base, '^\\', '', '')
19 0.001521 0.000190 let [tag_match_pattern, namespace_for_tag] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(a:base, a:current_namespace, a:imports)
19 0.000153 let namespace_match_pattern = substitute((namespace_for_tag == '' ? '' : namespace_for_tag.'\').tag_match_pattern, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
19 0.000027 let tags = []
19 0.000108 if len(namespace_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion && len(tag_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion && tag_match_pattern != namespace_match_pattern
19 1.513777 0.000177 let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^\('.tag_match_pattern.'\|'.namespace_match_pattern.'\)')
19 0.000041 elseif len(namespace_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion
let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^'.namespace_match_pattern)
elseif len(tag_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion
let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^'.tag_match_pattern)
9110 0.005912 for tag in tags
9091 0.021056 if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') || tag.namespace ==? a:current_namespace || tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag
9091 0.012704 if has_key(tag, 'namespace')
let full_name = tag.namespace.'\' " absolute namespaced name (without leading '\')
let base_parts = split(a:base, '\')
if len(base_parts) > 1
let namespace_part = join(base_parts[0:-2], '\')
let namespace_part = ''
let relative_name = (namespace_part == '' ? '' : namespace_part.'\')
9091 0.013295 if tag.kind ==? 'n' && =~? '^'.namespace_match_pattern
let info =' - '.tag.filename
" patched ctag provides absolute namespace names as tag name, namespace tags dont have namespace fields
let full_name =
let base_parts = split(a:base, '\')
let full_name_parts = split(full_name, '\')
if len(base_parts) > 1
" the first segment could be a renamed import, take the first segment from the user provided input
" so if it's a sub namespace of a renamed namespace, just use the typed in segments in place of the absolute path
" for example:
" you have a namespace NS1\SUBNS as SUB
" you have a sub-sub-namespace NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB
" typed in SUB\SU
" the tags will return NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB
" the completion should be: SUB\SUBSUB by replacing the NS1\SUBSN to SUB as in the import
if has_key(a:imports, base_parts[0]) && a:imports[base_parts[0]].kind == 'n'
let import = a:imports[base_parts[0]]
let relative_name = substitute(full_name, '^'.substitute(, '\\', '\\\\', 'g'), base_parts[0], '')
let relative_name = strpart(full_name, stridx(full_name, a:base))
let relative_name = strpart(full_name, stridx(full_name, a:base))
if leading_slash == ''
let ext_namespaces[relative_name.'\'] = info
let ext_namespaces['\'.full_name.'\'] = info
elseif tag.kind ==? 'f' && !has_key(tag, 'class') " class related functions (methods) completed elsewhere, only works with patched ctags
1956 0.002783 if has_key(tag, 'signature')
let prototype = tag.signature[1:-2] " drop the ()s around the string
1956 0.024200 let prototype = matchstr(tag.cmd, 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?')
1956 0.001023 endif
1956 0.004476 let info = prototype.') - '.tag.filename
1956 0.002947 if !has_key(tag, 'namespace')
1956 0.004514 let ext_functions['('] = info
1956 0.000868 else
if tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag
if leading_slash == ''
let ext_functions[relative_name.'('] = info
let ext_functions['\'.full_name.'('] = info
1956 0.001369 elseif tag.kind ==? 'd'
let info = ' - '.tag.filename
if !has_key(tag, 'namespace')
let ext_constants[] = info
if tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag
if leading_slash == ''
let ext_constants[relative_name] = info
let ext_constants['\'.full_name] = info
elseif tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't'
442 0.000685 let info = ' - '.tag.filename
442 0.000341 let key = ''
442 0.000647 if !has_key(tag, 'namespace')
442 0.000461 let key =
442 0.000187 else
if tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag
if leading_slash == ''
let key = relative_name
let key = '\'.full_name
442 0.000388 if key != ''
442 0.000408 if tag.kind ==? 'c'
413 0.000803 let ext_classes[key] = info
413 0.000276 elseif tag.kind ==? 'i'
29 0.000054 let ext_interfaces[key] = info
29 0.000020 elseif tag.kind ==? 't'
let ext_traits[key] = info
442 0.000155 endif
442 0.000143 endif
9091 0.003353 endif
9091 0.004351 endfor
19 0.000035 let builtin_constants = {}
19 0.000024 let builtin_classnames = {}
19 0.000020 let builtin_interfaces = {}
19 0.000031 let builtin_functions = {}
19 0.000019 let builtin_keywords = {}
19 0.000095 let base = substitute(a:base, '^\', '', '')
19 0.000068 if a:current_namespace == '\' || (a:base =~ '^\\' && a:base =~ '^\\[^\\]*$')
" Add builtin class names
for [classname, info] in items(g:php_builtin_classnames)
if classname =~? '^'.base
let builtin_classnames[leading_slash.g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname)].name] = info
for [interfacename, info] in items(g:php_builtin_interfacenames)
if interfacename =~? '^'.base
let builtin_interfaces[leading_slash.g:php_builtin_interfaces[tolower(interfacename)].name] = info
" Prepare list of constants from built-in constants
22591 0.040947 for [constant, info] in items(g:php_constants)
22572 0.062835 if constant =~# '^'.base
1188 0.003504 let builtin_constants[leading_slash.constant] = info
1188 0.000480 endif
22572 0.009275 endfor
19 0.000039 if leading_slash == '' " keywords should not be completed when base starts with '\'
" Treat keywords as constants
2508 0.004480 for [constant, info] in items(g:php_keywords)
2489 0.006913 if constant =~? '^'.a:base
144 0.000255 let builtin_keywords[constant] = info
144 0.000055 endif
2489 0.001027 endfor
19 0.000012 endif
21964 0.041521 for [function_name, info] in items(g:php_builtin_functions)
21945 0.062671 if function_name =~? '^'.base
1182 0.003586 let builtin_functions[leading_slash.function_name] = info
1182 0.000443 endif
21945 0.008932 endfor
" All constants
19 0.000179 call extend(int_constants, ext_constants)
" All functions
19 0.000274 call extend(int_functions, ext_functions)
19 0.001114 call extend(int_functions, builtin_functions)
57 0.000164 for [imported_name, import] in items(a:imports)
38 0.000149 if imported_name =~? '^'.base
2 0.000003 if import.kind ==? 'c'
1 0.000001 if import.builtin
let builtin_classnames[imported_name] = ' '
1 0.000005 let ext_classes[imported_name] = ' '' - '.import.filename
1 0.000000 endif
1 0.000001 elseif import.kind ==? 'i'
if import.builtin
let builtin_interfaces[imported_name] = ' '
let ext_interfaces[imported_name] = ' '' - '.import.filename
elseif import.kind ==? 't'
let ext_traits[imported_name] = ' '' - '.import.filename
" no builtin interfaces
2 0.000002 if import.kind == 'n'
let ext_namespaces[imported_name.'\'] = ' '' - '.import.filename
2 0.000001 end
38 0.000057 endfor
19 0.000036 let all_values = {}
" Add functions found in this file
19 0.001309 call extend(all_values, int_functions)
" Add namespaces from tags
19 0.000045 call extend(all_values, ext_namespaces)
" Add constants from the current file
19 0.000038 call extend(all_values, int_constants)
" Add built-in constants
19 0.000285 call extend(all_values, builtin_constants)
" Add external classes
19 0.000973 call extend(all_values, ext_classes)
" Add external interfaces
19 0.000045 call extend(all_values, ext_interfaces)
" Add external traits
19 0.000037 call extend(all_values, ext_traits)
" Add built-in classes
19 0.000040 call extend(all_values, builtin_classnames)
" Add built-in interfaces
19 0.000037 call extend(all_values, builtin_interfaces)
" Add php keywords
19 0.000068 call extend(all_values, builtin_keywords)
19 0.000025 let final_list = []
19 0.001358 let int_list = sort(keys(all_values))
3520 0.002666 for i in int_list
3501 0.005176 if has_key(ext_namespaces, i)
let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind':'n', 'menu': ext_namespaces[i], 'info': ext_namespaces[i]}]
elseif has_key(int_functions, i)
1812 0.009416 let final_list += [{'word':i, 'info':i.int_functions[i], 'menu':int_functions[i], 'kind':'f'}]
1812 0.003337 elseif has_key(ext_classes, i) || has_key(builtin_classnames, i)
343 0.000975 let info = has_key(ext_classes, i) ? ext_classes[i] : builtin_classnames[i].' - builtin'
343 0.001399 let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'c', 'menu': info, 'info':}]
343 0.000607 elseif has_key(ext_interfaces, i) || has_key(builtin_interfaces, i)
18 0.000052 let info = has_key(ext_interfaces, i) ? ext_interfaces[i] : builtin_interfaces[i].' - builtin'
18 0.000073 let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'i', 'menu': info, 'info':}]
18 0.000021 elseif has_key(ext_traits, i)
let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 't', 'menu': ext_traits[i], 'info': ext_traits[i]}]
elseif has_key(int_constants, i) || has_key(builtin_constants, i)
1188 0.002618 let info = has_key(int_constants, i) ? int_constants[i] : ' - builtin'
1188 0.004702 let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'd', 'menu': info, 'info':}]
1188 0.000452 else
140 0.000297 let final_list += [{'word':i}]
140 0.000056 endif
3501 0.001597 endfor
19 0.000030 return final_list
FUNCTION <SNR>76_group_not_done()
Called 750 times
Total time: 0.004969
Self time: 0.004969
count total (s) self (s)
750 0.001789 if index(a:list, a:name) == -1
540 0.001144 call add(a:list, a:name)
540 0.000348 return 1
210 0.000194 if &vbs
echomsg printf("airline: group: %s already done, skipping", a:name)
210 0.000106 return 0
FUNCTION ale#completion#Queue()
Called 72 times
Total time: 0.003333
Self time: 0.002782
count total (s) self (s)
72 0.000189 if !g:ale_completion_enabled
72 0.000580 let s:timer_pos = getcurpos()[1:2]
72 0.000171 if s:timer_pos == s:last_done_pos
" Do not ask for completions if the cursor rests on the position we
" last completed on.
12 0.000008 return
" If we changed the text again while we're still waiting for a response,
" then invalidate the requests before the timer ticks again.
60 0.000180 if exists('b:ale_completion_info')
60 0.000150 let b:ale_completion_info.request_id = 0
60 0.000029 endif
60 0.000927 0.000376 call ale#completion#StopTimer()
60 0.000457 let s:timer_id = timer_start(g:ale_completion_delay, function('s:TimerHandler'))
FUNCTION ale#util#InSandbox()
Called 290 times
Total time: 0.003825
Self time: 0.003547
count total (s) self (s)
290 0.000328 try
290 0.002016 0.001738 let &l:equalprg=&l:equalprg
290 0.000298 catch /E48/
" E48 is the sandbox error.
return 1
290 0.000161 return 0
FUNCTION airline#parts#crypt()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.007579
Self time: 0.007579
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.006991 return g:airline_detect_crypt && exists("+key") && !empty(&key) ? g:airline_symbols.crypt : ''
FUNCTION ale#lsp#CreateMessageData()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.004455
Self time: 0.004178
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.000145 if a:message[1][:2] is# 'ts@'
return s:CreateTSServerMessageData(a:message)
77 0.000130 let l:is_notification = a:message[0]
77 0.000200 let l:obj = { 'method': a:message[1], 'jsonrpc': '2.0',}
77 0.000059 if !l:is_notification
29 0.000393 0.000117 let = ale#lsp#GetNextMessageID()
29 0.000012 endif
77 0.000109 if len(a:message) > 2
77 0.000154 let l:obj.params = a:message[2]
77 0.000032 endif
77 0.002149 let l:body = json_encode(l:obj)
77 0.000333 let l:data = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen(l:body) . "\r\n\r\n" . l:body
77 0.000176 return [l:is_notification ? 0 :, l:data]
FUNCTION <SNR>69_update_hg_branch()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.059658
Self time: 0.055527
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.008483 0.004352 if airline#util#has_lawrencium()
let cmd='LC_ALL=C hg qtop'
let stl=lawrencium#statusline()
let file=expand('%:p')
if !empty(stl) && get(b:, 'airline_do_mq_check', 1)
if g:airline#init#vim_async
noa call airline#async#get_mq_async(cmd, file)
elseif has("nvim")
noa call airline#async#nvim_get_mq_async(cmd, file)
" remove \n at the end of the command
let output=system(cmd)[0:-2]
noa call airline#async#mq_output(output, file)
" do not do mq check anymore
let b:airline_do_mq_check = 0
if exists("b:mq") && !empty(b:mq)
if stl is# 'default'
" Shorten default a bit
let stl='def'
let stl.=' ['.b:mq.']'
let s:vcs_config['mercurial'].branch = stl
1439 0.002842 let s:vcs_config['mercurial'].branch = ''
1439 0.000674 endif
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType()
Called 34 times
Total time: 0.003265
Self time: 0.001264
count total (s) self (s)
" Tries to get the classname and namespace for a chained method call like:
" $this->foo()->bar()->baz()->
34 0.000059 let classname_candidate = a:classname_candidate
34 0.000055 let class_candidate_namespace = a:class_candidate_namespace
34 0.000047 let methodstack = a:methodstack
34 0.000062 let unknown_result = ['', '']
34 0.000196 let prev_method_is_array = (methodstack[0] =~ '\v^[^([]+\[' ? 1 : 0)
34 0.000114 let classname_candidate_is_array = (classname_candidate =~ '\[\]$' ? 1 : 0)
34 0.000028 if prev_method_is_array
if classname_candidate_is_array
let classname_candidate = substitute(classname_candidate, '\[\]$', '', '')
return unknown_result
34 0.000054 if (len(methodstack) == 1)
34 0.002274 0.000273 let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, a:imports)
34 0.000059 return [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace]
call remove(methodstack, 0)
let method_is_array = (methodstack[0] =~ '\v^[^[]+\[' ? 1 : 0)
let method = matchstr(methodstack[0], '\v^\$*\zs[^[(]+\ze')
let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace)
if classlocation == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT' && has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(classname_candidate))
let class_info = g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname_candidate)]
if has_key(class_info['methods'], method)
return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['methods'][method].return_type, '\', a:imports, methodstack)
if has_key(class_info['properties'], method)
return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['properties'][method].type, '\', a:imports, methodstack)
if has_key(class_info['static_methods'], method)
return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['static_methods'][method].return_type, '\', a:imports, methodstack)
if has_key(class_info['static_properties'], method)
return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['static_properties'][method].type, '\', a:imports, methodstack)
return unknown_result
elseif classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation)
" Read the next method from the stack and extract only the name
let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents(classlocation, classname_candidate)
" Get Structured information of all classes and subclasses including namespace and includes
" try to find the method's return type in docblock comment
for classstructure in classcontents
let docblock_target_pattern = 'function\s\+&\?'.method.'\>\|\(public\|private\|protected\|var\).\+\$'.method.'\>\|@property.\+\$'.method.'\>'
let doc_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(split(classstructure.content, '\n'), docblock_target_pattern)
if doc_str != ''
if doc_str != ''
let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(doc_str)
if has_key(docblock.return, 'type') || has_key(docblock.var, 'type') || len( > 0
let type = has_key(docblock.return, 'type') ? docblock.return.type : has_key(docblock.var, 'type') ? docblock.var.type : ''
if type == ''
for property in
if property.description =~? method
let type = property.type
" there's a namespace in the type, threat the type as FQCN
if type =~ '\\'
let parts = split(substitute(type, '^\\', '', ''), '\')
let class_candidate_namespace = join(parts[0:-2], '\')
let classname_candidate = parts[-1]
" check for renamed namepsace in imports
if has_key(classstructure.imports, class_candidate_namespace)
let class_candidate_namespace = classstructure.imports[class_candidate_namespace].name
" no namespace in the type, threat it as a relative classname
let returnclass = type
if has_key(classstructure.imports, returnclass)
if has_key(classstructure.imports[returnclass], 'namespace')
let fullnamespace = classstructure.imports[returnclass].namespace
let fullnamespace = class_candidate_namespace
let fullnamespace = class_candidate_namespace
" make @return self, static, $this the same way
" (not exactly what php means by these)
if returnclass == 'self' || returnclass == 'static' || returnclass == '$this' || returnclass == 'self[]' || returnclass == 'static[]' || returnclass == '$this[]'
if returnclass =~ '\[\]$'
let classname_candidate = a:classname_candidate.'[]'
let classname_candidate = a:classname_candidate
let class_candidate_namespace = a:class_candidate_namespace
let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(returnclass, fullnamespace, a:imports)
return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, a:imports, methodstack)
return unknown_result
return unknown_result
FUNCTION <SNR>120_GroupLoclistItems()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.002988
Self time: 0.002988
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000131 let l:grouped_items = []
74 0.000088 let l:last_lnum = -1
242 0.000205 for l:obj in a:loclist
168 0.000167 if l:obj.bufnr != a:buffer
" Create a new sub-List when we hit a new line.
168 0.000163 if l:obj.lnum != l:last_lnum
122 0.000189 call add(l:grouped_items, [])
122 0.000052 endif
168 0.000297 call add(l:grouped_items[-1], l:obj)
168 0.000174 let l:last_lnum = l:obj.lnum
168 0.000080 endfor
74 0.000063 return l:grouped_items
FUNCTION <SNR>29_ReplaceCompletionOptions()
Called 80 times
Total time: 0.002551
Self time: 0.002357
count total (s) self (s)
" Remember the old omnifunc value, if there is one.
" If we don't store an old one, we'll just never reset the option.
" This will stop some random exceptions from appearing.
80 0.000286 if !exists('b:ale_old_omnifunc') && !empty(&l:omnifunc)
20 0.000056 let b:ale_old_omnifunc = &l:omnifunc
20 0.000020 endif
80 0.000423 0.000363 let &l:omnifunc = 'ale#completion#OmniFunc'
80 0.000201 if !exists('b:ale_old_completopt')
20 0.000056 let b:ale_old_completopt = &l:completeopt
20 0.000008 endif
80 0.000325 if &l:completeopt =~# 'preview'
80 0.000552 0.000418 let &l:completeopt = 'menu,menuone,preview,noselect,noinsert'
80 0.000057 else
let &l:completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noselect,noinsert'
FUNCTION airline#extensions#branch#head()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.425723
Self time: 0.026038
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.003355 if !exists('b:buffer_vcs_config')
call s:init_buffer()
1439 0.296681 0.005471 call s:update_branch()
1439 0.113979 0.005503 call s:update_untracked()
1439 0.004614 if exists('b:airline_head') && !empty(b:airline_head)
1439 0.001296 return b:airline_head
let b:airline_head = ''
let vcs_priority = get(g:, "airline#extensions#branch#vcs_priority", ["git", "mercurial"])
let heads = []
for vcs in vcs_priority
if !empty(b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].branch)
let heads += [vcs]
for vcs in heads
if !empty(b:airline_head)
let b:airline_head .= ' | '
if len(heads) > 1
let b:airline_head .= s:vcs_config[vcs].exe .':'
let b:airline_head .= s:format_name({s:vcs_config[vcs].display_branch}())
let b:airline_head .= b:buffer_vcs_config[vcs].untracked
if empty(heads)
if airline#util#has_vcscommand()
noa call VCSCommandEnableBufferSetup()
if exists('b:VCSCommandBufferInfo')
let b:airline_head = s:format_name(get(b:VCSCommandBufferInfo, 0, ''))
if empty(heads)
if airline#util#has_custom_scm()
let Fn = function(g:airline#extensions#branch#custom_head)
let b:airline_head = Fn()
if exists("g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit")
let w:displayed_head_limit = g:airline#extensions#branch#displayed_head_limit
if len(b:airline_head) > w:displayed_head_limit - 1
let b:airline_head = b:airline_head[0:(w:displayed_head_limit - 1)].(&encoding ==? 'utf-8' ? '…' : '.')
let minwidth = empty(get(b:, 'airline_hunks', '')) ? 14 : 7
let b:airline_head = airline#util#shorten(b:airline_head, 120, minwidth)
return b:airline_head
FUNCTION <SNR>47_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
Called 369 times
Total time: 1.364804
Self time: 1.364804
count total (s) self (s)
" Remove any previous match.
369 0.001380 if exists('w:paren_hl_on') && w:paren_hl_on
7 0.000038 silent! call matchdelete(3)
7 0.000029 let w:paren_hl_on = 0
7 0.000008 endif
" Avoid that we remove the popup menu.
" Return when there are no colors (looks like the cursor jumps).
369 0.001171 if pumvisible() || (&t_Co < 8 && !has("gui_running"))
10 0.000008 return
" Get the character under the cursor and check if it's in 'matchpairs'.
359 0.000834 let c_lnum = line('.')
359 0.000695 let c_col = col('.')
359 0.000341 let before = 0
359 0.000832 let text = getline(c_lnum)
359 0.005522 let matches = matchlist(text, '\(.\)\=\%'.c_col.'c\(.\=\)')
359 0.000618 if empty(matches)
let [c_before, c] = ['', '']
359 0.001275 let [c_before, c] = matches[1:2]
359 0.000171 endif
359 0.005149 let plist = split(&matchpairs, '.\zs[:,]')
359 0.001036 let i = index(plist, c)
359 0.000356 if i < 0
" not found, in Insert mode try character before the cursor
357 0.001130 if c_col > 1 && (mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R')
349 0.000784 let before = strlen(c_before)
349 0.000392 let c = c_before
349 0.000672 let i = index(plist, c)
349 0.000178 endif
357 0.000251 if i < 0
" not found, nothing to do
202 0.000155 return
155 0.000061 endif
" Figure out the arguments for searchpairpos().
157 0.000135 if i % 2 == 0
6 0.000007 let s_flags = 'nW'
6 0.000011 let c2 = plist[i + 1]
6 0.000004 else
151 0.000172 let s_flags = 'nbW'
151 0.000153 let c2 = c
151 0.000209 let c = plist[i - 1]
151 0.000065 endif
157 0.000142 if c == '['
let c = '\['
let c2 = '\]'
" Find the match. When it was just before the cursor move it there for a
" moment.
157 0.000128 if before > 0
155 0.000423 let has_getcurpos = exists("*getcurpos")
155 0.000122 if has_getcurpos
" getcurpos() is more efficient but doesn't exist before 7.4.313.
155 0.000346 let save_cursor = getcurpos()
155 0.000071 else
let save_cursor = winsaveview()
155 0.000358 call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
155 0.000072 endif
" Build an expression that detects whether the current cursor position is in
" certain syntax types (string, comment, etc.), for use as searchpairpos()'s
" skip argument.
" We match "escape" for special items, such as lispEscapeSpecial.
157 0.000477 let s_skip = '!empty(filter(map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), ''synIDattr(v:val, "name")''), ' . '''v:val =~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment"''))'
" If executing the expression determines that the cursor is currently in
" one of the syntax types, then we want searchpairpos() to find the pair
" within those syntax types (i.e., not skip). Otherwise, the cursor is
" outside of the syntax types and s_skip should keep its value so we skip any
" matching pair inside the syntax types.
157 0.040284 execute 'if' s_skip '| let s_skip = 0 | endif'
" Limit the search to lines visible in the window.
157 0.000615 let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
157 0.000469 let stoplinetop = line('w0')
157 0.000156 if i % 2 == 0
6 0.000008 let stopline = stoplinebottom
6 0.000004 else
151 0.000172 let stopline = stoplinetop
151 0.000064 endif
" Limit the search time to 300 msec to avoid a hang on very long lines.
" This fails when a timeout is not supported.
157 0.000348 if mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R'
157 0.000584 let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_insert_timeout") ? b:matchparen_insert_timeout : g:matchparen_insert_timeout
157 0.000068 else
let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_timeout") ? b:matchparen_timeout : g:matchparen_timeout
157 0.000165 try
157 1.278077 let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline, timeout)
157 0.000397 catch /E118/
" Can't use the timeout, restrict the stopline a bit more to avoid taking
" a long time on closed folds and long lines.
" The "viewable" variables give a range in which we can scroll while
" keeping the cursor at the same position.
" adjustedScrolloff accounts for very large numbers of scrolloff.
let adjustedScrolloff = min([&scrolloff, (line('w$') - line('w0')) / 2])
let bottom_viewable = min([line('$'), c_lnum + &lines - adjustedScrolloff - 2])
let top_viewable = max([1, c_lnum-&lines+adjustedScrolloff + 2])
" one of these stoplines will be adjusted below, but the current values are
" minimal boundaries within the current window
if i % 2 == 0
if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
let stopbyte = min([line2byte("$"), line2byte(".") + col(".") + &smc * 2])
let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, c_lnum + 100])
let stoplinebottom = stopline
if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
let stopbyte = max([1, line2byte(".") + col(".") - &smc * 2])
let stopline = max([top_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
let stopline = max([top_viewable, c_lnum - 100])
let stoplinetop = stopline
let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline)
157 0.000156 if before > 0
155 0.000128 if has_getcurpos
155 0.000466 call setpos('.', save_cursor)
155 0.000072 else
call winrestview(save_cursor)
155 0.000069 endif
" If a match is found setup match highlighting.
157 0.000246 if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= stoplinetop && m_lnum <= stoplinebottom
7 0.000016 if exists('*matchaddpos')
7 0.000166 call matchaddpos('MatchParen', [[c_lnum, c_col - before], [m_lnum, m_col]], 10, 3)
7 0.000004 else
exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) . 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
7 0.000022 let w:paren_hl_on = 1
7 0.000004 endif
FUNCTION ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.013842
Self time: 0.002100
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000137 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
55 0.000054 let l:notified = 0
55 0.000131 if !empty(l:conn) && has_key(l:conn.open_documents, a:buffer)
55 0.000157 let l:new_tick = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'changedtick')
55 0.000088 if l:conn.open_documents[a:buffer] < l:new_tick
48 0.000037 if l:conn.is_tsserver
let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Change(a:buffer)
48 0.005827 0.000609 let l:message = ale#lsp#message#DidChange(a:buffer)
48 0.000040 endif
48 0.006763 0.000239 call ale#lsp#Send(a:conn_id, l:message)
48 0.000118 let l:conn.open_documents[a:buffer] = l:new_tick
48 0.000057 let l:notified = 1
48 0.000021 endif
55 0.000020 endif
55 0.000038 return l:notified
FUNCTION ale#engine#FixLocList()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.017776
Self time: 0.015240
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000163 let l:bufnr_map = {}
74 0.000091 let l:new_loclist = []
" Some errors have line numbers beyond the end of the file,
" so we need to adjust them so they set the error at the last line
" of the file instead.
74 0.002022 0.000339 let l:last_line_number = ale#util#GetLineCount(a:buffer)
166 0.000189 for l:old_item in a:loclist
" Copy the loclist item with some default values and corrections.
" line and column numbers will be converted to numbers.
" The buffer will default to the buffer being checked.
" The vcol setting will default to 0, a byte index.
" The error type will default to 'E' for errors.
" The error number will default to -1.
" The line number and text are the only required keys.
" The linter_name will be set on the errors so it can be used in
" output, filtering, etc..
92 0.001064 let l:item = { 'bufnr': a:buffer, 'text': l:old_item.text, 'lnum': str2nr(l:old_item.lnum), 'col': str2nr(get(l:old_item, 'col', 0)), 'vcol': 0, 'type': get(l:old_item, 'type', 'E'), 'nr': get(l:old_item, 'nr', -1), 'linter_name': a:linter_name,}
92 0.000087 if a:from_other_source
let l:item.from_other_source = 1
92 0.000148 if has_key(l:old_item, 'code')
let l:item.code = l:old_item.code
92 0.000239 if has_key(l:old_item, 'filename')&& !ale#path#IsTempName(l:old_item.filename)
" Use the filename given.
" Temporary files are assumed to be for this buffer,
" and the filename is not included then, because it looks bad
" in the loclist window.
let l:filename = l:old_item.filename
let l:item.filename = l:filename
if has_key(l:old_item, 'bufnr')
" If a buffer number is also given, include that too.
" If Vim detects that he buffer number is valid, it will
" be used instead of the filename.
let l:item.bufnr = l:old_item.bufnr
elseif has_key(l:bufnr_map, l:filename)
" Get the buffer number from the map, which can be faster.
let l:item.bufnr = l:bufnr_map[l:filename]
" Look up the buffer number.
let l:item.bufnr = bufnr(l:filename)
let l:bufnr_map[l:filename] = l:item.bufnr
elseif has_key(l:old_item, 'bufnr')
let l:item.bufnr = l:old_item.bufnr
92 0.000139 if has_key(l:old_item, 'detail')
74 0.000122 let l:item.detail = l:old_item.detail
74 0.000045 endif
" Pass on a end_col key if set, used for highlights.
92 0.000139 if has_key(l:old_item, 'end_col')
92 0.000205 let l:item.end_col = str2nr(l:old_item.end_col)
92 0.000039 endif
92 0.000166 if has_key(l:old_item, 'end_lnum')
74 0.000153 let l:item.end_lnum = str2nr(l:old_item.end_lnum)
74 0.000029 endif
92 0.000129 if has_key(l:old_item, 'sub_type')
let l:item.sub_type = l:old_item.sub_type
92 0.000085 if l:item.lnum < 1
" When errors appear before line 1, put them at line 1.
let l:item.lnum = 1
elseif l:item.bufnr == a:buffer && l:item.lnum > l:last_line_number
" When errors go beyond the end of the file, put them at the end.
" This is only done for the current buffer.
let l:item.lnum = l:last_line_number
elseif get(l:old_item, 'vcol', 0)
" Convert virtual column positions to byte positions.
" The positions will be off if the buffer has changed recently.
let l:line = getbufline(a:buffer, l:item.lnum)[0]
let l:item.col = ale#util#Col(l:line, l:item.col)
if has_key(l:item, 'end_col')
let l:end_line = get(l:item, 'end_lnum', l:line) != l:line ? getbufline(a:buffer, l:item.end_lnum)[0] : l:line
let l:item.end_col = ale#util#Col(l:end_line, l:item.end_col)
92 0.000195 call add(l:new_loclist, l:item)
92 0.000080 endfor
74 0.001424 0.000572 let l:type_map = get(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'type_map'), a:linter_name, {})
74 0.000127 if !empty(l:type_map)
call s:RemapItemTypes(l:type_map, l:new_loclist)
74 0.000066 return l:new_loclist
FUNCTION airline#parts#mode()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.026357
Self time: 0.008721
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.025695 0.008060 return airline#util#shorten(get(w:, 'airline_current_mode', ''), 79, 1)
FUNCTION ale#highlight#BufferHidden()
Called 102 times
Total time: 0.001375
Self time: 0.000587
count total (s) self (s)
" Remove highlights right away when buffers are hidden.
" They will be restored later when buffers are entered.
102 0.001223 0.000435 call ale#highlight#RemoveHighlights()
FUNCTION <SNR>76_get_array()
Called 14830 times
Total time: 0.099471
Self time: 0.099471
count total (s) self (s)
14830 0.038162 let opts=empty(a:opts) ? '' : join(a:opts, ',')
14830 0.054392 return g:airline_gui_mode ==# 'gui' ? [ a:fg, a:bg, '', '', opts ] : [ '', '', a:fg, a:bg, opts ]
FUNCTION ale#highlight#SetHighlights()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.014794
Self time: 0.002278
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000690 let l:new_list = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_enabled', 1) && g:ale_enabled ? filter(copy(a:loclist), 'v:val.bufnr == a:buffer && v:val.col > 0') : []
" Set the list in the buffer variable.
74 0.000983 call setbufvar(str2nr(a:buffer), 'ale_highlight_items', l:new_list)
" Update highlights for the current buffer, which may or may not
" be the buffer we just set highlights for.
74 0.012844 0.000329 call ale#highlight#UpdateHighlights()
FUNCTION airline#extensions#quickfix#apply()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.002464
Self time: 0.002464
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.000721 if &buftype == 'quickfix'
let w:airline_section_a = airline#extensions#quickfix#get_type()
let w:airline_section_b = '%{get(w:, "quickfix_title", "")}'
let w:airline_section_c = ''
let w:airline_section_x = ''
FUNCTION ale#engine#SetResults()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.309244
Self time: 0.007340
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.001027 0.000374 let l:linting_is_done = !ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(a:buffer)
" Set signs first. This could potentially fix some line numbers.
" The List could be sorted again here by SetSigns.
74 0.000080 if g:ale_set_signs
74 0.266371 0.000969 call ale#sign#SetSigns(a:buffer, a:loclist)
74 0.000038 endif
74 0.000113 if g:ale_set_quickfix || g:ale_set_loclist
74 0.003375 0.000523 call ale#list#SetLists(a:buffer, a:loclist)
74 0.000031 endif
74 0.000179 if exists('*ale#statusline#Update')
" Don't load/run if not already loaded.
74 0.006924 0.000417 call ale#statusline#Update(a:buffer, a:loclist)
74 0.000035 endif
74 0.000081 if g:ale_set_highlights
74 0.015176 0.000382 call ale#highlight#SetHighlights(a:buffer, a:loclist)
74 0.000033 endif
74 0.000071 if l:linting_is_done
48 0.000040 if g:ale_echo_cursor
" Try and echo the warning now.
" This will only do something meaningful if we're in normal mode.
48 0.001233 0.000251 call ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning()
48 0.000021 endif
48 0.000049 if g:ale_virtualtext_cursor
" Try and show the warning now.
" This will only do something meaningful if we're in normal mode.
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarning()
" Reset the save event marker, used for opening windows, etc.
48 0.000122 call setbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_save_event_fired', 0)
" Set a marker showing how many times a buffer has been checked.
48 0.000174 call setbufvar( a:buffer, 'ale_linted', getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_linted', 0) + 1)
" Automatically remove all managed temporary files and directories
" now that all jobs have completed.
48 0.009392 0.000189 call ale#engine#RemoveManagedFiles(a:buffer)
" Call user autocommands. This allows users to hook into ALE's lint cycle.
48 0.003404 0.001891 silent doautocmd <nomodeline> User ALELintPost
48 0.000023 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>121_ShouldOpen()
Called 121 times
Total time: 0.002148
Self time: 0.001105
count total (s) self (s)
121 0.001528 0.000486 let l:val = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'open_list')
121 0.000292 let l:saved = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_save_event_fired', 0)
121 0.000214 return l:val is 1 || (l:val is# 'on_save' && l:saved)
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace()
Called 101 times
Total time: 4.570509
Self time: 0.409061
count total (s) self (s)
101 0.000232 let original_window = winnr()
101 2.123977 0.020013 silent! below 1new
101 0.026016 silent! 0put =a:file_lines
101 0.002471 normal! G
" clear out classes, functions and other blocks
387 0.000390 while 1
387 0.034159 let block_start_pos = searchpos('\c\(class\|trait\|function\|interface\)\s\+\_.\{-}\zs{', 'Web')
387 0.000788 if block_start_pos == [0, 0]
101 0.000065 break
286 0.022113 let block_end_pos = searchpairpos('{', '', '}\|\%$', 'W', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"')
286 0.000520 if block_end_pos != [0, 0]
" end of the block found, just delete it
286 0.004826 silent! exec block_start_pos[0].','.block_end_pos[0].'d _'
286 0.000297 else
" block pair not found, use block start as beginning and the end
" of the buffer instead
silent! exec block_start_pos[0].',$d _'
286 0.000354 endwhile
101 0.000780 normal! G
" grab the remains
101 0.000576 let file_lines = reverse(getline(1, line('.') - 1))
101 2.147680 0.184375 silent! bw! %
101 0.000892 exe original_window.'wincmd w'
101 0.000277 let namespace_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*'
101 0.000132 let i = 0
101 0.000274 let file_length = len(file_lines)
101 0.000133 let imports = {}
101 0.000123 let current_namespace = '\'
505 0.000637 while i < file_length
505 0.000885 let line = file_lines[i]
505 0.006015 if line =~? '^\(<?php\)\?\s*namespace\s*'.namespace_name_pattern
101 0.002018 let current_namespace = matchstr(line, '\c^\(<?php\)\?\s*namespace\s*\zs'.namespace_name_pattern.'\ze')
101 0.000068 break
404 0.001548 if line =~? '^\s*use\>'
202 0.000460 if line =~? ';'
202 0.000250 let use_line = line
202 0.000103 else
" try to find the next line containing ';'
let l = i
let search_line = line
let use_line = line
" add lines from the file until theres no ';' in them
while search_line !~? ';' && l > 0
" file lines are reversed so we need to go backwards
let l -= 1
let search_line = file_lines[l]
let use_line .= ' '.substitute(search_line, '\(^\s\+\|\s\+$\)', '', 'g')
202 0.002793 let use_expression = matchstr(use_line, '^\c\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;')
202 0.003741 let use_parts = map(split(use_expression, '\s*,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\s+", " ", "g")')
404 0.000464 for part in use_parts
202 0.001263 if part =~? '\s\+as\s\+'
let [object, name] = split(part, '\s\+as\s\+\c')
let object = substitute(object, '^\\', '', '')
let name = substitute(name, '^\\', '', '')
202 0.000309 let object = part
202 0.000205 let name = part
202 0.000850 let object = substitute(object, '^\\', '', '')
202 0.000719 let name = substitute(name, '^\\', '', '')
202 0.000429 if name =~? '\\'
202 0.001927 let name = matchstr(name, '\\\zs[^\\]\+\ze$')
202 0.000107 endif
202 0.000078 endif
" leading slash is not required use imports are always absolute
202 0.000781 let imports[name] = {'name': object, 'kind': ''}
202 0.000112 endfor
" find kind flags from tags or built in methods for the objects we extracted
" they can be either classes, interfaces or namespaces, no other thing is importable in php
505 0.001139 for [key, import] in items(imports)
" if theres a \ in the name we have it's definetly not a built in thing, look for tags
303 0.000812 if =~ '\\'
202 0.000269 let patched_ctags_detected = 0
202 0.016522 0.002034 let [classname, namespace_for_classes] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(, '\', {})
202 0.001139 let namespace_name_candidate = substitute(, '\\', '\\\\', 'g')
" can be a namespace name as is, or can be a tagname at the end with a namespace
202 0.056071 0.001629 let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^\('.namespace_name_candidate.'\|'.classname.'\)$')
202 0.000337 if len(tags) > 0
101 0.000168 for tag in tags
" if there's a namespace with the name of the import
101 0.000241 if tag.kind == 'n' && ==
call extend(import, tag)
let import['builtin'] = 0
let patched_ctags_detected = 1
" if the name matches with the extracted classname and namespace
101 0.000307 if (tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't') && == classname
101 0.000189 if has_key(tag, 'namespace')
101 0.000115 let patched_ctags_detected = 1
101 0.000175 if tag.namespace == namespace_for_classes
101 0.000727 call extend(import, tag)
101 0.000208 let import['builtin'] = 0
101 0.000064 break
elseif !exists('no_namespace_candidate')
" save the first namespacless match to be used if no better
" candidate found later on
let tag.namespace = namespace_for_classes
let no_namespace_candidate = tag
" there were a namespacless class name match, if we think that the
" tags are not generated with patched ctags we will take it as a match
101 0.000230 if exists('no_namespace_candidate') && !patched_ctags_detected
call extend(import, no_namespace_candidate)
let import['builtin'] = 0
101 0.000044 else
" if no tags are found, extract the namespace from the name
101 0.001867 let ns = matchstr(, '\c\zs[a-zA-Z0-9\\]\+\ze\\' . name)
101 0.000210 if len(ns) > 0
101 0.000180 let import['name'] = name
101 0.000200 let import['namespace'] = ns
101 0.000141 let import['builtin'] = 0
101 0.000047 endif
101 0.000039 endif
202 0.000089 else
" if no \ in the name, it can be a built in class
101 0.000454 if has_key(g:php_builtin_classnames, tolower(
let import['kind'] = 'c'
let import['builtin'] = 1
elseif has_key(g:php_builtin_interfacenames, tolower(
let import['kind'] = 'i'
let import['builtin'] = 1
" or can be a tag with exactly matchign name
101 0.025971 0.000722 let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.import['name'].'$')
101 0.000142 for tag in tags
" search for the first matchin namespace, class, interface with no namespace
101 0.000433 if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind == 'n' || tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't')
101 0.000676 call extend(import, tag)
101 0.000167 let import['builtin'] = 0
101 0.000066 break
101 0.000049 endif
101 0.000037 endif
303 0.000605 if exists('no_namespace_candidate')
unlet no_namespace_candidate
303 0.000144 endfor
202 0.000082 endif
404 0.000466 let i += 1
404 0.000285 endwhile
101 0.000153 let sorted_imports = {}
303 0.000626 for name in sort(keys(imports))
202 0.000468 let sorted_imports[name] = imports[name]
202 0.000099 endfor
101 0.000197 return [current_namespace, sorted_imports]
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetClassContents()
Called 34 times
Total time: 0.150885
Self time: 0.000735
count total (s) self (s)
34 0.150402 0.000252 let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents(a:classlocation, a:class_name)
34 0.000035 let result = []
68 0.000068 for classstructure in classcontents
34 0.000129 call add(result, classstructure.content)
34 0.000018 endfor
34 0.000100 return join(result, "\n")
FUNCTION airline#extensions#wordcount#apply()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.007361
Self time: 0.007361
count total (s) self (s)
311 0.001064 let filetypes = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#wordcount#filetypes', s:filetypes)
" Check if filetype needs testing
311 0.000659 if did_filetype() || filetypes isnot s:filetypes
let s:filetypes = filetypes
" Select test based on type of "filetypes": new=list, old=string
if type(filetypes) == get(v:, 't_list', type([])) ? index(filetypes, &filetype) > -1 || index(filetypes, 'all') > -1 : match(&filetype, filetypes) > -1
let b:airline_changedtick = -1
call s:update_wordcount(1) " force update: ensures initial worcount exists
elseif exists('b:airline_wordcount') " cleanup when filetype is removed
unlet b:airline_wordcount
311 0.000605 if exists('b:airline_wordcount')
call airline#extensions#prepend_to_section( 'z', '%{airline#extensions#wordcount#get()}')
FUNCTION <SNR>111_HandleLSPDiagnostics()
Called 48 times
Total time: 0.262354
Self time: 0.002217
count total (s) self (s)
48 0.000190 let l:linter_name = s:lsp_linter_map[a:conn_id]
48 0.001813 0.000303 let l:filename = ale#path#FromURI(a:response.params.uri)
48 0.000530 let l:buffer = bufnr(l:filename)
48 0.001197 0.000229 if s:ShouldIgnore(l:buffer, l:linter_name)
48 0.000040 if l:buffer <= 0
48 0.006027 0.000308 let l:loclist = ale#lsp#response#ReadDiagnostics(a:response)
48 0.252270 0.000331 call ale#engine#HandleLoclist(l:linter_name, l:buffer, l:loclist, 0)
FUNCTION ale#util#GetMatches()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.003449
Self time: 0.003449
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000067 let l:matches = []
26 0.000081 let l:lines = type(a:lines) is v:t_list ? a:lines : [a:lines]
26 0.000080 let l:patterns = type(a:patterns) is v:t_list ? a:patterns : [a:patterns]
88 0.000091 for l:line in l:lines
106 0.000111 for l:pattern in l:patterns
62 0.002041 let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern)
62 0.000102 if !empty(l:match)
18 0.000034 call add(l:matches, l:match)
18 0.000013 break
44 0.000025 endfor
62 0.000028 endfor
26 0.000024 return l:matches
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents()
Called 34 times
Total time: 0.150150
Self time: 0.001799
count total (s) self (s)
34 0.000330 let full_file_path = fnamemodify(a:classlocation, ':p')
34 0.000289 let cache_key = full_file_path.'#'.a:class_name.'#'.getftime(full_file_path)
" try to read from the cache first
34 0.000103 if has_key(s:cache_classstructures, cache_key)
33 0.000077 let classcontents = s:cache_classstructures[cache_key]
" cached class contents can contain content from multiple files (superclasses) so we have to
" validate cached result's validness by the filemtimes used to create the cached value
33 0.000032 let valid = 1
66 0.000091 for classstructure in classcontents
33 0.000222 if getftime(classstructure.file) != classstructure.mtime
let valid = 0
" we could break here, but the time required for checking probably worth
" the the memory we can free by checking every file in the cached hirearchy
call phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(classstructure.file)
33 0.000023 endfor
33 0.000023 if valid
" cache hit, we found an entry for this file + class pair and every
" file in the response is also valid
33 0.000029 return classcontents
" clear the outdated cached value from the cache store
call remove(s:cache_classstructures, cache_key)
call phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(full_file_path)
" fall trough for the read from files path
1 0.000018 0.000009 call phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(full_file_path)
1 0.000000 endif
" cache miss, fetch the content from the files itself
1 0.000032 let classfile = readfile(a:classlocation)
1 0.148372 0.000030 let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, classfile, a:class_name)
1 0.000003 let s:cache_classstructures[cache_key] = classcontents
1 0.000001 return classcontents
FUNCTION <SNR>118_FindHistoryItem()
Called 52 times
Total time: 0.001262
Self time: 0.000737
count total (s) self (s)
" Search backwards to find a matching job ID. IDs might be recycled,
" so finding the last one should be good enough.
52 0.000849 0.000323 for l:obj in reverse(ale#history#Get(a:buffer))
52 0.000081 if l:obj.job_id == a:job_id
52 0.000046 return l:obj
return {}
FUNCTION ale#job#Stop()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000691
Self time: 0.000691
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000083 if !has_key(s:job_map, a:job_id)
26 0.000072 if has('nvim')
" FIXME: NeoVim kills jobs on a timer, but will not kill any processes
" which are child processes on Unix. Some work needs to be done to
" kill child processes to stop long-running processes like pylint.
26 0.000072 silent! call jobstop(a:job_id)
26 0.000012 else
let l:job = s:job_map[a:job_id].job
" We must close the channel for reading the buffer if it is open
" when stopping a job. Otherwise, we will get errors in the status line.
if ch_status(job_getchannel(l:job)) is# 'open'
call ch_close_in(job_getchannel(l:job))
" Ask nicely for the job to stop.
call job_stop(l:job)
if ale#job#IsRunning(l:job)
" Set a 100ms delay for killing the job with SIGKILL.
let s:job_kill_timers[timer_start(100, function('s:KillHandler'))] = l:job
FUNCTION ale#lsp_linter#GetConfig()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.000565
Self time: 0.000565
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000076 let l:config = {}
55 0.000103 if has_key(a:linter, 'lsp_config_callback')
let l:config = ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.lsp_config_callback)(a:buffer)
elseif has_key(a:linter, 'lsp_config')
let l:config = a:linter.lsp_config
55 0.000036 return l:config
FUNCTION <lambda>1()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.002042
Self time: 0.000394
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.001977 0.000328 return ale#node#FindExecutable(buf, a:base_var_name, a:path_list)
FUNCTION <lambda>2()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000385
Self time: 0.000121
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000372 0.000109 return ale#Var(buf, a:variable_name)
FUNCTION <lambda>6()
Called 1902 times
Total time: 0.761704
Self time: 0.016988
count total (s) self (s)
1902 0.760870 0.016154 return ale#lsp#HandleMessage(a:conn_id, message)
FUNCTION <SNR>29_TimerHandler()
Called 45 times
Total time: 0.053665
Self time: 0.002155
count total (s) self (s)
45 0.000546 let s:timer_id = -1
45 0.000467 let [l:line, l:column] = getcurpos()[1:2]
" When running the timer callback, we have to be sure that the cursor
" hasn't moved from where it was when we requested completions by typing.
45 0.000806 0.000519 if s:timer_pos == [l:line, l:column] && ale#util#Mode() is# 'i'
45 0.051460 0.000237 call ale#completion#GetCompletions()
45 0.000023 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>71_airline_ale_get_line_number()
Called 2638 times
Total time: 0.035007
Self time: 0.030358
count total (s) self (s)
2638 0.002080 if a:cnt == 0
1794 0.000999 return ''
844 0.001440 let buffer = bufnr('')
844 0.001770 let problem_type = (a:type ==# 'error') ? 'E' : 'W'
844 0.008874 0.004225 let problems = copy(ale#engine#GetLoclist(buffer))
844 0.006666 call filter(problems, 'v:val.bufnr is buffer && v:val.type is# problem_type')
844 0.001026 if empty(problems)
return ''
844 0.002503 let open_lnum_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#open_lnum_symbol', '(L')
844 0.002340 let close_lnum_symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#ale#close_lnum_symbol', ')')
844 0.002250 return open_lnum_symbol . problems[0].lnum . close_lnum_symbol
FUNCTION ale#engine#HandleLoclist()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.341727
Self time: 0.004459
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000300 let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer, {})
74 0.000103 if empty(l:info)
74 0.000077 if !a:from_other_source
" Remove this linter from the list of active linters.
" This may have already been done when the job exits.
74 0.000353 call filter(l:info.active_linter_list, 'v:val isnot# a:linter_name')
74 0.000036 endif
" Make some adjustments to the loclists to fix common problems, and also
" to set default values for loclist items.
74 0.018355 0.000579 let l:linter_loclist = ale#engine#FixLocList( a:buffer, a:linter_name, a:from_other_source, a:loclist,)
" Remove previous items for this linter.
74 0.000538 call filter(l:info.loclist, 'v:val.linter_name isnot# a:linter_name')
" We don't need to add items or sort the list when this list is empty.
74 0.000108 if !empty(l:linter_loclist)
" Add the new items.
58 0.000115 call extend(l:info.loclist, l:linter_loclist)
" Sort the loclist again.
" We need a sorted list so we can run a binary search against it
" for efficient lookup of the messages in the cursor handler.
58 0.004147 0.000626 call sort(l:info.loclist, 'ale#util#LocItemCompare')
58 0.000036 endif
74 0.006998 0.000271 if ale#ShouldDoNothing(a:buffer)
74 0.309659 0.000415 call ale#engine#SetResults(a:buffer, l:info.loclist)
FUNCTION airline#statusline()
Called 1459 times
Total time: 0.014560
Self time: 0.014560
count total (s) self (s)
1459 0.005127 if has_key(s:contexts, a:winnr)
1459 0.008034 return '%{airline#check_mode('.a:winnr.')}'.s:contexts[a:winnr].line
" in rare circumstances this happens...see #276
return ''
FUNCTION <SNR>84_GatherOutput()
Called 62 times
Total time: 0.000565
Self time: 0.000565
count total (s) self (s)
62 0.000205 if has_key(s:job_info_map, a:job_id)
62 0.000203 call add(s:job_info_map[a:job_id].output, a:line)
62 0.000030 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>80_build_sections()
Called 830 times
Total time: 0.214772
Self time: 0.034429
count total (s) self (s)
4358 0.004019 for key in a:keys
3528 0.007537 if (key == 'warning' || key == 'error') && !
416 0.000278 continue
3112 0.192412 0.012069 call s:add_section(a:builder, a:context, key)
3112 0.001784 endfor
FUNCTION ale#lsp#StartProgram()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.001920
Self time: 0.001293
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000131 let l:conn = s:connections[a:conn_id]
55 0.000930 0.000304 if !has_key(l:conn, 'job_id') || !ale#job#IsRunning(l:conn.job_id)
let l:options = { 'mode': 'raw', 'out_cb': {_, message -> ale#lsp#HandleMessage(a:conn_id, message)},}
let l:job_id = ale#job#Start(a:command, l:options)
55 0.000071 let l:job_id = l:conn.job_id
55 0.000025 endif
55 0.000061 if l:job_id > 0
55 0.000145 let l:conn.job_id = l:job_id
55 0.000025 endif
55 0.000056 return l:job_id > 0
FUNCTION <SNR>20_invoke_funcrefs()
Called 519 times
Total time: 2.645346
Self time: 0.020063
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.013827 0.002171 let builder = airline#builder#new(a:context)
519 0.360098 0.005066 let err = airline#util#exec_funcrefs(a:funcrefs + s:core_funcrefs, builder, a:context)
519 0.000412 if err == 1
519 2.262185 0.003591 let a:context.line =
519 0.003175 let s:contexts[a:context.winnr] = a:context
519 0.004616 call setwinvar(a:context.winnr, '&statusline', '%!airline#statusline('.a:context.winnr.')')
519 0.000230 endif
FUNCTION ale#history#Get()
Called 52 times
Total time: 0.000526
Self time: 0.000526
count total (s) self (s)
52 0.000429 return copy(getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_history', []))
FUNCTION <SNR>19_on_window_changed()
Called 488 times
Total time: 2.696310
Self time: 0.016442
count total (s) self (s)
488 0.001493 let s:active_winnr = winnr()
488 0.001034 if pumvisible() && (!&previewwindow || g:airline_exclude_preview)
7 0.000007 return
" Handle each window only once, since we might come here several times for
" different autocommands.
481 0.003843 let l:key = [bufnr('%'), s:active_winnr, winnr('$'), tabpagenr(), &ft]
481 0.003333 if get(g:, 'airline_last_window_changed', []) == l:key && &stl is# '%!airline#statusline('.s:active_winnr.')' && &ft !~? 'gitcommit'
" fugitive is special, it changes names and filetypes several times,
" make sure the caching does not get into its way
170 0.000100 return
311 0.000928 let g:airline_last_window_changed = l:key
311 0.002108 0.001323 call s:init()
311 2.680556 0.001474 call airline#update_statusline()
FUNCTION airline#extensions#apply()
Called 519 times
Total time: 0.038133
Self time: 0.018713
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.021604 0.002184 if s:is_excluded_window()
return -1
519 0.000671 if &buftype == 'help'
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override('Help', '%f')
let w:airline_section_x = ''
let w:airline_section_y = ''
let w:airline_render_right = 1
519 0.000561 if &buftype == 'terminal'
let w:airline_section_x = ''
let w:airline_section_y = ''
519 0.000407 if &previewwindow
4 0.000006 let w:airline_section_a = 'Preview'
4 0.000004 let w:airline_section_b = ''
4 0.000013 let w:airline_section_c = bufname(winbufnr(winnr()))
4 0.000002 endif
519 0.001748 if has_key(s:filetype_overrides, &ft)
let args = s:filetype_overrides[&ft]
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override(args[0], args[1])
519 0.001270 for item in items(s:filetype_regex_overrides)
if match(&ft, item[0]) >= 0
call airline#extensions#apply_left_override(item[1][0], item[1][1])
FUNCTION ale#engine#GetLoclist()
Called 844 times
Total time: 0.004649
Self time: 0.004649
count total (s) self (s)
844 0.001658 if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
return []
844 0.001197 return g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist
FUNCTION <SNR>121_SetListsImpl()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.025929
Self time: 0.008601
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.001301 let l:title = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p')
74 0.000080 if g:ale_set_quickfix
let l:quickfix_list = ale#list#GetCombinedList()
if has('nvim')
call setqflist(s:FixList(a:buffer, l:quickfix_list), ' ', l:title)
call setqflist(s:FixList(a:buffer, l:quickfix_list))
call setqflist([], 'r', {'title': l:title})
elseif g:ale_set_loclist
" If windows support is off, bufwinid() may not exist.
" We'll set result in the current window, which might not be correct,
" but it's better than nothing.
74 0.000926 0.000448 let l:id = s:BufWinId(a:buffer)
74 0.000215 if has('nvim')
74 0.015003 0.001755 call setloclist(l:id, s:FixList(a:buffer, a:loclist), ' ', l:title)
74 0.000049 else
call setloclist(l:id, s:FixList(a:buffer, a:loclist))
call setloclist(l:id, [], 'r', {'title': l:title})
74 0.000037 endif
" Open a window to show the problems if we need to.
" We'll check if the current buffer's List is not empty here, so the
" window will only be opened if the current buffer has problems.
74 0.001764 0.000348 if s:ShouldOpen(a:buffer) && !empty(a:loclist)
let l:winnr = winnr()
let l:mode = mode()
let l:reset_visual_selection = l:mode is? 'v' || l:mode is# "\<c-v>"
let l:reset_character_selection = l:mode is? 's' || l:mode is# "\<c-s>"
" open windows vertically instead of default horizontally
let l:open_type = ''
if ale#Var(a:buffer, 'list_vertical') == 1
let l:open_type = 'vert '
if g:ale_set_quickfix
if !ale#list#IsQuickfixOpen()
silent! execute l:open_type . 'copen ' . str2nr(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'list_window_size'))
elseif g:ale_set_loclist
silent! execute l:open_type . 'lopen ' . str2nr(ale#Var(a:buffer, 'list_window_size'))
" If focus changed, restore it (jump to the last window).
if l:winnr isnot# winnr()
wincmd p
if l:reset_visual_selection || l:reset_character_selection
" If we were in a selection mode before, select the last selection.
normal! gv
if l:reset_character_selection
" Switch back to Select mode, if we were in that.
normal! "\<c-g>"
" If ALE isn't currently checking for more problems, close the window if
" needed now. This check happens inside of this timer function, so
" the window can be closed reliably.
74 0.000913 0.000263 if !ale#engine#IsCheckingBuffer(a:buffer)
47 0.001710 0.000174 call s:CloseWindowIfNeeded(a:buffer)
47 0.000023 endif
FUNCTION ale#lsp#OpenDocument()
Called 55 times
Total time: 0.001083
Self time: 0.001083
count total (s) self (s)
55 0.000144 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
55 0.000055 let l:opened = 0
55 0.000175 if !empty(l:conn) && !has_key(l:conn.open_documents, a:buffer)
if l:conn.is_tsserver
let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Open(a:buffer)
let l:message = ale#lsp#message#DidOpen(a:buffer, a:language_id)
call ale#lsp#Send(a:conn_id, l:message)
let l:conn.open_documents[a:buffer] = getbufvar(a:buffer, 'changedtick')
let l:opened = 1
55 0.000036 return l:opened
FUNCTION <SNR>71_airline_ale_count()
Called 2638 times
Total time: 0.004555
Self time: 0.004555
count total (s) self (s)
2638 0.003751 return a:cnt ? a:symbol. a:cnt : ''
FUNCTION airline#util#has_lawrencium()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.004131
Self time: 0.004131
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.003646 return exists('*lawrencium#statusline')
FUNCTION GetLastRealCodeLNum()
Called 33 times
Total time: 0.005487
Self time: 0.005298
count total (s) self (s)
33 0.000067 let lnum = a:startline
33 0.000048 if b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD && b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD == lnum + 1
let lnum = b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD
43 0.000048 while lnum > 1
43 0.000082 let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum)
43 0.000100 let lastline = getline(lnum)
43 0.000051 if b:InPHPcode_and_script && lastline =~ '?>\s*$'
let lnum = lnum - 1
elseif lastline =~ '^\s*?>.*<?\%(php\)\=\s*$'
let lnum = lnum - 1
elseif lastline =~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)'
let lnum = lnum - 1
elseif lastline =~ '\*/\s*$'
10 0.000019 call cursor(lnum, 1)
10 0.000026 if lastline !~ '^\*/'
10 0.000033 call search('\*/', 'W')
10 0.000014 endif
10 0.000855 0.000666 let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/', s:searchpairflags, 'Skippmatch2()')
10 0.000020 let lastline = getline(lnum)
10 0.000059 if lastline =~ '^\s*/\*'
10 0.000011 let lnum = lnum - 1
10 0.000008 else
10 0.000009 elseif lastline =~? '\%(//\s*\|?>.*\)\@<!<?\%(php\)\=\s*$\|^\s*<script\>'
while lastline !~ '\(<?.*\)\@<!?>' && lnum > 1
let lnum = lnum - 1
let lastline = getline(lnum)
if lastline =~ '^\s*?>'
let lnum = lnum - 1
elseif lastline =~? '^\a\w*;\=$' && lastline !~? s:notPhpHereDoc
let tofind=substitute( lastline, '\(\a\w*\);\=', '<<<\\s*[''"]\\=\1[''"]\\=$', '')
while getline(lnum) !~? tofind && lnum > 1
let lnum = lnum - 1
elseif lastline =~ '^[^''"`]*[''"`][;,]'.s:endline
let tofind=substitute( lastline, '^.*\([''"`]\)[;,].*$', '^[^\1]\\+[\1]$\\|^[^\1]\\+[=([]\\s*[\1]', '')
let trylnum = lnum
while getline(trylnum) !~? tofind && trylnum > 1
let trylnum = trylnum - 1
if trylnum == 1
if lastline =~ ';'.s:endline
while getline(trylnum) !~? s:terminated && getline(trylnum) !~? '{'.s:endline && trylnum > 1
let trylnum = prevnonblank(trylnum - 1)
if trylnum == 1
let lnum = trylnum
33 0.000019 break
10 0.000006 endwhile
33 0.000051 if lnum==1 && getline(lnum) !~ '<?'
let lnum=0
33 0.000057 if b:InPHPcode_and_script && 1 > b:InPHPcode
let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0
33 0.000025 return lnum
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
Called 14830 times
Total time: 1.483138
Self time: 0.680103
count total (s) self (s)
14830 0.206492 let reverse = get(g:, 'airline_gui_mode', '') ==# 'gui' ? synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'gui') : synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'cterm')|| synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'reverse', 'term')
14830 0.041885 if get(g:, 'airline_highlighting_cache', 0) && has_key(s:hl_groups, a:group)
let res = s:hl_groups[a:group]
return reverse ? [ res[1], res[0], res[3], res[2], res[4] ] : res
14830 0.423701 0.062613 let fg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'fg')
14830 0.397228 0.054752 let bg = s:get_syn(a:group, 'bg')
14830 0.070388 let bold = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), 'bold')
14830 0.015040 let opts = a:000
14830 0.010017 if bold
180 0.000219 let opts = ['bold']
180 0.000078 endif
14830 0.178867 0.079395 let res = reverse ? s:get_array(bg, fg, opts) : s:get_array(fg, bg, opts)
14830 0.006568 endif
14830 0.028832 let s:hl_groups[a:group] = res
14830 0.009393 return res
FUNCTION phpcomplete#GetClassLocation()
Called 35 times
Total time: 1.722174
Self time: 0.021010
count total (s) self (s)
" Check classname may be name of built in object
35 0.000153 if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(a:classname)) && (a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\')
35 0.000125 if has_key(g:php_builtin_interfaces, tolower(a:classname)) && (a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\')
35 0.000055 if a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\'
let search_namespace = '\'
35 0.000073 let search_namespace = tolower(a:namespace)
35 0.000015 endif
35 1.699668 0.001239 let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(getline(0, line('.')))
" do in-file lookup for class definition
35 0.000040 let i = 1
1128 0.001344 while i < line('.')
1127 0.002396 let line = getline(line('.')-i)
1127 0.011812 if line =~? '^\s*\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\)*\s*\(class\|interface\|trait\)\s*'.a:classname.'\(\s\+\|$\|{\)' && tolower(current_namespace) == search_namespace
34 0.000359 return expand('%:p')
1093 0.000794 let i += 1
1093 0.000603 continue
" Get class location from tags
1 0.000001 let no_namespace_candidate = ''
1 0.002741 0.000007 let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.a:classname.'$')
1 0.000001 for tag in tags
" We'll allow interfaces and traits to be handled classes since you
" can't have colliding names with different kinds anyway
if tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't'
if !has_key(tag, 'namespace')
let no_namespace_candidate = tag.filename
if search_namespace == tolower(tag.namespace)
return tag.filename
1 0.000002 if no_namespace_candidate != ''
return no_namespace_candidate
1 0.000001 return ''
FUNCTION AutoPairsInsert()
Called 3 times
Total time: 0.000444
Self time: 0.000444
count total (s) self (s)
3 0.000023 if !b:autopairs_enabled
return a:key
3 0.000008 let line = getline('.')
3 0.000016 let pos = col('.') - 1
3 0.000008 let before = strpart(line, 0, pos)
3 0.000006 let after = strpart(line, pos)
3 0.000025 let next_chars = split(after, '\zs')
3 0.000007 let current_char = get(next_chars, 0, '')
3 0.000005 let next_char = get(next_chars, 1, '')
3 0.000127 let prev_chars = split(before, '\zs')
3 0.000006 let prev_char = get(prev_chars, -1, '')
3 0.000002 let eol = 0
3 0.000007 if col('$') - col('.') <= 1
3 0.000003 let eol = 1
3 0.000001 end
" Ignore auto close if prev character is \
3 0.000004 if prev_char == '\'
return a:key
" The key is difference open-pair, then it means only for ) ] } by default
3 0.000007 if !has_key(b:AutoPairs, a:key)
1 0.000005 let b:autopairs_saved_pair = [a:key, getpos('.')]
" Skip the character if current character is the same as input
1 0.000001 if current_char == a:key
1 0.000001 return s:Right
if !g:AutoPairsFlyMode
" Skip the character if next character is space
if current_char == ' ' && next_char == a:key
return s:Right.s:Right
" Skip the character if closed pair is next character
if current_char == ''
if g:AutoPairsMultilineClose
let next_lineno = line('.')+1
let next_line = getline(nextnonblank(next_lineno))
let next_char = matchstr(next_line, '\s*\zs.')
let next_char = matchstr(line, '\s*\zs.')
if next_char == a:key
return "\<ESC>e^a"
" Fly Mode, and the key is closed-pairs, search closed-pair and jump
if g:AutoPairsFlyMode && has_key(b:AutoPairsClosedPairs, a:key)
let n = stridx(after, a:key)
if n != -1
return repeat(s:Right, n+1)
if search(a:key, 'W')
" force break the '.' when jump to different line
return "\<Right>"
" Insert directly if the key is not an open key
return a:key
2 0.000002 let open = a:key
2 0.000004 let close = b:AutoPairs[open]
2 0.000003 if current_char == close && open == close
return s:Right
" Ignore auto close ' if follows a word
" MUST after closed check. 'hello|'
2 0.000003 if a:key == "'" && prev_char =~ '\v\w'
return a:key
" support for ''' ``` and """
2 0.000002 if open == close
" The key must be ' " `
let pprev_char = line[col('.')-3]
if pprev_char == open && prev_char == open
" Double pair found
return repeat(a:key, 4) . repeat(s:Left, 3)
2 0.000002 let quotes_num = 0
" Ignore comment line for vim file
2 0.000004 if &filetype == 'vim' && a:key == '"'
if before =~ '^\s*$'
return a:key
if before =~ '^\s*"'
let quotes_num = -1
" Keep quote number is odd.
" Because quotes should be matched in the same line in most of situation
2 0.000003 if g:AutoPairsSmartQuotes && open == close
" Remove \\ \" \'
let cleaned_line = substitute(line, '\v(\\.)', '', 'g')
let n = quotes_num
let pos = 0
while 1
let pos = stridx(cleaned_line, open, pos)
if pos == -1
let n = n + 1
let pos = pos + 1
if n % 2 == 1
return a:key
2 0.000004 return open.close.s:Left
FUNCTION airline#util#shorten()
Called 2878 times
Total time: 0.033477
Self time: 0.033477
count total (s) self (s)
2878 0.009492 if winwidth(0) < a:winwidth && len(split(a:text, '\zs')) > a:minwidth
if get(a:000, 0, 0)
" shorten from tail
return '…'.matchstr(a:text, '.\{'.a:minwidth.'}$')
" shorten from beginning of string
return matchstr(a:text, '^.\{'.a:minwidth.'}').'…'
2878 0.002416 return a:text
FUNCTION <SNR>76_get_syn()
Called 29660 times
Total time: 0.703564
Self time: 0.703564
count total (s) self (s)
29660 0.060404 if !exists("g:airline_gui_mode")
let g:airline_gui_mode = airline#init#gui_mode()
29660 0.024964 let color = ''
29660 0.089831 if hlexists(a:group)
28818 0.158571 let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:group)), a:what, g:airline_gui_mode)
28818 0.012791 endif
29660 0.052581 if empty(color) || color == -1
" should always exists
846 0.005889 let color = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('Normal')), a:what, g:airline_gui_mode)
" however, just in case
846 0.001640 if empty(color) || color == -1
let color = 'NONE'
846 0.000329 endif
29660 0.021090 return color
FUNCTION ale#linter#GetExecutable()
Called 81 times
Total time: 0.003574
Self time: 0.000723
count total (s) self (s)
81 0.003517 0.000666 return has_key(a:linter, 'executable_callback') ? ale#util#GetFunction(a:linter.executable_callback)(a:buffer) : a:linter.executable
FUNCTION airline#highlighter#highlight_modified_inactive()
Called 18 times
Total time: 0.005702
Self time: 0.000651
count total (s) self (s)
18 0.000072 if getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&modified')
16 0.000208 let colors = exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive_modified.airline_c') ? g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive_modified.airline_c : []
16 0.000010 else
2 0.000015 let colors = exists('g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive.airline_c') ? g:airline#themes#{g:airline_theme}#palette.inactive.airline_c : []
2 0.000001 endif
18 0.000044 if !empty(colors)
18 0.005234 0.000183 call airline#highlighter#exec('airline_c'.(a:bufnr).'_inactive', colors)
18 0.000008 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>84_RemoveProblemsForDisabledLinters()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.000734
Self time: 0.000734
count total (s) self (s)
" Figure out which linters are still enabled, and remove
" problems for linters which are no longer enabled.
" Problems from other sources will be kept.
26 0.000031 let l:name_map = {}
78 0.000074 for l:linter in a:linters
52 0.000106 let l:name_map[] = 1
52 0.000033 endfor
26 0.000357 call filter( get(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer], 'loclist', []), 'get(v:val, ''from_other_source'') || get(l:name_map, get(v:val, ''linter_name''))',)
FUNCTION ale#job#PrepareCommand()
Called 81 times
Total time: 0.004630
Self time: 0.003720
count total (s) self (s)
81 0.001285 0.000374 let l:wrapper = ale#Var(a:buffer, 'command_wrapper')
81 0.000369 let l:command = !empty(l:wrapper) ? s:PrepareWrappedCommand(l:wrapper, a:command) : a:command
" The command will be executed in a subshell. This fixes a number of
" issues, including reading the PATH variables correctly, %PATHEXT%
" expansion on Windows, etc.
" NeoVim handles this issue automatically if the command is a String,
" but we'll do this explicitly, so we use the same exact command for both
" versions.
81 0.000309 if has('win32')
return 'cmd /s/c "' . l:command . '"'
81 0.000758 if &shell =~? 'fish$\|pwsh$'
return ['/bin/sh', '-c', l:command]
81 0.001193 return split(&shell) + split(&shellcmdflag) + [l:command]
FUNCTION airline#extensions#branch#get_head()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.449601
Self time: 0.023878
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.431343 0.005619 let head = airline#extensions#branch#head()
1439 0.004443 let empty_message = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#empty_message', '')
1439 0.004487 let symbol = get(g:, 'airline#extensions#branch#symbol', g:airline_symbols.branch)
1439 0.008003 return empty(head) ? empty_message : printf('%s%s', empty(symbol) ? '' : symbol.(, head)
FUNCTION ale#util#GetFunction()
Called 7229 times
Total time: 0.043554
Self time: 0.043554
count total (s) self (s)
7229 0.016365 if type(a:string_or_ref) is v:t_string
81 0.000206 return function(a:string_or_ref)
7148 0.006509 return a:string_or_ref
FUNCTION airline#extensions#keymap#status()
Called 1439 times
Total time: 0.012194
Self time: 0.012194
count total (s) self (s)
1439 0.005776 if (get(g:, 'airline#extensions#keymap#enabled', 1) && has('keymap'))
1439 0.005515 return printf('%s', (!empty(&keymap) ? (g:airline_symbols.keymap . ' '. &keymap) : ''))
return ''
FUNCTION phpcomplete#CompletePHP()
Called 130 times
Total time: 7.821862
Self time: 0.044970
count total (s) self (s)
130 0.000283 if a:findstart
65 0.000092 unlet! b:php_menu
" Check if we are inside of PHP markup
65 0.000187 let pos = getpos('.')
65 0.015156 let phpbegin = searchpairpos('<?', '', '?>', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"')
65 0.000877 let phpend = searchpairpos('<?', '', '?>', 'Wn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"')
65 0.000178 if phpbegin == [0,0] && phpend == [0,0]
" We are outside of any PHP markup. Complete HTML
let htmlbegin = htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(1, '')
let cursor_col = pos[2]
let base = getline('.')[htmlbegin : cursor_col]
let b:php_menu = htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(0, base)
return htmlbegin
" locate the start of the word
65 0.000151 let line = getline('.')
65 0.000123 let start = col('.') - 1
65 0.000115 let compl_begin = col('.') - 2
547 0.002178 while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[\\a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff$]'
482 0.000431 let start -= 1
482 0.000241 endwhile
65 0.000184 let b:phpbegin = phpbegin
65 0.408877 0.001237 let b:compl_context = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(line('.'), max([0, col('.') - 2]), phpbegin)
65 0.000072 return start
" We can be also inside of phpString with HTML tags. Deal with
" it later (time, not lines).
" If exists b:php_menu it means completion was already constructed we
" don't need to do anything more
65 0.000185 if exists("b:php_menu")
return b:php_menu
65 0.000267 if !exists('g:php_builtin_functions')
call phpcomplete#LoadData()
" a:base is very short - we need context
65 0.000164 if exists("b:compl_context")
65 0.000112 let context = b:compl_context
65 0.000255 unlet! b:compl_context
" chop of the "base" from the end of the current instruction
65 0.000090 if a:base != ""
64 0.000888 let context = substitute(context, '\s*[$a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*$', '', '')
64 0.000036 end
65 0.000039 else
let context = ''
65 0.000098 try
65 0.000148 let winheight = winheight(0)
65 0.000119 let winnr = winnr()
65 2.826226 0.002803 let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(getline(0, line('.')))
65 0.000287 if context =~? '^use\s' || context ==? 'use'
return phpcomplete#CompleteUse(a:base)
65 0.000360 if context =~ '\(->\|::\)$'
" {{{
" Get name of the class
34 0.038600 0.000329 let classname = phpcomplete#GetClassName(line('.'), context, current_namespace, imports)
" Get location of class definition, we have to iterate through all
34 0.000039 if classname != ''
34 0.000070 if classname =~ '\'
" split the last \ segment as a classname, everything else is the namespace
34 0.000122 let classname_parts = split(classname, '\')
34 0.000213 let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\')
34 0.000046 let classname = classname_parts[-1]
34 0.000015 else
let namespace = '\'
34 1.670262 0.000391 let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname, namespace)
34 0.000024 else
let classlocation = ''
34 0.000045 if classlocation != ''
34 0.000100 if classlocation == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT' && has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(classname))
return phpcomplete#CompleteBuiltInClass(context, classname, a:base)
34 0.000542 if filereadable(classlocation)
34 0.001246 let classfile = readfile(classlocation)
34 0.000053 let classcontent = ''
34 0.151210 0.000325 let classcontent .= "\n".phpcomplete#GetClassContents(classlocation, classname)
34 0.000346 let sccontent = split(classcontent, "\n")
34 0.000496 let visibility = expand('%:p') == fnamemodify(classlocation, ':p') ? 'private' : 'public'
34 0.048499 0.000534 return phpcomplete#CompleteUserClass(context, a:base, sccontent, visibility)
return phpcomplete#CompleteUnknownClass(a:base, context)
" }}}
elseif context =~? 'implements'
return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['i'], current_namespace, imports)
elseif context =~? 'instanceof'
return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['c', 'n'], current_namespace, imports)
elseif context =~? 'extends\s\+.\+$' && a:base == ''
return ['implements']
elseif context =~? 'extends'
let kinds = context =~? 'class\s' ? ['c'] : ['i']
return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, kinds, current_namespace, imports)
elseif context =~? 'class [a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*'
" special case when you've typed the class keyword and the name too, only extends and implements allowed there
return filter(['extends', 'implements'], 'stridx(v:val, a:base) == 0')
elseif context =~? 'new'
return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['c'], current_namespace, imports)
31 0.000085 if a:base =~ '^\$'
12 0.008079 0.000297 return phpcomplete#CompleteVariable(a:base)
19 2.634107 0.003052 return phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(a:base, current_namespace, imports)
65 0.000436 silent! exec winnr.'resize '.winheight
65 0.000068 endtry
FUNCTION <SNR>113_SendMessageData()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.002433
Self time: 0.001070
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.000172 if has_key(a:conn, 'job_id')
77 0.001668 0.000305 call ale#job#SendRaw(a:conn.job_id, a:data)
77 0.000185 elseif has_key(a:conn, 'channel_id') && ale#socket#IsOpen(a:conn.channel_id)
" Send the message to the server
call ale#socket#Send(a:conn.channel_id, a:data)
return 0
77 0.000041 return 1
FUNCTION <SNR>48_LocalBrowse()
Called 214 times
Total time: 0.007739
Self time: 0.007739
count total (s) self (s)
" Unfortunate interaction -- only DechoMsg debugging calls can be safely used here.
" Otherwise, the BufEnter event gets triggered when attempts to write to
" the DBG buffer are made.
214 0.000457 if !exists("s:vimentered")
" If s:vimentered doesn't exist, then the VimEnter event hasn't fired. It will,
" and so s:VimEnter() will then be calling this routine, but this time with s:vimentered defined.
" call Dfunc("s:LocalBrowse(dirname<".a:dirname.">) (s:vimentered doesn't exist)")
" call Dret("s:LocalBrowse")
" call Dfunc("s:LocalBrowse(dirname<".a:dirname.">) (s:vimentered=".s:vimentered.")")
214 0.000690 if has("amiga")
" The check against '' is made for the Amiga, where the empty
" string is the current directory and not checking would break
" things such as the help command.
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> (isdirectory, amiga)")
if a:dirname != '' && isdirectory(a:dirname)
sil! call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line('.') < w:netrw_bannercnt
exe w:netrw_bannercnt
elseif isdirectory(a:dirname)
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> ft=".&ft." (isdirectory, not amiga)")
" call Dredir("LocalBrowse ft last set: ","verbose set ft")
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#23: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
sil! call netrw#LocalBrowseCheck(a:dirname)
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#24: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
if exists("w:netrw_bannercnt") && line('.') < w:netrw_bannercnt
exe w:netrw_bannercnt
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#25: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
" not a directory, ignore it
" call Decho("(LocalBrowse) dirname<".a:dirname."> not a directory, ignoring...")
214 0.000104 endif
" call Decho("(s:LocalBrowse) COMBAK#26: buf#".bufnr("%")." file<".expand("%")."> line#".line(".")." col#".col("."))
" call Dret("s:LocalBrowse")
FUNCTION ale#lsp_linter#CheckWithLSP()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.023336
Self time: 0.001404
count total (s) self (s)
26 0.000053 let l:info = g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer]
26 0.016199 0.000172 let l:lsp_details = ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(a:buffer, a:linter)
26 0.000031 if empty(l:lsp_details)
return 0
26 0.000036 let l:id = l:lsp_details.connection_id
" Register a callback now for handling errors now.
26 0.000077 let l:Callback = function('ale#lsp_linter#HandleLSPResponse')
26 0.000512 0.000109 call ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(l:id, l:Callback)
" Remember the linter this connection is for.
26 0.000083 let s:lsp_linter_map[l:id] =
26 0.000030 if a:linter.lsp is# 'tsserver'
let l:message = ale#lsp#tsserver_message#Geterr(a:buffer)
let l:notified = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:message) != 0
26 0.005665 0.000163 let l:notified = ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(l:id, a:buffer)
26 0.000011 endif
" If this was a file save event, also notify the server of that.
26 0.000087 if a:linter.lsp isnot# 'tsserver'&& getbufvar(a:buffer, 'ale_save_event_fired', 0)
let l:save_message = ale#lsp#message#DidSave(a:buffer)
let l:notified = ale#lsp#Send(l:id, l:save_message) != 0
26 0.000016 if l:notified
19 0.000041 if index(l:info.active_linter_list, < 0
19 0.000039 call add(l:info.active_linter_list,
19 0.000008 endif
19 0.000006 endif
26 0.000017 return l:notified
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ctrlp#apply()
Called 311 times
Total time: 0.002069
Self time: 0.002069
count total (s) self (s)
" disable statusline overwrite if ctrlp already did it
311 0.001811 return match(&statusline, 'CtrlPwhite') >= 0 ? -1 : 0
FUNCTION ale#uri#Encode()
Called 77 times
Total time: 0.001419
Self time: 0.001419
count total (s) self (s)
77 0.001343 return substitute( a:value, '\([^a-zA-Z0-9\\/$\-_.!*''(),]\)', '\=printf(''%%%02x'', char2nr(submatch(1)))', 'g')
FUNCTION ale#lsp#WaitForCapability()
Called 29 times
Total time: 0.017031
Self time: 0.000786
count total (s) self (s)
29 0.000088 let l:conn = get(s:connections, a:conn_id, {})
29 0.000033 if empty(l:conn)
29 0.000099 if type(get(l:conn.capabilities, a:capability, v:null)) isnot v:t_number
throw 'Invalid capability ' . a:capability
29 0.000020 if l:conn.initialized
29 0.000042 if l:conn.capabilities[a:capability]
" The project has been initialized, so call the callback now.
29 0.016484 0.000239 call call(a:callback, [a:conn_id])
29 0.000012 endif
29 0.000011 else
" Call the callback later, once we have the information we need.
call add(l:conn.capabilities_queue, [a:capability, a:callback])
FUNCTION <SNR>115_NeoVimCallback()
Called 1980 times
Total time: 0.996603
Self time: 0.090017
count total (s) self (s)
1980 0.014096 let l:info = s:job_map[a:job]
1980 0.004146 if a:event is# 'stdout'
1954 0.828989 0.022771 let l:info.out_cb_line = ale#util#JoinNeovimOutput( a:job, l:info.out_cb_line, a:data, l:info.mode, ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.out_cb),)
1954 0.001530 elseif a:event is# 'stderr'
let l:info.err_cb_line = ale#util#JoinNeovimOutput( a:job, l:info.err_cb_line, a:data, l:info.mode, ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.err_cb),)
26 0.000140 if has_key(l:info, 'out_cb') && !empty(l:info.out_cb_line)
call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.out_cb)(a:job, l:info.out_cb_line)
26 0.000063 if has_key(l:info, 'err_cb') && !empty(l:info.err_cb_line)
call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.err_cb)(a:job, l:info.err_cb_line)
26 0.000018 try
26 0.100796 0.000428 call ale#util#GetFunction(l:info.exit_cb)(a:job, a:data)
26 0.000023 finally
" Automatically forget about the job after it's done.
26 0.000071 if has_key(s:job_map, a:job)
26 0.000071 call remove(s:job_map, a:job)
26 0.000012 endif
26 0.000017 endtry
26 0.000010 endif
FUNCTION ale#command#FormatCommand()
Called 81 times
Total time: 0.006759
Self time: 0.004449
count total (s) self (s)
81 0.000105 let l:temporary_file = ''
81 0.000091 let l:command = a:command
" First replace all uses of %%, used for literal percent characters,
" with an ugly string.
81 0.000447 let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%%', '<<PERCENTS>>', 'g')
" Replace %e with the escaped executable, if available.
81 0.000287 if !empty(a:executable) && l:command =~# '%e'
81 0.001820 0.000739 let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%e', '\=ale#Escape(a:executable)', 'g')
81 0.000039 endif
" Replace all %s occurrences in the string with the name of the current
" file.
81 0.000178 if l:command =~# '%s'
let l:filename = fnamemodify(bufname(a:buffer), ':p')
let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%s', '\=ale#Escape(l:filename)', 'g')
81 0.000138 if l:command =~# '%t'
" Create a temporary filename, <temp_dir>/<original_basename>
" The file itself will not be created by this function.
let l:temporary_file = s:TemporaryFilename(a:buffer)
let l:command = substitute(l:command, '%t', '\=ale#Escape(l:temporary_file)', 'g')
" Finish formatting so %% becomes %.
81 0.000364 let l:command = substitute(l:command, '<<PERCENTS>>', '%', 'g')
81 0.000149 if a:pipe_file_if_needed && empty(l:temporary_file)
" If we are to send the Vim buffer to a command, we'll do it
" in the shell. We'll write out the file to a temporary file,
" and then read it back in, in the shell.
26 0.001078 0.000117 let l:temporary_file = s:TemporaryFilename(a:buffer)
26 0.000388 0.000120 let l:command = l:command . ' < ' . ale#Escape(l:temporary_file)
26 0.000011 endif
81 0.000133 return [l:temporary_file, l:command]
FUNCTION ale_linters#php#php#Handle()
Called 26 times
Total time: 0.004585
Self time: 0.001137
count total (s) self (s)
" Matches patterns like the following:
" PHP 7.1<= - Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ']' in - on line 15
" PHP 7.2>= - Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ']' in Standard input code on line 15
26 0.000091 let l:pattern = '\v^%(Fatal|Parse) error:\s+(.+unexpected ''(.+)%(expecting.+)@<!''.*|.+) in %(-|Standard input code) on line (\d+)'
26 0.000034 let l:output = []
44 0.003636 0.000187 for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(a:lines, l:pattern)
18 0.000110 let l:col = empty(l:match[2]) ? 0 : stridx(getline(l:match[3]), l:match[2]) + 1
18 0.000076 let l:obj = { 'lnum': l:match[3] + 0, 'col': l:col, 'text': l:match[1],}
18 0.000017 if l:col != 0
18 0.000059 let l:obj.end_col = l:col + strlen(l:match[2]) - 1
18 0.000009 endif
18 0.000033 call add(l:output, l:obj)
18 0.000021 endfor
26 0.000020 return l:output
FUNCTION <SNR>79_section_is_empty()
Called 3839 times
Total time: 0.032137
Self time: 0.032137
count total (s) self (s)
3839 0.003665 let start=1
" do not check for inactive windows or the tabline
3839 0.004038 if == 0
1040 0.000679 return 0
elseif get(a:self._context, 'tabline', 0)
return 0
" only check, if airline#skip_empty_sections == 1
2799 0.005617 if get(g:, 'airline_skip_empty_sections', 0) == 0
2799 0.001582 return 0
" only check, if airline#skip_empty_sections == 1
if get(w:, 'airline_skip_empty_sections', -1) == 0
return 0
" assume accents sections to be never empty
" (avoides, that on startup the mode message becomes empty)
if match(a:content, '%#__accent_[^#]*#.*__restore__#') > -1
return 0
if empty(a:content)
return 1
let list=matchlist(a:content, '%{\zs.\{-}\ze}', 1, start)
if empty(list)
return 0 " no function in statusline text
while len(list) > 0
let expr = list[0]
" catch all exceptions, just in case
if !empty(eval(expr))
return 0
return 0
let start += 1
let list=matchlist(a:content, '%{\zs.\{-}\ze}', 1, start)
return 1
FUNCTION phpcomplete#CompleteUserClass()
Called 34 times
Total time: 0.047965
Self time: 0.045368
count total (s) self (s)
34 0.000047 let final_list = []
34 0.000032 let res = []
34 0.000041 let required_modifiers = []
34 0.000037 let prohibited_modifiers = []
34 0.000044 if a:visibility == 'public'
let prohibited_modifiers += ['private', 'protected']
" limit based on context to static or normal methods
34 0.000036 let static_con = ''
34 0.000109 if a:context =~ '::$' && a:context !~? 'parent::$'
if g:phpcomplete_relax_static_constraint != 1
let required_modifiers += ['static']
elseif a:context =~ '->$'
34 0.000089 let prohibited_modifiers += ['static']
34 0.000016 endif
34 0.009006 let all_function = filter(deepcopy(a:sccontent), 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\(public\\s\\+\\|protected\\s\\+\\|private\\s\\+\\|final\\s\\+\\|abstract\\s\\+\\|static\\s\\+\\)*function"')
34 0.000041 let functions = []
68 0.000079 for i in all_function
34 0.000646 let modifiers = split(matchstr(tolower(i), '\zs.\+\zefunction'), '\s\+')
34 0.001015 0.000211 if phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers(modifiers, required_modifiers, prohibited_modifiers) == 1
34 0.000078 call add(functions, i)
34 0.000016 endif
34 0.000015 endfor
34 0.000048 let c_functions = {}
34 0.000034 let c_doc = {}
68 0.000065 for i in functions
34 0.000415 let f_name = matchstr(i, 'function\s*&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
34 0.000545 let f_args = matchstr(i, 'function\s*&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*\(;\|{\|\_$\)')
34 0.000102 if f_name != '' && stridx(f_name, '__') != 0
let c_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args
if g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments
let c_doc[f_name.'('] = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(a:sccontent, 'function\s*&\?\<'.f_name.'\>')
34 0.000017 endfor
" limit based on context to static or normal attributes
34 0.000096 if a:context =~ '::$' && a:context !~? 'parent::$'
" variables must have static to be accessed as static unlike functions
let required_modifiers += ['static']
34 0.020824 let all_variable = filter(deepcopy(a:sccontent), 'v:val =~ "\\(^\\s*\\(var\\s\\+\\|public\\s\\+\\|protected\\s\\+\\|private\\s\\+\\|final\\s\\+\\|abstract\\s\\+\\|static\\s\\+\\)\\+\\$\\|^\\s*\\(\\/\\|\\*\\)*\\s*@property\\s\\+\\S\\+\\s\\S\\{-}\\s*$\\)"')
34 0.000059 let variables = []
68 0.000075 for i in all_variable
34 0.000611 let modifiers = split(matchstr(tolower(i), '\zs.\+\ze\$'), '\s\+')
34 0.001096 0.000204 if phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers(modifiers, required_modifiers, prohibited_modifiers) == 1
34 0.000085 call add(variables, i)
34 0.000016 endif
34 0.000014 endfor
34 0.000194 let static_vars = split(join(variables, ' '), '\$')
34 0.000045 let c_variables = {}
34 0.000034 let var_index = 0
136 0.000117 for i in static_vars
102 0.000733 let c_var = matchstr(i, '^\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
102 0.000115 if c_var != ''
68 0.000145 if a:context =~ '::$'
let c_var = '$'.c_var
68 0.000129 let c_variables[c_var] = ''
68 0.000164 if g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments && len(get(variables, var_index)) > 0
let c_doc[c_var] = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(a:sccontent, variables[var_index])
68 0.000070 let var_index += 1
68 0.000029 endif
102 0.000045 endfor
34 0.003842 let constants = filter(deepcopy(a:sccontent), 'v:val =~ "^\\s*const\\s\\+"')
34 0.000073 let jcons = join(constants, ' ')
34 0.000114 let scons = split(jcons, 'const')
34 0.000037 let c_constants = {}
34 0.000036 let const_index = 0
34 0.000037 for i in scons
let c_con = matchstr(i, '^\s*\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze')
if c_con != ''
let c_constants[c_con] = ''
if g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments && len(get(constants, const_index)) > 0
let c_doc[c_con] = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(a:sccontent, constants[const_index])
let const_index += 1
34 0.000037 let all_values = {}
34 0.000171 call extend(all_values, c_functions)
34 0.000107 call extend(all_values, c_variables)
34 0.000070 call extend(all_values, c_constants)
102 0.000195 for m in sort(keys(all_values))
68 0.000140 if stridx(m, a:base) == 0
7 0.000013 call add(res, m)
7 0.000003 endif
68 0.000029 endfor
34 0.000037 let start_list = res
34 0.000035 let final_list = []
41 0.000043 for i in start_list
7 0.000685 0.000064 let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(get(c_doc, i, ''))
7 0.000014 if has_key(c_variables, i)
7 0.000351 0.000071 let final_list += [{'word': i, 'info':phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(docblock), 'menu':get(docblock.var, 'type', ''), 'kind':'v'}]
7 0.000011 elseif has_key(c_constants, i)
let info = phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(docblock)
if info != ''
let info = "\n".info
let final_list += [{'word':i, 'info', 'menu':all_values[i], 'kind':'d'}]
let return_type = get(docblock.return, 'type', '')
if return_type != ''
let return_type = ' | '.return_type
let info = phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(docblock)
if info != ''
let info = "\n".info
let final_list += [{'word':substitute(i, '.*::', '', ''), 'info':i.all_values[i].')'.info, 'menu':all_values[i].')'.return_type, 'kind':'f'}]
7 0.000004 endfor
34 0.000032 return final_list
FUNCTION ale#completion#Done()
Called 68 times
Total time: 0.002674
Self time: 0.001583
count total (s) self (s)
68 0.000737 silent! pclose
68 0.001403 0.000312 call ale#completion#RestoreCompletionOptions()
68 0.000388 let s:last_done_pos = getcurpos()[1:2]
FUNCTION GetPhpIndent()
Called 10 times
Total time: 0.017143
Self time: 0.006177
count total (s) self (s)
10 0.000050 let b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD = 0
10 0.000013 let UserIsEditing=0
10 0.000017 if b:PHP_oldchangetick != b:changedtick
9 0.000035 let b:PHP_oldchangetick = b:changedtick
9 0.000014 let UserIsEditing=1
9 0.000006 endif
10 0.000009 if b:PHP_default_indenting
let b:PHP_default_indenting = g:PHP_default_indenting * shiftwidth()
10 0.000027 let cline = getline(v:lnum)
10 0.000019 if !b:PHP_indentinghuge && b:PHP_lastindented > b:PHP_indentbeforelast
10 0.000008 if b:PHP_indentbeforelast
3 0.000005 let b:PHP_indentinghuge = 1
3 0.000001 endif
10 0.000021 let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = b:PHP_lastindented
10 0.000005 endif
10 0.000037 if b:InPHPcode_checked && prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) != b:PHP_lastindented
7 0.000014 if b:PHP_indentinghuge
3 0.000003 let b:PHP_indentinghuge = 0
3 0.000004 let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
3 0.000001 endif
7 0.000010 let real_PHP_lastindented = v:lnum
7 0.000008 let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment=0
7 0.000007 let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment=0
7 0.000006 let b:PHP_indentbeforelast = 0
7 0.000006 let b:InPHPcode = 0
7 0.000006 let b:InPHPcode_checked = 0
7 0.000007 let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 0
7 0.000016 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = ""
7 0.000007 elseif v:lnum > b:PHP_lastindented
3 0.000015 let real_PHP_lastindented = b:PHP_lastindented
3 0.000001 else
let real_PHP_lastindented = v:lnum
10 0.000021 let b:PHP_lastindented = v:lnum
10 0.000008 if !b:InPHPcode_checked " {{{ One time check
7 0.000006 let b:InPHPcode_checked = 1
7 0.000007 let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0
7 0.000007 let synname = ""
7 0.000042 if cline !~ '<?.*?>'
7 0.002011 0.000059 let synname = IslinePHP (prevnonblank(v:lnum), "")
7 0.000003 endif
7 0.000007 if synname!=""
7 0.000008 if synname == "SpecStringEntrails"
let b:InPHPcode = -1 " thumb down
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = ""
elseif synname != "phpHereDoc" && synname != "phpHereDocDelimiter"
7 0.000007 let b:InPHPcode = 1
7 0.000008 let b:InPHPcode_tofind = ""
7 0.000056 if synname =~# '^php\%(Doc\)\?Comment'
let b:UserIsTypingComment = 1
let b:InPHPcode_checked = 0
7 0.000021 if synname =~? '^javaScript'
let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1
7 0.000003 else
let b:InPHPcode = 0
let lnum = v:lnum - 1
while getline(lnum) !~? '<<<\s*[''"]\=\a\w*[''"]\=$' && lnum > 1
let lnum = lnum - 1
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = substitute( getline(lnum), '^.*<<<\s*[''"]\=\(\a\w*\)[''"]\=$', '^\\s*\1;\\=$', '')
7 0.000003 else
let b:InPHPcode = 0
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = s:PHP_startindenttag
7 0.000004 endif "!b:InPHPcode_checked }}}
" Test if we are indenting PHP code {{{
10 0.000022 let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
10 0.000019 let last_line = getline(lnum)
10 0.000014 let endline= s:endline
10 0.000013 if b:InPHPcode_tofind!=""
if cline =~? b:InPHPcode_tofind
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = ""
let b:UserIsTypingComment = 0
if b:InPHPcode == -1
let b:InPHPcode = 1
return -1
let b:InPHPcode = 1
if cline =~ '\*/'
call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
if cline !~ '^\*/'
call search('\*/', 'W')
let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/', s:searchpairflags, 'Skippmatch2()')
let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0
if cline =~ '^\s*\*/'
return indent(lnum) + 1
return indent(lnum)
elseif cline =~? '<script\>'
let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1
let b:GetLastRealCodeLNum_ADD = v:lnum
10 0.000009 if 1 == b:InPHPcode
10 0.000097 if !b:InPHPcode_and_script && last_line =~ '\%(<?.*\)\@<!?>\%(.*<?\)\@!' && IslinePHP(lnum, '?>')=~"Delimiter"
if cline !~? s:PHP_startindenttag
let b:InPHPcode = 0
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = s:PHP_startindenttag
elseif cline =~? '<script\>'
let b:InPHPcode_and_script = 1
elseif last_line =~ '^[^''"`]\+[''"`]$' " a string identifier with nothing after it and no other string identifier before
let b:InPHPcode = -1
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = substitute( last_line, '^.*\([''"`]\).*$', '^[^\1]*\1[;,]$', '')
elseif last_line =~? '<<<\s*[''"]\=\a\w*[''"]\=$'
let b:InPHPcode = 0
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = substitute( last_line, '^.*<<<\s*[''"]\=\(\a\w*\)[''"]\=$', '^\\s*\1;\\=$', '')
elseif !UserIsEditing && cline =~ '^\s*/\*\%(.*\*/\)\@!' && getline(v:lnum + 1) !~ '^\s*\*'
let b:InPHPcode = 0
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = '\*/'
elseif cline =~? '^\s*</script>'
let b:InPHPcode = 0
let b:InPHPcode_tofind = s:PHP_startindenttag
10 0.000005 endif " }}}
10 0.000023 if 1 > b:InPHPcode && !b:InPHPcode_and_script
return -1
" Indent successive // or # comment the same way the first is {{{
10 0.000012 let addSpecial = 0
10 0.000049 if cline =~ '^\s*\%(//\|#\|/\*.*\*/\s*$\)'
let addSpecial = b:PHP_outdentSLComments
if b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment == 1
return indent(real_PHP_lastindented)
let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 1
10 0.000012 let b:PHP_LastIndentedWasComment = 0
10 0.000005 endif " }}}
" Indent multiline /* comments correctly {{{
10 0.000013 if b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment || b:UserIsTypingComment
if cline =~ '^\s*\*\%(\/\)\@!'
if last_line =~ '^\s*/\*'
return indent(lnum) + 1
return indent(lnum)
let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 0
10 0.000041 if !b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment && cline =~ '^\s*/\*\%(.*\*/\)\@!'
if getline(v:lnum + 1) !~ '^\s*\*'
return -1
let b:PHP_InsideMultilineComment = 1
endif " }}}
" Things always indented at col 1 (PHP delimiter: <?, ?>, Heredoc end) {{{
10 0.000035 if cline =~# '^\s*<?' && cline !~ '?>' && b:PHP_outdentphpescape
return 0
10 0.000030 if cline =~ '^\s*?>' && cline !~# '<?' && b:PHP_outdentphpescape
return 0
10 0.000074 if cline =~? '^\s*\a\w*;$\|^\a\w*$\|^\s*[''"`][;,]' && cline !~? s:notPhpHereDoc
return 0
endif " }}}
10 0.000035 let s:level = 0
10 0.001277 0.000076 let lnum = GetLastRealCodeLNum(v:lnum - 1)
10 0.000019 let last_line = getline(lnum)
10 0.000019 let ind = indent(lnum)
10 0.000011 if ind==0 && b:PHP_default_indenting
let ind = b:PHP_default_indenting
10 0.000007 if lnum == 0
return b:PHP_default_indenting + addSpecial
10 0.000041 if cline =~ '^\s*}\%(}}\)\@!'
3 0.001429 0.000023 let ind = indent(FindOpenBracket(v:lnum, 1))
3 0.000005 let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
3 0.000002 return ind
7 0.000019 if cline =~ '^\s*\*/'
call cursor(v:lnum, 1)
if cline !~ '^\*/'
call search('\*/', 'W')
let lnum = searchpair('/\*', '', '\*/', s:searchpairflags, 'Skippmatch2()')
let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
if cline =~ '^\s*\*/'
return indent(lnum) + 1
return indent(lnum)
7 0.000090 if last_line =~ '[;}]'.endline && last_line !~ '^[)\]]' && last_line !~# s:defaultORcase
5 0.000006 if ind==b:PHP_default_indenting
return b:PHP_default_indenting + addSpecial
elseif b:PHP_indentinghuge && ind==b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel && cline !~# '^\s*\%(else\|\%(case\|default\).*:\|[})];\=\)' && last_line !~# '^\s*\%(\%(}\s*\)\=else\)' && getline(GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1))=~';'.endline
return b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel + addSpecial
5 0.000002 endif
7 0.000010 let LastLineClosed = 0
7 0.000024 let terminated = s:terminated
7 0.000011 let unstated = s:unstated
7 0.000032 if ind != b:PHP_default_indenting && cline =~# '^\s*else\%(if\)\=\>'
let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
return indent(FindTheIfOfAnElse(v:lnum, 1))
elseif cline =~# s:defaultORcase
return FindTheSwitchIndent(v:lnum) + shiftwidth() * b:PHP_vintage_case_default_indent
elseif cline =~ '^\s*)\=\s*{'
let previous_line = last_line
let last_line_num = lnum
while last_line_num > 1
if previous_line =~ terminated || previous_line =~ s:structureHead
let ind = indent(last_line_num)
if b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel
let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
return ind
let last_line_num = GetLastRealCodeLNum(last_line_num - 1)
let previous_line = getline(last_line_num)
elseif last_line =~# unstated && cline !~ '^\s*);\='.endline
let ind = ind + shiftwidth() " we indent one level further when the preceding line is not stated
return ind + addSpecial
elseif (ind != b:PHP_default_indenting || last_line =~ '^[)\]]' ) && last_line =~ terminated
5 0.000009 let previous_line = last_line
5 0.000006 let last_line_num = lnum
5 0.000005 let LastLineClosed = 1
5 0.000009 let isSingleLineBlock = 0
10 0.000007 while 1
10 0.000101 if ! isSingleLineBlock && previous_line =~ '^\s*}\|;\s*}'.endline " XXX
5 0.000013 call cursor(last_line_num, 1)
5 0.000017 if previous_line !~ '^}'
5 0.000037 call search('}\|;\s*}'.endline, 'W')
5 0.000003 end
5 0.000007 let oldLastLine = last_line_num
5 0.001123 0.000597 let last_line_num = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW', 'Skippmatch()')
5 0.000030 if getline(last_line_num) =~ '^\s*{'
5 0.000682 0.000039 let last_line_num = GetLastRealCodeLNum(last_line_num - 1)
5 0.000005 elseif oldLastLine == last_line_num
let isSingleLineBlock = 1
5 0.000011 let previous_line = getline(last_line_num)
5 0.000004 continue
5 0.000006 let isSingleLineBlock = 0
5 0.000036 if getline(last_line_num) =~# '^\s*else\%(if\)\=\>'
let last_line_num = FindTheIfOfAnElse(last_line_num, 0)
5 0.000007 let last_match = last_line_num
5 0.000011 let one_ahead_indent = indent(last_line_num)
5 0.001441 0.000025 let last_line_num = GetLastRealCodeLNum(last_line_num - 1)
5 0.000012 let two_ahead_indent = indent(last_line_num)
5 0.000008 let after_previous_line = previous_line
5 0.000009 let previous_line = getline(last_line_num)
5 0.000070 if previous_line =~# s:defaultORcase.'\|{'.endline
5 0.000200 if after_previous_line=~# '^\s*'.s:blockstart.'.*)'.endline && previous_line =~# '[;}]'.endline
5 0.000009 if one_ahead_indent == two_ahead_indent || last_line_num < 1
5 0.000054 if previous_line =~# '\%(;\|^\s*}\)'.endline || last_line_num < 1
5 0.000003 break
5 0.000010 if indent(last_match) != ind
let ind = indent(last_match)
let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = b:PHP_default_indenting
return ind + addSpecial
5 0.000002 endif
7 0.000034 if (last_line !~ '^\s*}\%(}}\)\@!')
2 0.000194 0.000010 let plinnum = GetLastRealCodeLNum(lnum - 1)
2 0.000001 else
5 0.003687 0.000047 let plinnum = GetLastRealCodeLNum(FindOpenBracket(lnum, 1) - 1)
5 0.000002 endif
7 0.000015 let AntepenultimateLine = getline(plinnum)
7 0.000085 let last_line = substitute(last_line,"\\(//\\|#\\)\\(\\(\\([^\"']*\\([\"']\\)[^\"']*\\5\\)\\+[^\"']*$\\)\\|\\([^\"']*$\\)\\)",'','')
7 0.000009 if ind == b:PHP_default_indenting
if last_line =~ terminated && last_line !~# s:defaultORcase
let LastLineClosed = 1
7 0.000006 if !LastLineClosed
2 0.000023 if last_line =~# '[{(\[]'.endline || last_line =~? '\h\w*\s*(.*,$' && AntepenultimateLine !~ '[,(\[]'.endline && BalanceDirection(last_line) > 0
2 0.000003 let dontIndent = 0
2 0.000115 if last_line =~ '\S\+\s*{'.endline && last_line !~ '^\s*[)\]]\+\s*{'.endline && last_line !~ s:structureHead
let dontIndent = 1
2 0.000004 if !dontIndent && (!b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel || last_line !~# '^\s*{')
2 0.000004 let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
2 0.000001 endif
2 0.000003 if b:PHP_BracesAtCodeLevel || b:PHP_vintage_case_default_indent == 1
let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = ind
return ind + addSpecial
2 0.000004 elseif last_line =~ '\S\+\s*),'.endline && BalanceDirection(last_line) < 0
call cursor(lnum, 1)
call search('),'.endline, 'W') " line never begins with ) so no need for 'c' flag
let openedparent = searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', 'Skippmatch()')
if openedparent != lnum
let ind = indent(openedparent)
elseif last_line =~ '^\s*'.s:blockstart
let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
elseif AntepenultimateLine =~ '{'.endline && AntepenultimateLine !~? '^\s*use\>' || AntepenultimateLine =~ terminated || AntepenultimateLine =~# s:defaultORcase
let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
2 0.000001 endif
7 0.000028 if cline =~ '^\s*[)\]];\='
let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
7 0.000009 let b:PHP_CurrentIndentLevel = ind
7 0.000008 return ind + addSpecial
FUNCTION ale#sign#GetSignCommands()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.006605
Self time: 0.006605
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000090 let l:command_list = []
74 0.000103 let l:is_dummy_sign_set = a:was_sign_set
" Set the dummy sign if we need to.
" The dummy sign is needed to keep the sign column open while we add
" and remove signs.
74 0.000190 if !l:is_dummy_sign_set && (!empty(a:sign_map) || g:ale_sign_column_always)
62 0.000263 call add(l:command_list, 'sign place ' . g:ale_sign_offset . ' line=1 name=ALEDummySign buffer=' . a:buffer)
62 0.000066 let l:is_dummy_sign_set = 1
62 0.000028 endif
" Place new items first.
201 0.000445 for [l:line_str, l:info] in items(a:sign_map)
127 0.000097 if l:info.new_id
" Save the sign IDs we are setting back on our loclist objects.
" These IDs will be used to preserve items which are set many times.
290 0.000250 for l:item in l:info.items
168 0.000236 let l:item.sign_id = l:info.new_id
168 0.000097 endfor
122 0.000240 if index(l:info.current_id_list, l:info.new_id) < 0
5 0.000026 call add(l:command_list, 'sign place ' . (l:info.new_id) . ' line=' . l:line_str . ' name=' . (l:info.new_name) . ' buffer=' . a:buffer)
5 0.000003 endif
122 0.000052 endif
127 0.000065 endfor
" Remove signs without new IDs.
201 0.000267 for l:info in values(a:sign_map)
249 0.000225 for l:current_id in l:info.current_id_list
122 0.000133 if l:current_id isnot l:info.new_id
5 0.000017 call add(l:command_list, 'sign unplace ' . l:current_id . ' buffer=' . a:buffer)
5 0.000002 endif
122 0.000056 endfor
127 0.000063 endfor
" Remove the dummy sign to close the sign column if we need to.
74 0.000107 if l:is_dummy_sign_set && !g:ale_sign_column_always
62 0.000223 call add(l:command_list, 'sign unplace ' . g:ale_sign_offset . ' buffer=' . a:buffer)
62 0.000028 endif
74 0.000065 return l:command_list
FUNCTION airline#util#prepend()
Called 2918 times
Total time: 0.014474
Self time: 0.014474
count total (s) self (s)
2918 0.004515 if a:minwidth > 0 && winwidth(0) < a:minwidth
return ''
2918 0.006008 return empty(a:text) ? '' : a:text.s:spc.g:airline_right_alt_sep.s:spc
FUNCTION <SNR>85_GetCounts()
Called 2638 times
Total time: 0.035169
Self time: 0.035020
count total (s) self (s)
2638 0.008922 if !exists('g:ale_buffer_info') || !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info, a:buffer)
18 0.000211 0.000062 return s:CreateCountDict()
" Cache is cold, so manually ask for an update.
2620 0.005957 if !has_key(g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer], 'count')
call ale#statusline#Update(a:buffer, g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].loclist)
2620 0.003526 return g:ale_buffer_info[a:buffer].count
FUNCTION airline#extensions#ale#get_warning()
Called 1448 times
Total time: 0.125625
Self time: 0.009298
count total (s) self (s)
1448 0.124984 0.008657 return airline#extensions#ale#get('warning')
FUNCTION ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarningWithDelay()
Called 6 times
Total time: 0.000591
Self time: 0.000399
count total (s) self (s)
6 0.000024 let l:buffer = bufnr('')
6 0.000010 if !g:ale_echo_cursor && !g:ale_cursor_detail
" Only echo the warnings in normal mode, otherwise we will get problems.
6 0.000014 if mode(1) isnot# 'n'
6 0.000135 0.000043 call s:StopCursorTimer()
6 0.000024 let l:pos = getcurpos()[0:2]
" Check the current buffer, line, and column number against the last
" recorded position. If the position has actually changed, *then*
" we should echo something. Otherwise we can end up doing processing
" the echo message far too frequently.
6 0.000016 if l:pos != s:last_pos
6 0.000132 0.000032 let l:delay = ale#Var(l:buffer, 'echo_delay')
6 0.000065 let s:last_pos = l:pos
6 0.000069 let s:cursor_timer = timer_start( l:delay, function('ale#cursor#EchoCursorWarning'))
6 0.000019 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>120_UpdateLineNumbers()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.003828
Self time: 0.003828
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000130 let l:line_map = {}
74 0.000105 let l:line_numbers_changed = 0
196 0.000294 for [l:line, l:sign_id, l:name] in a:current_sign_list
122 0.000245 let l:line_map[l:sign_id] = l:line
122 0.000072 endfor
242 0.000228 for l:item in a:loclist
168 0.000177 if l:item.bufnr == a:buffer
168 0.000541 let l:lnum = get(l:line_map, get(l:item, 'sign_id', 0), 0)
168 0.000204 if l:lnum && l:item.lnum != l:lnum
let l:item.lnum = l:lnum
let l:line_numbers_changed = 1
168 0.000068 endif
168 0.000096 endfor
" When the line numbers change, sort the list again
74 0.000067 if l:line_numbers_changed
call sort(a:loclist, 'ale#util#LocItemCompare')
Called 7 times
Total time: 0.001952
Self time: 0.001952
count total (s) self (s)
7 0.000022 let cline = getline(a:lnum)
7 0.000009 if a:tofind==""
7 0.000009 let tofind = "^\\s*[\"'`]*\\s*\\zs\\S"
7 0.000003 else
let tofind = a:tofind
7 0.000013 let tofind = tofind . '\c'
7 0.000073 let coltotest = match (cline, tofind) + 1
7 0.001666 let synname = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, coltotest, 0), "name")
7 0.000022 if synname == 'phpStringSingle' || synname == 'phpStringDouble' || synname == 'phpBacktick'
if cline !~ '^\s*[''"`]'
return "SpecStringEntrails"
return synname
7 0.000037 if get(s:SynPHPMatchGroups, synname) || synname =~ '^php' || synname =~? '^javaScript'
7 0.000006 return synname
return ""
FUNCTION ale#sign#ReadSigns()
Called 74 times
Total time: 0.002038
Self time: 0.002038
count total (s) self (s)
74 0.000224 redir => l:output
74 0.001046 silent execute 'sign place buffer=' . a:buffer
74 0.000162 redir end
74 0.000431 return split(l:output, "\n")
FUNCTION ale#completion#HandleLSPResponse()
Called 2516 times
Total time: 0.056927
Self time: 0.015649
count total (s) self (s)
2516 0.049884 0.012449 if !s:CompletionStillValid(get(a:response, 'id'))
2448 0.001330 return
68 0.004139 0.000296 call ale#completion#Show( a:response, 'ale#completion#ParseLSPCompletions',)
FUNCTION phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock()
Called 7 times
Total time: 0.000279
Self time: 0.000279
count total (s) self (s)
7 0.000008 let res = ''
7 0.000012 if len(a:info.description)
let res .= "Description:\n".join(map(split(a:info['description'], "\n"), '"\t".v:val'), "\n")."\n"
7 0.000008 if len(a:info.params)
let res .= "\nArguments:\n"
for arginfo in a:info.params
let res .= "\t".arginfo['name'].' '.arginfo['type']
if len(arginfo.description) > 0
let res .= ': '.arginfo['description']
let res .= "\n"
7 0.000011 if has_key(a:info.return, 'type')
let res .= "\nReturn:\n\t".a:info['return']['type']
if len(a:info.return.description) > 0
let res .= ": ".a:info['return']['description']
let res .= "\n"
7 0.000008 if len(a:info.throws)
let res .= "\nThrows:\n"
for excinfo in a:info.throws
let res .= "\t".excinfo['type']
if len(excinfo['description']) > 0
let res .= ": ".excinfo['description']
let res .= "\n"
7 0.000010 if has_key(a:info.var, 'type')
let res .= "Type:\n\t".a:info['var']['type']."\n"
if len(a:info['var']['description']) > 0
let res .= ': '.a:info['var']['description']
7 0.000006 return res
FUNCTION airline#builder#new()
Called 519 times
Total time: 0.011656
Self time: 0.011656
count total (s) self (s)
519 0.003030 let builder = copy(s:prototype)
519 0.000844 let builder._context = a:context
519 0.000667 let builder._sections = []
519 0.005787 call extend(builder._context, { 'left_sep': g:airline_left_sep, 'left_alt_sep': g:airline_left_alt_sep, 'right_sep': g:airline_right_sep, 'right_alt_sep': g:airline_right_alt_sep, }, 'keep')
519 0.000442 return builder
count total (s) self (s) function
130 7.821862 0.044970 phpcomplete#CompletePHP()
101 4.570509 0.409061 phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace()
488 2.696310 0.016442 <SNR>19_on_window_changed()
311 2.679082 0.017450 airline#update_statusline()
519 2.645346 0.020063 <SNR>20_invoke_funcrefs()
19 2.631055 1.116123 phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral()
519 2.258594 0.267428 15()
35 1.722174 0.021010 phpcomplete#GetClassLocation()
323 1.596026 phpcomplete#GetTaglist()
2282 1.545116 0.023007 <SNR>79_get_seperator()
14830 1.483138 0.680103 airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
3256 1.378914 0.098159 <SNR>76_exec_separator()
369 1.364804 <SNR>47_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
2801 1.272395 0.069367 <SNR>79_get_transitioned_seperator()
2801 1.203029 0.035003 airline#highlighter#add_separator()
1980 0.996603 0.090017 <SNR>115_NeoVimCallback()
1954 0.791096 0.028827 ale#util#JoinNeovimOutput()
1902 0.761704 0.016988 <lambda>6()
1902 0.744716 0.130838 ale#lsp#HandleMessage()
29660 0.703564 <SNR>76_get_syn()
count total (s) self (s) function
323 1.596026 phpcomplete#GetTaglist()
369 1.364804 <SNR>47_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
19 2.631055 1.116123 phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral()
29660 0.703564 <SNR>76_get_syn()
14830 1.483138 0.680103 airline#highlighter#get_highlight()
101 4.570509 0.409061 phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace()
65 0.407640 phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction()
519 2.258594 0.267428 15()
74 0.265402 0.224143 ale#sign#SetSigns()
1902 0.208022 ale#lsp#ReadMessageData()
3794 0.702255 0.166518 airline#highlighter#exec()
3320 0.138265 <SNR>79_get_accented_line()
2896 0.254669 0.136769 airline#extensions#ale#get()
1902 0.744716 0.130838 ale#lsp#HandleMessage()
1459 0.518493 0.127202 airline#check_mode()
1448 0.137771 0.121930 airline#extensions#whitespace#check()
26 0.121542 ale#util#Writefile()
1439 0.119542 fugitive#Head()
4461 0.124985 0.113094 <SNR>80_get_section()
3794 0.100359 <SNR>76_CheckDefined()
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