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Last active January 4, 2018 16:37
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from numpy import exp, random, zeros, reshape
from time import time
# Sigmoid (Logistic) Activation Function
def sigmoid (x):
return 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
# Derivative of the Sigmoid Function
def sigmoid_derivative (z):
return z * (1 - z)
# Derivative of the Mean Squared Error Cost Function
def mse_derivative (output, target):
return output - target
# Neural Network
class Network:
# Initialise the network
def __init__ (self, sizes):
# Good Practice
# Number of features; number of neurons in the input layer
self.no_features = sizes[0]
# The number of weight matrices
# Basically the number_of_network_layers - 1
self.btw_layers = len(sizes) - 1
# Randomly initialize the weights
# Initialise the biases to zeros
self.biases = [ zeros((a, 1)) for a in sizes[1:] ]
self.weights = [ 2 * random.randn(a, b) - 1 for a, b in zip(sizes[:-1], sizes[1:]) ]
# Deltas (error_derivatives), with respect to the parameters
# Initialized to zeros
self.weight_deltas = [ zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights ]
self.bias_deltas = [ zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases ]
# Evaluate the accuracy on some data
def evaluate (self, test_data):
accuracy = 0.0
for x_test, y_test in test_data:
act = reshape(x_test, (self.no_features, 1))
for l in xrange(self.btw_layers):
act = sigmoid(self.weights[l] + self.biases[l])
if round(act) == y_test:
accuracy += 1
return accuracy
# Train the network using some parameters
def train (self, training_data, epochs=3000, learning_rate=5.0, regularisation_parameter=0.0, mini_batch_size=None, check_at=10, test_data=None):
total_trainig_data = len(training_data)
if mini_batch_size == None: mini_batch_size = total_trainig_data
# shuffle the training_data
# Split the data into mini-batches
mini_batches = [ training_data[k:k+mini_batch_size] for k in xrange(0, total_trainig_data, mini_batch_size) ]
start_time = time()
for iter in xrange(epochs):
for mini_batch in mini_batches:
batch_total = len(mini_batch)
for x, y in mini_batch:
activation = reshape(x, (self.no_features, 1))
activations = [activation]
# Forward Propagation (Feed-Forward)
for we, bi in zip(self.weights, self.biases):
activation = sigmoid( + bi)
# Error Derivative
error_derivative_wrt_output_activation = mse_derivative(activations[-1], y)
delta = error_derivative_wrt_output_activation * sigmoid_derivative(activations[-1])
# Back-Propagation
for l in xrange(self.btw_layers):
self.bias_deltas[-l-1] = delta
self.weight_deltas[-l-1] = activations[-l-2].dot(delta.T)
delta = (self.weights[-l-1] * sigmoid_derivative(activations[-l-2])).dot(delta)
# Update Parameters (Weights and Biases)
for l in xrange(self.btw_layers):
self.biases[l] = self.biases[l] - ((learning_rate / batch_total) * self.bias_deltas[l])
self.weights[l] = ((1 - (learning_rate * (regularisation_parameter/batch_total))) * self.weights[l]) - ((learning_rate / batch_total) * self.weight_deltas[l])
if iter % check_at == 0:
if test_data != None:
test_total = len(test_data)
accuracy = self.evaluate(test_data)
print "Accuracy: {0}/{1} => {2}%".format(accuracy, test_total, 100*(accuracy/test_total))
print "After {0} epoch(s), in {1} seconds\n".format(iter, time() - start_time)
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