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import Kernel, except: [length: 1]
defmodule String do
@moduledoc ~S"""
A String in Elixir is a UTF-8 encoded binary.
## Codepoints and graphemes
The functions in this module act according to the Unicode
Standard, version 6.3.0. As per the standard, a codepoint is
an Unicode Character, which may be represented by one or more
bytes. For example, the character "é" is represented with two
iex> byte_size("é")
However, this module returns the proper length:
iex> String.length("é")
Furthermore, this module also presents the concept of
graphemes, which are multiple characters that may be
"perceived as a single character" by readers. For example,
the same "é" character written above could be represented
by the letter "e" followed by the accent ́:
iex> string = "\x{0065}\x{0301}"
iex> byte_size(string)
iex> String.length(string)
Although the example above is made of two characters, it is
perceived by users as one.
Graphemes can also be two characters that are interpreted
as one by some languages. For example, some languages may
consider "ch" as a grapheme. However, since this information
depends on the locale, it is not taken into account by this
In general, the functions in this module rely on the Unicode
Standard, but do not contain any of the locale specific behaviour.
More information about graphemes can be found in the [Unicode
Standard Annex #29](
This current Elixir version implements Extended Grapheme Cluster
## String and binary operations
To act accordingly to the Unicode Standard, many functions
in this module runs in linear time, as it needs to traverse
the whole string considering the proper Unicode codepoints.
For example, `String.length/1` is going to take longer as
the input grows. On the other hand, `Kernel.byte_size/1` always runs
in constant time (i.e. regardless of the input size).
This means often there are performance costs in using the
functions in this module, compared to the more low-level
operations that work directly with binaries:
* `Kernel.binary_part/3` - retrieves part of the binary
* `Kernel.bit_size/1` and `Kernel.byte_size/1` - size related functions
* `Kernel.is_bitstring/1` and `Kernel.is_binary/1` - type checking function
* Plus a number of functions for working with binaries (bytes)
[in the `:binary` module](
There are many situations where using the `String` module can
be avoided in favor of binary functions or pattern matching.
For example, imagine you have a string `prefix` and you want to
remove this prefix from another string named `full`.
One may be tempted to write:
iex> take_prefix = fn full, prefix ->
...> base = String.length(prefix)
...> String.slice(full, base, String.length(full) - base)
...> end
iex> take_prefix.("Mr. John", "Mr. ")
Although the function above works, it performs poorly. To
calculate the length of the string, we need to traverse it
fully, so we traverse both `prefix` and `full` strings, then
slice the `full` one, traversing it again.
A first attempting at improving it could be with ranges:
iex> take_prefix = fn full, prefix ->
...> base = String.length(prefix)
...> String.slice(full, base..-1)
...> end
iex> take_prefix.("Mr. John", "Mr. ")
While this is much better (we don't traverse `full` twice),
it could still be improved. In this case, since we want to
extract a substring from a string, we can use `byte_size/1`
and `binary_part/3` as there is no chance we will slice in
the middle of a codepoint made of more than one byte:
iex> take_prefix = fn full, prefix ->
...> base = byte_size(prefix)
...> binary_part(full, base, byte_size(full) - base)
...> end
iex> take_prefix.("Mr. John", "Mr. ")
Or simply use pattern matching:
iex> take_prefix = fn full, prefix ->
...> base = byte_size(prefix)
...> <<_ :: binary-size(base), rest :: binary>> = full
...> rest
...> end
iex> take_prefix.("Mr. John", "Mr. ")
On the other hand, if you want to dynamically slice a string
based on an integer value, then using `String.slice/3` is the
best option as it guarantees we won't incorrectly split a valid
codepoint in multiple bytes.
## Integer codepoints
Although codepoints could be represented as integers, this
module represents all codepoints as strings. For example:
iex> String.codepoints("olá")
["o", "l", "á"]
There are a couple of ways to retrieve a character integer
codepoint. One may use the `?` construct:
iex> ?o
iex> ?á
Or also via pattern matching:
iex> << eacute :: utf8 >> = "á"
iex> eacute
As we have seen above, codepoints can be inserted into
a string by their hexadecimal code:
"ol\x{0061}\x{0301}" #=>
## Self-synchronization
The UTF-8 encoding is self-synchronizing. This means that
if malformed data (i.e., data that is not possible according
to the definition of the encoding) is encountered, only one
codepoint needs to be rejected.
This module relies on this behaviour to ignore such invalid
characters. For example, `length/1` is going to return
a correct result even if an invalid codepoint is fed into it.
In other words, this module expects invalid data to be detected
when retrieving data from the external source. For example, a
driver that reads strings from a database will be the one
responsible to check the validity of the encoding.
@type t :: binary
@type codepoint :: t
@type grapheme :: t
@doc """
Checks if a string is printable considering it is encoded
as UTF-8. Returns `true` if so, `false` otherwise.
## Examples
iex> String.printable?("abc")
@spec printable?(t) :: boolean
def printable?(<< h :: utf8, t :: binary >>)
when h in 0x20..0x7E
when h in 0xA0..0xD7FF
when h in 0xE000..0xFFFD
when h in 0x10000..0x10FFFF do
def printable?(<<?\n, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\r, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\t, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\v, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\b, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\f, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\e, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\d, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<?\a, t :: binary>>), do: printable?(t)
def printable?(<<>>), do: true
def printable?(b) when is_binary(b), do: false
@doc """
Divides a string into substrings at each Unicode whitespace
occurrence with leading and trailing whitespace ignored.
## Examples
iex> String.split("foo bar")
["foo", "bar"]
iex> String.split("foo" <> <<194, 133>> <> "bar")
["foo", "bar"]
iex> String.split(" foo bar ")
["foo", "bar"]
@spec split(t) :: [t]
defdelegate split(binary), to: String.Unicode
@doc ~S"""
Divides a string into substrings based on a pattern.
Returns a list of these substrings. The pattern can
be a string, a list of strings or a regular expression.
The string is split into as many parts as possible by
default, but can be controlled via the `parts: num` option.
If you pass `parts: :infinity`, it will return all possible parts.
Empty strings are only removed from the result if the
`trim` option is set to `true`.
## Examples
Splitting with a string pattern:
iex> String.split("a,b,c", ",")
["a", "b", "c"]
iex> String.split("a,b,c", ",", parts: 2)
["a", "b,c"]
iex> String.split(" a b c ", " ", trim: true)
["a", "b", "c"]
A list of patterns:
iex> String.split("1,2 3,4", [" ", ","])
["1", "2", "3", "4"]
A regular expression:
iex> String.split("a,b,c", ~r{,})
["a", "b", "c"]
iex> String.split("a,b,c", ~r{,}, parts: 2)
["a", "b,c"]
iex> String.split(" a b c ", ~r{\s}, trim: true)
["a", "b", "c"]
Splitting on empty patterns returns codepoints:
iex> String.split("abc", ~r{})
["a", "b", "c", ""]
iex> String.split("abc", "")
["a", "b", "c", ""]
iex> String.split("abc", "", trim: true)
["a", "b", "c"]
iex> String.split("abc", "", parts: 2)
["a", "bc"]
@spec split(t, t | [t] | Regex.t) :: [t]
@spec split(t, t | [t] | Regex.t, Keyword.t) :: [t]
def split(string, pattern, options \\ [])
def split(string, "", options) do
parts = Keyword.get(options, :parts, :infinity)
split_codepoints(string, parts_to_index(parts), Keyword.get(options, :trim, false))
def split(string, pattern, options) do
if Regex.regex?(pattern) do
Regex.split(pattern, string, options)
parts = Keyword.get(options, :parts, :infinity)
trim = Keyword.get(options, :trim, false)
if parts == :infinity and trim == false do
:binary.split(string, pattern, [:global])
split_parts(string, pattern, parts_to_index(parts), trim)
defp parts_to_index(:infinity), do: 0
defp parts_to_index(n) when is_integer(n) and n > 0, do: n
defp split_codepoints(binary, 1, _trim), do: [binary]
defp split_codepoints(<<h :: utf8, t :: binary>>, count, trim),
do: [<<h :: utf8>>|split_codepoints(t, count - 1, trim)]
defp split_codepoints(<<h, t :: binary>>, count, trim),
do: [<<h>>|split_codepoints(t, count - 1, trim)]
defp split_codepoints(<<>>, _, true), do: []
defp split_codepoints(<<>>, _, false), do: [""]
defp split_parts("", _pattern, _num, true), do: []
defp split_parts("", _pattern, _num, _trim), do: [""]
defp split_parts(string, _pattern, 1, _trim), do: [string]
defp split_parts(string, pattern, num, trim) do
case :binary.split(string, pattern) do
[""] when trim ->
[head] ->
[head, tail] ->
if trim and head == "" do
split_parts(tail, pattern, num, trim)
[head|split_parts(tail, pattern, num-1, trim)]
@doc """
Splits a string into two at the specified offset. When the offset given is
negative, location is counted from the end of the string.
The offset is capped to the length of the string.
Returns a tuple with two elements.
## Examples
iex> String.split_at "sweetelixir", 5
{"sweet", "elixir"}
iex> String.split_at "sweetelixir", -6
{"sweet", "elixir"}
iex> String.split_at "abc", 0
{"", "abc"}
iex> String.split_at "abc", 1000
{"abc", ""}
iex> String.split_at "abc", -1000
{"", "abc"}
@spec split_at(t, integer) :: {t, t}
def split_at(string, offset)
def split_at(binary, index) when index == 0, do:
{"", binary}
def split_at(binary, index) when index > 0, do:
do_split_at(next_grapheme(binary), 0, index, "")
def split_at(binary, index) when index < 0, do:
do_split_at(next_grapheme(binary), 0, max(0, byte_size(binary)+index), "")
defp do_split_at(nil, _, _, acc), do:
{acc, ""}
defp do_split_at({grapheme, rest}, current_pos, target_pos, acc) when current_pos < target_pos, do:
do_split_at(next_grapheme(rest), current_pos+1, target_pos, acc <> grapheme)
defp do_split_at({grapheme, rest}, pos, pos, acc), do:
{acc, grapheme <> rest}
@doc """
Convert all characters on the given string to uppercase.
## Examples
iex> String.upcase("abcd")
iex> String.upcase("ab 123 xpto")
"AB 123 XPTO"
iex> String.upcase("olá")
@spec upcase(t) :: t
defdelegate upcase(binary), to: String.Unicode
@doc """
Convert all characters on the given string to lowercase.
## Examples
iex> String.downcase("ABCD")
iex> String.downcase("AB 123 XPTO")
"ab 123 xpto"
iex> String.downcase("OLÁ")
@spec downcase(t) :: t
defdelegate downcase(binary), to: String.Unicode
@doc """
Converts the first character in the given string to
uppercase and the remaining to lowercase.
This relies on the titlecase information provided
by the Unicode Standard. Note this function makes
no attempt to capitalize all words in the string
(usually known as titlecase).
## Examples
iex> String.capitalize("abcd")
iex> String.capitalize("fin")
iex> String.capitalize("olá")
@spec capitalize(t) :: t
def capitalize(string) when is_binary(string) do
{char, rest} = String.Unicode.titlecase_once(string)
char <> downcase(rest)
@doc """
Returns a string where trailing Unicode whitespace
has been removed.
## Examples
iex> String.rstrip(" abc ")
" abc"
@spec rstrip(t) :: t
defdelegate rstrip(binary), to: String.Unicode
@doc """
Returns a string where trailing `char` have been removed.
## Examples
iex> String.rstrip(" abc _", ?_)
" abc "
@spec rstrip(t, char) :: t
def rstrip("", _char), do: ""
# Do a quick check before we traverse the whole
# binary. :binary.last is a fast operation (it
# does not traverse the whole binary).
def rstrip(string, char) when char in 0..127 do
if :binary.last(string) == char do
rstrip(binary_part(string, 0, byte_size(string) - 1), char)
def rstrip(string, char) when is_integer(char) do
do_rstrip(string, "", char)
defp do_rstrip(<<char :: utf8, string :: binary>>, buffer, char) do
<<do_rstrip(string, <<char :: utf8, buffer :: binary>>, char) :: binary>>
defp do_rstrip(<<char :: utf8, string :: binary>>, buffer, another_char) do
<<buffer :: binary, char :: utf8, do_rstrip(string, "", another_char) :: binary>>
defp do_rstrip(<<>>, _, _) do
@doc """
Returns a string where leading Unicode whitespace
has been removed.
## Examples
iex> String.lstrip(" abc ")
"abc "
defdelegate lstrip(binary), to: String.Unicode
@doc """
Returns a string where leading `char` have been removed.
## Examples
iex> String.lstrip("_ abc _", ?_)
" abc _"
@spec lstrip(t, char) :: t
def lstrip(<<char :: utf8, rest :: binary>>, char) when is_integer(char) do
<<lstrip(rest, char) :: binary>>
def lstrip(other, char) when is_integer(char) do
@doc """
Returns a string where leading/trailing Unicode whitespace
has been removed.
## Examples
iex> String.strip(" abc ")
@spec strip(t) :: t
def strip(string) do
@doc """
Returns a string where leading/trailing `char` have been
## Examples
iex> String.strip("a abc a", ?a)
" abc "
@spec strip(t, char) :: t
def strip(string, char) do
rstrip(lstrip(string, char), char)
@doc ~S"""
Returns a new string of length `len` with `subject` right justified and
padded with `padding`. If `padding` is not present, it defaults to
whitespace. When `len` is less than the length of `subject`, `subject` is
## Examples
iex> String.rjust("abc", 5)
" abc"
iex> String.rjust("abc", 5, ?-)
@spec rjust(t, non_neg_integer) :: t
@spec rjust(t, non_neg_integer, char) :: t
def rjust(subject, len, pad \\ ?\s) when is_integer(pad) and is_integer(len) and len >= 0 do
justify(subject, len, pad, :right)
@doc ~S"""
Returns a new string of length `len` with `subject` left justified and padded
with `padding`. If `padding` is not present, it defaults to whitespace. When
`len` is less than the length of `subject`, `subject` is returned.
## Examples
iex> String.ljust("abc", 5)
"abc "
iex> String.ljust("abc", 5, ?-)
@spec ljust(t, non_neg_integer) :: t
@spec ljust(t, non_neg_integer, char) :: t
def ljust(subject, len, pad \\ ?\s) when is_integer(pad) and is_integer(len) and len >= 0 do
justify(subject, len, pad, :left)
defp justify(subject, 0, _pad, _type), do: subject
defp justify(subject, len, padding, type) do
subject_len = length(subject)
cond do
subject_len >= len ->
subject_len < len ->
fill = duplicate(<<padding :: utf8>>, len - subject_len)
case type do
:left -> subject <> fill
:right -> fill <> subject
@doc ~S"""
Returns a new binary based on `subject` by replacing the parts
matching `pattern` by `replacement`. By default, it replaces
all entries, except if the `global` option is set to `false`.
A `pattern` may be a string or a regex.
## Examples
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-")
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "-", global: false)
The pattern can also be a regex. In those cases, one can give `\N`
in the `replacement` string to access a specific capture in the regex:
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ~r/,(.)/, ",\\1\\1")
Notice we had to escape the escape character `\`. By giving `&`,
one can inject the whole matched pattern in the replacement string.
When strings are used as a pattern, a developer can also use the
replaced part inside the `replacement` via the `:insert_replaced` option:
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", "b", "[]", insert_replaced: 1)
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "[]", insert_replaced: 2)
iex> String.replace("a,b,c", ",", "[]", insert_replaced: [1, 1])
@spec replace(t, t | Regex.t, t) :: t
@spec replace(t, t | Regex.t, t, Keyword.t) :: t
def replace(subject, pattern, replacement, options \\ []) when is_binary(replacement) do
if Regex.regex?(pattern) do
Regex.replace(pattern, subject, replacement, global: options[:global])
opts = translate_replace_options(options)
:binary.replace(subject, pattern, replacement, opts)
defp translate_replace_options(options) do
opts = if Keyword.get(options, :global) != false, do: [:global], else: []
if insert = Keyword.get(options, :insert_replaced) do
opts = [{:insert_replaced, insert}|opts]
@doc """
Reverses the given string. Works on graphemes.
## Examples
iex> String.reverse("abcd")
iex> String.reverse("hello world")
"dlrow olleh"
iex> String.reverse("hello ∂og")
"go∂ olleh"
@spec reverse(t) :: t
def reverse(string) do
do_reverse(next_grapheme(string), [])
defp do_reverse({grapheme, rest}, acc) do
do_reverse(next_grapheme(rest), [grapheme|acc])
defp do_reverse(nil, acc), do: IO.iodata_to_binary(acc)
@doc """
Returns a binary `subject` duplicated `n` times.
## Examples
iex> String.duplicate("abc", 0)
iex> String.duplicate("abc", 1)
iex> String.duplicate("abc", 2)
@spec duplicate(t, non_neg_integer) :: t
def duplicate(subject, n) when is_integer(n) and n >= 0 do
:binary.copy(subject, n)
@doc """
Returns all codepoints in the string.
## Examples
iex> String.codepoints("olá")
["o", "l", "á"]
iex> String.codepoints("оптими зации")
["о","п","т","и","м","и"," ","з","а","ц","и","и"]
iex> String.codepoints("ἅἪῼ")
@spec codepoints(t) :: [codepoint]
defdelegate codepoints(string), to: String.Unicode
@doc """
Returns the next codepoint in a String.
The result is a tuple with the codepoint and the
remaining of the string or `nil` in case
the string reached its end.
As with other functions in the String module, this
function does not check for the validity of the codepoint.
That said, if an invalid codepoint is found, it will
be returned by this function.
## Examples
iex> String.next_codepoint("olá")
{"o", "lá"}
@compile {:inline, next_codepoint: 1}
@spec next_codepoint(t) :: {codepoint, t} | nil
defdelegate next_codepoint(string), to: String.Unicode
@doc ~S"""
Checks whether `str` contains only valid characters.
## Examples
iex> String.valid?("a")
iex> String.valid?("ø")
iex> String.valid?(<<0xffff :: 16>>)
iex> String.valid?("asd" <> <<0xffff :: 16>>)
@spec valid?(t) :: boolean
noncharacters = Enum.to_list(?\x{FDD0}..?\x{FDEF}) ++
[ ?\x{0FFFE}, ?\x{0FFFF}, ?\x{1FFFE}, ?\x{1FFFF}, ?\x{2FFFE}, ?\x{2FFFF},
?\x{3FFFE}, ?\x{3FFFF}, ?\x{4FFFE}, ?\x{4FFFF}, ?\x{5FFFE}, ?\x{5FFFF},
?\x{6FFFE}, ?\x{6FFFF}, ?\x{7FFFE}, ?\x{7FFFF}, ?\x{8FFFE}, ?\x{8FFFF},
?\x{9FFFE}, ?\x{9FFFF}, ?\x{10FFFE}, ?\x{10FFFF} ]
for noncharacter <- noncharacters do
def valid?(<< unquote(noncharacter) :: utf8, _ :: binary >>), do: false
def valid?(<<_ :: utf8, t :: binary>>), do: valid?(t)
def valid?(<<>>), do: true
def valid?(_), do: false
@doc ~S"""
Checks whether `str` is a valid character.
All characters are codepoints, but some codepoints
are not valid characters. They may be reserved, private,
or other.
More info at:
## Examples
iex> String.valid_character?("a")
iex> String.valid_character?("ø")
iex> String.valid_character?("\x{ffff}")
@spec valid_character?(t) :: boolean
def valid_character?(<<_ :: utf8>> = codepoint), do: valid?(codepoint)
def valid_character?(_), do: false
@doc ~S"""
Splits the string into chunks of characters that share a common trait.
The trait can be one of two options:
* `:valid` – the string is split into chunks of valid and invalid character
* `:printable` – the string is split into chunks of printable and
non-printable character sequences
Returns a list of binaries each of which contains only one kind of
If the given string is empty, an empty list is returned.
## Examples
iex> String.chunk(<<?a, ?b, ?c, 0>>, :valid)
iex> String.chunk(<<?a, ?b, ?c, 0, 0x0ffff::utf8>>, :valid)
["abc\0", <<0x0ffff::utf8>>]
iex> String.chunk(<<?a, ?b, ?c, 0, 0x0ffff::utf8>>, :printable)
["abc", <<0, 0x0ffff::utf8>>]
@spec chunk(t, :valid | :printable) :: [t]
def chunk(string, trait)
def chunk("", _), do: []
def chunk(str, trait) when trait in [:valid, :printable] do
{cp, _} = next_codepoint(str)
pred_fn = make_chunk_pred(trait)
do_chunk(str, pred_fn.(cp), pred_fn)
defp do_chunk(str, flag, pred_fn), do: do_chunk(str, [], <<>>, flag, pred_fn)
defp do_chunk(<<>>, acc, <<>>, _, _), do: Enum.reverse(acc)
defp do_chunk(<<>>, acc, chunk, _, _), do: Enum.reverse(acc, [chunk])
defp do_chunk(str, acc, chunk, flag, pred_fn) do
{cp, rest} = next_codepoint(str)
if pred_fn.(cp) != flag do
do_chunk(rest, [chunk|acc], cp, not flag, pred_fn)
do_chunk(rest, acc, chunk <> cp, flag, pred_fn)
defp make_chunk_pred(:valid), do: &valid?/1
defp make_chunk_pred(:printable), do: &printable?/1
@doc """
Returns unicode graphemes in the string as per Extended Grapheme
Cluster algorithm outlined in the [Unicode Standard Annex #29,
Unicode Text Segmentation](
## Examples
iex> String.graphemes("Ńaïve")
["Ń", "a", "ï", "v", "e"]
@spec graphemes(t) :: [grapheme]
defdelegate graphemes(string), to: String.Graphemes
@doc """
Returns the next grapheme in a String.
The result is a tuple with the grapheme and the
remaining of the string or `nil` in case
the String reached its end.
## Examples
iex> String.next_grapheme("olá")
{"o", "lá"}
@compile {:inline, next_grapheme: 1}
@spec next_grapheme(t) :: {grapheme, t} | nil
defdelegate next_grapheme(string), to: String.Graphemes
@doc """
Returns the first grapheme from an utf8 string,
nil if the string is empty.
## Examples
iex> String.first("elixir")
iex> String.first("եոգլի")
@spec first(t) :: grapheme | nil
def first(string) do
case next_grapheme(string) do
{char, _} -> char
nil -> nil
@doc """
Returns the last grapheme from an utf8 string,
`nil` if the string is empty.
## Examples
iex> String.last("elixir")
iex> String.last("եոգլի")
@spec last(t) :: grapheme | nil
def last(string) do
do_last(next_grapheme(string), nil)
defp do_last({char, rest}, _) do
do_last(next_grapheme(rest), char)
defp do_last(nil, last_char), do: last_char
@doc """
Returns the number of unicode graphemes in an utf8 string.
## Examples
iex> String.length("elixir")
iex> String.length("եոգլի")
@spec length(t) :: non_neg_integer
def length(string) do
defp do_length({_, rest}) do
1 + do_length(next_grapheme(rest))
defp do_length(nil), do: 0
@doc """
Returns the grapheme in the `position` of the given utf8 `string`.
If `position` is greater than `string` length, then it returns `nil`.
## Examples
iex>"elixir", 0)
iex>"elixir", 1)
iex>"elixir", 10)
iex>"elixir", -1)
iex>"elixir", -10)
@spec at(t, integer) :: grapheme | nil
def at(string, position) when position >= 0 do
do_at(next_grapheme(string), position, 0)
def at(string, position) when position < 0 do
real_pos = length(string) - abs(position)
case real_pos >= 0 do
true -> do_at(next_grapheme(string), real_pos, 0)
false -> nil
defp do_at({_ , rest}, desired_pos, current_pos) when desired_pos > current_pos do
do_at(next_grapheme(rest), desired_pos, current_pos + 1)
defp do_at({char, _}, desired_pos, current_pos) when desired_pos == current_pos do
defp do_at(nil, _, _), do: nil
@doc """
Returns a substring starting at the offset given by the first, and
a length given by the second.
If the offset is greater than string length, then it returns `""`.
Remember this function works with unicode codepoints and consider
the slices to represent codepoints offsets. If you want to split
on raw bytes, check `Kernel.binary_part/3` instead.
## Examples
iex> String.slice("elixir", 1, 3)
iex> String.slice("elixir", 1, 10)
iex> String.slice("elixir", 10, 3)
iex> String.slice("elixir", -4, 4)
iex> String.slice("elixir", -10, 3)
iex> String.slice("a", 0, 1500)
iex> String.slice("a", 1, 1500)
iex> String.slice("a", 2, 1500)
@spec slice(t, integer, integer) :: grapheme
def slice(_, _, 0) do
def slice(string, start, len) when start >= 0 and len >= 0 do
case do_count_bytes(next_grapheme(string), start, 0) do
{nil, _} -> ""
{next, start_bytes} ->
{_, len_bytes} = do_count_bytes(next, len, 0)
binary_part(string, start_bytes, len_bytes)
def slice(string, start, len) when start < 0 and len >= 0 do
start = length(string) + start
case start >= 0 do
true -> slice(string, start, len)
false -> ""
defp do_count_bytes(next, 0, acc), do: {next, acc}
defp do_count_bytes(nil, _, acc), do: {nil, acc}
defp do_count_bytes({char, rest}, counter, acc) do
do_count_bytes(next_grapheme(rest), counter - 1, acc + byte_size(char))
@doc """
Returns a substring from the offset given by the start of the
range to the offset given by the end of the range.
If the start of the range is not a valid offset for the given
string or if the range is in reverse order, returns `""`.
If the start or end of the range are negative, the whole string
is traversed first in order to convert the negative indexes into
positive ones.
Remember this function works with unicode codepoints and consider
the slices to represent codepoints offsets. If you want to split
on raw bytes, check `Kernel.binary_part/3` instead.
## Examples
iex> String.slice("elixir", 1..3)
iex> String.slice("elixir", 1..10)
iex> String.slice("elixir", 10..3)
iex> String.slice("elixir", -4..-1)
iex> String.slice("elixir", 2..-1)
iex> String.slice("elixir", -4..6)
iex> String.slice("elixir", -1..-4)
iex> String.slice("elixir", -10..-7)
iex> String.slice("a", 0..1500)
iex> String.slice("a", 1..1500)
@spec slice(t, Range.t) :: t
def slice(string, range)
def slice("", _.._), do: ""
def slice(string, first..-1) when first >= 0 do
case do_count_bytes(next_grapheme(string), first, 0) do
{nil, _} -> ""
{_, start_bytes} -> binary_part(string, start_bytes, byte_size(string) - start_bytes)
def slice(string, first..last) when first >= 0 and last >= 0 do
if last >= first do
slice(string, first, last - first + 1)
def slice(string, first..last) do
{bytes, length} = do_acc_bytes(next_grapheme(string), [], 0)
if first < 0, do: first = length + first
if last < 0, do: last = length + last
if first < 0 or first > last or first > length do
last = min(last + 1, length)
bytes = Enum.drop(bytes, length - last)
first = last - first
{length_bytes, start_bytes} = Enum.split(bytes, first)
binary_part(string, Enum.sum(start_bytes), Enum.sum(length_bytes))
defp do_acc_bytes({char, rest}, bytes, length) do
do_acc_bytes(next_grapheme(rest), [byte_size(char)|bytes], length + 1)
defp do_acc_bytes(nil, bytes, length) do
{bytes, length}
@doc """
Returns `true` if `string` starts with any of the prefixes given, otherwise
`false`. `prefixes` can be either a single prefix or a list of prefixes.
## Examples
iex> String.starts_with? "elixir", "eli"
iex> String.starts_with? "elixir", ["erlang", "elixir"]
iex> String.starts_with? "elixir", ["erlang", "ruby"]
@spec starts_with?(t, t | [t]) :: boolean
def starts_with?(string, prefixes) when is_list(prefixes) do
Enum.any?(prefixes, &do_starts_with(string, &1))
def starts_with?(string, prefix) do
do_starts_with(string, prefix)
defp do_starts_with(string, "") when is_binary(string) do
defp do_starts_with(string, prefix) when is_binary(prefix) do
Kernel.match?({0, _}, :binary.match(string, prefix))
@doc """
Returns `true` if `string` ends with any of the suffixes given, otherwise
`false`. `suffixes` can be either a single suffix or a list of suffixes.
## Examples
iex> String.ends_with? "language", "age"
iex> String.ends_with? "language", ["youth", "age"]
iex> String.ends_with? "language", ["youth", "elixir"]
@spec ends_with?(t, t | [t]) :: boolean
def ends_with?(string, suffixes) when is_list(suffixes) do
Enum.any?(suffixes, &do_ends_with(string, &1))
def ends_with?(string, suffix) do
do_ends_with(string, suffix)
defp do_ends_with(string, "") when is_binary(string) do
defp do_ends_with(string, suffix) when is_binary(suffix) do
string_size = byte_size(string)
suffix_size = byte_size(suffix)
scope = {string_size - suffix_size, suffix_size}
(suffix_size <= string_size) and (:nomatch != :binary.match(string, suffix, [scope: scope]))
@doc """
Check if `string` matches the given regular expression.
## Examples
iex> String.match?("foo", ~r/foo/)
iex> String.match?("bar", ~r/foo/)
@spec match?(t, Regex.t) :: boolean
def match?(string, regex) do
Regex.match?(regex, string)
@doc """
Check if `string` contains any of the given `contents`.
`matches` can be either a single string or a list of strings.
## Examples
iex> String.contains? "elixir of life", "of"
iex> String.contains? "elixir of life", ["life", "death"]
iex> String.contains? "elixir of life", ["death", "mercury"]
@spec contains?(t, t | [t]) :: boolean
def contains?(string, contents) when is_list(contents) do
Enum.any?(contents, &do_contains(string, &1))
def contains?(string, content) do
do_contains(string, content)
defp do_contains(string, "") when is_binary(string) do
defp do_contains(string, match) when is_binary(match) do
:nomatch != :binary.match(string, match)
@doc """
Converts a string into a char list.
## Examples
iex> String.to_char_list("æß")
Notice that this function expects a list of integers representing
UTF-8 codepoints. If you have a raw binary, you must instead use
[the `:binary` module](
@spec to_char_list(t) :: char_list
def to_char_list(string) when is_binary(string) do
case :unicode.characters_to_list(string) do
result when is_list(result) ->
{:error, encoded, rest} ->
raise UnicodeConversionError, encoded: encoded, rest: rest, kind: :invalid
{:incomplete, encoded, rest} ->
raise UnicodeConversionError, encoded: encoded, rest: rest, kind: :incomplete
@doc """
Converts a string to an atom.
Currently Elixir does not support conversions from strings
which contains Unicode codepoints greater than 0xFF.
Inlined by the compiler.
## Examples
iex> String.to_atom("my_atom")
@spec to_atom(String.t) :: atom
def to_atom(string) do
:erlang.binary_to_atom(string, :utf8)
@doc """
Converts a string to an existing atom.
Currently Elixir does not support conversions from strings
which contains Unicode codepoints greater than 0xFF.
Inlined by the compiler.
## Examples
iex> :my_atom
iex> String.to_existing_atom("my_atom")
iex> String.to_existing_atom("this_atom_will_never_exist")
** (ArgumentError) argument error
@spec to_existing_atom(String.t) :: atom
def to_existing_atom(string) do
:erlang.binary_to_existing_atom(string, :utf8)
@doc """
Returns a integer whose text representation is `string`.
Inlined by the compiler.
## Examples
iex> String.to_integer("123")
@spec to_integer(String.t) :: integer
def to_integer(string) do
@doc """
Returns an integer whose text representation is `string` in base `base`.
Inlined by the compiler.
## Examples
iex> String.to_integer("3FF", 16)
@spec to_integer(String.t, 2..36) :: integer
def to_integer(string, base) do
:erlang.binary_to_integer(string, base)
@doc """
Returns a float whose text representation is `string`.
`string` must be the string representation of a float.
If a string representation of an integer wants to be used, then `Float.parse/1` should be used instead, otherwise an argument error will be raised.
Inlined by the compiler.
## Examples
iex> String.to_float("2.2017764e+0")
iex> String.to_float("3.0")
iex> String.to_existing_atom("this_atom_will_never_exist")
** (ArgumentError) argument error
@spec to_float(String.t) :: float
def to_float(string) do
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