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Created March 19, 2018 20:48
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var simplexPeer = new function() {
// const
this.ICE_SERVERS = [{
urls: "",
this.CHANNEL_KEY = 'webrtc/channel';
this.SENDER_KEY = 'webrtc/sender-description';
this.RECEIVER_KEY = 'webrtc/receiver-description';
// memebers
this.peer_id = null;
this.socket = null;
this.peer = null; = null;
this.session = null;
this.type = null;
// utils
this.trace = function(msg) {
var now = ( / 1000).toFixed(3);
console.log(now + ': ', msg);
this.recordKey = function() {
return "webrtc/" + this.peer_id + "-" + this.type;
this.socketConnect = function(wssUrl) {
var _this = this;
this.socket = deepstream( wssUrl );
// remote description callback
var remoteDesc = this.socket.record.getRecord( this.peer_id + "-" + this.RECEIVER_KEY );
remoteDesc.subscribe( function() {
// if we are the sender...
if (_this.type === "sender") {
console.log("sender: setting remote");
// if we are the receiver
if (_this.type === "receiver") {
console.log("receiver: setting local");
// local description callback
var localDesc = this.socket.record.getRecord( this.peer_id + "-" + this.SENDER_KEY );
localDesc.subscribe( function() {
// if we are the sender...
if (_this.type === "sender") {
console.log("sender: setting local");
// if we are the receiver
if (_this.type === "receiver") {
console.log("receiver: setting remote");
this.peerConnect = function(name) {
var _this = this;
var pcConstraint = null;
_this.peer = new RTCPeerConnection( { iceServers: _this.ICE_SERVERS }, pcConstraint);
_this.trace('new peerConnection.');
// ICE Candidate callbacks
var candidateSuccessful = function() {
_this.trace("ICE added successfully")
var candidateError = function(err) {
// _this.trace("failed to add ICE candidate: ");
// _this.trace(err);
_this.peer.onicecandidate = function(event) {
function() {
function(err) {
// trace('ICE candidate: \n' + (event.candidate ? event.candidate.candidate : '(null)'));
// webrtc data channel
var channelConstraint = null; = _this.peer.createDataChannel(name, channelConstraint);
var channelStateChange = function(arg1) {
_this.trace("on channelStateChange: ");
_this.trace("got: ", arg1);
} = channelStateChange; = channelStateChange;
this.createOfferCallback = function(_this, desc) {
var record = _this.socket.record.getRecord( this.peer_id + "-" + this.SENDER_KEY );
id: _this.peer_id,
type: desc.type,
sdp: desc.sdp,
this.createOfferError = function(err) {
this.createAnswerCallback = function(_this, desc) {
var record = _this.socket.record.getRecord( this.peer_id + "-" + this.RECEIVER_KEY );
id: _this.peer_id,
type: desc.type,
sdp: desc.sdp,
this.createAnswerError = function(_this, err) {
this.connect = function(name, wss, type, callback) {
var _this = this;
this.peer_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
this.type = type;
if (type === "sender") {
function(desc) {
_this.createOfferCallback(_this, desc);
function(err) {
_this.createOfferError(_this, err);
if (type === "receiver") {
var offerDesc = this.socket.record.getRecord( this.peer_id + "-" + this.SENDER_KEY ).get();
if (offerDesc.type === 'offer') {
function(desc) {
_this.createAnswerCallback(_this, desc);
function(err) {
_this.createAnswerError(_this, err);
// ===========================================
// == Public API
// ===========================================
this.connectSender = function(name, wss, callback) {
this.connect(name, wss, "sender", callback);
this.connectReceiver = function(name, wss, callback) {
this.connect(name, wss, "receiver", callback);
export default simplexPeer;
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