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Created July 1, 2016 09:20
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root@hh-management01:~ # salt-cloud --profile hh-db hh-db01
[INFO ] salt-cloud starting
[INFO ] Creating Cloud VM hh-db01
[INFO ] found private IPv4 interface for ""
[INFO ] found public IPv4 interface for ""
[INFO ] found public IPv6 interface for "2A03:B0C0:0000:1010:0000:0000:035F:D001"
[INFO ] Rendering deploy script: /usr/local/etc/salt/cloud.deploy.d/
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Fri Jul 1 09:14:19 UTC 2016
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection to closed.
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection to closed.
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection to closed.
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to
sftp> put /tmp/tmp4rNIOT /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/minion.pem
Uploading /tmp/tmp4rNIOT to /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/minion.pem
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection to closed.
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to
sftp> put /tmp/tmpBt0Mz8 /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/
Uploading /tmp/tmpBt0Mz8 to /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to
sftp> put /tmp/tmpBEsXkM /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/grains
Uploading /tmp/tmpBEsXkM to /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/grains
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to
sftp> put /tmp/tmpv1HWVM /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/minion
Uploading /tmp/tmpv1HWVM to /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/minion
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connected to
sftp> put /tmp/tmpEya5xd /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/
Uploading /tmp/tmpEya5xd to /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection to closed.
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
* INFO: Running version: 2016.06.27
* INFO: Executed by: -
* INFO: Command line: "/tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/ -c /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184"
* INFO: System Information:
* INFO: CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v2 @ 2.40GHz
* INFO: CPU Arch: amd64
* INFO: OS Name: FreeBSD
* INFO: OS Version: 10.2-RELEASE
* INFO: Distribution: FreeBSD 10.2
* INFO: Installing minion
* INFO: Found function install_freebsd_10_stable_deps
* INFO: Found function config_freebsd_salt
* INFO: Found function install_freebsd_10_stable
* INFO: Found function install_freebsd_10_stable_post
* INFO: Found function install_freebsd_restart_daemons
* INFO: Found function daemons_running
* INFO: Running install_freebsd_10_stable_deps()
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.txz: . done
Fetching packagesite.txz: .......... done
Processing entries:
Processing entries.... done
FreeBSD repository update completed. 25086 packages processed.
New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
pkg: 1.5.6 -> 1.7.2 [FreeBSD]
The process will require 242 KiB more space.
2 MiB to be downloaded.
Fetching pkg-1.7.2.txz: .......... done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Upgrading pkg from 1.5.6 to 1.7.2...
[1/1] Extracting pkg-1.7.2: .......... done
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
Repo "FreeBSD" upgrade schema 2011 to 2012: Add depends formula field
Repo "FreeBSD" upgrade schema 2012 to 2013: Add vital field
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 3 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
New packages to be INSTALLED:
swig: 2.0.12_1 [FreeBSD]
lua51: 5.1.5_9 [FreeBSD]
libedit: 3.1.20150325_2 [FreeBSD]
The process will require 15 MiB more space.
3 MiB to be downloaded.
Fetching swig-2.0.12_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching lua51-5.1.5_9.txz: .......... done
Fetching libedit-3.1.20150325_2.txz: .......... done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/3] Installing libedit-3.1.20150325_2...
[1/3] Extracting libedit-3.1.20150325_2: .......... done
[2/3] Installing lua51-5.1.5_9...
[2/3] Extracting lua51-5.1.5_9: .......... done
[3/3] Installing swig-2.0.12_1...
[3/3] Extracting swig-2.0.12_1: .......... done
* INFO: Running config_freebsd_salt()
* INFO: Running install_freebsd_10_stable()
Updating SaltStack repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.txz: . done
Fetching packagesite.txz: .. done
Processing entries: ..... done
SaltStack repository update completed. 40 packages processed.
The following 27 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
New packages to be INSTALLED:
py27-salt: 2015.8.8_1 [SaltStack]
py27-requests: 2.9.1 [SaltStack]
py27-enum34: 1.0.4 [SaltStack]
py27-yaml: 3.11 [SaltStack]
py27-progressbar: 2.3 [SaltStack]
py27-pycrypto: 2.6.1_1 [SaltStack]
gmp: 5.1.3_3 [SaltStack]
py27-Jinja2: 2.8 [SaltStack]
py27-Babel: 2.2.0_1 [SaltStack]
py27-pytz: 2016.1,1 [SaltStack]
py27-MarkupSafe: 0.23 [SaltStack]
py27-botocore: 1.4.5 [SaltStack]
py27-docutils: 0.12 [SaltStack]
py27-jmespath: 0.9.0 [SaltStack]
py27-dateutil: 2.5.0 [SaltStack]
py27-six: 1.10.0 [SaltStack]
py27-msgpack-python: 0.4.7 [SaltStack]
py27-libcloud: 0.20.1 [SaltStack]
py27-futures: 3.0.5 [SaltStack]
py27-tornado: 4.3 [SaltStack]
py27-backports_abc: 0.4 [SaltStack]
py27-singledispatch: [SaltStack]
py27-certifi: 2016.2.28 [SaltStack]
py27-pyzmq: 15.2.0_1 [SaltStack]
libzmq4: 4.1.4_1 [SaltStack]
openpgm: 5.2.122_2 [SaltStack]
libsodium: 1.0.8 [SaltStack]
The process will require 97 MiB more space.
15 MiB to be downloaded.
Fetching py27-salt-2015.8.8_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-requests-2.9.1.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-enum34-1.0.4.txz: ..... done
Fetching py27-yaml-3.11.txz: ........ done
Fetching py27-progressbar-2.3.txz: .. done
Fetching py27-pycrypto-2.6.1_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching gmp-5.1.3_3.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-Jinja2-2.8.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-Babel-2.2.0_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-pytz-2016.1,1.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-MarkupSafe-0.23.txz: ... done
Fetching py27-botocore-1.4.5.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-docutils-0.12.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-jmespath-0.9.0.txz: ... done
Fetching py27-dateutil-2.5.0.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-six-1.10.0.txz: .. done
Fetching py27-msgpack-python-0.4.7.txz: ...... done
Fetching py27-libcloud-0.20.1.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-futures-3.0.5.txz: .. done
Fetching py27-tornado-4.3.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-backports_abc-0.4.txz: . done
Fetching py27-singledispatch- .. done
Fetching py27-certifi-2016.2.28.txz: .......... done
Fetching py27-pyzmq-15.2.0_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching libzmq4-4.1.4_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching openpgm-5.2.122_2.txz: .......... done
Fetching libsodium-1.0.8.txz: .......... done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/27] Installing py27-pytz-2016.1,1...
[1/27] Extracting py27-pytz-2016.1,1: .......... done
[2/27] Installing py27-six-1.10.0...
[2/27] Extracting py27-six-1.10.0: .......... done
[3/27] Installing openpgm-5.2.122_2...
[3/27] Extracting openpgm-5.2.122_2: .......... done
[4/27] Installing libsodium-1.0.8...
[4/27] Extracting libsodium-1.0.8: .......... done
[5/27] Installing gmp-5.1.3_3...
[5/27] Extracting gmp-5.1.3_3: .......... done
[6/27] Installing py27-Babel-2.2.0_1...
[6/27] Extracting py27-Babel-2.2.0_1: .......... done
[7/27] Installing py27-MarkupSafe-0.23...
[7/27] Extracting py27-MarkupSafe-0.23: .......... done
[8/27] Installing py27-docutils-0.12...
[8/27] Extracting py27-docutils-0.12: .......... done
[9/27] Installing py27-jmespath-0.9.0...
[9/27] Extracting py27-jmespath-0.9.0: .......... done
[10/27] Installing py27-dateutil-2.5.0...
[10/27] Extracting py27-dateutil-2.5.0: .......... done
[11/27] Installing py27-futures-3.0.5...
[11/27] Extracting py27-futures-3.0.5: .......... done
[12/27] Installing py27-backports_abc-0.4...
[12/27] Extracting py27-backports_abc-0.4: .......... done
[13/27] Installing py27-singledispatch-
[13/27] Extracting py27-singledispatch- .......... done
[14/27] Installing py27-certifi-2016.2.28...
[14/27] Extracting py27-certifi-2016.2.28: .......... done
[15/27] Installing libzmq4-4.1.4_1...
[15/27] Extracting libzmq4-4.1.4_1: .......... done
[16/27] Installing py27-requests-2.9.1...
[16/27] Extracting py27-requests-2.9.1: .......... done
[17/27] Installing py27-enum34-1.0.4...
[17/27] Extracting py27-enum34-1.0.4: .......... done
[18/27] Installing py27-yaml-3.11...
[18/27] Extracting py27-yaml-3.11: .......... done
[19/27] Installing py27-progressbar-2.3...
[19/27] Extracting py27-progressbar-2.3: .......... done
[20/27] Installing py27-pycrypto-2.6.1_1...
[20/27] Extracting py27-pycrypto-2.6.1_1: .......... done
[21/27] Installing py27-Jinja2-2.8...
[21/27] Extracting py27-Jinja2-2.8: .......... done
[22/27] Installing py27-botocore-1.4.5...
[22/27] Extracting py27-botocore-1.4.5: .......... done
[23/27] Installing py27-msgpack-python-0.4.7...
[23/27] Extracting py27-msgpack-python-0.4.7: .......... done
[24/27] Installing py27-libcloud-0.20.1...
[24/27] Extracting py27-libcloud-0.20.1: .......... done
[25/27] Installing py27-tornado-4.3...
[25/27] Extracting py27-tornado-4.3: .......... done
[26/27] Installing py27-pyzmq-15.2.0_1...
[26/27] Extracting py27-pyzmq-15.2.0_1: .......... done
[27/27] Installing py27-salt-2015.8.8_1...
[27/27] Extracting py27-salt-2015.8.8_1: .......... done
Message from py27-salt-2015.8.8_1:
To configure a Salt Master, do the following:
o Copy /usr/local/etc/salt/master.sample to /usr/local/etc/salt/master
o Update to meet your needs
o sysrc salt_master_enable="YES"
To configure a Salt Minion, do the following:
o Copy /usr/local/etc/salt/minion.sample to /usr/local/etc/salt/minion
o Update 'master: salt' to point to your Salt Master's hostname or IP
o sysrc salt_minion_enable="YES"
To configure a Salt Proxy Minion, do the following:
o sysrc salt_proxy_enable="YES"
o sysrc salt_proxy_list=""
o Update the salt_proxy_list with the proxy minion name(s)
* INFO: Running install_freebsd_10_stable_post()
* INFO: Running install_freebsd_restart_daemons()
Starting salt_minion.
* INFO: Running daemons_running()
* ERROR: salt-minion was not found running
* ERROR: Failed to run daemons_running()!!!
* ERROR: salt-minion was not found running. Pass '-D' to when bootstrapping for additional debugging information...
Connection to closed.
Error: There was a profile error: Command 'ssh -t -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oControlPath=none -oPasswordAuthentication=no -oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -oPubkeyAuthentication=yes -oIdentitiesOnly=yes -oKbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -i /keys/digital-ocean-salt-cloud -p 22 freebsd@ 'sudo /tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184/ -c '"'"'/tmp/.saltcloud-9bdc4820-a0a9-4ee1-968a-7041f0a56184'"'"''' failed. Exit code: 1
root@hh-management01:~ # salt-key
Accepted Keys:
Denied Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys:
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