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Created February 3, 2023 09:51
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Python - round a number to significant digits
from math import log10, floor
from decimal import Decimal as Dec
# Note: the method spec uses a union type float | Dec introduced in Python 3.10
# Remove the type definitions to make it work with earlier versions.
def round_sd(x: float | Dec, sd: int = 3):
"""Round a value to a specified amount of significant digits `sd`.
return round(x, sd - int(floor(log10(abs(x)))) - 1)
# Examples
# round_sd(1.01235, 3) -> 1.01
# round_sd(-1.01235, 3) -> -1.01
# round_sd(1670.0123, 3) -> 1670.0
# round_sd(0.00000012345, 3) -> 1.23e-07
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