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Last active February 28, 2016 14:21
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Generate Terraform config for CoreOS AMIs
"variable": {
"coreos_stable_amis": {
"default": [
"eu-central-1": "ami-f0e8f09c"
"ap-northeast-1": "ami-a93802c7"
"us-gov-west-1": "ami-46e05c27"
"sa-east-1": "ami-6c1a9a00"
"ap-southeast-2": "ami-d0a783b3"
"ap-southeast-1": "ami-4a65aa29"
"us-east-1": "ami-dfb699b5"
"us-west-2": "ami-abc82ecb"
"us-west-1": "ami-4d2d5b2d"
"eu-west-1": "ami-1461d767"
"output": {
"coreos_stable_ami": {
"value": "${lookup(var.coreos_stable_amis, var.region)}"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Update CoreOS AMIs
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
# source URL
coreos_stable_url = ""
# target file
module_file = "contentful_amis/"
coreos_amis_tf = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../" + module_file)
coreos_stable_json = JSON.parse(open(coreos_stable_url) { |f| })
rescue => e
puts e.msg
exit 1
per_region_hvm = coreos_stable_json.reject { |k,v| k == "release_info" }
.map { |k,v| { k => v["hvm"] } }
tf_config = {
"variable" => {
"coreos_stable_amis" => {
"default" => per_region_hvm
"output" => {
"coreos_stable_ami" => {
"value" => "${lookup(var.coreos_stable_amis, var.region)}"
}, 'w') do |f|
f.write JSON.pretty_generate tf_config
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