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i have the same error , can you please tell me if there a solution:
Running wordcount topology...
Routing Python logging to /home/ali/wordcount/logs.
Running lein command to run local cluster:
lein run -m topologies/wordcount.clj -t 5 --option 'topology.workers=2' --option 'topology.acker.executors=2' --option 'streamparse.log.path="/home/ali/wordcount/logs"' --option 'streamparse.log.level="debug"'
3932 [main] INFO backtype.storm.zookeeper - Starting inprocess zookeeper at port 2000 and dir /tmp/f65ba954-f142-454f-a3c9-012efda0c98e
4547 [main] INFO backtype.storm.daemon.nimbus - Starting Nimbus with conf {"dev.zookeeper.path" "/tmp/dev-storm-zookeeper", "topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs" nil, "topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs" 60, "" true, "" 5, "zmq.linger.millis" 0, "topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations" true, "storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_thre