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ekovac /
Created September 23, 2020 22:07 — forked from stepney141/
WIP: Twitter Undocumented Endpoints for Bookmark

Twitter Undocumented Bookmark API (WIP)

I found out the endpoints for bookmark with Chrome Developer Tools: GET timeline/bookmark, POST bookmark/entries/remove, POST bookmark/entries/remove. The rate limits below are values returned by an official endpoint GET application/rate_limit_status.

This document is still a work in progress because I got stuck in GET timeline/bookmark. Please let me know if you find how to use it.


  • It is necessary that x-csrf-token in a request header and ct0 in a cookie are the same value. Twitter uses them to avoid CSRF attacks. I recommend that you extract the values from your browsers.
  • All of the endpoints requires OAuth2 Authorizations. Note that they refuse OAuth2 Bearer tokens obtained from POST oauth2/token.
  • You can easily reach the rate limit and get HTTP 429 Error (too many requests), so you should be careful about how many requests you send.