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Last active July 16, 2016 12:48
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Enum.slice rewrite
defmodule Data do
@slice_counts [0, 1, 100, 990, ]
@terms [
:range, :range_single, :range_big, :range_huge,
:list, :list_empty, :list_single, :list_big, :list_huge,
:map, :map_empty, :map_single, :map_big, :map_huge,
:struct, :struct_empty, :struct_single, :struct_big, :struct_huge,
@range -499..500
@range_single 0..0
@range_big -49_999..50_000
@range_huge -249_999..250_000
@list @range |> Enum.to_list
@list_empty []
@list_single [1]
@list_big @range_big |> Enum.to_list
@list_huge @range_huge |> Enum.to_list
@map @list |> -> {v, v} end) |> Enum.into(%{})
@map_empty %{}
@map_single %{1 => 1}
@map_big @list_big |> -> {v, v} end) |> Enum.into(%{})
@map_huge @list_huge |> -> {v, v} end) |> Enum.into(%{})
def get_module,
do: [System.get_env["MODULE"]] |> Module.concat
def terms,
do: @terms
def get_term(:range),
do: @range
def get_term(:range_single),
do: @range_single
def get_term(:range_big),
do: @range_big
def get_term(:range_huge),
do: @range_huge
def get_term(:list),
do: @list
def get_term(:list_empty),
do: @list_empty
def get_term(:list_single),
do: @list_single
def get_term(:list_big),
do: @list_big
def get_term(:list_huge),
do: @list_huge
def get_term(:map),
do: @map
def get_term(:map_empty),
do: @map_empty
def get_term(:map_single),
do: @map_single
def get_term(:map_big),
do: @map_big
def get_term(:map_huge),
do: @map_huge
def get_term(:struct),
do: @struct
def get_term(:struct_empty),
do: @struct_empty
def get_term(:struct_single),
do: @struct_single
def get_term(:struct_big),
do: @struct_big
def get_term(:struct_huge),
do: @struct_huge
def slice_counts,
do: @slice_counts
defmodule EnumFetchBench do
import Data
IO.puts "#{System.get_env["MODULE"]}.slice/3 - Elixir v#{System.build_info[:build]}"
for term_name <- terms(), slice_count <- slice_counts() do
count = Enum.count(get_term(term_name))
defmodule :"#{term_name} (#{count} elem), slice_count: #{slice_count}" do
use Benchfella
@term_name term_name
@slice_count slice_count
@count count
@last @count - 1
@middle @last |> div(2)
@middle_neg abs(@middle) * -1
@past @count + 1_000
@past_neg abs(@count + 1_000) * -1
bench "first", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, 0, @slice_count)
bench "first (neg index)", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, -(@last), @slice_count)
bench "middle", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, @middle, @slice_count)
bench "middle (neg index)", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, @middle_neg, @slice_count)
bench "last", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, @last, @slice_count)
bench "last (neg index)", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, -1, @slice_count)
bench "out of bound", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, @past_neg, @slice_count)
bench "out of bound (neg index)", [module: get_module(), term: get_term(@term_name)] do
module.slice(term, @past_neg, @slice_count)
$ exenv local master &&
> MODULE=EnumSlice.Original mix bench bench/enum_slice_bench.exs -d 3 &&
> MODULE=EnumSlice.Rewritten mix bench bench/enum_slice_bench.exs -d 3 &&
> mix bench.cmp -d percent; bell
EnumSlice.Original.slice/3 - Elixir v1.4.0-dev (8b99214)
duration: 3.0 s
Finished in 5711.31 seconds
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.41 µs/op
last 10000000 0.42 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.68 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.69 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.71 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 12160.24 µs/op
middle 100 35617.77 µs/op
last 100 56980.11 µs/op
out of bound 50 90136.48 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 91216.00 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 91433.64 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 95145.14 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 98145.58 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle 100000 49.49 µs/op
last 50000 99.41 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 150.82 µs/op
out of bound 50000 151.10 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 152.29 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 159.44 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 164.33 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.09 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 142.66 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 142.86 µs/op
out of bound 50000 144.08 µs/op
middle 10000 686.62 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000 833.82 µs/op
last 5000 1363.74 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000 1566.49 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle 1000 4740.20 µs/op
last 500 9572.82 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 15089.91 µs/op
out of bound 500 15102.75 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 15255.80 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 15317.89 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 15318.40 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.29 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.29 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.29 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.29 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.53 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.53 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.53 µs/op
last 10000000 0.54 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 20.62 µs/op
middle 100000 63.51 µs/op
last 50000 104.40 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 167.08 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 167.17 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 167.98 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 168.06 µs/op
out of bound 50000 168.07 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 1000 3723.43 µs/op
middle 1000 7132.40 µs/op
last 500 13542.53 µs/op
out of bound 500 20282.54 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 20994.53 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 21372.87 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 21863.01 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 24508.14 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
last 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.54 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.55 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.63 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.63 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.80 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 20.43 µs/op
middle 100000 63.11 µs/op
last 50000 103.60 µs/op
out of bound 50000 167.03 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 168.67 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 168.84 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 174.57 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 181.31 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 1000 3011.63 µs/op
middle 1000 7469.46 µs/op
last 500 11897.11 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 20278.89 µs/op
out of bound 500 21284.65 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 24580.95 µs/op
middle (neg index) 200 29311.51 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100 30531.68 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000 36.04 µs/op
middle 100000 74.59 µs/op
last 50000 110.77 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 184.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 195.41 µs/op
out of bound 50000 205.65 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 212.96 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 224.62 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 15610.84 µs/op
middle 100 37513.82 µs/op
last 100 61745.66 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 103338.38 µs/op
out of bound 50 103587.92 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 105947.00 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 106833.64 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 110724.32 µs/op
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 10000000 0.46 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.47 µs/op
first 10000000 0.48 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.55 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.58 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.73 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.90 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.07 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 10000000 0.42 µs/op
last 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.42 µs/op
first 10000000 0.42 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.43 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.78 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.79 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.86 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle 200 23409.19 µs/op
last 100 47861.35 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100 83490.58 µs/op
out of bound 100 84739.91 µs/op
first (neg index) 100 87191.30 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 88484.08 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 90478.84 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 1000 3072.67 µs/op
middle 1000 7371.24 µs/op
last 500 13055.17 µs/op
out of bound 500 20253.86 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 20925.56 µs/op
middle (neg index) 200 20962.87 µs/op
last (neg index) 200 21834.27 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 22027.22 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 200000 26.73 µs/op
middle 100000 68.89 µs/op
last 50000 123.27 µs/op
out of bound 50000 199.36 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 205.56 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 209.60 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 209.74 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 233.11 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 2000 2794.11 µs/op
middle 1000 6748.21 µs/op
last 500 12026.15 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 18162.18 µs/op
out of bound 500 18174.33 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 18929.24 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 20038.18 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 22018.76 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 5000000 2.28 µs/op
out of bound 50000 142.77 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 142.83 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 146.29 µs/op
middle 10000 678.47 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000 826.55 µs/op
last 5000 1373.08 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000 1535.76 µs/op
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first (neg index) 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.41 µs/op
first 10000000 0.41 µs/op
last 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.42 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.68 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.72 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.82 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first (neg index) 10000000 0.33 µs/op
first 100000000 0.34 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.34 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
last 10000000 0.54 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.55 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.58 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.74 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.07 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.14 µs/op
last 100000000 0.14 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 12199.43 µs/op
middle 100 34855.81 µs/op
last 100 55246.65 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 90692.76 µs/op
out of bound 50 90806.24 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 91109.96 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 92790.34 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 93017.66 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first 10000000 0.40 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.41 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.79 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.80 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.86 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
first 100000000 0.28 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.29 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.29 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.47 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.48 µs/op
last 10000000 0.48 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.48 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 12738.58 µs/op
middle 100 35616.32 µs/op
last 100 58201.40 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 94456.82 µs/op
out of bound 50 95145.48 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 99924.54 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 130406.62 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 139654.94 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.43 µs/op
middle 1000 5072.98 µs/op
last 500 12552.66 µs/op
out of bound 500 15159.93 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 15164.39 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 16138.69 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 16536.93 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 17354.42 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000 37.51 µs/op
middle 100000 79.79 µs/op
last 50000 119.90 µs/op
out of bound 50000 189.89 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 190.45 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 191.90 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 200.14 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 207.71 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 50000 93.40 µs/op
last 50000 99.57 µs/op
first 50000 110.40 µs/op
out of bound 50000 150.03 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 154.35 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 166.26 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 181.59 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 190.78 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.13 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.07 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.07 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.07 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
last 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.13 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.14 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.15 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 1000 4154.21 µs/op
middle 1000 7670.21 µs/op
last 500 12410.09 µs/op
first (neg index) 200 20705.54 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 21128.17 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 25599.15 µs/op
out of bound 200 28098.85 µs/op
last (neg index) 200 31368.46 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 5000000 1.53 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.55 µs/op
first 5000000 2.33 µs/op
first (neg index) 1000000 3.89 µs/op
middle 500000 9.30 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 10.61 µs/op
last 500000 13.74 µs/op
last (neg index) 500000 15.36 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first 10000000 0.41 µs/op
last 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.41 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.79 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.79 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.82 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.41 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.42 µs/op
last 10000000 0.43 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.47 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.58 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.63 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.63 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.84 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle 100000 50.57 µs/op
last 50000 96.40 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 151.18 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 151.30 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 151.91 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 152.73 µs/op
out of bound 50000 159.73 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.37 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.38 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.38 µs/op
last 10000000 0.38 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.39 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.58 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.59 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.67 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 2000 2492.39 µs/op
middle 1000 7381.00 µs/op
last 500 11583.08 µs/op
out of bound 500 18124.77 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 18139.94 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 18247.22 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 18297.07 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 18478.09 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 10.14 µs/op
middle 200 23117.58 µs/op
last 100 48160.91 µs/op
first (neg index) 100 84060.61 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100 84503.47 µs/op
out of bound 100 84568.53 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 87350.08 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 92734.62 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 50000 109.46 µs/op
middle 1000 6393.48 µs/op
last 500 11959.57 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 15194.38 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 15196.21 µs/op
out of bound 500 15946.63 µs/op
last (neg index) 200 16387.44 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 19179.67 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.29 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.30 µs/op
first 100000000 0.30 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.38 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.39 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
last 10000000 0.58 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 2000 2502.25 µs/op
middle 1000 7210.82 µs/op
last 500 11514.52 µs/op
out of bound 500 18166.20 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 18315.18 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 19024.21 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 19323.57 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 19797.18 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.42 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.43 µs/op
last 10000000 0.44 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.79 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.79 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.87 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.07 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.07 µs/op
first 100000000 0.07 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.13 µs/op
last 100000000 0.14 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 5000000 2.30 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 800.95 µs/op
out of bound 10000 801.89 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 801.97 µs/op
middle 1000 3454.39 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 4247.92 µs/op
last 1000 7074.42 µs/op
last (neg index) 1000 8030.90 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 16259.35 µs/op
middle 100 40117.90 µs/op
last 100 62872.85 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 106719.40 µs/op
out of bound 50 108785.12 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 110314.72 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 112792.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 139817.56 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
last 100000000 0.09 µs/op
first 100000000 0.09 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.09 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.17 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 2000 2468.84 µs/op
middle 1000 7211.19 µs/op
last 500 12018.47 µs/op
out of bound 500 18139.90 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 18891.76 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 19962.33 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 22465.27 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 22517.13 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 200000 22.39 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 794.23 µs/op
out of bound 10000 794.80 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 830.05 µs/op
middle 1000 3698.45 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 4531.25 µs/op
last 1000 7064.30 µs/op
last (neg index) 1000 8080.21 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.08 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last 100000000 0.12 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 50000 115.87 µs/op
middle 200 23254.31 µs/op
last 100 62331.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 85970.74 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 87445.96 µs/op
out of bound 50 87550.42 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 93016.84 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 127239.02 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 50000 101.83 µs/op
middle 50000 110.83 µs/op
first 50000 119.91 µs/op
out of bound 50000 166.83 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 167.88 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 181.52 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 189.69 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 197.67 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.25 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.25 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.26 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.38 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.38 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.39 µs/op
last 10000000 0.39 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.11 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.53 µs/op
out of bound 5000000 1.54 µs/op
first (neg index) 5000000 1.65 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 8.38 µs/op
middle 1000000 8.95 µs/op
last 500000 14.53 µs/op
last (neg index) 500000 16.02 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.07 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.07 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.52 µs/op
first (neg index) 5000000 1.55 µs/op
middle (neg index) 5000000 1.57 µs/op
out of bound 5000000 1.58 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.59 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.40 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.40 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.41 µs/op
last 10000000 0.42 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.60 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.60 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.67 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 15582.06 µs/op
middle 100 38192.82 µs/op
last 100 60533.26 µs/op
out of bound 50 101632.00 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 102194.04 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 102278.32 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 103838.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 103887.72 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.07 µs/op
last 100000000 0.07 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000 795.22 µs/op
out of bound 10000 799.67 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 803.39 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 818.22 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000 824.09 µs/op
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.45 µs/op
last 10000000 0.45 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.47 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.63 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.63 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.71 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.85 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.86 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.09 µs/op
out of bound 10000 799.49 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 801.70 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 812.75 µs/op
middle 1000 3497.47 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 4316.97 µs/op
last 1000 6934.65 µs/op
last (neg index) 1000 7883.91 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.26 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
first 100000000 0.26 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.38 µs/op
last 10000000 0.39 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.39 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.39 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 10.27 µs/op
middle 1000 4898.60 µs/op
last 500 9869.52 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 500 15293.40 µs/op
out of bound 500 15382.54 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 15942.63 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500 17191.62 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 20579.58 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 23.69 µs/op
out of bound 50000 142.59 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 145.60 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 167.62 µs/op
middle 10000 721.34 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000 866.67 µs/op
last 5000 1422.30 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000 1578.98 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 9.90 µs/op
middle 100000 57.71 µs/op
last 50000 102.23 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 148.09 µs/op
out of bound 50000 149.29 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 157.93 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 158.03 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 166.00 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.07 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.07 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 142.73 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 142.94 µs/op
out of bound 50000 145.16 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 146.18 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 146.34 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.29 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.29 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.30 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.34 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.54 µs/op
last 10000000 0.54 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.56 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.76 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 5000000 1.53 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.54 µs/op
last 500000 14.60 µs/op
last (neg index) 500000 16.34 µs/op
middle 500000 19.58 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 21.38 µs/op
first (neg index) 200000 26.37 µs/op
first 200000 32.75 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 200000 25.29 µs/op
middle 100000 66.88 µs/op
last 50000 121.09 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 191.40 µs/op
out of bound 50000 192.07 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 192.62 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 193.65 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 195.86 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 12239.28 µs/op
middle 100 35538.12 µs/op
last 100 56538.23 µs/op
out of bound 50 91267.82 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 91489.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 91780.16 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 94422.48 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 98330.30 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.26 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.26 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.38 µs/op
last 10000000 0.39 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.39 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.39 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.09 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.09 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
last 100000000 0.09 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.17 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500 16085.87 µs/op
middle 100 37264.00 µs/op
last 100 59955.25 µs/op
first (neg index) 50 103838.84 µs/op
out of bound 50 105633.44 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50 106615.34 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 108954.40 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50 111288.88 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 10000000 0.43 µs/op
middle 200 25182.85 µs/op
last 100 47202.20 µs/op
first (neg index) 100 83568.62 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100 84134.16 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 84138.20 µs/op
out of bound 100 84374.94 µs/op
last (neg index) 50 88311.22 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 50000 115.49 µs/op
last 50000 119.99 µs/op
first 50000 123.36 µs/op
out of bound 50000 191.49 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 192.73 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 205.54 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 213.63 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 216.68 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.09 µs/op
last 100000000 0.09 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.09 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.09 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.12 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.12 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.17 µs/op
EnumSlice.Rewritten.slice/3 - Elixir v1.4.0-dev (8b99214)
duration: 3.0 s
Finished in 6951.31 seconds
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 12224.64 µs/op
first 500 12643.27 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 35213.95 µs/op
middle 100 36424.96 µs/op
last (neg index) 100 56994.57 µs/op
last 100 59164.27 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.17 µs/op
last 100000000 0.17 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.18 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.49 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.49 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.49 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.13 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 143.35 µs/op
out of bound 50000 143.57 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 143.67 µs/op
middle 10000 541.14 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000 668.65 µs/op
last 5000 1053.39 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000 1230.31 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first (neg index) 10000000 0.30 µs/op
last 10000000 0.31 µs/op
first 100000000 0.31 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.31 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.31 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.32 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.33 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.36 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.31 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.33 µs/op
first (neg index) 1000 3036.43 µs/op
first 1000 3376.20 µs/op
middle 1000 6484.25 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 6487.10 µs/op
last 500 9811.96 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 9874.20 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
first 500000 20.68 µs/op
first (neg index) 500000 21.21 µs/op
middle 100000 51.99 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 52.32 µs/op
last 100000 83.68 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000 84.28 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.32 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.33 µs/op
first 100000 31.15 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000 31.75 µs/op
middle 100000 74.43 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 76.25 µs/op
last 50000 105.09 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 146.87 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.30 µs/op
first 500 16938.22 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 18274.82 µs/op
middle 100 40306.29 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 42240.56 µs/op
last (neg index) 100 64234.48 µs/op
last 100 65184.59 µs/op
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.31 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.31 µs/op
first (neg index) 5000000 1.04 µs/op
first 5000000 1.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 5000000 1.06 µs/op
last 5000000 1.08 µs/op
middle 5000000 1.08 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.69 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.30 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.32 µs/op
last 10000000 0.57 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.58 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.59 µs/op
first 10000000 0.60 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.60 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.11 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 100000000 0.20 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.21 µs/op
first 100000000 0.22 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.31 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.47 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.50 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.50 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.56 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.24 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.24 µs/op
first 1000 3103.26 µs/op
first (neg index) 1000 3231.01 µs/op
middle 1000 7065.94 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 7078.80 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 12132.76 µs/op
last 500 12151.29 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.23 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.23 µs/op
first 200000 25.61 µs/op
first (neg index) 200000 26.20 µs/op
middle 100000 57.59 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 58.76 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000 86.84 µs/op
last 100000 87.34 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
first 2000 2607.37 µs/op
first (neg index) 2000 2641.20 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 6701.54 µs/op
middle 1000 6715.49 µs/op
last 500 11355.38 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 11363.70 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 5000000 2.80 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 143.08 µs/op
out of bound 50000 143.47 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 146.20 µs/op
middle 10000 722.45 µs/op
middle (neg index) 5000 867.69 µs/op
last 5000 1444.93 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000 1606.63 µs/op
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.16 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.17 µs/op
last 100000000 0.17 µs/op
first 100000000 0.19 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.19 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.32 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.32 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.44 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.31 µs/op
last 100000000 0.34 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.42 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.43 µs/op
first 10000000 0.43 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.46 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.31 µs/op
last 10000000 0.74 µs/op
first 10000000 0.74 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.76 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.78 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.78 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 1.04 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first 100000000 0.07 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
first 500 12287.09 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 12341.38 µs/op
middle 100 34929.12 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 35515.85 µs/op
last 100 55278.14 µs/op
last (neg index) 100 55403.31 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.20 µs/op
last 100000000 0.20 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.21 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.31 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000000 0.46 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.49 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.50 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.60 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.24 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.24 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000 36.72 µs/op
first 100000 38.52 µs/op
middle 100000 84.61 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 84.64 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 119.53 µs/op
last 50000 125.80 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last 5000000 1.09 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.65 µs/op
middle 100000 40.71 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 42.29 µs/op
first 100000 84.89 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000 84.97 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.11 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.14 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.14 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.15 µs/op
last 100000000 0.21 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.24 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.26 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.23 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.23 µs/op
first (neg index) 1000 3089.08 µs/op
first 1000 3262.23 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 7203.52 µs/op
middle 1000 7245.47 µs/op
last 500 11715.82 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 11794.79 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 5000000 1.62 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.63 µs/op
first 5000000 2.33 µs/op
first (neg index) 1000000 4.08 µs/op
middle 500000 9.33 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 10.98 µs/op
last 500000 13.71 µs/op
last (neg index) 500000 15.36 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last 10000000 0.57 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.58 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.58 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.58 µs/op
first 10000000 0.58 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.92 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.67 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.67 µs/op
first 10000000 0.69 µs/op
last 10000000 0.69 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.86 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.02 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.29 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.29 µs/op
last 5000000 1.08 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.83 µs/op
middle 500000 9.72 µs/op
first 500000 9.74 µs/op
first (neg index) 500000 10.11 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 10.21 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last 5000000 1.10 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.66 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000 84.77 µs/op
first 100000 85.26 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 85.62 µs/op
middle 100000 85.82 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.30 µs/op
last 10000000 0.36 µs/op
first 10000000 0.38 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.45 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.46 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
first (neg index) 2000 2465.62 µs/op
first 2000 2535.40 µs/op
middle 1000 7050.09 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 7247.11 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 11845.22 µs/op
last 500 12196.25 µs/op
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.30 µs/op
out of bound 10000000 0.46 µs/op
first 10000000 0.58 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.59 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.60 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.61 µs/op
last 10000000 0.74 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.09 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle 100000000 0.13 µs/op
first 100000000 0.13 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.14 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.15 µs/op
last 100000000 0.26 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 5000000 2.77 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 796.10 µs/op
out of bound 10000 796.18 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 829.04 µs/op
middle 1000 3685.57 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 4305.91 µs/op
last 1000 7265.91 µs/op
last (neg index) 1000 8117.15 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.26 µs/op
first 500 16911.00 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 17421.92 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 33859.17 µs/op
middle 100 35366.16 µs/op
last 100 47838.09 µs/op
last (neg index) 100 48843.39 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 100000000 0.15 µs/op
first 100000000 0.16 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.16 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.16 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.16 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.22 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.22 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.51 µs/op
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.30 µs/op
first 2000 2626.53 µs/op
first (neg index) 2000 2633.66 µs/op
middle 1000 5522.62 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 5695.36 µs/op
last 500 8931.84 µs/op
last (neg index) 500 9038.69 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 22.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 798.94 µs/op
out of bound 10000 808.96 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 828.24 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 4506.44 µs/op
middle 1000 5342.49 µs/op
last 1000 6939.01 µs/op
last (neg index) 1000 8396.15 µs/op
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.13 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.13 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.13 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.15 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.26 µs/op
last 100000000 0.27 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.31 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last 5000000 1.09 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.66 µs/op
first 100000 84.45 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000 85.40 µs/op
middle 100000 85.50 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000 91.22 µs/op
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 103.04 µs/op
last 50000 105.27 µs/op
middle 50000 109.16 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 109.70 µs/op
first 50000 121.52 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 125.32 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.13 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.62 µs/op
out of bound 5000000 1.64 µs/op
first (neg index) 5000000 1.90 µs/op
middle 1000000 5.41 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000000 7.19 µs/op
last 500000 10.73 µs/op
last (neg index) 500000 12.55 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last 10000000 0.60 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.61 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.62 µs/op
first 10000000 0.62 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.62 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 0.95 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
last 100000000 0.06 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 100000000 0.27 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
middle (neg index) 5000000 1.02 µs/op
first 5000000 1.03 µs/op
first (neg index) 5000000 1.03 µs/op
middle 5000000 1.03 µs/op
last 5000000 1.04 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.60 µs/op
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 100000000 0.13 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 10000 796.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000 797.52 µs/op
out of bound 10000 800.29 µs/op
middle (neg index) 1000 3832.97 µs/op
middle 1000 4086.83 µs/op
last 1000 5655.42 µs/op
last (neg index) 1000 6414.56 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.23 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.23 µs/op
last 100000000 0.23 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.23 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.37 µs/op
first 10000000 0.37 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.41 µs/op
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 10000000 0.30 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.32 µs/op
last 5000000 1.50 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.74 µs/op
first 500000 9.86 µs/op
first (neg index) 500000 10.42 µs/op
middle 500000 11.12 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 11.57 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
first 500000 22.19 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 50000 143.57 µs/op
out of bound 50000 143.93 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 166.78 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000 895.98 µs/op
middle 10000 933.10 µs/op
last 5000 1517.89 µs/op
last (neg index) 2000 1549.78 µs/op
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound 10000000 0.30 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.33 µs/op
last 5000000 1.17 µs/op
last (neg index) 5000000 1.73 µs/op
first 500000 9.93 µs/op
middle 500000 9.96 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 10.20 µs/op
first (neg index) 500000 13.37 µs/op
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
last (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
last 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.28 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.28 µs/op
first 10000000 0.40 µs/op
middle 10000000 0.41 µs/op
middle (neg index) 10000000 0.42 µs/op
first (neg index) 10000000 0.43 µs/op
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 5000000 1.62 µs/op
out of bound 5000000 1.66 µs/op
last 500000 14.60 µs/op
last (neg index) 500000 16.53 µs/op
middle (neg index) 500000 21.25 µs/op
middle 500000 22.97 µs/op
first 200000 22.97 µs/op
first (neg index) 200000 34.12 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.30 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.32 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 13026.03 µs/op
first 500 13089.98 µs/op
middle (neg index) 200 29498.33 µs/op
middle 100 30389.56 µs/op
last (neg index) 100 43344.39 µs/op
last 100 45376.45 µs/op
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.22 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.22 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.24 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.26 µs/op
last 100000000 0.27 µs/op
first 10000000 0.30 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.15 µs/op
first 100000000 0.15 µs/op
last 100000000 0.17 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.17 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.17 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.22 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.22 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.40 µs/op
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.31 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.33 µs/op
first 500 16849.74 µs/op
first (neg index) 500 16984.76 µs/op
middle 100 37996.64 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100 39059.26 µs/op
last (neg index) 100 59712.55 µs/op
last 100 60439.92 µs/op
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
benchmark name iterations average time
first (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.05 µs/op
first 100000000 0.05 µs/op
last 100000000 0.05 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.06 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.06 µs/op
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
benchmark name iterations average time
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.23 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.23 µs/op
middle (neg index) 50000 117.23 µs/op
middle 50000 119.25 µs/op
first 50000 119.87 µs/op
last 50000 120.41 µs/op
last (neg index) 50000 120.69 µs/op
first (neg index) 50000 120.79 µs/op
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
benchmark name iterations average time
middle (neg index) 100000000 0.16 µs/op
last 100000000 0.17 µs/op
first (neg index) 100000000 0.17 µs/op
middle 100000000 0.17 µs/op
first 100000000 0.17 µs/op
out of bound 100000000 0.25 µs/op
out of bound (neg index) 100000000 0.25 µs/op
last (neg index) 10000000 0.59 µs/op
bench/snapshots/2016-07-16_01-47-16.snapshot vs
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
last (neg index) -92.11%
out of bound -92.02%
out of bound (neg index) -91.98%
first -87.02%
last -86.94%
first (neg index) -86.48%
middle -86.25%
middle (neg index) -85.61%
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -86.60%
middle (neg index) -62.99%
last (neg index) -41.93%
middle +2.27%
last +3.83%
first +3.97%
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
last -99.83%
out of bound (neg index) -99.82%
out of bound -99.82%
last (neg index) -99.70%
middle (neg index) -99.69%
first (neg index) -99.68%
middle -99.64%
first -59.79%
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
last -22.76%
last (neg index) -21.46%
middle -21.19%
middle (neg index) -19.81%
out of bound -0.35%
out of bound (neg index) +0.48%
first (neg index) +0.57%
first +41.42%
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -86.79%
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
last -42.96%
last (neg index) -42.28%
out of bound -41.08%
out of bound (neg index) -37.64%
first (neg index) +2.35%
first +6.08%
middle +11.45%
middle (neg index) +24.19%
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -99.97%
out of bound -99.97%
middle (neg index) -99.97%
last (neg index) -99.97%
first (neg index) -99.97%
last -99.95%
middle -99.92%
first -99.74%
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -85.79%
middle (neg index) -69.10%
last (neg index) -54.84%
last -27.55%
first -9.33%
middle -9.09%
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound -93.35%
last (neg index) -91.53%
out of bound (neg index) -91.05%
first (neg index) -90.22%
middle -90.19%
first -87.02%
last -86.78%
middle (neg index) -86.65%
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -99.84%
out of bound -99.84%
first (neg index) -87.44%
middle (neg index) -70.03%
last (neg index) -53.52%
last -19.23%
middle -17.61%
first +1.27%
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -100.00%
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound -99.85%
out of bound (neg index) -99.83%
first (neg index) -85.09%
middle (neg index) -58.62%
last (neg index) -34.61%
first -13.57%
last -5.13%
middle -0.21%
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -82.75%
middle (neg index) -60.46%
last (neg index) -41.99%
last +5.57%
middle +7.44%
first +8.50%
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound -65.62%
out of bound (neg index) -57.94%
last (neg index) +57.88%
middle (neg index) +81.84%
first (neg index) +89.34%
first +121.49%
middle +131.09%
last +133.43%
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -61.77%
out of bound -58.95%
last (neg index) +28.83%
last +35.13%
first (neg index) +36.86%
first +40.02%
middle +40.15%
middle (neg index) +43.20%
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -47.92%
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -85.33%
middle (neg index) -66.23%
last (neg index) -44.43%
last -6.92%
middle -4.14%
first +1.00%
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -99.90%
out of bound -99.88%
first (neg index) -87.25%
middle (neg index) -71.96%
last (neg index) -58.60%
last -29.15%
middle -16.41%
first -4.18%
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -88.00%
middle (neg index) -64.60%
last (neg index) -43.29%
first -6.68%
last -5.58%
middle -0.48%
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
first (neg index) -0.06%
out of bound (neg index) +0.17%
out of bound +0.49%
last (neg index) +4.61%
middle (neg index) +4.98%
last +5.23%
middle +6.48%
first +22.54%
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
middle -61.17%
middle (neg index) -59.47%
last -58.94%
out of bound (neg index) -55.33%
first -54.09%
first (neg index) -53.77%
out of bound -52.70%
last (neg index) -46.26%
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
last (neg index) -58.15%
out of bound -51.45%
out of bound (neg index) -48.67%
last -36.79%
middle (neg index) +6.17%
middle +25.27%
first +29.50%
first (neg index) +40.61%
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
last -62.02%
last (neg index) -59.89%
out of bound -56.85%
out of bound (neg index) -54.75%
first (neg index) -24.48%
middle (neg index) -17.03%
middle -15.46%
first -11.25%
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -100.00%
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound -65.37%
out of bound (neg index) -60.53%
last (neg index) +20.14%
first +84.86%
last +85.15%
middle (neg index) +90.48%
first (neg index) +90.51%
middle +91.03%
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
last (neg index) -88.14%
out of bound -88.03%
last -88.00%
out of bound (neg index) -87.65%
middle -81.29%
middle (neg index) -80.59%
first (neg index) -79.61%
first -76.91%
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -86.93%
middle (neg index) -64.46%
last (neg index) -60.33%
last -5.02%
first -3.54%
middle -1.93%
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -53.91%
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -99.87%
out of bound -99.87%
first (neg index) -80.86%
middle (neg index) -57.71%
last (neg index) -42.45%
first +2.69%
last +4.92%
middle +6.04%
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -99.82%
out of bound -99.81%
last (neg index) -99.01%
last -98.91%
middle (neg index) -76.71%
middle -56.41%
first (neg index) -55.46%
first -23.11%
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
last (neg index) -60.01%
out of bound -53.51%
out of bound (neg index) -53.41%
first -13.59%
last -12.13%
first (neg index) -11.25%
middle -10.98%
middle (neg index) -10.23%
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) +66.30%
first (neg index) +67.18%
first +72.47%
last +74.70%
last (neg index) +86.33%
middle (neg index) +93.00%
middle +98.23%
out of bound +104.66%
## :"map_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -85.08%
middle (neg index) -71.86%
last (neg index) -62.40%
first -21.47%
last -5.59%
middle -5.54%
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
last -0.26%
first -0.16%
last (neg index) -0.04%
middle +0.34%
middle (neg index) +3.51%
first (neg index) +4.98%
out of bound (neg index) +5.21%
out of bound +6.20%
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 0"
last (neg index) -93.57%
out of bound -93.39%
out of bound (neg index) -93.35%
middle -87.42%
middle (neg index) -87.06%
last -87.04%
first -87.03%
first (neg index) -86.79%
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound -60.15%
out of bound (neg index) -54.75%
middle (neg index) -0.40%
last (neg index) +10.53%
middle +23.97%
last +32.53%
first (neg index) +37.51%
first +43.89%
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound -99.97%
first (neg index) -99.97%
out of bound (neg index) -99.96%
middle (neg index) -99.96%
last (neg index) -99.96%
last -99.94%
middle -99.89%
first -87.52%
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -56.51%
out of bound -56.33%
last (neg index) +51.80%
middle +76.37%
middle (neg index) +79.25%
last +80.54%
first +83.89%
first (neg index) +123.92%
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -100.00%
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
middle (neg index) -99.99%
first (neg index) -99.99%
middle -99.96%
first -3.98%
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
last (neg index) -99.99%
last -99.99%
middle (neg index) -99.55%
first (neg index) -99.44%
middle -98.66%
first -22.11%
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
last -37.59%
out of bound -34.05%
out of bound (neg index) -31.15%
last (neg index) -25.18%
first +24.56%
first (neg index) +36.40%
middle +57.09%
middle (neg index) +74.45%
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -86.54%
middle (neg index) -62.50%
last (neg index) -40.17%
middle -2.23%
first +1.32%
last +5.92%
## :"struct_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -61.88%
out of bound -41.47%
last (neg index) +25.85%
first +37.30%
first (neg index) +38.67%
middle +40.66%
middle (neg index) +41.58%
last +69.64%
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
first (neg index) +72.50%
last +79.88%
middle +92.00%
first +94.10%
out of bound +101.05%
middle (neg index) +113.76%
last (neg index) +115.24%
out of bound (neg index) +119.04%
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound -0.71%
out of bound (neg index) -0.61%
last (neg index) +1.07%
middle (neg index) +1.37%
last +2.71%
first (neg index) +3.38%
middle +6.69%
first +20.41%
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -84.21%
middle (neg index) -75.78%
last (neg index) -56.70%
last -23.91%
middle -11.84%
first +4.01%
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 1"
last +63.53%
first +72.33%
middle +74.54%
middle (neg index) +77.14%
out of bound (neg index) +79.03%
first (neg index) +79.83%
out of bound +83.38%
last (neg index) +203.98%
## :"struct_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -88.30%
middle (neg index) -69.85%
last (neg index) -54.72%
last -25.68%
middle -23.42%
first +6.39%
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
last -1.77%
middle (neg index) -0.55%
first -0.50%
first (neg index) -0.22%
out of bound (neg index) +0.59%
out of bound +1.78%
last (neg index) +3.91%
middle +44.45%
## :"list_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
first (neg index) +75.77%
first +103.51%
middle +104.19%
middle (neg index) +109.41%
out of bound (neg index) +111.26%
out of bound +120.12%
last +123.62%
last (neg index) +162.31%
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
middle (neg index) -99.93%
first (neg index) -99.90%
middle -99.63%
first -27.12%
## :"struct (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -99.84%
out of bound -99.84%
last (neg index) -43.23%
middle (neg index) -42.17%
first (neg index) -36.60%
middle -1.51%
first +1.34%
last +3.37%
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound -85.77%
last -85.69%
last (neg index) -85.10%
out of bound (neg index) -84.19%
first (neg index) -80.29%
middle (neg index) -79.03%
first -78.50%
middle -78.41%
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 1"
middle -39.52%
last -26.12%
last (neg index) -21.70%
middle (neg index) -14.24%
out of bound +6.12%
out of bound (neg index) +6.42%
first +14.82%
first (neg index) +15.11%
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
last (neg index) -96.57%
middle (neg index) -96.52%
out of bound -96.42%
first (neg index) -96.37%
out of bound (neg index) -96.31%
middle -22.46%
last -15.29%
first -9.71%
## :"map_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -55.26%
out of bound -52.70%
last (neg index) +41.51%
last +44.31%
middle +50.80%
middle (neg index) +50.91%
first (neg index) +52.41%
first +55.91%
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -100.00%
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -99.99%
out of bound -99.99%
middle (neg index) -99.99%
last (neg index) -99.99%
first (neg index) -99.99%
last -24.48%
middle -21.27%
first -13.75%
## :"range_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -68.03%
out of bound -61.61%
first (neg index) +64.36%
middle +65.10%
last (neg index) +89.54%
middle (neg index) +116.77%
first +127.50%
last +129.01%
## :"list_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
last (neg index) -18.64%
last -18.45%
middle (neg index) -11.21%
out of bound (neg index) -2.06%
first (neg index) -0.52%
out of bound +0.10%
middle +16.85%
first +46.53%
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound -41.99%
out of bound (neg index) -41.27%
last -40.67%
last (neg index) -39.43%
middle (neg index) +41.34%
first +41.93%
first (neg index) +49.22%
middle +56.39%
## :"range_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
last (neg index) -99.99%
last -99.98%
middle (neg index) -99.93%
first (neg index) -99.93%
middle -99.77%
first -3.96%
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 990"
first -6.34%
last (neg index) -1.85%
out of bound (neg index) -1.39%
first (neg index) -0.50%
out of bound +0.94%
middle (neg index) +3.38%
last +6.72%
middle +29.36%
## :"range (1000 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound -99.80%
out of bound (neg index) -99.78%
last (neg index) -98.96%
last -98.85%
middle (neg index) -93.54%
first (neg index) -91.53%
middle -82.74%
first +0.27%
## :"list_big (100000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -99.96%
out of bound -99.96%
middle (neg index) -99.96%
last (neg index) -99.96%
first (neg index) -99.96%
middle -25.51%
last -24.95%
first -17.87%
## :"struct_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 100"
out of bound -63.13%
out of bound (neg index) -49.91%
last -49.18%
last (neg index) -48.63%
middle (neg index) +26.17%
first +39.01%
middle +40.95%
first (neg index) +46.12%
## :"list (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
first -29.87%
middle (neg index) -0.59%
last +0.01%
last (neg index) +1.18%
out of bound (neg index) +5.68%
out of bound +8.50%
middle +17.27%
first (neg index) +29.40%
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -99.97%
out of bound -99.97%
middle (neg index) -99.97%
last (neg index) -99.97%
first (neg index) -99.97%
last -99.96%
middle -99.92%
first -99.79%
## :"struct_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 1"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -85.81%
middle (neg index) -68.76%
last (neg index) -55.92%
last -19.74%
middle -14.49%
first +6.95%
## :"map_empty (0 elem), slice_count: 1"
last (neg index) -40.07%
out of bound -34.72%
out of bound (neg index) -33.81%
last -30.30%
middle -16.43%
middle (neg index) -15.69%
first (neg index) -6.96%
first +18.76%
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 990"
middle (neg index) +63.39%
first +70.90%
out of bound +78.91%
out of bound (neg index) +79.00%
last +85.65%
middle +91.82%
first (neg index) +92.48%
last (neg index) +140.38%
## :"map_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
first (neg index) -83.64%
middle (neg index) -63.36%
last (neg index) -45.19%
last +0.81%
middle +1.97%
first +4.75%
## :"range_huge (500000 elem), slice_count: 0"
out of bound (neg index) -100.00%
out of bound -100.00%
middle (neg index) -100.00%
middle -100.00%
last (neg index) -100.00%
last -100.00%
first (neg index) -100.00%
first -87.34%
## :"map (1000 elem), slice_count: 990"
out of bound (neg index) -99.88%
out of bound -99.88%
middle (neg index) -45.12%
first (neg index) -44.26%
last (neg index) -41.28%
first -2.82%
last +0.35%
middle +3.26%
## :"list_single (1 elem), slice_count: 100"
middle (neg index) +70.88%
first (neg index) +88.78%
middle +90.24%
last +90.76%
first +93.57%
out of bound +108.41%
out of bound (neg index) +110.80%
last (neg index) +252.79%
defmodule EnumSlice.Original do
def slice(enumerable, first..last) when first >= 0 and last >= 0 do
# Simple case, which works on infinite enumerables
if last - first >= 0 do
slice(enumerable, first, last - first + 1)
def slice(enumerable, first..last) do
{list, count} = enumerate_and_count(enumerable, 0)
corr_first = if first >= 0, do: first, else: first + count
corr_last = if last >= 0, do: last, else: last + count
length = corr_last - corr_first + 1
if corr_first >= 0 and length > 0 do
slice(list, corr_first, length)
def slice(enumerable, start, count)
when is_integer(start) and start < 0 and is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
{list, new_start} = enumerate_and_count(enumerable, start)
if new_start >= 0 do
slice(list, new_start, count)
def slice(enumerable, start, count)
when is_list(enumerable) and
is_integer(start) and start >= 0 and
is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
do_slice(enumerable, start, count)
def slice(enumerable, start, count)
when is_integer(start) and start >= 0 and is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
{_, _, list} = Enumerable.reduce(enumerable,
{:cont, {start, count, []}}, fn
_entry, {start, count, _list} when start > 0 ->
{:cont, {start-1, count, []}}
entry, {start, count, list} when count > 1 ->
{:cont, {start, count-1, [entry | list]}}
entry, {start, count, list} ->
{:halt, {start, count, [entry | list]}}
end) |> elem(1)
## slice
defp do_slice([], _start, _count) do
defp do_slice(_list, _start, 0) do
defp do_slice([h | t], 0, count) do
[h | do_slice(t, 0, count-1)]
defp do_slice([_ | t], start, count) do
do_slice(t, start-1, count)
defp enumerate_and_count(enumerable, count) when is_list(enumerable) do
{enumerable, length(enumerable) - abs(count)}
defp enumerate_and_count(enumerable, count) do
Enum.map_reduce(enumerable, -abs(count), fn(x, acc) -> {x, acc + 1} end)
defmodule EnumSlice.Rewritten do
require Logger
@type t :: Enumerable.t
@type element :: any
@type index :: integer
@type default :: any
@spec slice(t, Range.t) :: list
def slice(enumerable, range)
def slice(enumerable, start..finish),
do: do_slice(enumerable, {start, finish})
defp do_slice(enumerable, {start, start}) do
case fetch(enumerable, start) do
:error ->
{:ok, result} ->
defp do_slice(_enumerable, {start, finish})
when start > finish and ((start >= 0 and finish >= 0) or (start < 0 and finish < 0)) do
defp do_slice(enumerable, {start, finish}) when start < 0 or finish < 0 do
case get_size_index(enumerable, start) do
:error ->
{:ok, size, normalized_start} ->
case normalize_index(finish, size) do
:error ->
normalized_finish ->
do_slice(enumerable, {normalized_start, normalized_finish})
{:error, _module} ->
case enumerate_count_index(enumerable, start) do
:error ->
{:ok, list, count, normalized_start} ->
case normalize_index(finish, count) do
:error ->
normalized_finish ->
do_slice(list, {normalized_start, normalized_finish})
defp do_slice(enumerable, {start, finish}) when is_list(enumerable) do
count = finish - start + 1
slice_list(enumerable, start, count)
defp do_slice(first..last, {start, finish}) do
slice_range({first, last}, {start, finish})
defp do_slice(enumerable, {start, finish}) do
slice_enumerable(enumerable, {start, finish})
@spec slice(t, index, non_neg_integer) :: t
def slice(enumerable, start, n) when is_integer(start) and is_integer(n) and n >= 0,
do: do_slice(enumerable, start, n)
defp do_slice(_enumerable, _start, 0),
do: []
defp do_slice(enumerable, start, n) when start < 0 do
case get_size_index(enumerable, start) do
:error ->
{:error, _module} ->
case enumerate_count_index(enumerable, start) do
:error ->
{:ok, list, count, normalized_start} ->
finish = normalized_start + n - 1
case normalize_index(finish, count) do
:error ->
normalized_finish ->
do_slice(list, {normalized_start, normalized_finish})
{:ok, size, normalized_start} ->
finish = normalized_start + n - 1
case normalize_index(finish, size) do
:error ->
normalized_finish ->
do_slice(enumerable, {normalized_start, normalized_finish})
defp do_slice(enumerable, start, n) do
finish = start + n - 1
do_slice(enumerable, {start, finish})
def fetch(first..last, index) when is_integer(index) do
fetch_range(first, last, index)
def fetch(enumerable, index) when is_integer(index) and index < 0 do
case enumerable do
enumerable when is_list(enumerable) ->
|> :lists.reverse
|> fetch_list((-index) - 1)
_ ->
case Enumerable.count(enumerable) do
{:error, _} ->
|> Enum.reverse
|> fetch_list((-index) - 1)
{:ok, count} when (count + index) < 0 ->
{:ok, count} ->
fetch_enumerable(enumerable, count + index, Enumerable)
def fetch(enumerable, index) when is_list(enumerable) and is_integer(index) do
fetch_list(enumerable, index)
def fetch(enumerable, index) when is_integer(index) do
count_result =
case Enumerable.count(enumerable) do
{:error, module} ->
{:ok, module}
{:ok, count} when count <= index ->
{:ok, _} ->
{:ok, Enumerable}
case count_result do
:error ->
{:ok, module} ->
fetch_enumerable(enumerable, index, module)
defp fetch_enumerable(enumerable, index, module) do
reduce_result =
module.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, 0}, fn
entry, ^index ->
{:halt, entry}
_entry, acc ->
{:cont, acc + 1}
case reduce_result do
{:halted, entry} -> {:ok, entry}
{:done, _} -> :error
## Helpers
## fetch
defp fetch_list([], _index),
do: :error
defp fetch_list([head | _], 0),
do: {:ok, head}
defp fetch_list([_ | tail], index),
do: fetch_list(tail, index - 1)
defp fetch_range(first, last, index) when first <= last and index >= 0 do
item = first + index
if item > last, do: :error, else: {:ok, item}
defp fetch_range(first, last, index) when first <= last do
item = last + index + 1
if item < first, do: :error, else: {:ok, item}
defp fetch_range(first, last, index) when index >= 0 do
item = first - index
if item < last, do: :error, else: {:ok, item}
defp fetch_range(first, last, index) do
item = last - index - 1
if item > first, do: :error, else: {:ok, item}
## slice
defp slice_list([], _start, _count),
do: []
defp slice_list(_list, _start, 0),
do: []
defp slice_list([head | tail], 0, count),
do: [head | slice_list(tail, 0, count - 1)]
defp slice_list([_ | tail], start, count),
do: slice_list(tail, start - 1, count)
defp slice_range({first, last}, {start, finish}) do
count = last - first + 1
corrected_finish = if finish > count - 1, do: count - 1, else: finish
with {:ok, sliced_first} <- fetch_range(first, last, start),
{:ok, sliced_last} <- fetch_range(first, last, corrected_finish)
sliced_last..sliced_first |> Enum.reverse
_ -> []
defp slice_enumerable(enumerable, {start, finish}) do
count = finish - start + 1
{_, _, list} = Enumerable.reduce(enumerable,
{:cont, {start, count, []}}, fn
_entry, {start, count, _list} when start > 0 ->
{:cont, {start-1, count, []}}
entry, {start, count, list} when count > 1 ->
{:cont, {start, count-1, [entry | list]}}
entry, {start, count, list} ->
{:halt, {start, count, [entry | list]}}
end) |> elem(1)
defp enumerate_count_index(enumerable, index) when is_list(enumerable) do
length = length(enumerable)
case normalize_index(index, length) do
i when is_integer(i) and i < length ->
{:ok, enumerable, length, i}
_ ->
defp enumerate_count_index(enumerable, index) do
case get_size_index(enumerable, index) do
:error ->
{:error, _module} ->
{list, count} = Enum.map_reduce(enumerable, 0, fn(x, acc) -> {x, acc + 1} end)
case normalize_index(index, count) do
i when is_integer(i) and i < count ->
{:ok, list, count, i}
_ ->
{:ok, size, normalized_index} ->
{:ok, Enum.to_list(enumerable), size, normalized_index}
# Given an enumerable and an index, it returns:
# - `{:ok, size, normalized_index}` where normalized_index is an index withing bounds
# and zero or positive.
# - `:error` if the given index is out of bound
# - `{:error, module}` if Enumerable.count/1 is not implemented.
defp get_size_index(enumerable, index) do
with {:ok, size} <- Enumerable.count(enumerable),
normalized_index when normalized_index < size <- normalize_index(index, size)
{:ok, size, normalized_index}
:error ->
{:error, module} ->
{:error, module}
defp normalize_index(index, count, default \\ :error) do
normalized_index = if index >= 0, do: index, else: count + index
if normalized_index >= 0, do: normalized_index, else: default
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