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Last active October 7, 2021 13:24
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A very short solution to Problem N ( from ICPC Moscow WF in Oct. 2021
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.16.1
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# ╔═╡ 4149ed32-773a-48e8-a871-879d36d441f1
using LinearAlgebra
# ╔═╡ 5c627248-2663-11ec-0f78-a773b4888ba6
using Distributions
# ╔═╡ ac8c0662-8a66-42f5-b6ef-824b060ed77e
# ICPC Moscow WF - Problem N
This is a very short solution (<20 lines of code) with test harness in Julia.
The format of this file is a [Pluto.jl]( notebook, which is a tool for interactive computation. If you change any cell, all cells that depend it will be automatically rerun.
# ╔═╡ 6ab01721-a487-4694-a84a-de742dd232bf
## Data Generation
First, let's define a helper function that generates random input data according to the random process generating the input. Note that we will additionally assume that $n \leq d + 1$ here.
(In the original problem, you can get this assumption for free by setting $n = \min(n, d + 1)$ at the beginning of the program and ignoring all other input data points.)
# ╔═╡ 40eb816d-6f39-42e1-a2ba-1e027c06f138
dist = Uniform(-100.0, 100.0)
# ╔═╡ bfd83aa6-6b1b-4b83-a7b9-e9dd525de179
function gen_input(d::Int, n::Int)
points = rand(dist, d, n)
target = rand(dist, d)
dists = norm.(eachcol(points .- target))
points, dists
# ╔═╡ bb51a417-8c34-4b84-8f82-1ab27bd81da9
# The largest input from the problem is `gen_input(500, 500)`.
# For this input, the notebook runs in 16 ms on my laptop.
points, dists = gen_input(4, 4)
# ╔═╡ 1312f4c3-4b69-4601-9528-f625ebe85aa9
## Solving the Problem
Assume that $n \geq 2$, as otherwise, the problem is trivial. Assume without loss of generality that the first point `base = points[0]` is at the origin; we shift all the other points so that this is the case.
If our point is $x \in \mathbb R^d$, the problem reduces to solving the following constraints:
\| x \|^2 &= d_1^2, \\
\| x - p_i \|^2 &= d_i^2, \quad \text{for } i = 2, 3, \ldots, n.
Unfortunately, these are quadratic constraints. We can simplify using the identity $\|x-p_i\|^2 = (x-p_i) \cdot (x-p_i) = \|x\|^2 - 2x\cdot p_i + \|p_i\|^2$ to get:
\| x \|^2 &= d_1^2, \\
2 p_i \cdot x &= \|p\|^2 - d_i^2 + d_1^2, \quad \text{for } i = 2, 3, \ldots, n.
The latter constraints are simply a linear equation, so we can write them in the form $Ax = b$, for $A \in \mathbb R^{(n - 1) \times d}$ and $b \in \mathbb R^{n-1}$.
# ╔═╡ 2c36c6ed-13d0-4959-aa27-5012fd6acefc
base, rest = points[:, 1], points[:, 2:end] .- points[:, 1]
# ╔═╡ 9d247585-bf43-4a28-b1d1-c9781fcb6b52
A = 2 .* rest'
# ╔═╡ 5f0b1a02-8e8b-4c31-822f-5612a2b7250a
b = [dot(p, p) - dists[i + 1]^2 + dists[1]^2 for (i, p) = enumerate(eachcol(rest))]
# ╔═╡ 1749cf2a-feac-4b3a-b8e8-de4fab87a50c
To finish the problem, we compute the least-norm solution to $Ax = b$ using QR decomposition. In contest, we implemented this using a simple Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization algorithm in C++.
Since it is the least-norm solution, we are guaranteed to have $\|x\|^2 \leq d_1^2$. Finally, it suffices to find an arbitrary unit vector $o$ in the kernel of $A$ and add $o \sqrt{d_1^2 - \|x\|^2}$ to the least-norm solution $x$.
# ╔═╡ 2883109e-908c-4956-b6ed-cff2267f1966
# A = R'Q'
Q, R = qr(A')
# ╔═╡ a8b93dbb-23c0-4d39-b59b-e5dd2dffb553
# R'Q'x = b
local value = R' \ b
while length(value) < size(Q)[1]
push!(value, 0.0)
x = Q * value
if norm(x) < dists[1]
local o = zeros(length(value))
o[end] = sqrt(dists[1]^2 - norm(x)^2)
x = Q * (value + o)
@assert isapprox(norm(x), dists[1])
x += base
# ╔═╡ 9b63ad91-705a-4695-8ad8-f1313c6c9e3f
## Validation
Let's check that we solved our input correctly!
You can change the values of $n$ and $d$ in the first cell to verify that this solution still works, as well as to see the runtime of each code block.
# ╔═╡ c1216646-5cf4-4c05-9cc1-d3cd331eca46
# grader: verify conditions
for (p, d) = zip(eachcol(points), dists)
@assert isapprox(norm(x - p), d)
"Tests passed!"
# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
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# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
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# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─ac8c0662-8a66-42f5-b6ef-824b060ed77e
# ╠═4149ed32-773a-48e8-a871-879d36d441f1
# ╠═5c627248-2663-11ec-0f78-a773b4888ba6
# ╟─6ab01721-a487-4694-a84a-de742dd232bf
# ╠═40eb816d-6f39-42e1-a2ba-1e027c06f138
# ╠═bfd83aa6-6b1b-4b83-a7b9-e9dd525de179
# ╠═bb51a417-8c34-4b84-8f82-1ab27bd81da9
# ╟─1312f4c3-4b69-4601-9528-f625ebe85aa9
# ╠═2c36c6ed-13d0-4959-aa27-5012fd6acefc
# ╠═9d247585-bf43-4a28-b1d1-c9781fcb6b52
# ╠═5f0b1a02-8e8b-4c31-822f-5612a2b7250a
# ╟─1749cf2a-feac-4b3a-b8e8-de4fab87a50c
# ╠═2883109e-908c-4956-b6ed-cff2267f1966
# ╠═a8b93dbb-23c0-4d39-b59b-e5dd2dffb553
# ╟─9b63ad91-705a-4695-8ad8-f1313c6c9e3f
# ╠═c1216646-5cf4-4c05-9cc1-d3cd331eca46
# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
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using LinearAlgebra
# Read input
d, n = [parse(Int, x) for x = split(readline())]
n = min(n, d + 1)
data = hcat([[parse(Float64, x) for x = split(readline())] for _ = 1:n]...)
points, dists = data[1:end - 1, :], data[end, :]
# Shift first point to the origin
base, rest = points[:, 1], points[:, 2:end] .- points[:, 1]
# Edge case: n = 1
if n == 1 (base[end] += dists[1]; println(join(base, " ")); exit(0)) end
# Compute linear equation coefficients
A = 2 .* rest'
b = [norm(p)^2 - d^2 + dists[1]^2 for (p, d) = zip(eachcol(rest), dists[2:end])]
# Least-norm solution
Q, R = qr(A')
value = vcat(R' \ b, zeros(d - (n - 1)))
# Shift so that the norm equals dists[1]
value[end] += sqrt(max(0, dists[1]^2 - norm(value)^2))
# Output answer
println(join(Q * value + base, " "))
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