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Last active September 14, 2022 19:33
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Script used to generate the netCDF files of the Savi et al experimental data.
Script used to generate the netCDF files of the Savi et al experimental data.
Frames extracted from T_NC2_Complete21fps.wmv video file using the command:
ffmpeg -i T_NC2_Complete21fps.wmv -r 21 T_NC2_frames/%04d.png
after a subdirectory T_NC2_frames was created to hold the output png files.
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tifffile as tiff
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import time
# two paths to be set to the locations of the DEM and image data
basepath = 'T_NC2/'
vidpath = 'T_NC2_frames/'
# first handle the scan data
flist = os.listdir(basepath)
# shorten list to tif files only
short_list = []
for i in flist:
if i[-3:] == 'tif':
# sort
# drop duplicate scan (#11)
del short_list[9]
# read data into a 3-D t-x-y array
data = np.zeros((len(short_list), 3400, 1700))
# loop and place data into array
for i in range(len(short_list)):
data[i, ...] = tiff.imread(basepath + short_list[i]).T
# define vectors of time and space dimensions
# scans taken every 30 minutes
t = np.arange(0, 480+30, 30)
# space dimensions - scan resolution in mm
x = np.arange(data.shape[1])
y = np.arange(data.shape[2])
# create and fill the netcdf file
scan_file = Dataset('', 'w', format='NETCDF4')
# description information
scan_file.description = 'Scan data from experiment T_NC2'
scan_file.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time())
scan_file.source = 'Savi et al 2020;'
# create time and spatial netCDF dimensions
scan_file.createDimension('time', data.shape[0])
scan_file.createDimension('x', data.shape[1])
scan_file.createDimension('y', data.shape[2])
# create time and space variables
v_time = scan_file.createVariable(
'time', 'f4', ('time',))
v_time.units = 'minute'
v_x = scan_file.createVariable(
'x', 'f4', ('x'))
v_x.units = 'millimeter'
v_y = scan_file.createVariable(
'y', 'f4', ('y'))
v_y.units = 'millimeter'
# fill the variables with the coordinate information
v_time[:] = t
v_x[:] = x
v_y[:] = y
# set up variables for output data grids
v_eta = scan_file.createVariable(
'eta', 'f4', ('time', 'x', 'y'))
v_eta.units = 'millimeter'
v_eta[:] = data
# set up metadata group and populate variables
# store input parameters for this run
v_MC_Qw = scan_file.createVariable( # a scalar, main channel water discharge
'meta/MC_Qw', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_MC_Qw.units = 'mL/s'
v_MC_Qw[:] = 63
v_MC_Qs = scan_file.createVariable( # a scalar, main channel sed discharge
'meta/MC_Qs', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_MC_Qs.units = 'mL/s'
v_MC_Qs[:] = 1.3
v_T_Qw = scan_file.createVariable( # a scalar, tributary water discharge
'meta/T_Qw', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_T_Qw.units = 'mL/s'
v_T_Qw[:] = 41.5
v_T_Qs = scan_file.createVariable( # a scalar, tributary sediment discharge
'meta/T_Qs', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_T_Qs.units = 'mL/s'
v_T_Qs[:] = 2.2
# close the netcdf file
# now handle the overhead photos (extracted from the video)
# load one image to get shape of data
img = plt.imread(vidpath + '0015.png')
# only going to take every 3rd image so get list of subset values
subset = np.arange(1, 1466, 3)
# initialize data arrays for the three color bands (RGB)
red = np.zeros((len(subset), img.shape[1], img.shape[0]))
green = np.zeros_like(red)
blue = np.zeros_like(red)
# load and place the data in the correct arrays
for idx, val in enumerate(subset):
_img = plt.imread(vidpath + str(val).zfill(4) + '.png')
red[idx, ...] = _img[:, :, 0].T
green[idx, ...] = _img[:, :, 1].T
blue[idx, ...] = _img[:, :, 2].T
# define vectors of time and space dimensions
# images roughly once a minute
t = np.arange(0, len(subset))
# backsolve number of millimeters per pixel based on scan information
dy = data.shape[1] / red.shape[1]
dx = data.shape[2] / red.shape[2]
# take average and round as we assume pixels are probably square
px = np.round((dy + dx) / 2, 2)
# space dimensions
y = np.arange(0, red.shape[1]*px, px)
x = np.arange(0, red.shape[2]*px, px)
# create and fill the netcdf file
img_file = Dataset('', 'w', format='NETCDF4')
# description information
img_file.description = 'Subset of overhead images from experiment T_NC2'
img_file.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time())
img_file.source = 'Savi et al 2020;'
# create time and spatial netCDF dimensions
img_file.createDimension('time', red.shape[0])
img_file.createDimension('x', red.shape[1])
img_file.createDimension('y', red.shape[2])
# create time and space variables
v_time = img_file.createVariable(
'time', 'f4', ('time',))
v_time.units = 'minute'
v_x = img_file.createVariable(
'x', 'f4', ('x'))
v_x.units = 'millimeter'
v_y = img_file.createVariable(
'y', 'f4', ('y'))
v_y.units = 'millimeter'
# fill the variables with the coordinate information
v_time[:] = t
v_x[:] = y
v_y[:] = x
# set up variables for output data grids
v_red = img_file.createVariable(
'red', 'f4', ('time', 'x', 'y'))
v_red.units = 'float'
v_red[:] = red
v_green = img_file.createVariable(
'green', 'f4', ('time', 'x', 'y'))
v_green.units = 'float'
v_green[:] = green
v_blue = img_file.createVariable(
'blue', 'f4', ('time', 'x', 'y'))
v_blue.units = 'float'
v_blue[:] = blue
# set up metadata group and populate variables
# store input parameters for this run
v_MC_Qw = img_file.createVariable( # a scalar, main channel water discharge
'meta/MC_Qw', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_MC_Qw.units = 'mL/s'
v_MC_Qw[:] = 63
v_MC_Qs = img_file.createVariable( # a scalar, main channel sed discharge
'meta/MC_Qs', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_MC_Qs.units = 'mL/s'
v_MC_Qs[:] = 1.3
v_T_Qw = img_file.createVariable( # a scalar, tributary water discharge
'meta/T_Qw', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_T_Qw.units = 'mL/s'
v_T_Qw[:] = 41.5
v_T_Qs = img_file.createVariable( # a scalar, tributary sediment discharge
'meta/T_Qs', 'f4', ()) # no dims for scalar
v_T_Qs.units = 'mL/s'
v_T_Qs[:] = 2.2
# close the netcdf file
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