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Created November 19, 2023 17:34
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Fast API for plasmid data from PLSDB
import json
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from fastapi import HTTPException
from modal import Image, Stub, web_endpoint
stub = Stub("plasmid-data")
def compute_offsets():
"""Compute byte-offsets of each plasmid in the FASTA file for quick access."""
result =
"rg -b '^>' -N /data/plsdb.fna", shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True
offsets: dict[str, int] = {}
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
if line:
num, desc = line.split(":>", 1)
offset = int(num)
id = desc.split(" ", 1)[0]
offsets[id] = offset
with open("/data/offsets.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(offsets, f)
stub.image = (
.apt_install("ripgrep", "bzip2", "curl")
"mkdir -p /data",
f"curl -L {META_LINK} | tar xvjf - -C /data",
f"curl -L {FASTA_LINK} | bunzip2 > /data/plsdb.fna",
.pip_install("pandas", "requests", "numpy")
@stub.cls(keep_warm=True, allow_concurrent_inputs=64)
class PlasmidData:
def __enter__(self):
with open("/data/offsets.json") as f:
self.offsets = json.load(f)
self.metadata = pd.read_csv(
"/data/plsdb.tsv", sep="\t", low_memory=False, index_col=1
self.annotations = pd.read_csv("/data/plsdb.abr", sep="\t")
@web_endpoint(method="GET", custom_domains=[""])
def get(self, id: str | None = None):
"""Get the metadata for a plasmid."""
if id is None:
ids = list(self.offsets.keys())
descriptions = self.metadata["NUCCORE_Description"][ids]
return {"ids": ids, "descriptions": descriptions.to_list()}
offset = self.offsets.get(id)
if offset is None:
raise HTTPException(404, "Plasmid not found")
metadata = self.metadata.loc[id].replace({np.nan: None}).to_dict()
except KeyError:
metadata = None
annotations = []
for _, row in self.annotations[self.annotations.qseqid == id].iterrows():
annotations.append(row.replace({np.nan: None}).to_dict())
with open("/data/plsdb.fna") as f:
header = f.readline().rstrip()
sequence: list[str] = []
for line in f:
if line.startswith(">"):
return {
"id": id,
"metadata": metadata,
"annotations": annotations,
"header": header,
"sequence": "".join(sequence),
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