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Created October 15, 2019 18:39
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# get installed dotNet SDKs
$dnSDKs = dotnet --list-sdks
Write-Host "---------------------------"
Write-Host "Installed SDKs:"
foreach ($dnSDK in $dnSDKs) {
Write-Host $dnSDK
Write-Host "---------------------------"
foreach ($dnSDK in $dnSDKs) {
# get sdk information
$dnSDKSplit = $dnSDK.Split('[', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$dnSDKVersion = $dnSDKSplit[0]
$dnSDKPath = $dnSDKSplit[1].replace(']', '')
Write-Host " >> Version = " $dnSDKVersion
Write-Host " >> Path = " $dnSDKPath
# uninstall sdk, all but 3.0
if($dnSDKVersion.StartsWith("3.")) {
Write-Host " Keep Version = " $dnSDKVersion
else {
Write-Host " Uninstalling Version = " $dnSDKVersion
$dnAppName = "Microsoft .NET Core SDK - " + $dnSDKVersion
$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
$_.Name -match $dnSDKVersion
Write-Host $app.Name
Write-Host $app.IdentifyingNumber
# official not working
# $app.Uninstall()
# test with Hanselman mode
pushd $env:SYSTEMROOT\System32
$app.identifyingnumber |% { Start-Process msiexec -wait -ArgumentList "/x $_" }
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