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Created October 9, 2019 16:43
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BALANCEBOWL API Documentation Templates

By Somto Achu

The BalanceBowl project contract assigned to NESA by Makers


Where full URLs are provided in responses they will be rendered as if service is running on 'http://testserver/'.

Open Endpoints

Open endpoints require no Authentication.

  • Login : POST /api/login/
  • SignUp : POST /api/Register/
  • Forgotpassword : POST /api/forgotpassword/
  • requestVerification : POST /api/requestVerification/
  • confirmVerification : POST /api/confirmVerification/
  • completeReg : POST /api/completeReg/

Closed Endpoints

Closed endpoints require no Authentication.

  • userstate : get /api/userstate/


Used to collect a Token for a registered User.

URL : /api/login/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "email": "[valid email address]",
    "password": "[password in plain text]"

Data example

    "email": "",
    "password": "abcd1234"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "token": "93144b288eb1fdccbe46d6fc0f241a51766ecd3d",
    "user":"full name"

Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,
       "error": "error message"


Used to Register a new user

URL : /api/register/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "username": "[username]",
    "email": "[valid email address]",
    "password": "[password in plain text]"

Data example

    "email": "",
    "username": "somt123",
    "password": "abcd1234"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example


Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,
       "error": "error message"


used to help a user request for a new password, it collects the mail and send an email to the user containing change password link token

URL : /api/Forgotpassword /

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "email": "[valid email address]"

Data example

    "email": "",

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example


Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,


used to request a verification token sent to mobile phone

URL : /api/requestVerification/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "phoneNumber": "[validphone number]"

Data example

    "phoneNumber": "090909099090",

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example


Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,


Confirms the verification token sent to the user via text confimsd the user as verified URL : /api/confirmVerification/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

{   "code":"[4 digit code]",
    "phoneNumber": "[validphone number]"   

Data example

{   "code":"0990",
    "phoneNumber": "090909099090",

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "token": "93144b288eb1fdccbe46d6fc0f241a51766ecd3d",
    "user":"full name"

Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,
       "nessage":"error message"


Request contains remaining user profile details

URL : /api/completeReg/

Method : POST

Auth required : NO

Data constraints

    "phoneNumber": "[validphone number]",
    "years":"[user year]",
    "code":"[placeholder this could be empty]"

Data example

{   "code":"0990",
    "phoneNumber": "090909099090",

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "token": "93144b288eb1fdccbe46d6fc0f241a51766ecd3d",
    "user":"full name"

Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,
       "nessage":"error message"

Closed routes


Request contains remaining user profile details

URL : /api/userstate/

Method : GET

Auth required : YES

Data constraints

    ** None 

Data example

    ** None

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "premium": true,

Error Response

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content :

       "status": false,
       "nessage":"error message"
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