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Created May 15, 2012 21:12
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stub_request(:get, '').with(:query => hash_including({"query" => "mytestquery"})).to_return(:body => "{}")
TypeError: can't convert RR::WildcardMatchers::HashIncluding into String
webmock (1.8.7) lib/webmock/request_pattern.rb:97:in `+'
webmock (1.8.7) lib/webmock/request_pattern.rb:97:in `add_query_params'
webmock (1.8.7) lib/webmock/request_pattern.rb:135:in `add_query_params'
webmock (1.8.7) lib/webmock/request_pattern.rb:52:in `assign_options'
webmock (1.8.7) lib/webmock/request_pattern.rb:23:in `with'
webmock (1.8.7) lib/webmock/request_stub.rb:13:in `with'
test/unit/my_test.rb:13:in `__bind_1337116206_179131'
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