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Created July 7, 2012 14:51
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PHP: Adaptive Images
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
# Adaptive-Images -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add any directories you wish to omit from the Adaptive-Images process on a new line, as follows:
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !ignore-this-directory
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !and-ignore-this-directory-too
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !assets
# don't apply the AI behaviour to images inside AI's cache folder:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !ai-cache
# Send any GIF, JPG, or PNG request that IS NOT stored inside one of the above directories
# to adaptive-images.php so we can select appropriately sized versions
RewriteRule \.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$ adaptive-images.php
# END Adaptive-Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 479px) {
html { background-image:url(ai-cookie.php?maxwidth=479); } }
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 480px) and (max-device-width: 767px) {
html { background-image:url(ai-cookie.php?maxwidth=767); } }
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 991px) {
html { background-image:url(ai-cookie.php?maxwidth=991); } }
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 992px) and (max-device-width: 1381px) {
html { background-image:url(ai-cookie.php?maxwidth=1381); } }
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 1382px) {
html { background-image:url(ai-cookie.php?maxwidth=unknown); } }
/* PROJECT INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Version: 1.5.2
Twitter: @responsiveimg
Adaptive Images by Matt Wilcox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
/* CONFIG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$resolutions = array(1382, 992, 768, 480); // the resolution break-points to use (screen widths, in pixels)
$cache_path = "ai-cache"; // where to store the generated re-sized images. Specify from your document root!
$jpg_quality = 75; // the quality of any generated JPGs on a scale of 0 to 100
$sharpen = TRUE; // Shrinking images can blur details, perform a sharpen on re-scaled images?
$watch_cache = TRUE; // check that the adapted image isn't stale (ensures updated source images are re-cached)
$browser_cache = 60*60*24*7; // How long the BROWSER cache should last (seconds, minutes, hours, days. 7days by default)
/* END CONFIG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------ Don't edit anything after this line unless you know what you're doing -------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* get all of the required data from the HTTP request */
$document_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$requested_uri = parse_url(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), PHP_URL_PATH);
$requested_file = basename($requested_uri);
$source_file = $document_root.$requested_uri;
$resolution = FALSE;
/* Mobile detection
NOTE: only used in the event a cookie isn't available. */
function is_mobile() {
$userAgent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
return strpos($userAgent, 'mobile');
/* Does the UA string indicate this is a mobile? */
$is_mobile = FALSE;
} else {
$is_mobile = TRUE;
// does the $cache_path directory exist already?
if (!is_dir("$document_root/$cache_path")) { // no
if (!mkdir("$document_root/$cache_path", 0755, true)) { // so make it
if (!is_dir("$document_root/$cache_path")) { // check again to protect against race conditions
// uh-oh, failed to make that directory
sendErrorImage("Failed to create cache directory at: $document_root/$cache_path");
/* helper function: Send headers and returns an image. */
function sendImage($filename, $browser_cache) {
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (in_array($extension, array('png', 'gif', 'jpeg'))) {
header("Content-Type: image/".$extension);
} else {
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=".$browser_cache);
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$browser_cache).' GMT');
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename));
/* helper function: Create and send an image with an error message. */
function sendErrorImage($message) {
/* get all of the required data from the HTTP request */
$document_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$requested_uri = parse_url(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), PHP_URL_PATH);
$requested_file = basename($requested_uri);
$source_file = $document_root.$requested_uri;
$is_mobile = "FALSE";
} else {
$is_mobile = "TRUE";
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor(800, 300);
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
$message_color = ImageColorAllocate($im, 91, 112, 233);
ImageString($im, 5, 5, 5, "Adaptive Images encountered a problem:", $text_color);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 25, $message, $message_color);
ImageString($im, 5, 5, 85, "Potentially useful information:", $text_color);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 105, "DOCUMENT ROOT IS: $document_root", $text_color);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 125, "REQUESTED URI WAS: $requested_uri", $text_color);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 145, "REQUESTED FILE WAS: $requested_file", $text_color);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 165, "SOURCE FILE IS: $source_file", $text_color);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 185, "DEVICE IS MOBILE? $is_mobile", $text_color);
header("Cache-Control: no-store");
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()-1000).' GMT');
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
/* sharpen images function */
function findSharp($intOrig, $intFinal) {
$intFinal = $intFinal * (750.0 / $intOrig);
$intA = 52;
$intB = -0.27810650887573124;
$intC = .00047337278106508946;
$intRes = $intA + $intB * $intFinal + $intC * $intFinal * $intFinal;
return max(round($intRes), 0);
/* refreshes the cached image if it's outdated */
function refreshCache($source_file, $cache_file, $resolution) {
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
// not modified
if (filemtime($cache_file) >= filemtime($source_file)) {
return $cache_file;
// modified, clear it
return generateImage($source_file, $cache_file, $resolution);
/* generates the given cache file for the given source file with the given resolution */
function generateImage($source_file, $cache_file, $resolution) {
global $sharpen, $jpg_quality;
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($source_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
// Check the image dimensions
$dimensions = GetImageSize($source_file);
$width = $dimensions[0];
$height = $dimensions[1];
// Do we need to downscale the image?
if ($width <= $resolution) { // no, because the width of the source image is already less than the client width
return $source_file;
// We need to resize the source image to the width of the resolution breakpoint we're working with
$ratio = $height/$width;
$new_width = $resolution;
$new_height = ceil($new_width * $ratio);
$dst = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width, $new_height); // re-sized image
switch ($extension) {
case 'png':
$src = @ImageCreateFromPng($source_file); // original image
case 'gif':
$src = @ImageCreateFromGif($source_file); // original image
$src = @ImageCreateFromJpeg($source_file); // original image
ImageInterlace($dst, true); // Enable interlancing (progressive JPG, smaller size file)
imagealphablending($dst, false);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefilledrectangle($dst, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $transparent);
ImageCopyResampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); // do the resize in memory
// sharpen the image?
// NOTE: requires PHP compiled with the bundled version of GD (see
if($sharpen == TRUE && function_exists('imageconvolution')) {
$intSharpness = findSharp($width, $new_width);
$arrMatrix = array(
array(-1, -2, -1),
array(-2, $intSharpness + 12, -2),
array(-1, -2, -1)
imageconvolution($dst, $arrMatrix, $intSharpness, 0);
$cache_dir = dirname($cache_file);
// does the directory exist already?
if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) {
if (!mkdir($cache_dir, 0755, true)) {
// check again if it really doesn't exist to protect against race conditions
if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) {
// uh-oh, failed to make that directory
sendErrorImage("Failed to create cache directory: $cache_dir");
if (!is_writable($cache_dir)) {
sendErrorImage("The cache directory is not writable: $cache_dir");
// save the new file in the appropriate path, and send a version to the browser
switch ($extension) {
case 'png':
$gotSaved = ImagePng($dst, $cache_file);
case 'gif':
$gotSaved = ImageGif($dst, $cache_file);
$gotSaved = ImageJpeg($dst, $cache_file, $jpg_quality);
if (!$gotSaved && !file_exists($cache_file)) {
sendErrorImage("Failed to create image: $cache_file");
return $cache_file;
// check if the file exists at all
if (!file_exists($source_file)) {
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
/* check that PHP has the GD library available to use for image re-sizing */
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { // it's not loaded
if (!function_exists('dl') || !dl('')) { // and we can't load it either
// no GD available, so deliver the image straight up
trigger_error('You must enable the GD extension to make use of Adaptive Images', E_USER_WARNING);
sendImage($source_file, $browser_cache);
/* Check to see if a valid cookie exists */
if (isset($_COOKIE['resolution'])) {
$cookie_value = $_COOKIE['resolution'];
// does the cookie look valid? [whole number, comma, potential floating number]
if (! preg_match("/^[0-9]+[,]*[0-9\.]+$/", "$cookie_value")) { // no it doesn't look valid
setcookie("resolution", "$cookie_value", time()-100); // delete the mangled cookie
else { // the cookie is valid, do stuff with it
$cookie_data = explode(",", $_COOKIE['resolution']);
$client_width = (int) $cookie_data[0]; // the base resolution (CSS pixels)
$total_width = $client_width;
$pixel_density = 1; // set a default, used for non-retina style JS snippet
if (@$cookie_data[1]) { // the device's pixel density factor (physical pixels per CSS pixel)
$pixel_density = $cookie_data[1];
rsort($resolutions); // make sure the supplied break-points are in reverse size order
$resolution = $resolutions[0]; // by default use the largest supported break-point
// if pixel density is not 1, then we need to be smart about adapting and fitting into the defined breakpoints
if($pixel_density != 1) {
$total_width = $client_width * $pixel_density; // required physical pixel width of the image
// the required image width is bigger than any existing value in $resolutions
if($total_width > $resolutions[0]){
// firstly, fit the CSS size into a break point ignoring the multiplier
foreach ($resolutions as $break_point) { // filter down
if ($total_width <= $break_point) {
$resolution = $break_point;
// now apply the multiplier
$resolution = $resolution * $pixel_density;
// the required image fits into the existing breakpoints in $resolutions
else {
foreach ($resolutions as $break_point) { // filter down
if ($total_width <= $break_point) {
$resolution = $break_point;
else { // pixel density is 1, just fit it into one of the breakpoints
foreach ($resolutions as $break_point) { // filter down
if ($total_width <= $break_point) {
$resolution = $break_point;
/* No resolution was found (no cookie or invalid cookie) */
if (!$resolution) {
// We send the lowest resolution for mobile-first approach, and highest otherwise
$resolution = $is_mobile ? min($resolutions) : max($resolutions);
/* if the requested URL starts with a slash, remove the slash */
if(substr($requested_uri, 0,1) == "/") {
$requested_uri = substr($requested_uri, 1);
/* whew might the cache file be? */
$cache_file = $document_root."/$cache_path/$resolution/".$requested_uri;
/* Use the resolution value as a path variable and check to see if an image of the same name exists at that path */
if (file_exists($cache_file)) { // it exists cached at that size
if ($watch_cache) { // if cache watching is enabled, compare cache and source modified dates to ensure the cache isn't stale
$cache_file = refreshCache($source_file, $cache_file, $resolution);
sendImage($cache_file, $browser_cache);
/* It exists as a source file, and it doesn't exist cached - lets make one: */
$file = generateImage($source_file, $cache_file, $resolution);
sendImage($file, $browser_cache);
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How it works

Adaptive Images does a number of things depending on the scenario the script has to handle but here's a basic overview of what happens when you load a page:

The HTML starts to load in the browser and a snippet of JS in the writes a session cookie, storing the visitor's screen size in pixels.

The browser then encounters an tag and sends a request to the server for that image. It also sends the cookie, because that’s how browsers work.

Apache receives the request for the image and immediately has a look in the website's .htaccess file, to see if there are any special instructions for serving files.

There are! The .htaccess says "Dear server, any request you get for a JPG, GIF, or PNG file please send to the adaptive-images.php file instead."

The PHP file then does some intelligent thinking which can cover a number of scenario's but I'll illustrate one path that can happen:

The PHP file looks for a cookie and finds that the user has a maximum screen size of 480px.

It compares the cookie value with all $resolution sizes that were configured, and decides which matches best. In this case, an image maxing out at 480px wide.

It then has a look inside the /ai-cache/480/ folder to see if a rescaled image already exists.

We'll pretend it doesn’t - the PHP then goes to the actual requested URI to find the original file.

It checks the image width. If that's smaller than the user's screen width it sends the image.

If it's larger, the PHP creates a down-scaled copy and saves that into the /ai-cache/480/ folder ready for the next time it's needed, and sends it to the user.

It also does a few other things when needs arise, for example:

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One important thing: do not over-write any existing .htaccess file. If you have one already, back it up. Feeling up to it? Excellent:
Download the latest version of Adaptive Images either from the website or from the GitHub repository.
Upload the included .htaccess and adaptive-images.php files to the server document-root.
Add this line of JavaScript as high in the of your site as possible, before any other JS:

<script>document.cookie='resolution='+Math.max(screen.width,screen.height)+'; path=/';</script>

Configure the $resolutions variable at the top of the adaptive-images.php file to match the breakpoints you are using for your designs.
If you already have an .htaccess file, open it in a text editor and add the code from the supplied file into your existing one. To support Retina displays use the alternate JS.

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