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Created May 28, 2022 15:21
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from typing import Tuple
import torch
from pytorch3d.common.linear_with_repeat import LinearWithRepeat
from pytorch3d.renderer import HarmonicEmbedding, ray_bundle_to_ray_points, RayBundle
def _xavier_init(linear):
Performs the Xavier weight initialization of the linear layer `linear`.
class Gaussian(torch.nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['inplace']
inplace: bool
def __init__(self, sigma=0.2):
super(Gaussian, self).__init__()
self.c = 0
self.sigma = sigma
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Gaussian centered at c with standard deviation sigma.
return torch.exp(-(x-self.c)**2 / (2 * self.sigma**2))
class GARFNet(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(
n_harmonic_functions_xyz: int = 6,
n_harmonic_functions_dir: int = 4,
n_hidden_neurons_xyz: int = 256,
n_hidden_neurons_dir: int = 128,
n_layers_xyz: int = 8,
append_xyz: Tuple[int] = (5,),
use_multiple_streams: bool = True,
n_harmonic_functions_xyz: The number of harmonic functions
used to form the harmonic embedding of 3D point locations.
n_harmonic_functions_dir: The number of harmonic functions
used to form the harmonic embedding of the ray directions.
n_hidden_neurons_xyz: The number of hidden units in the
fully connected layers of the MLP that accepts the 3D point
locations and outputs the occupancy field with the intermediate
n_hidden_neurons_dir: The number of hidden units in the
fully connected layers of the MLP that accepts the intermediate
features and ray directions and outputs the radiance field
(per-point colors).
n_layers_xyz: The number of layers of the MLP that outputs the
occupancy field.
append_xyz: The list of indices of the skip layers of the occupancy MLP.
use_multiple_streams: Whether density and color should be calculated on
separate CUDA streams.
self.n_harmonic_functions_xyz = n_harmonic_functions_xyz
self.n_harmonic_functions_dir = n_harmonic_functions_dir
# The harmonic embedding layer converts input 3D coordinates
# to a representation that is more suitable for
# processing with a deep neural network.
if n_harmonic_functions_xyz > 0:
print("Pos Embedder")
self.harmonic_embedding_xyz = HarmonicEmbedding(n_harmonic_functions_xyz)
if n_harmonic_functions_dir > 0:
print("Viewdir Embedder")
self.harmonic_embedding_dir = HarmonicEmbedding(n_harmonic_functions_dir)
embedding_dim_xyz = n_harmonic_functions_xyz * 2 * 3 + 3
embedding_dim_dir = n_harmonic_functions_dir * 2 * 3 + 3
self.mlp_xyz = MLPWithInputSkips(
self.intermediate_linear = torch.nn.Linear(
n_hidden_neurons_xyz, n_hidden_neurons_xyz
self.density_layer = torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden_neurons_xyz, 1)
# Zero the bias of the density layer to avoid
# a completely transparent initialization.[:] = 0.0 # fixme: Sometimes this is not enough
self.color_layer = torch.nn.Sequential(
n_hidden_neurons_xyz + embedding_dim_dir, n_hidden_neurons_dir
torch.nn.Linear(n_hidden_neurons_dir, 3),
self.use_multiple_streams = use_multiple_streams
def _get_densities(
features: torch.Tensor,
depth_values: torch.Tensor,
density_noise_std: float,
) -> torch.Tensor:
This function takes `features` predicted by `self.mlp_xyz`
and converts them to `raw_densities` with `self.density_layer`.
`raw_densities` are later re-weighted using the depth step sizes
and mapped to [0-1] range with 1 - inverse exponential of `raw_densities`.
raw_densities = self.density_layer(features)
deltas =
depth_values[..., 1:] - depth_values[..., :-1],
1e10 * torch.ones_like(depth_values[..., :1]),
)[..., None]
if density_noise_std > 0.0:
raw_densities = (
raw_densities + torch.randn_like(raw_densities) * density_noise_std
densities = 1 - (-deltas * torch.relu(raw_densities)).exp()
return densities
def _get_colors(
self, features: torch.Tensor, rays_directions: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
This function takes per-point `features` predicted by `self.mlp_xyz`
and evaluates the color model in order to attach to each
point a 3D vector of its RGB color.
# Normalize the ray_directions to unit l2 norm.
rays_directions_normed = torch.nn.functional.normalize(rays_directions, dim=-1)
# Obtain the harmonic embedding of the normalized ray directions.
rays_embedding = self.harmonic_embedding_dir(rays_directions_normed)
return self.color_layer((self.intermediate_linear(features), rays_embedding))
def _get_densities_and_colors(
self, features: torch.Tensor, ray_bundle: RayBundle, density_noise_std: float
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
The second part of the forward calculation.
features: the output of the common mlp (the prior part of the
calculation), shape
(minibatch x ... x self.n_hidden_neurons_xyz).
ray_bundle: As for forward().
density_noise_std: As for forward().
rays_densities: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 1)`
denoting the opacity of each ray point.
rays_colors: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 3)`
denoting the color of each ray point.
if self.use_multiple_streams and features.is_cuda:
current_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream(features.device)
other_stream = torch.cuda.Stream(features.device)
rays_densities = self._get_densities(
features, ray_bundle.lengths, density_noise_std
# rays_densities.shape = [minibatch x ... x 1] in [0-1]
rays_colors = self._get_colors(features, ray_bundle.directions)
# rays_colors.shape = [minibatch x ... x 3] in [0-1]
# Same calculation as above, just serial.
rays_densities = self._get_densities(
features, ray_bundle.lengths, density_noise_std
rays_colors = self._get_colors(features, ray_bundle.directions)
return rays_densities, rays_colors
def forward(
ray_bundle: RayBundle,
density_noise_std: float = 0.0,
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
The forward function accepts the parametrizations of
3D points sampled along projection rays. The forward
pass is responsible for attaching a 3D vector
and a 1D scalar representing the point's
RGB color and opacity respectively.
ray_bundle: A RayBundle object containing the following variables:
origins: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)` denoting the
origins of the sampling rays in world coords.
directions: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., 3)`
containing the direction vectors of sampling rays in world coords.
lengths: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray)`
containing the lengths at which the rays are sampled.
density_noise_std: A floating point value representing the
variance of the random normal noise added to the output of
the opacity function. This can prevent floating artifacts.
rays_densities: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 1)`
denoting the opacity of each ray point.
rays_colors: A tensor of shape `(minibatch, ..., num_points_per_ray, 3)`
denoting the color of each ray point.
# We first convert the ray parametrizations to world
# coordinates with `ray_bundle_to_ray_points`.
rays_points_world = ray_bundle_to_ray_points(ray_bundle)
# rays_points_world.shape = [minibatch x ... x 3]
# For each 3D world coordinate, we obtain its harmonic embedding.
if self.n_harmonic_functions_xyz > 0:
embeds_xyz = self.harmonic_embedding_xyz(rays_points_world)
embeds_xyz = rays_points_world
# embeds_xyz.shape = [minibatch x ... x self.n_harmonic_functions*6 + 3]
# self.mlp maps each harmonic embedding to a latent feature space.
features = self.mlp_xyz(embeds_xyz, embeds_xyz)
# features.shape = [minibatch x ... x self.n_hidden_neurons_xyz]
rays_densities, rays_colors = self._get_densities_and_colors(
features, ray_bundle, density_noise_std
return rays_densities, rays_colors
class MLPWithInputSkips(torch.nn.Module):
Implements the multi-layer perceptron architecture of the Neural Radiance Field.
As such, `MLPWithInputSkips` is a multi layer perceptron consisting
of a sequence of linear layers with ReLU activations.
Additionally, for a set of predefined layers `input_skips`, the forward pass
appends a skip tensor `z` to the output of the preceding layer.
Note that this follows the architecture described in the Supplementary
Material (Fig. 7) of [1].
[1] Ben Mildenhall and Pratul P. Srinivasan and Matthew Tancik
and Jonathan T. Barron and Ravi Ramamoorthi and Ren Ng:
NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View
Synthesis, ECCV2020
def __init__(
n_layers: int,
input_dim: int,
output_dim: int,
skip_dim: int,
hidden_dim: int,
input_skips: Tuple[int] = (),
n_layers: The number of linear layers of the MLP.
input_dim: The number of channels of the input tensor.
output_dim: The number of channels of the output.
skip_dim: The number of channels of the tensor `z` appended when
evaluating the skip layers.
hidden_dim: The number of hidden units of the MLP.
input_skips: The list of layer indices at which we append the skip
tensor `z`.
layers = []
for layeri in range(n_layers):
if layeri == 0:
dimin = input_dim
dimout = hidden_dim
elif layeri in input_skips:
dimin = hidden_dim + skip_dim
dimout = hidden_dim
dimin = hidden_dim
dimout = hidden_dim
linear = torch.nn.Linear(dimin, dimout)
layers.append(torch.nn.Sequential(linear, Gaussian()))
self.mlp = torch.nn.ModuleList(layers)
self._input_skips = set(input_skips)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, z: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
x: The input tensor of shape `(..., input_dim)`.
z: The input skip tensor of shape `(..., skip_dim)` which is appended
to layers whose indices are specified by `input_skips`.
y: The output tensor of shape `(..., output_dim)`.
y = x
for li, layer in enumerate(self.mlp):
if li in self._input_skips:
y =, z), dim=-1)
y = layer(y)
return y
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