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Last active November 16, 2017 20:37
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Save elcordova/17734638d178a8ac21f561432fd41ee7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"use strict";
(function ($) {
$.fn.circliful = function (options, callback) {
var settings = $.extend({
// These are the defaults.
//startDegree: 0,
foregroundColor: "#3498DB",
backgroundColor: "#ccc",
pointColor: "none",
fillColor: 'none',
foregroundBorderWidth: 15,
backgroundBorderWidth: 15,
pointSize: 28.5,
fontColor: '#aaa',
percent: 75,
animation: 1,
animationStep: 5,
icon: 'none',
iconSize: '30',
iconColor: '#ccc',
iconPosition: 'top',
target: 0,
start: 0,
showPercent: 1,
percentageTextSize: 22,
textAdditionalCss: '',
targetPercent: 0,
targetTextSize: 17,
targetColor: '#2980B9',
text: null,
textStyle: null,
textColor: '#666',
multiPercentage: 0,
percentages: null,
textBelow: false,
noPercentageSign: false,
replacePercentageByText: null,
halfCircle: false
}, options);
return this.each(function () {
var circleContainer = $(this);
var percent = settings.percent;
var iconY = 83;
var iconX = 100;
var textY = 110;
var textX = 100;
var additionalCss;
var elements;
var icon;
var backgroundBorderWidth = settings.backgroundBorderWidth;
if(settings.halfCircle) {
if(settings.iconPosition == 'left') {
iconX = 80;
iconY = 100;
textX = 117;
textY = 100;
} else if(settings.halfCircle) {
iconY = 80;
textY = 100;
} else {
if (settings.iconPosition == 'bottom') {
iconY = 124;
textY = 95;
} else if (settings.iconPosition == 'left') {
iconX = 80;
iconY = 110;
textX = 117;
} else if (settings.iconPosition == 'middle') {
if (settings.multiPercentage == 1) {
if (typeof settings.percentages == "object") {
backgroundBorderWidth = 30;
} else {
iconY = 110;
elements = '<g stroke="' + (settings.backgroundColor != 'none' ? settings.backgroundColor : '#ccc') + '" ><line x1="133" y1="50" x2="140" y2="40" stroke-width="2" /></g>';
elements += '<g stroke="' + (settings.backgroundColor != 'none' ? settings.backgroundColor : '#ccc') + '" ><line x1="140" y1="40" x2="200" y2="40" stroke-width="2" /></g>';
textX = 228;
textY = 47;
} else {
iconY = 110;
elements = '<g stroke="' + (settings.backgroundColor != 'none' ? settings.backgroundColor : '#ccc') + '" ><line x1="133" y1="50" x2="140" y2="40" stroke-width="2" /></g>';
elements += '<g stroke="' + (settings.backgroundColor != 'none' ? settings.backgroundColor : '#ccc') + '" ><line x1="140" y1="40" x2="200" y2="40" stroke-width="2" /></g>';
textX = 175;
textY = 35;
} else if (settings.iconPosition == 'right') {
iconX = 120;
iconY = 110;
textX = 80;
if(settings.targetPercent > 0) {
textY = 95;
elements = '<g stroke="' + (settings.backgroundColor != 'none' ? settings.backgroundColor : '#ccc') + '" ><line x1="75" y1="101" x2="125" y2="101" stroke-width="1" /></g>';
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="' + textX + '" y="120" style="font-size: ' + settings.targetTextSize + 'px;" fill="' + settings.targetColor + '">' + settings.targetPercent + (settings.noPercentageSign && settings.replacePercentageByText == null ? '' : '%') + '</text>';
elements += '<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="69" fill="none" stroke="' + settings.backgroundColor + '" stroke-width="3" stroke-dasharray="450" transform="rotate(-90,100,100)" />';
elements += '<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="69" fill="none" stroke="' + settings.targetColor + '" stroke-width="3" stroke-dasharray="' + (360 / 100 * settings.targetPercent) + ', 20000" transform="rotate(-90,100,100)" />';
if (settings.text != null){
if(settings.halfCircle) {
if (settings.textBelow){
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="100" y="120" style="' + settings.textStyle + '" fill="' + settings.textColor + '">' + settings.text + '</text>';
else if (settings.multiPercentage == 0){
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="100" y="115" style="' + settings.textStyle + '" fill="' + settings.textColor + '">' + settings.text + '</text>';
else if(settings.multiPercentage == 1) {
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="228" y="65" style="' + settings.textStyle + '" fill="' + settings.textColor + '">' + settings.text + '</text>';
} else {
if (settings.textBelow){
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="100" y="190" style="' + settings.textStyle + '" fill="' + settings.textColor + '">' + settings.text + '</text>';
else if (settings.multiPercentage == 0){
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="100" y="115" style="' + settings.textStyle + '" fill="' + settings.textColor + '">' + settings.text + '</text>';
else if(settings.multiPercentage == 1) {
elements += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="228" y="65" style="' + settings.textStyle + '" fill="' + settings.textColor + '">' + settings.text + '</text>';
if (settings.icon != 'none') {
icon = '<text text-anchor="middle" x="' + iconX + '" y="' + iconY + '" class="icon" style="font-size: ' + settings.iconSize + 'px" fill="' + settings.iconColor + '">&#x' + settings.icon + '</text>';
if(settings.halfCircle) {
var rotate = 'transform="rotate(-180,100,100)"';
$('<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 194 186" class="circliful">' +
elements +
'<clipPath id="cut-off-bottom"> <rect x="100" y="0" width="100" height="200" /> </clipPath>' +
'<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="57" class="border" fill="' + settings.fillColor + '" stroke="' + settings.backgroundColor + '" stroke-width="' + backgroundBorderWidth + '" stroke-dasharray="360" clip-path="url(#cut-off-bottom)" transform="rotate(-90,100,100)" />' +
'<circle class="circle" cx="100" cy="100" r="57" class="border" fill="none" stroke="' + settings.foregroundColor + '" stroke-width="' + settings.foregroundBorderWidth + '" stroke-dasharray="0,20000" ' + rotate + ' />' +
'<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="' + settings.pointSize + '" fill="' + settings.pointColor + '" clip-path="url(#cut-off-bottom)" transform="rotate(-90,100,100)" />' +
icon +
'<text class="timer" text-anchor="middle" x="' + textX + '" y="' + textY + '" style="font-size: ' + settings.percentageTextSize + 'px; ' + additionalCss + ';' + settings.textAdditionalCss + '" fill="' + settings.fontColor + '">'+ (settings.replacePercentageByText == null ? 0 : settings.replacePercentageByText) + (settings.noPercentageSign || settings.replacePercentageByText != null ? '' : '%') + '</text>')
} else {
$('<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 194 186" class="circliful">' +
elements +
'<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="57" class="border" fill="' + settings.fillColor + '" stroke="' + settings.backgroundColor + '" stroke-width="' + backgroundBorderWidth + '" stroke-dasharray="360" transform="rotate(-90,100,100)" />' +
'<circle class="circle" cx="100" cy="100" r="57" class="border" fill="none" stroke="' + settings.foregroundColor + '" stroke-width="' + settings.foregroundBorderWidth + '" stroke-dasharray="0,20000" transform="rotate(-90,100,100)" />' +
'<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="' + settings.pointSize + '" fill="' + settings.pointColor + '" />' +
icon +
'<text class="timer" text-anchor="middle" x="' + textX + '" y="' + textY + '" style="font-size: ' + settings.percentageTextSize + 'px; ' + additionalCss + ';' + settings.textAdditionalCss + '" fill="' + settings.fontColor + '">'+ (settings.replacePercentageByText == null ? 0 : settings.replacePercentageByText) + (settings.noPercentageSign || settings.replacePercentageByText != null ? '' : '%') + '</text>')
var circle = circleContainer.find('.circle');
var myTimer = circleContainer.find('.timer');
var interval = 30;
var angle = 0;
var angleIncrement = settings.animationStep;
var last = 0;
var summary = 0;
var oneStep = 0;
var text = percent;
var calculateFill = (360 / 100 * percent);
if(settings.halfCircle) {
calculateFill = (360 / 100 * percent) / 2;
if(settings.replacePercentageByText != null) {
text = settings.replacePercentageByText;
if (settings.start > 0 && > 0) {
percent = settings.start / ( / 100);
oneStep = / 100;
if (settings.animation == 1) {
var timer = window.setInterval(function () {
if ((angle) >= calculateFill) {
last = 1;
if(typeof callback == 'function')
} else {
angle += angleIncrement;
summary += oneStep;
if (angle / 3.6 >= percent && last == 1) {
angle = 3.6 * percent;
if (summary > && last == 1) {
summary =;
if(settings.replacePercentageByText == null) {
if(settings.halfCircle) {
text = parseInt((100 * angle / 360) * 2);
} else {
text = parseInt((100 * angle / 360));
.attr("stroke-dasharray", angle + ", 20000");
if (settings.showPercent == 1) {
.text(text + (settings.noPercentageSign || settings.replacePercentageByText != null ? '' : '%'));
} else {
}.bind(circle), interval);
} else {
.attr("stroke-dasharray", calculateFill + ", 20000");
if (settings.showPercent == 1) {
.text(text + (settings.noPercentageSign ? '' : '%'));
} else {
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