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Created April 2, 2024 16:47
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The article humorously explores the concept of compressing any file to 32 bytes using a hypothetical algorithm that essentially hashes the file content with SHA-256 and appends it with metadata, producing a fixed-size output. It plays on theoretical impossibilities in data compression, suggesting an absurdly efficient method that, while mathematically sound, is impractical for actual data retrieval, especially highlighting the impracticability of decompressing data in a reasonable timeframe. The article concludes with a tongue-in-cheek assessment of its "efficiency," hinting at its publication date's significance (April 1st), suggesting the entire piece is an elaborate April Fools' joke.

For more detailed insights, you can read the full article on Habr.

const crypto = require('crypto');
// Simulate the decryption process on buffers
function decryptBuffer(inputBuffer) {
// Extract the original data length from the input buffer
const length = inputBuffer.readInt32LE(2);
// Extract the SHA256 hash from the input buffer
const sha256 = inputBuffer.slice(6, 6 + 32);
// Simulate parallel processing (the specifics of processing are hypothetical)
// For actual parallel processing, Node.js Worker Threads would be required,
// but here, we'll just simulate the concept without real parallel execution.
const parallelismDegree = 5;
let files = new Array(parallelismDegree).fill(null).map((_, index) => {
let array = new Buffer(length);
array.fill(0); // Initialize with zeros for the example
array[array.length - 1] = index * (0xFF / parallelismDegree); // Simulate some processing
return array;
// Placeholder for combining processed parts and simulating decryption
// This part should be replaced with actual logic based on how 'Run' works in your context
let targetFile = Buffer.concat(files);
// Simulate checking against the SHA256 hash (as a placeholder for actual validation)
const isValid = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(targetFile).digest().equals(sha256);
if (!isValid) {
throw new Error('Decryption failed: SHA256 hash does not match.');
// Return the "decrypted" data (or processed simulation)
return targetFile;
// Example usage with a dummy buffer (as a stand-in for encrypted data)
const encryptedData = Buffer.alloc(38); // Placeholder buffer; your actual data should go here
encryptedData.writeInt32LE(12, 2); // Simulating length
// Further setup for encryptedData as needed...
try {
const decryptedData = decryptBuffer(encryptedData);
console.log('Decryption complete:', decryptedData);
} catch (error) {
const crypto = require('crypto');
function encryptBuffer(inputBuffer) {
// Create the initial PK bytes
const pkBytes = Buffer.from([0x50, 0x4B]); // 'P' and 'K'
// Get the length of the input data in bytes (little-endian by default)
const lengthBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); // Assuming the data size fits in a 4-byte integer for simplicity
lengthBuffer.writeInt32LE(inputBuffer.length, 0);
// Hash the input data with SHA256
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(inputBuffer).digest();
// Combine all parts into a new Buffer
return Buffer.concat([pkBytes, lengthBuffer, hash]);
// Example usage with a string converted to Buffer (as a stand-in for file content)
const inputData = Buffer.from("Your data here", "utf-8");
const encryptedData = encryptBuffer(inputData);
console.log('Encrypted data:', encryptedData);
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