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Created March 18, 2009 21:27
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Save elcerdo/81413 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- This plugin insert multimedia links in gitit wiki pages
one can insert youtube and dailymotion videos, as well as single mp3 player or even an embedded mp3 player:
~~ {.youtube}
~~ {.dailymotion}
~~ {.mp3}
~~ {.mp3player}
the flash mp3 players are
* xspf web music player:
* google mp3 player
details of xspf playlist syntax can be found at:
module MultimediaPlugin (plugin) where
import Gitit.Interface
import Network.URI (isURI)
import Data.Generics (everywhereM, mkM)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = PageTransform transform
transform :: AppState -> Pandoc -> Web Pandoc
transform st = everywhereM (mkM (transformBlock st))
transformBlock :: AppState -> Block -> Web Block
transformBlock st (CodeBlock (id, classes, namevals) contents) | isJust match && validatef line && (not .null) line =
return $ templatef line
match = find (flip elem classes . plugin_classe) plugin_templates
templatef = plugin_template $ fromJust match
validatef = plugin_validate $ fromJust match
line = (lines contents) !! 0
transformBlock _ x = return x
data Template = Template {
plugin_template::(String -> Block),
plugin_validate::(String -> Bool)} deriving Show
plugin_templates :: [Template]
plugin_templates = [
Template "mp3" mp3Template isURI,
Template "mp3player" mp3playerTemplate isURI,
Template "dailymotion" dailymotionTemplate isId,
Template "youtube" youtubeTemplate isId]
mp3Template :: String -> Block
mp3Template id = RawHtml $
"<div class='multimedia'>" ++
"<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='" ++ id ++
"' width='400' height='27' allowscriptaccess='never' quality='best' bgcolor='#ffffff' wmode='window' flashvars='playerMode=embedded' />" ++
youtubeTemplate :: String -> Block
youtubeTemplate id = RawHtml $
"<div class='multimedia'>" ++
"<embed src='" ++ url ++ "' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='never' allowfullscreen='true' width='445' height='364' />" ++
where url="" ++ id
dailymotionTemplate :: String -> Block
dailymotionTemplate id = RawHtml $
"<div>" ++
"<embed src='" ++ url ++ "' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='420' height='339' allowFullScreen='true' allowScriptAccess='never' />" ++
where url="" ++ id
mp3playerTemplate :: String -> Block
mp3playerTemplate id = RawHtml $
"<div>" ++
"<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='400' height='170' data='" ++ url ++ "' >" ++
"<param name='movie' value='" ++ url ++ "' />" ++
"</object>" ++
where url="" ++ id
isId :: String -> Bool
isId = all (\x -> any (elem x) [['a'..'z'],['0'..'9'],['A'..'Z']])
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