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Created November 29, 2023 20:38
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dosbox-staging configuration
# This is the configuration file for dosbox-staging (0.81.0-alpha).
# Lines starting with a '#' character are comments.
# fullscreen: Start directly in fullscreen (disabled by default).
# Run INTRO and see Special Keys for window control hotkeys.
# display: Number of display to use; values depend on OS and user settings (0 by default).
# fullresolution: What resolution to use for fullscreen: 'original', 'desktop'
# or a fixed size, e.g. 1024x768 ('desktop' by default).
# windowresolution: Set window size when running in windowed mode:
# default: Select the best option based on your environment and
# other settings.
# small, medium, large (s, m, l):
# Size the window relative to the desktop.
# <custom>: Scale the window to the given dimensions in WxH format.
# For example: 1024x768.
# viewport_resolution: Set the viewport size (drawable area) within the window/screen:
# fit: Fit the viewport to the available window/screen (default).
# <custom>: Limit the viewport within to a custom resolution or percentage of
# the desktop. Specified in WxH, N%, N.M%. Examples: 960x720 or 50%
# window_position: Set initial window position when running in windowed mode:
# auto: Let the window manager decide the position (default).
# <custom>: Set window position in X,Y format. For example: 250,100
# 0,0 is the top-left corner of the screen.
# window_decorations: Enable window decorations in windowed mode (enabled by default).
# transparency: Set the transparency of the DOSBox Staging screen (0 by default).
# From 0 (no transparency) to 90 (high transparency).
# host_rate: Set the host's refresh rate:
# auto: Use SDI rates, or VRR rates when fullscreen on a high-refresh
# display (default).
# sdi: Use serial device interface (SDI) rates, without further
# adjustment.
# vrr: Deduct 3 Hz from the reported rate (best practice for VRR
# displays).
# <custom>: Specify a custom rate as an integer or decimal Hz value
# (23.000 is the allowed minimum).
# vsync: Set the host video driver's vertical synchronization (vsync) mode:
# auto: Limit vsync to beneficial cases, such as when using an
# interpolating VRR display in fullscreen (default).
# on: Enable vsync. This can prevent tearing in some games but will
# impact performance or drop frames when the DOS rate exceeds the
# host rate (e.g. 70 Hz DOS rate vs 60 Hz host rate).
# adaptive: Enables vsync when the frame rate is higher than the host rate,
# but disables it when the frame rate drops below the host rate.
# Note: only valid in OpenGL output modes; otherwise treated as 'on'.
# off: Attempt to disable vsync to allow quicker frame presentation at
# the risk of tearing in some games.
# yield: Let the host's video driver control video synchronization.
# Possible values: auto, on, adaptive, off, yield.
# vsync_skip: Number of microseconds to allow rendering to block before skipping the
# next frame. For example, a value of 7000 is roughly half the frame time
# at 70 Hz. 0 disables this and will always render (default).
# presentation_mode: Select the frame presentation mode:
# auto: Intelligently time and drop frames to prevent emulation stalls,
# based on host and DOS frame rates (default).
# cfr: Always present DOS frames at a constant frame rate.
# vfr: Always present changed DOS frames at a variable frame rate.
# Possible values: auto, cfr, vfr.
# output: Video system to use for output ('opengl' by default).
# 'texture' and 'opengl' use bilinear interpolation, 'texturenb' and
# 'openglnb' use nearest-neighbour (no-bilinear). Some shaders require
# bilinear interpolation, making that the safest choice.
# Possible values: texture, texturenb, opengl, openglnb.
# Deprecated values: openglpp, surface, texturepp.
# texture_renderer: Render driver to use in 'texture' output mode ('auto' by default).
# Use 'texture_renderer = auto' for an automatic choice.
# Possible values: auto, opengl, opengles2, software.
# waitonerror: Keep the console open if an error has occurred (enabled by default).
# priority: Priority levels to apply when active and inactive, respectively.
# ('auto auto' by default)
# 'auto' lets the host operating system manage the priority.
# Possible values: auto, lowest, lower, normal, higher, highest.
# mute_when_inactive: Mute the sound when the window is inactive (disabled by default).
# pause_when_inactive: Pause emulation when the window is inactive (disabled by default).
# mapperfile: File used to load/save the key/event mappings.
# Pre-configured maps are bundled in the 'resources/mapperfiles' directory.
# They can be loaded by name, for example: mapperfile = xbox/
# Note: The --resetmapper command line flag only deletes the default mapperfile.
# screensaver: Use 'allow' or 'block' to override the SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER environment
# variable which usually blocks the OS screensaver while the emulator is
# running ('auto' by default).
# Possible values: auto, allow, block.
fullscreen = false
display = 0
fullresolution = desktop
windowresolution = default
viewport_resolution = fit
window_position = auto
window_decorations = true
transparency = 0
host_rate = auto
vsync = off
vsync_skip = 0
presentation_mode = auto
output = opengl
texture_renderer = auto
waitonerror = true
priority = auto auto
mute_when_inactive = false
pause_when_inactive = false
mapperfile =
screensaver = auto
# language: Select a language to use: 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'nl', 'pl', or 'ru'
# (unset by default; this defaults to English)
# Notes:
# - This setting will override the 'LANG' environment variable, if set.
# - The bundled 'resources/translations' directory with the executable holds
# these files. Please keep it along-side the executable to support this
# feature.
# machine: Set the video adapter or machine to emulate:
# hercules: Hercules Graphics Card (HGC) (see 'monochrome_palette').
# cga_mono: CGA adapter connected to a monochrome monitor (see
# 'monochrome_palette').
# cga: IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA). Also enables composite
# video emulation (see [composite] section).
# pcjr: An IBM PCjr machine. Also enables PCjr sound and composite
# video emulation (see [composite] section).
# tandy: A Tandy 1000 machine with TGA graphics. Also enables Tandy
# sound and composite video emulation (see [composite]
# section).
# ega: IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA).
# svga_paradise: Paradise PVGA1A SVGA card (no VESA VBE; 512K vmem by default,
# can be set to 256K or 1MB with 'vmemsize'). This is the
# closest to IBM's original VGA adapter.
# svga_et3000: Tseng Labs ET3000 SVGA card (no VESA VBE; fixed 512K vmem).
# svga_et4000: Tseng Labs ET4000 SVGA card (no VESA VBE; 1MB vmem by
# default, can be set to 256K or 512K with 'vmemsize').
# svga_s3: S3 Trio64 (VESA VBE 2.0; 4MB vmem by default, can be set to
# 512K, 1MB, 2MB, or 8MB with 'vmemsize') (default)
# vesa_oldvbe: Same as 'svga_s3' but limited to VESA VBE 1.2.
# vesa_nolfb: Same as 'svga_s3' (VESA VBE 2.0), plus the "no linear
# framebuffer" hack (needed only by a few games).
# Possible values: hercules, cga_mono, cga, pcjr, tandy, ega, svga_s3, svga_et3000, svga_et4000, svga_paradise, vesa_nolfb, vesa_oldvbe.
# Deprecated values: vgaonly.
# memsize: Amount of memory of the emulated machine has in MB (16 by default).
# Best leave at the default setting to avoid problems with some games,
# though a few games might require a higher value.
# There is generally no speed advantage when raising this value.
# mcb_fault_strategy: How software-corrupted memory chain blocks should be handled:
# repair: Repair (and report) faults using adjacent blocks (default).
# report: Report faults but otherwise proceed as-is.
# allow: Allow faults to go unreported (hardware behavior).
# deny: Quit (and report) when faults are detected.
# Possible values: repair, report, allow, deny.
# vmemsize: Video memory in MB (1-8) or KB (256 to 8192). 'auto' uses the default for
# the selected video adapter ('auto' by default). See the 'machine' setting for
# the list of valid options per adapter.
# Possible values: auto, 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192.
# dos_rate: Customize the emulated video mode's frame rate, in Hz:
# default: The DOS video mode determines the rate (recommended; default).
# host: Match the DOS rate to the host rate (see 'host_rate' setting).
# <value>: Sets the rate to an exact value, between 24.000 and 1000.000 (Hz).
# We recommend the 'default' rate; otherwise test and set on a per-game basis.
# vesa_modes: Controls the selection of VESA 1.2 and 2.0 modes offered:
# compatible: A tailored selection that maximizes game compatibility.
# This is recommended along with 4 or 8 MB of video memory
# (default).
# halfline: Supports the low-resolution halfline VESA 2.0 mode used by
# Extreme Assault. Use only if needed, as it's not S3 compatible.
# all: All modes for a given video memory size, however some games
# may not use them properly (flickering) or may need
# more system memory to use them.
# Possible values: compatible, all, halfline.
# vga_8dot_font: Use 8-pixel-wide fonts on VGA adapters (disabled by default).
# speed_mods: Permit changes known to improve performance (enabled by default).
# Currently, no games are known to be negatively affected by this.
# Please file a bug with the project if you find a game that fails
# when this is enabled so we will list them here.
# autoexec_section: How autoexec sections are handled from multiple config files:
# join: Combine them into one big section (legacy behavior; default).
# overwrite: Use the last one encountered, like other config settings.
# Possible values: join, overwrite.
# automount: Mount 'drives/[c]' directories as drives on startup, where [c] is a lower-case
# drive letter from 'a' to 'y' (enabled by default). The 'drives' folder can be
# provided relative to the current directory or via built-in resources.
# Mount settings can be optionally provided using a [c].conf file along-side
# the drive's directory, with content as follows:
# [drive]
# type = dir, overlay, floppy, or cdrom
# label = custom_label
# path = path-specification, ie: path = %%path%%;c:\tools
# override_drive = mount the directory to this drive instead (default empty)
# verbose = true or false
# startup_verbosity: Controls verbosity prior to displaying the program ('auto' by default):
# Verbosity | Welcome | Early stdout
# high | yes | yes
# low | no | yes
# quiet | no | no
# auto | 'low' if exec or dir is passed, otherwise 'high'
# Possible values: auto, high, low, quiet.
# allow_write_protected_files: Many games open all their files with writable permissions; even files that they
# never modify. This setting lets you write-protect those files while still
# allowing the game to read them. A second use-case: if you're using a
# copy-on-write or network-based filesystem, this setting avoids triggering
# write-operations for these write-protected files.
# shell_config_shortcuts: Allow shortcuts for direct configuration management (enabled by default), i.e.
# instead of 'config -set sbtype sb16' it is enough to execute 'sbtype sb16',
# and instead of 'config -get sbtype' it is enough to execute 'sbtype' command.
language =
machine = svga_s3
memsize = 16
mcb_fault_strategy = repair
vmemsize = auto
dos_rate = default
vesa_modes = compatible
vga_8dot_font = false
speed_mods = true
autoexec_section = join
automount = true
startup_verbosity = auto
allow_write_protected_files = true
shell_config_shortcuts = true
# aspect: Apply aspect ratio correction for modern square-pixel flat-screen displays,
# so DOS resolutions with non-square pixels appear as they would on a 4:3 display
# aspect ratio CRT monitor the majority of DOS games were designed for (enabled
# by default). This setting only affects video modes that use non-square pixels,
# such as 320x200 or 640x400; square-pixel modes, such as 320x240, 640x480, and
# 800x600 are displayed as-is.
# integer_scaling: Constrain the horizontal or vertical scaling factor to integer values.
# The correct aspect ratio is always maintained according to the 'aspect'
# setting, which may result in a non-integer scaling factor in the other
# direction. If the image is larger than the viewport, the integer scaling
# constraint is auto-disabled (same as 'off'). Possible values:
# auto: 'vertical' mode auto-enabled for adaptive CRT shaders only,
# otherwise 'off' (default).
# vertical: Constrain the vertical scaling factor to integer values within
# the viewport. This is the recommended setting when using CRT
# shaders to avoid uneven scanlines and unwanted interference
# artifacts.
# horizontal: Constrain the horizontal scaling factor to integer values within
# the viewport.
# off: No integer scaling constraint is applied; the image fills the
# viewport according to the 'aspect' setting.
# Possible values: auto, vertical, horizontal, off.
# monochrome_palette: Set the palette for monochrome display emulation ('amber' by default).
# Works only with the 'hercules' and 'cga_mono' machine types.
# Note: You can also cycle through the available palettes via hotkeys.
# Possible values: amber, green, white, paperwhite.
# cga_colors: Set the interpretation of CGA RGBI colours. Affects all machine types capable
# of displaying CGA or better graphics. Built-in presets:
# default: The canonical CGA palette, as emulated by VGA adapters
# (default).
# tandy <bl>: Emulation of an idealised Tandy monitor with adjustable brown
# level. The brown level can be provided as an optional second
# parameter (0 - red, 50 - brown, 100 - dark yellow;
# defaults to 50). E.g. tandy 100
# tandy-warm: Emulation of the actual colour output of an unknown Tandy
# monitor.
# ibm5153 <c>: Emulation of the actual colour output of an IBM 5153 monitor
# with a unique contrast control that dims non-bright colours
# only. The contrast can be optionally provided as a second
# parameter (0 to 100; defaults to 100), e.g. ibm5153 60
# agi-amiga-v1, agi-amiga-v2, agi-amiga-v3:
# Palettes used by the Amiga ports of Sierra AGI games.
# agi-amigaish: A mix of EGA and Amiga colours used by the Sarien
# AGI-interpreter.
# scumm-amiga: Palette used by the Amiga ports of LucasArts EGA games.
# colodore: Commodore 64 inspired colours based on the Colodore palette.
# colodore-sat: Colodore palette with 20% more saturation.
# dga16: A modern take on the canonical CGA palette with dialed back
# contrast.
# You can also set custom colours by specifying 16 space or comma separated
# colour values, either as 3 or 6-digit hex codes (e.g. #f00 or #ff0000 for full
# red), or decimal RGB triplets (e.g. (255, 0, 255) for magenta). The 16 colours
# are ordered as follows:
# black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, light-grey, dark-grey,
# light-blue, light-green, light-cyan, light-red, light-magenta, yellow, white.
# Their default values, shown here in 6-digit hex code format, are:
# #000000 #0000aa #00aa00 #00aaaa #aa0000 #aa00aa #aa5500 #aaaaaa
# #555555 #5555ff #55ff55 #55ffff #ff5555 #ff55ff #ffff55 #ffffff
# glshader: Set an adaptive CRT monitor emulation shader or a regular GLSL shader in OpenGL
# output modes.
# Adaptive CRT shader options:
# crt-auto: A CRT shader that prioritises developer intent and how
# people experienced the game at the time of release
# (default). The appropriate shader variant is
# automatically selected based the graphics standard of
# the current video mode and the viewport resolution,
# irrespective of the 'machine' setting. This means that
# even on an emulated VGA card you'll get authentic
# single-scanned EGA monitor emulation with visible
# "thick scanlines" in EGA games.
# crt-auto-machine: Similar to 'crt-auto', but this picks a fixed CRT
# monitor appropriate for the video adapter configured
# via the 'machine' setting. E.g., CGA and EGA games
# will appear double-scanned on an emulated VGA
# adapter.
# crt-auto-arcade: Emulation of an arcade or home computer monitor less
# sharp than a typical PC monitor with thick scanlines
# in low-resolution modes. This fantasy option does not
# exist in real life, but it can be a lot of fun,
# especially with DOS ports of Amiga games.
# crt-auto-arcade-sharp: A sharper variant of the arcade shader for those who
# like the thick scanlines but want to retain the
# horizontal sharpness of a typical PC monitor.
# Other options include 'sharp', 'none', a shader listed using the
# --list-glshaders command-line argument, or an absolute or relative path
# to a file. In all cases, you may omit the shader's '.glsl' file extension.
aspect = true
integer_scaling = auto
monochrome_palette = amber
cga_colors = default
glshader = crt-auto
# composite: Enable composite mode on start ('auto' by default).
# 'auto' lets the program decide.
# Note: Fine-tune the settings below (i.e., hue) using the composite hotkeys,
# then read the new settings from your console and enter them here.
# Possible values: auto, on, off.
# era: Era of composite technology ('auto' by default).
# When 'auto', PCjr uses 'new', and CGA/Tandy use 'old'.
# Possible values: auto, old, new.
# hue: Appearance of RGB palette. For example, adjust until the sky is blue.
# saturation: Intensity of colors, from washed out to vivid.
# contrast: Ratio between the dark and light area.
# brightness: Luminosity of the image, from dark to light.
# convergence: Convergence of subpixel elements, from blurry to sharp (CGA and Tandy-only).
composite = auto
era = auto
hue = 0
saturation = 100
contrast = 100
brightness = 0
convergence = 0
# core: CPU core used in emulation ('auto' by default). 'auto' will switch to dynamic
# if available and appropriate.
# Possible values: auto, dynamic, normal, simple.
# cputype: CPU type used in emulation ('auto' by default). 'auto' is the fastest choice.
# Possible values: auto, 386, 386_slow, 486_slow, pentium_slow, 386_prefetch.
# cycles: Number of instructions DOSBox tries to emulate per millisecond
# ('auto' by default). Setting this value too high may result in sound drop-outs
# and lags.
# auto: Try to guess what a game needs. It usually works, but can
# fail with certain games.
# fixed <number>: Set a fixed number of cycles. This is what you usually
# need if 'auto' fails (e.g. 'fixed 4000').
# max: Allocate as much cycles as your computer is able to handle.
# Possible values: auto, fixed, max.
# cycleup: Number of cycles added or subtracted with speed control hotkeys
# (10 by default).
# cycledown: Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage (20 by default).
core = auto
cputype = auto
cycles = auto
cycleup = 10
cycledown = 20
# voodoo_memsize: Memory size (in MB) of the 3dfx Voodoo card (12 MB as default).
# Possible values: disabled, 4, 12.
# voodoo_perf: Performance optimisations to use when emulating the 3dfx Voodoo card:
# 0: No optimizations.
# 1: Multi-threading (default).
# 2: Disable bilinear filtering.
# 3: All optimizations (both 1 and 2).
# Note: Voodoo emulation is software-based and does not use host-level
# OpenGL calls.
voodoo_memsize = 12
voodoo_perf = 1
# capture_dir: Directory where the various captures are saved, such as audio, video, MIDI
# and screenshot captures. ('capture' in the current working directory by
# default).
# default_image_capture_formats: Set the capture format of the default screenshot action ('upscaled' by
# default):
# upscaled: The image is bilinear-sharp upscaled and the correct aspect
# ratio is maintained, depending on the 'aspect' setting. The
# vertical scaling factor is always an integer. For example,
# 320x200 content is upscaled to 1600x1200 (5:6 integer scaling),
# 640x480 to 1920x1440 (3:3 integer scaling), and 640x350 to
# 1400x1050 (2.1875:3 scaling; fractional horizontally and
# integer vertically). The filenames of upscaled screenshots
# have no postfix (e.g. 'image0001.png').
# rendered: The post-rendered, post-shader image shown on the screen is
# captured. The filenames of rendered screenshots end with
# '-rendered' (e.g. 'image0001-rendered.png').
# raw: The contents of the raw framebuffer is captured (this always
# results in square pixels). The filenames of raw screenshots
# end with '-raw' (e.g. 'image0001-raw.png').
# If multiple formats are specified separated by spaces, the default
# screenshot action will save multiple images in the specified formats.
# Keybindings for taking single screenshots in specific formats are also
# available.
capture_dir = capture
default_image_capture_formats = upscaled
# mouse_capture: Set the mouse capture behaviour:
# onclick: Capture the mouse when clicking any mouse button in the window
# (default).
# onstart: Capture the mouse immediately on start. Might not work correctly
# on some host operating systems.
# seamless: Let the mouse move seamlessly between the DOSBox window and the
# rest of the desktop; captures only with middle-click or hotkey.
# Seamless mouse does not work correctly with all the games.
# Windows 3.1x can be made compatible with a custom mouse driver.
# nomouse: Hide the mouse and don't send mouse input to the game.
# For touch-screen control, use 'seamless'.
# Possible values: seamless, onclick, onstart, nomouse.
# mouse_middle_release: If enabled, middle-click will release the captured mouse, and also capture
# when seamless (enabled by default).
# mouse_multi_display_aware: Allows mouse seamless behavior and mouse pointer release to work in fullscreen
# mode for systems with more than one display. (enabled by default).
# Note: You should disable this if it incorrectly detects multiple displays
# when only one should actually be used. This might happen if you are
# using mirrored display mode or using an AV receiver's HDMI input for
# audio-only listening.
# mouse_sensitivity: Mouse sensitivity for the horizontal and vertical axes, as a percentage
# (100,100 by default). Negative values invert the axis, zero disables it.
# Providing only one value sets sensitivity for both axes.
# The setting can be adjusted in runtime (also per mouse interface) using
# internal MOUSECTL.COM tool, available on drive Z.
# mouse_raw_input: Enable to bypass your operating system's mouse acceleration and sensitivity
# settings (enabled by default). Works in fullscreen or when the mouse is
# captured in window mode.
# dos_mouse_driver: Enable built-in DOS mouse driver (enabled by default).
# Notes:
# - Disable if you intend to use original MOUSE.COM driver in emulated DOS.
# - When guest OS is booted, built-in driver gets disabled automatically.
# dos_mouse_immediate: Update mouse movement counters immediately, without waiting for interrupt
# (disabled by default). May improve gameplay, especially in fast-paced games
# (arcade, FPS, etc.), as for some games it effectively boosts the mouse
# sampling rate to 1000 Hz, without increasing interrupt overhead.
# Might cause compatibility issues. List of known incompatible games:
# - Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
# - Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds
# Please report it if you find another incompatible game so we can update this
# list.
# ps2_mouse_model: PS/2 AUX port mouse model:
# standard: 3 buttons, standard PS/2 mouse.
# intellimouse: 3 buttons + wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse.
# explorer: 5 buttons + wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer.
# none: no PS/2 mouse emulated.
# Default: explorer
# Possible values: standard, intellimouse, explorer, none.
# com_mouse_model: COM (serial) port default mouse model:
# 2button: 2 buttons, Microsoft mouse.
# 3button: 3 buttons, Logitech mouse;
# mostly compatible with Microsoft mouse.
# wheel: 3 buttons + wheel;
# mostly compatible with Microsoft mouse.
# msm: 3 buttons, Mouse Systems mouse;
# NOT compatible with Microsoft mouse.
# 2button+msm: Automatic choice between '2button' and 'msm'.
# 3button+msm: Automatic choice between '3button' and 'msm'.
# wheel+msm: Automatic choice between 'wheel' and 'msm' (default).
# Note: Enable COM port mice in the [serial] section.
# Possible values: 2button, 3button, wheel, msm, 2button+msm, 3button+msm, wheel+msm.
mouse_capture = onclick
mouse_middle_release = true
mouse_multi_display_aware = true
mouse_sensitivity = 100
mouse_raw_input = true
dos_mouse_driver = true
dos_mouse_immediate = false
ps2_mouse_model = explorer
com_mouse_model = wheel+msm
# nosound: Enable silent mode (disabled by default).
# Sound is still fully emulated in silent mode, but DOSBox outputs silence.
# rate: Mixer sample rate (48000 by default).
# Possible values: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000.
# blocksize: Mixer block size in sample frames (512 by default). Larger values might help
# with sound stuttering but the sound will also be more lagged.
# Possible values: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192.
# prebuffer: How many milliseconds of sound to render on top of the blocksize
# (20 by default). Larger values might help with sound stuttering but the sound
# will also be more lagged.
# negotiate: Let the system audio driver negotiate possibly better sample rate and blocksize
# settings (enabled by default).
# compressor: Enable the auto-leveling compressor on the master channel to prevent clipping
# of the audio output:
# off: Disable compressor.
# on: Enable compressor (default).
# crossfeed: Enable crossfeed globally on all stereo channels for headphone listening:
# off: No crossfeed (default).
# on: Enable crossfeed (normal preset).
# light: Light crossfeed (strength 15).
# normal: Normal crossfeed (strength 40).
# strong: Strong crossfeed (strength 65).
# Note: You can fine-tune each channel's crossfeed strength using the MIXER.
# Possible values: off, on, light, normal, strong.
# reverb: Enable reverb globally to add a sense of space to the sound:
# off: No reverb (default).
# on: Enable reverb (medium preset).
# tiny: Simulates the sound of a small integrated speaker in a room;
# specifically designed for small-speaker audio systems
# (PC Speaker, Tandy, PS/1 Audio, and LPT DAC devices).
# small: Adds a subtle sense of space; good for games that use a single
# synth channel (typically OPL) for both music and sound effects.
# medium: Medium room preset that works well with a wide variety of games.
# large: Large hall preset recommended for games that use separate
# channels for music and digital audio.
# huge: A stronger variant of the large hall preset; works really well
# in some games with more atmospheric soundtracks.
# Note: You can fine-tune each channel's reverb level using the MIXER.
# Possible values: off, on, tiny, small, medium, large, huge.
# chorus: Enable chorus globally to add a sense of stereo movement to the sound:
# off: No chorus (default).
# on: Enable chorus (normal preset).
# light: A light chorus effect (especially suited for synth music that
# features lots of white noise.)
# normal: Normal chorus that works well with a wide variety of games.
# strong: An obvious and upfront chorus effect.
# Note: You can fine-tune each channel's chorus level using the MIXER.
# Possible values: off, on, light, normal, strong.
nosound = false
rate = 48000
blocksize = 512
prebuffer = 20
negotiate = true
compressor = true
crossfeed = off
reverb = off
chorus = off
# mididevice: Set where MIDI data from the emulated MPU-401 MIDI interface is sent
# ('auto' by default):
# oss: Use the Linux OSS MIDI playback interface.
# alsa: Use the Linux ALSA MIDI playback interface.
# fluidsynth: The built-in FluidSynth MIDI synthesizer (SoundFont player).
# See the [fluidsynth] section for detailed configuration.
# mt32: The built-in Roland MT-32 synthesizer.
# See the [mt32] section for detailed configuration.
# auto: Either one of the built-in MIDI synthesisers (if `midiconfig` is
# set to 'fluidsynth' or 'mt32'), or a MIDI device external to
# DOSBox (any other 'midiconfig' value). This might be a software
# synthesizer or physical device. This is the default behaviour.
# none: Disable MIDI output.
# Possible values: auto, oss, alsa, fluidsynth, mt32, none.
# midiconfig: Configuration options for the selected MIDI interface (unset by default).
# This is usually the ID or name of the MIDI synthesizer you want
# to use (find the ID/name with the DOS command 'MIXER /LISTMIDI').
# Notes:
# - This option has no effect when using the built-in synthesizers
# ('mididevice = fluidsynth' or 'mididevice = mt32').
# - When using ALSA, use the Linux command 'aconnect -l' to list all open
# MIDI ports and select one (e.g. 'midiconfig = 14:0' for sequencer
# client 14, port 0).
# - If you're using a physical Roland MT-32 with revision 0 PCB, the hardware
# may require a delay in order to prevent its buffer from overflowing.
# In that case, add 'delaysysex' (e.g. 'midiconfig = 2 delaysysex').
# mpu401: MPU-401 mode to emulate ('intelligent' by default).
# Possible values: intelligent, uart, none.
# raw_midi_output: Enable raw, unaltered MIDI output (disabled by default).
# The MIDI drivers of many games don't fully conform to the MIDI standard,
# which makes editing the MIDI recordings of these games very error-prone and
# cumbersome in MIDI sequencers, often resulting in hanging or missing notes.
# DOSBox corrects the MIDI output of such games by default. This results in no
# audible difference whatsoever; it only affects the representation of the MIDI
# data. You should only enable 'raw_midi_output' if you really need to capture
# the raw, unaltered MIDI output of a program, e.g. when working with music
# applications, or when debugging MIDI issues.
mididevice = mt32
midiconfig =
mpu401 = intelligent
raw_midi_output = false
# soundfont: Path to a SoundFont file in .sf2 format ('default.sf2' by default).
# You can use an absolute or relative path, or the name of an .sf2 inside the
# 'soundfonts' directory within your DOSBox configuration directory.
# An optional percentage value after the name will scale the SoundFont's volume.
# This is useful for normalising the volume of different SoundFonts.
# E.g. 'my_soundfont.sf2 50' will attenuate the volume by 50%.
# The percentage value can range from 1 to 800.
# fsynth_chorus: Chorus effect: 'auto' (default), 'on', 'off', or custom values.
# When using custom values:
# All five must be provided in-order and space-separated.
# They are: voice-count level speed depth modulation-wave, where:
# - voice-count is an integer from 0 to 99.
# - level is a decimal from 0.0 to 10.0
# - speed is a decimal, measured in Hz, from 0.1 to 5.0
# - depth is a decimal from 0.0 to 21.0
# - modulation-wave is either 'sine' or 'triangle'
# For example: chorus = 3 1.2 0.3 8.0 sine
# Note: You can disable the FluidSynth chorus and enable the mixer-level chorus
# on the FluidSynth channel instead, or enable both chorus effects at the
# same time. Whether this sounds good depends on the SoundFont and the
# chorus settings being used.
# fsynth_reverb: Reverb effect: 'auto' (default), 'on', 'off', or custom values.
# When using custom values:
# All four must be provided in-order and space-separated.
# They are: room-size damping width level, where:
# - room-size is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
# - damping is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
# - width is a decimal from 0.0 to 100.0
# - level is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
# For example: reverb = 0.61 0.23 0.76 0.56
# Note: You can disable the FluidSynth reverb and enable the mixer-level reverb
# on the FluidSynth channel instead, or enable both reverb effects at the
# same time. Whether this sounds good depends on the SoundFont and the
# reverb settings being used.
# fsynth_filter: Filter for the FluidSynth audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
soundfont = default.sf2
fsynth_chorus = auto
fsynth_reverb = auto
fsynth_filter = off
# model: The Roland MT-32/CM-32ML model to use.
# You must have the ROM files for the selected model available (see 'romdir').
# The lookup order for models that don't specify a version in their name is
# performed in order as listed.
# auto: Pick the first available model (default).
# cm32l: Pick the first available CM-32L model.
# mt32_old: Pick the first available "old" MT-32 model (v1.0x).
# mt32_new: Pick the first available "new" MT-32 model (v2.0x).
# mt32: Pick the first available MT-32 model.
# <version>: Use the exact specified model version (e.g., 'mt32_204').
# Possible values: auto, cm32l, cm32l_102, cm32l_100, cm32ln_100, mt32, mt32_old, mt32_107, mt32_106, mt32_105, mt32_104, mt32_bluer, mt32_new, mt32_207, mt32_206, mt32_204, mt32_203.
# romdir: The directory containing the Roland MT-32/CM-32ML ROMs.
# The directory can be absolute or relative, or leave it blank to
# use the 'mt32-roms' directory in your DOSBox configuration
# directory. Other common system locations will be checked as well.
# Notes:
# - The file names of the ROM files do not matter; the ROMS are identified by
# their checksums.
# - Both interleaved and non-interlaved ROM files are supported.
# mt32_filter: Filter for the Roland MT-32/CM-32L audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
model = auto
romdir = /usr/local/share/Roland-MT32-ROMs/
mt32_filter = off
# sbtype: Type of Sound Blaster to emulate ('sb16' by default).
# 'gb' is Game Blaster.
# Possible values: sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16, gb, none.
# sbbase: The IO address of the Sound Blaster (220 by default).
# Possible values: 220, 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300.
# irq: The IRQ number of the Sound Blaster (7 by default).
# Possible values: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.
# dma: The DMA channel of the Sound Blaster (1 by default).
# Possible values: 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7.
# hdma: The High DMA channel of the Sound Blaster 16 (5 by default).
# Possible values: 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7.
# sbmixer: Allow the Sound Blaster mixer to modify the DOSBox mixer (enabled by default).
# sbwarmup: Silence initial DMA audio after card power-on, in milliseconds
# (100 by default). This mitigates pops heard when starting many SB-based games.
# Reduce this if you notice intial playback is missing audio.
# oplmode: Type of OPL emulation ('auto' by default).
# On 'auto' the mode is determined by 'sbtype'.
# All OPL modes are AdLib-compatible, except for 'cms'.
# Possible values: auto, cms, opl2, dualopl2, opl3, opl3gold, none.
# sb_filter: Type of filter to emulate for the Sound Blaster digital sound output:
# auto: Use the appropriate filter determined by 'sbtype'.
# sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16:
# Use the filter of this Sound Blaster model.
# modern: Use linear interpolation upsampling that acts as a low-pass
# filter; this is the legacy DOSBox behaviour (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: One or two custom filters in the following format:
# Where TYPE can be 'hpf' (high-pass) or 'lpf' (low-pass),
# ORDER is the order of the filter from 1 to 16
# (1st order = 6dB/oct slope, 2nd order = 12dB/oct, etc.),
# and FREQ is the cutoff frequency in Hz. Examples:
# lpf 2 12000
# hpf 3 120 lfp 1 6500
# sb_filter_always_on: Force the Sound Blaster filter to be always on
# (disallow programs from turning the filter off; disabled by default).
# opl_filter: Type of filter to emulate for the Sound Blaster OPL output:
# auto: Use the appropriate filter determined by 'sbtype' (default).
# sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16:
# Use the filter of this Sound Blaster model.
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# cms_filter: Filter for the Sound Blaster CMS output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
sbtype = sb16
sbbase = 220
irq = 7
dma = 1
hdma = 5
sbmixer = true
sbwarmup = 100
oplmode = auto
sb_filter = modern
sb_filter_always_on = false
opl_filter = auto
cms_filter = on
# gus: Enable Gravis UltraSound emulation (disabled by default).
# The default settings of base address 240, IRQ 5, and DMA 3 have been chosen
# so the GUS can coexist with a Sound Blaster card. This works fine for the
# majority of programs, but some games and demos expect the GUS factory
# defaults of base address 220, IRQ 11, DMA 1.
# gusbase: The IO base address of the Gravis UltraSound (240 by default).
# Possible values: 240, 220, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300.
# gusirq: The IRQ number of the Gravis UltraSound (5 by default).
# Possible values: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.
# gusdma: The DMA channel of the Gravis UltraSound (3 by default).
# Possible values: 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7.
# ultradir: Path to UltraSound directory ('C:\ULTRASND' by default).
# In this directory there should be a 'MIDI' directory that contains the patch
# files for GUS playback.
# gus_filter: Filter for the Gravis UltraSound audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
gus = true
gusbase = 240
gusirq = 5
gusdma = 3
ultradir = C:\ULTRASND
gus_filter = off
# imfc: Enable the IBM Music Feature Card (disabled by default).
# imfc_base: The IO base address of the IBM Music Feature Card (2A20 by default).
# Possible values: 2a20, 2a30.
# imfc_irq: The IRQ number of the IBM Music Feature Card (3 by default).
# Possible values: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
# imfc_filter: Filter for the IBM Music Feature Card output:
# on: Filter the output.
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
imfc = false
imfc_base = 2a20
imfc_irq = 3
imfc_filter = on
# sidmodel: Model of chip to emulate in the Innovation SSI-2001 card:
# auto: Use the 6581 chip.
# 6581: The original chip, known for its bassy and rich character.
# 8580: A later revision that more closely matched the SID specification.
# It fixed the 6581's DC bias and is less prone to distortion.
# The 8580 is an option on reproduction cards, like the DuoSID.
# none: Disable the card (default).
# Possible values: auto, 6581, 8580, none.
# sidclock: The SID chip's clock frequency, which is jumperable on reproduction cards.
# default: 0.895 MHz, per the original SSI-2001 card (default).
# c64ntsc: 1.023 MHz, per NTSC Commodore PCs and the DuoSID.
# c64pal: 0.985 MHz, per PAL Commodore PCs and the DuoSID.
# hardsid: 1.000 MHz, available on the DuoSID.
# Possible values: default, c64ntsc, c64pal, hardsid.
# sidport: The IO port address of the Innovation SSI-2001 (280 by default).
# Possible values: 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0.
# 6581filter: Adjusts the 6581's filtering strength as a percent from 0 to 100
# (50 by default). The SID's analog filtering meant that each chip was
# physically unique.
# 8580filter: Adjusts the 8580's filtering strength as a percent from 0 to 100
# (50 by default).
# innovation_filter: Filter for the Innovation audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
sidmodel = none
sidclock = default
sidport = 280
6581filter = 50
8580filter = 50
innovation_filter = off
# pcspeaker: PC speaker emulation model:
# discrete: Waveform is created using discrete steps (default).
# Works well for games that use RealSound-type effects.
# impulse: Waveform is created using sinc impulses.
# Recommended for square-wave games, like Commander Keen.
# While improving accuracy, it is more CPU intensive.
# none/off: Don't use the PC Speaker.
# Possible values: discrete, impulse, none, off.
# pcspeaker_filter: Filter for the PC Speaker output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# tandy: Set the Tandy/PCjr 3 Voice sound emulation:
# auto: Automatically enable Tandy/PCjr sound for the 'tandy' and 'pcjr'
# machine types only (default).
# on: Enable Tandy/PCjr sound with DAC support, when possible.
# Most games also need the machine set to 'tandy' or 'pcjr' to work.
# psg: Only enable the card's three-voice programmable sound generator
# without DAC to avoid conflicts with other cards using DMA 1.
# off: Disable Tandy/PCjr sound.
# Possible values: auto, on, psg, off.
# tandy_filter: Filter for the Tandy synth output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# tandy_dac_filter: Filter for the Tandy DAC output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# lpt_dac: Type of DAC plugged into the parallel port:
# disney: Disney Sound Source.
# covox: Covox Speech Thing.
# ston1: Stereo-on-1 DAC, in stereo up to 30 kHz.
# none/off: Don't use a parallel port DAC (default).
# Possible values: none, disney, covox, ston1, off.
# lpt_dac_filter: Filter for the LPT DAC audio device(s):
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# ps1audio: Enable IBM PS/1 Audio emulation (disabled by default).
# ps1audio_filter: Filter for the PS/1 Audio synth output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# ps1audio_dac_filter: Filter for the PS/1 Audio DAC output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
pcspeaker = discrete
pcspeaker_filter = on
tandy = auto
tandy_filter = on
tandy_dac_filter = on
lpt_dac = none
lpt_dac_filter = on
ps1audio = false
ps1audio_filter = on
ps1audio_dac_filter = on
# reelmagic: ReelMagic (aka REALmagic) MPEG playback support:
# off: Disable support (default).
# cardonly: Initialize the card without loading the FMPDRV.EXE driver.
# on: Initialize the card and load the FMPDRV.EXE on start-up.
# reelmagic_key: Set the 32-bit magic key used to decode the game's videos:
# auto: Use the built-in routines to determine the key (default).
# common: Use the most commonly found key, which is 0x40044041.
# thehorde: Use The Horde's key, which is 0xC39D7088.
# <custom>: Set a custom key in hex format (e.g., 0x12345678).
# reelmagic_fcode: Override the frame rate code used during video playback:
# 0: No override: attempt automatic rate discovery (default).
# 1 to 7: Override the frame rate to one the following (use 1 through 7):
# 1=23.976, 2=24, 3=25, 4=29.97, 5=30, 6=50, or 7=59.94 FPS.
reelmagic = off
reelmagic_key = auto
reelmagic_fcode = 0
# joysticktype: Type of joystick to emulate:
# auto: Detect and use any joystick(s), if possible (default).
# 2axis: Support up to two joysticks, each with 2 axis
# 4axis: Support the first joystick only, as a 4-axis type.
# 4axis_2: Support the second joystick only, as a 4-axis type.
# fcs: Emulate joystick as an original Thrustmaster FCS.
# ch: Emulate joystick as an original CH Flightstick.
# hidden: Prevent DOS from seeing the joystick(s), but enable them
# for mapping.
# disabled: Fully disable joysticks: won't be polled, mapped,
# or visible in DOS.
# Remember to reset DOSBox's mapperfile if you saved it earlier.
# Possible values: auto, 2axis, 4axis, 4axis_2, fcs, ch, hidden, disabled.
# timed: Enable timed intervals for axis (disabled by default).
# Experiment with this option, if your joystick drifts away.
# autofire: Fire continuously as long as the button is pressed
# (disabled by default).
# swap34: Swap the 3rd and the 4th axis (disabled by default).
# Can be useful for certain joysticks.
# buttonwrap: Enable button wrapping at the number of emulated buttons (disabled by default).
# circularinput: Enable translation of circular input to square output (disabled by default).
# Try enabling this if your left analog stick can only move in a circle.
# deadzone: Percentage of motion to ignore (10 by default).
# 100 turns the stick into a digital one.
# use_joy_calibration_hotkeys: Enable hotkeys to allow realtime calibration of the joystick's X and Y axes
# (disabled by default). Only consider this if in-game calibration fails and
# other settings have been tried.
# - Ctrl/Cmd+Arrow-keys adjust the axis' scalar value:
# - Left and Right diminish or magnify the x-axis scalar, respectively.
# - Down and Up diminish or magnify the y-axis scalar, respectively.
# - Alt+Arrow-keys adjust the axis' offset position:
# - Left and Right shift X-axis offset in the given direction.
# - Down and Up shift the Y-axis offset in the given direction.
# - Reset the X and Y calibration using Ctrl+Delete and Ctrl+Home,
# respectively.
# Each tap will report X or Y calibration values you can set below. When you find
# parameters that work, quit the game, switch this setting back to disabled, and
# populate the reported calibration parameters.
# joy_x_calibration: Apply X-axis calibration parameters from the hotkeys ('auto' by default).
# joy_y_calibration: Apply Y-axis calibration parameters from the hotkeys ('auto' by default).
joysticktype = auto
timed = true
autofire = false
swap34 = false
buttonwrap = false
circularinput = false
deadzone = 10
use_joy_calibration_hotkeys = false
joy_x_calibration = auto
joy_y_calibration = auto
# serial1: Set type of device connected to COM port.
# Can be disabled, dummy, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct ('dummy' by default).
# Additional parameters must be on the same line in the form of
# parameter:value. Parameter for all types is irq (optional).
# - for 'mouse': model, overrides setting from [mouse] section
# - for 'direct': realport (required), rxdelay (optional).
# (realport:COM1 realport:ttyS0).
# - for 'modem': listenport, sock, bps (all optional).
# - for 'nullmodem': server, rxdelay, txdelay, telnet, usedtr,
# transparent, port, inhsocket, sock (all optional).
# SOCK parameter specifies the protocol to be used by both sides
# of the conection. 0 for TCP and 1 for ENet reliable UDP.
# Example: serial1=modem listenport:5000 sock:1
# Possible values: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# serial2: See 'serial1'
# Possible values: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# serial3: See 'serial1'
# Possible values: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# serial4: See 'serial1'
# Possible values: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# phonebookfile: File used to map fake phone numbers to addresses
# ('phonebook.txt' by default).
serial1 = dummy
serial2 = dummy
serial3 = disabled
serial4 = disabled
phonebookfile = phonebook.txt
# xms: Enable XMS support (enabled by default).
# ems: Enable EMS support (enabled by default). Enabled provides the best
# compatibility but certain applications may run better with other choices,
# or require EMS support to be disabled to work at all.
# Possible values: true, emsboard, emm386, false.
# umb: Enable UMB support (enabled by default).
# ver: Set DOS version (5.0 by default). Specify in major.minor format.
# A single number is treated as the major version.
# Common settings are 3.3, 5.0, 6.22, and 7.1.
# country: Set DOS country code (0 by default).
# This affects country-specific information such as date, time, and decimal
# formats. If set to 0, the country code corresponding to the selected keyboard
# layout will be used.
# keyboardlayout: Language code of the keyboard layout, or 'auto' ('auto' by default).
# expand_shell_variable: Enable expanding environment variables such as %PATH% in the DOS command shell
# (auto by default, enabled if DOS version >= 7.0).
# FreeDOS and MS-DOS 7/8 COMMAND.COM supports this behavior.
# Possible values: auto, true, false.
# shell_history_file: File containing persistent command line history ('shell_history.txt'
# by default).
# setver_table_file: File containing the list of applications and assigned DOS versions, in a
# tab-separated format, used by SETVER.EXE as a persistent storage
# (empty by default).
xms = true
ems = true
umb = true
ver = 5.0
country = 0
keyboardlayout = auto
expand_shell_variable = auto
shell_history_file = shell_history.txt
setver_table_file =
# ipx: Enable IPX over UDP/IP emulation (enabled by default).
ipx = false
# ne2000: Enable emulation of a Novell NE2000 network card on a software-based
# network (using libslirp) with properties as follows (enabled by default):
# - Subnet mask of the virtual LAN.
# - IP of the gateway and DHCP service.
# - IP of the virtual DNS server.
# - First IP provided by DHCP, your IP!
# Note: Inside DOS, setting this up requires an NE2000 packet driver, DHCP
# client, and TCP/IP stack. You might need port-forwarding from the host
# into the DOS guest, and from your router to your host when acting as the
# server for multiplayer games.
# nicbase: Base address of the NE2000 card (300 by default).
# Note: Addresses 220 and 240 might not be available as they're assigned to the
# Sound Blaster and Gravis UltraSound by default.
# Possible values: 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 2c0, 300, 320, 340, 360.
# nicirq: The interrupt used by the NE2000 card (3 by default).
# Note: IRQs 3 and 5 might not be available as they're assigned to
# 'serial2' and the Gravis UltraSound by default.
# Possible values: 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15.
# macaddr: The MAC address of the NE2000 card ('AC:DE:48:88:99:AA' by default).
# tcp_port_forwards: Forward one or more TCP ports from the host into the DOS guest
# (unset by default).
# The format is:
# port1 port2 port3 ... (e.g., 21 80 443)
# This will forward FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS into the DOS guest.
# If the ports are privileged on the host, a mapping can be used
# host:guest ..., (e.g., 8021:21 8080:80)
# This will forward ports 8021 and 8080 to FTP and HTTP in the guest
# A range of adjacent ports can be abbreviated with a dash:
# start-end ... (e.g., 27910-27960)
# This will forward ports 27910 to 27960 into the DOS guest.
# Mappings and ranges can be combined, too:
# hstart-hend:gstart-gend ..., (e.g, 8040-8080:20-60)
# This forwards ports 8040 to 8080 into 20 to 60 in the guest
# Notes:
# - If mapped ranges differ, the shorter range is extended to fit.
# - If conflicting host ports are given, only the first one is setup.
# - If conflicting guest ports are given, the latter rule takes precedent.
# udp_port_forwards: Forward one or more UDP ports from the host into the DOS guest
# (unset by default). The format is the same as for TCP port forwards.
ne2000 = true
nicbase = 300
nicirq = 3
macaddr = AC:DE:48:88:99:AA
tcp_port_forwards =
udp_port_forwards =
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.
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