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Created March 12, 2013 13:17
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Save elais/5142798 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of the smith waterman algorithm using google app engine and python. Mainpage code and webapp settings not included.
class SmithWaterman(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
gap = int(self.request.get('Gap')) # gap penalty... or bonus if you'd prefer.
matchScores = False
match = int(self.request.get('Match'))
mismatch = int(self.request.get('Mismatch'))
matchScores = True
seq1 = str(self.request.get('Sequence1')) # first input sequence
seq2 = str(self.request.get('Sequence2')) # second input sequence
seq1 = ' ' + ''.join(seq1.split())
seq2 = ' ' + ''.join(seq2.split())
seq1 = list(seq1)
seq2 = list(seq2)
M = [[0 for i in seq2] for j in seq1] # An initial 2d array filled with zeros
I = range(len(seq1)) # this is pythonic way to iterate through the sequences, trust me.
J = range(len(seq2)) #
# Similarity scores based off of wikipedia example.
if matchScores == True:
similarityMatrix = \
{'A': {'A': match, 'G':mismatch, 'C':mismatch, 'T':mismatch},
'G': {'A': mismatch, 'G':match, 'C':mismatch, 'T':mismatch},
'C': {'A': mismatch, 'G':mismatch, 'C':match, 'T':mismatch},
'T': {'A': mismatch, 'G':mismatch, 'C':mismatch, 'T':match}}
similarityMatrix = \
{'A': {'A': 10, 'G': -1, 'C': -3, 'T': -4},
'G': {'A': -1, 'G': 7, 'C': -5, 'T': -3},
'C': {'A': -3, 'G': -5, 'C': 9, 'T': 0},
'T': {'A': -4, 'G': -3, 'C': 0, 'T': 8}}
#Initialization of 2d array
for i in I:
M[i][0] = gap * i
for j in J:
M[0][j] = gap * j
for i in I[1:]:
for j in J[1:]:
Match = M[i-1][j-1] + similarityMatrix[seq1[i]][seq2[j]]
Delete = M[i-1][j] + gap
Insert = M[i][j-1] + gap
M[i][j] = max(Match, Insert, Delete, 0)
heap = []
for i in I[1:]:
heap = heap + M[i]
topThree = heapq.nlargest(3, heap)
# Traceback
Alignments = []
for k in topThree:
AlignmentA = ""
AlignmentB = ""
for m in range(len(seq1)):
for n in range(len(seq1)):
if M[m][n] == k:
i = m
j = n
while ( i > 0 and j > 0 ):
Score = M[i][j]
if Score == 0:
ScoreDiag = M[i - 1][j - 1]
ScoreUp = M[i][j-1]
ScoreLeft = M[i-1][j]
if (Score == ScoreDiag + similarityMatrix[seq1[i]][seq2[j]]):
AlignmentA = seq1[i] + AlignmentA
AlignmentB = seq2[j] + AlignmentB
i -= 1
j -= 1
elif (Score == ScoreLeft + gap):
AlignmentA = seq1[i] + AlignmentA
AlignmentB = "-" + AlignmentB
i -= 1
elif (Score == ScoreUp + gap):
AlignmentA = "-" + AlignmentA
AlignmentB = seq2[j] + AlignmentB
j -= 1
print("algorithm error?")
while (i > 0):
AlignmentA = seq1[i] + AlignmentA
AlignmentB = "-" + AlignmentB
i -= 1
while (j > 0):
AlignmentA = "-" + AlignmentA
AlignmentB = seq2[j] + AlignmentB
j -= 1
lengthA = len(AlignmentA)
lengthB = len(AlignmentB)
sim1 = ""
sim2 = ""
length0 = 0
k = 0
total = 0
similarity = 0.0
if (lengthA > lengthB):
sim1 = AlignmentA
sim2 = AlignmentB
length0 = lengthA
sim1 = AlignmentB
sim2 = AlignmentA
length0 = lengthB
while (k < length0):
if (sim1[k] == sim2[k]):
total += 1
k += 1
if total == 0:
similarity = 0
similarity = float(total) / float(length0) * 100.0
tupler = (k, AlignmentA, AlignmentB, similarity)
# Here is where we pretty the output of the algorithm.
Score: %s
Alignment A: %s
Alignment B: %s
Similarity is: %s
"""%(Alignments[0][0], Alignments[0][1],Alignments[0][2],Alignments[0][3]))
Score: %s
Alignment A: %s
Alignment B: %s
Similarity is: %s
"""%(Alignments[1][0], Alignments[1][1],Alignments[1][2],Alignments[1][3]))
Score: %s
Alignment A: %s
Alignment B: %s
Similarity is: %s
"""%(Alignments[2][0], Alignments[2][1],Alignments[2][2],Alignments[2][3]))
Oh dear... Something went wrong. Make sure that your string only contains ATCG and that
your gap penalty is an integer (a whole number). Try again. Failing any of those things
I'll concede it's me, not you :). Also make sure there are absolutely NO spaces.
<a href="">Try again</a>
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