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Created September 13, 2021 17:33
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Definitions and proofs for simplified constraint-based auction
Require Import PeanoNat.
Inductive Atom {T: Type} : Type :=
| avar: nat -> Atom
| aconst: T -> Atom
Inductive prop {T: Type} : Type :=
| Eq : @Atom T -> @Atom T -> prop
| Lt : @Atom nat -> @Atom nat -> prop
| Not : prop -> prop
| Imp : prop -> prop -> prop
| Iff : prop -> prop -> prop
| And : prop -> prop -> prop
Definition interpret (T: Type) : Type := @Atom T -> T.
Fixpoint sem {T: Type} (pval: interpret T) (nval: interpret nat) (p: prop) : Prop :=
match p with
| Eq v1 v2 => pval v1 = pval v2
| Lt v1 v2 => nval v1 < nval v2
| Not p => ~ sem pval nval p
| Imp p1 p2 => sem pval nval p1 -> sem pval nval p2
| Iff p1 p2 => sem pval nval p1 <-> sem pval nval p2
| And p1 p2 => sem pval nval p1 /\ sem pval nval p2
Inductive player :=
| player_a
| player_b
Lemma player_eq_dec: forall (p q: player), {p = q}+{p <> q}.
destruct p, q; try (left; reflexivity); right; intro; discriminate.
Definition other (p: player) :=
match p with player_a => player_b | _ => player_a end.
Lemma other_eq_irrefl: forall p, other p <> p.
Proof. destruct p; discriminate. Qed.
Record Outcome : Set := mkOutcome
{ winner: player
; pays_winner: nat
Definition Winner := @avar player 0.
Definition PaysWinner := @avar nat 0.
Definition interpret_player_outcome (outcome: Outcome) c :=
match c with
| avar 0 => winner outcome
| avar _ => player_a
| aconst x => x
Definition interpret_payment_outcome (outcome: Outcome) c :=
match c with
| avar 0 => pays_winner outcome
| avar _ => 0
| aconst x => x
Definition sem_aug outcome := sem (interpret_player_outcome outcome) (interpret_payment_outcome outcome).
Definition simple_participation_constraints (me: player) (bid: nat) : prop :=
Iff (Eq Winner (aconst me)) (Lt PaysWinner (aconst bid))
Lemma higher_bid_wins: forall outcome (x y: player) j k,
x <> y ->
sem_aug outcome (simple_participation_constraints x j) ->
sem_aug outcome (simple_participation_constraints y k) ->
j < k ->
winner outcome = y.
intros outcome x y j k.
intros diff_xy [A1 _] [_ B2] j_lt_k.
simpl in A1, B2.
destruct (player_eq_dec (winner outcome) y).
* exact e.
* apply B2.
apply Nat.lt_trans with (m:=j); try exact j_lt_k.
destruct x, y, (winner outcome); try intuition.
Lemma winner_pays_more: forall outcome loser j k,
sem_aug outcome (simple_participation_constraints loser j) ->
sem_aug outcome (simple_participation_constraints (winner outcome) k) ->
k < j ->
(winner outcome) = loser.
intros outcome loser j k.
intros [_ A] [B _] k_lt_j.
simpl in A, B.
apply A.
apply Nat.lt_trans with (m:=k); try exact k_lt_j.
apply B.
Definition game {T: Type} := player -> @prop T.
Definition simple_game j k p :=
match p with
| player_a => simple_participation_constraints player_a j
| player_b => simple_participation_constraints player_b k
Definition game_sem outcome (g: game) :=
sem_aug outcome (g player_a) /\ sem_aug outcome (g player_b).
Lemma monotone: forall outcome1 outcome2 j bid1 bid2,
game_sem outcome1 (simple_game j bid1) ->
game_sem outcome2 (simple_game j bid2) ->
bid1 < bid2 ->
(winner outcome1 = player_b \/ winner outcome2 = player_a) ->
winner outcome2 = winner outcome1
unfold simple_game.
unfold game_sem.
unfold sem_aug.
intros [w1 p1] [w2 p2] j bid1 bid2 [[G1x G1y] [G1m G1n]] [[G2x G2y] [G2m G2n]] PM ?.
simpl in *.
intuition; [subst w1; destruct w2|subst w2; destruct w1]; try reflexivity; intuition;
apply G2n;
apply Nat.lt_trans with (m := j); try assumption;
apply Nat.lt_trans with (m := bid1); try assumption;
apply Nat.le_lt_trans with (m := p1); try assumption;
apply Nat.nlt_ge;
Lemma simple_game_symm : forall j k p q,
game_sem (mkOutcome p q) (simple_game j k) <-> game_sem (mkOutcome (other p) q) (simple_game k j).
unfold game_sem.
unfold sem_aug.
intros j k p q.
destruct p; simpl in *; intuition.
Definition valid (P P': Outcome -> Prop) := forall t,
(exists outcome, P' outcome /\ t = pays_winner outcome) ->
(exists outcome, P' outcome /\ P outcome /\ t <= pays_winner outcome)
Definition simple_participation (me: player) (bid: nat) (outcome: Outcome) : Prop :=
winner outcome = me <-> pays_winner outcome < bid
Lemma join_only_different : forall j p1 p2 outcome,
simple_participation p1 j outcome
-> simple_participation p2 j outcome
-> p1 = p2.
intros j p1 p2 outcome [A J] [B K].
destruct (winner outcome), p1, p2; intuition.
Lemma join_valid : forall j k t pj pk,
k <> j ->
(exists outcome, simple_participation pj j outcome
/\ winner outcome = pj
/\ t = pays_winner outcome) ->
(exists outcome, simple_participation pj j outcome
/\ simple_participation pk k outcome
/\ t <= pays_winner outcome).
unfold simple_participation.
intros j k t pj pk k_ne_j [outcome [[A _] [E Q]]].
rewrite -> E in *. clear E.
rewrite <- Q in *. clear Q.
assert (E: t < j) by (apply A; reflexivity).
clear A.
destruct (player_eq_dec pk pj) as [<- | P_NE].
clear k_ne_j.
exists (mkOutcome (other pk) (max j k)).
repeat split;
try (intro Q; apply other_eq_irrefl in Q; contradiction);
try (intro Q; apply Nat.max_lub_lt_iff in Q; inversion Q as [Q1 Q2]; exfalso).
- contradict Q1. apply Nat.lt_irrefl.
- contradict Q2. apply Nat.lt_irrefl.
- apply Nat.lt_le_incl in E.
apply (Nat.le_trans _ _ _ E), Nat.le_max_l.
destruct (Nat.lt_decidable j k) as [J_LT_K | NOT_J_LT_K].
exists (mkOutcome pk j).
+ split; intro Q; contradict Q; [exact P_NE | apply Nat.lt_irrefl].
+ split.
- split; intro; [exact J_LT_K | reflexivity].
- apply Nat.lt_le_incl, E.
apply Nat.nlt_ge in NOT_J_LT_K.
exists (mkOutcome pj (max t k)).
+ split.
-- apply Nat.max_case.
- intuition.
- rewrite -> Nat.le_neq.
-- reflexivity.
+ split.
- split; intro H.
** symmetry in H.
** exfalso.
rewrite -> Nat.max_lub_lt_iff in H.
inversion H as [_ H2].
apply (Nat.lt_irrefl _ H2).
- apply Nat.le_max_l.
Definition strategy (p: prop) (f: prop -> Outcome) :=
sem_aug (f p) p.
Definition strategy_2 (p1 p2: prop) (f: prop -> prop -> Outcome) :=
sem_aug (f p1 p2) p1 /\ sem_aug (f p1 p2) p2.
Definition first_price (p: prop) : Outcome :=
match p with
| Iff (Eq (avar 0) (aconst pk)) (Lt (avar 0) (aconst (S k))) => mkOutcome pk k
| _ => mkOutcome player_a 0
Lemma first_price_is_strategy: forall p pk,
strategy (simple_participation_constraints p (S pk)) first_price.
unfold simple_participation_constraints.
unfold strategy.
unfold sem_aug.
split; intro.
- apply Nat.lt_succ_diag_r.
- reflexivity.
Definition second_price (p1 p2: prop) : Outcome :=
match p1, p2 with
| Iff (Eq (avar 0) (aconst pk)) (Lt (avar 0) (aconst (S k))),
Iff (Eq (avar 0) (aconst pj)) (Lt (avar 0) (aconst (S j))) => if k <? j then mkOutcome pj (S k)
else mkOutcome pk (S j)
| _, _ => mkOutcome player_a 0
Lemma second_price_is_strategy: forall pj pk j k,
pj <> pk
-> j <> k
-> strategy_2 (simple_participation_constraints pk (S k))
(simple_participation_constraints pj (S j)) second_price.
unfold simple_participation_constraints.
unfold strategy_2.
unfold sem_aug.
destruct (k <? j) eqn:Q; simpl; split; split; try intro; try reflexivity; try (exfalso; apply (Nat.lt_irrefl _ H1)).
- exfalso. apply H, H1.
- rewrite -> Nat.ltb_lt in Q.
rewrite <- Nat.succ_lt_mono.
- rewrite -> Nat.ltb_ge in Q.
assert (j <= k /\ j <> k) by (split; assumption).
apply Nat.le_neq in H2.
rewrite <- Nat.succ_lt_mono.
- exfalso. symmetry in H1. apply H, H1.
Lemma second_price_independent: forall pj pk j k l w1 w2,
pj <> pk
-> mkOutcome pj w1 = second_price (simple_participation_constraints pk (S k)) (simple_participation_constraints pj (S j))
-> mkOutcome pj w2 = second_price (simple_participation_constraints pk (S k)) (simple_participation_constraints pj (S l))
-> w1 = w2.
destruct (k <? j), (k <? l); inversion H0; inversion H1; intuition.
Lemma second_price_independent': forall pj pk j k l p w1 w2,
pk <> pj
-> mkOutcome p w1 = second_price (simple_participation_constraints pk (S k)) (simple_participation_constraints pj (S j))
-> mkOutcome p w2 = second_price (simple_participation_constraints pk (S k)) (simple_participation_constraints pj (S l))
-> w1 <> w2
-> p <> pj.
destruct (k <? j), (k <? l); inversion H0; inversion H1; clear H0 H1; intro; try (subst w1 w2 p pj; intuition).
subst w1 w2 p. apply H2. reflexivity.
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